Member Reviews

What a waste of paper and time. Our “expert” admits he has only been using fidget spinners since March 2017, and we now have a full book, with pictures and all in September. The main question my brain asks is WHY DO WE NEED THIS? Seriously, why is this book needed. Spinners will be a fad and the authors even explain that very little is known about the need for these devices, and if they actually do the good they claim. For most these sometime cheap and sometimes expensive devices will be just more stuff accumulating at the bottom of the junk drawer. The one thing that saves this book is that they explain how they work and how they are made.

Seeing as fidget spinners seem to be all the rage at the moment, it's great to see a book featuring things you can actually do with them, other than just 'fidgeting'. I have often wondered what more you could do with them, and so this book ticks that box. There's a great introduction, but straight away the tricks seem almost impossible and far-fetched. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but things like trying to get a dart onto a dart board through a spinning fidget spinner is not something I would be wanting children in my company to be doing! A great idea but the delivery leaves a lot to be desired.

Wicked book. My son loved it. he is fidget spinner daft. We enjoyed going through the book together. I will be looking out for this book to buy

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for this review copy.
My son is 10 years old and is fidget spinner mad. This book was perfect for him! He has every spinner known to man and could identify with all the examples shown in the book. We had a mad half hour trying some of the easier tricks at the beginning of the book. I have to admit, I was pretty good at the nose spin!! The other tricks are quite hard, but I'm sure with plenty of practice they could be done, just make sure you remove any breakables and animals (my cat had to dodge an awry spinner on more than one occasion!)
Nice clear and concise instructions with pictures, bright and colourful and fun for kids and lots of helpful hints and tips to keep your spinners in top notch condition!