Member Reviews

I tried looking at it on my desktop using Calibre ebook reader, but pages were split up over several screenshots. Mostly gave examples of sarcastic retorts and told you which Pentel pen they used to write it out, Too hard to evaluate. I didn't find any anything but vague caligraphy instructions. Can't say I recommend the book.

This book reminded me of Demotivational Posters. Motivational posters were a passing fad. They'd show a nature scene or a sunset and tell you to hold on, keep trying, you can do it. And then the Demotivational Posters flipped that on its head, so it was Give Up Now and You Know It's Hopeless.

These are funny, often profane, statements that apply to so many situations. Don't read this if you are offended by swear words, or perhaps try pretending that any offensive words are instead a collection of "#%$&*!" symbols. For instance, my favorite is "The management requests you get your S#!* together" -- but it is SO much more effective in their graphic format!

This is pretty funny, it about writing and lettering in different fonts and style, with sassy/cussy humor as its frame. Pretty entertaining but I'm not super into it.

***This book was reviewed for Quarto Publishing via Netgalley
Christianson's Don't Do Coke in the Bathroom is a sassy guide to learning hand lettering. Sometimes a cheeky message us the only way to get your point across, and this guide helps you do so in style. There are many different fonts and styles to choose from. Each has tips and tricks for producing the best results when working with that particular font, as well as the best writing implements to use. Included are several pre-made signs that can be fancied up and used right away if you just can't wait to start ‘subtly’ sassing the annoying ones in your life.
While funny as hell, this is a fairly short book. I would have liked to have seen less font descript and more practise area for each font. Full alphabet for each would also have been nice. I imagine this is a book more technically useful to someone already familiar with calligraphy, or graphic arts. The pre-made signs are awesome, though. Many would be great transferred to a cross-stitch pattern!

Looking for a hand lettering guide that doesn't take itself too seriously? Do I have the perfect book for you. Take a look at Please Don't Do Coke In The Bathroom: Irreverent Hand Lettering For Every F*cking Occasion by Sami Christianson.
Sometimes a stylish sign is the best way to get your point across. Please Don't Do Coke In The Bathroom: Irreverent Hand Lettering For Every F*cking Occasion will help you learn to create the perfect sign, with some serious attitude.
Though approached in a fun way, Please Don't Do Coke In The Bathroom is a great guide to learning hand lettering. Sami Christianson walks you through not only how to properly produce each letter of the alphabet, but also includes tips to get the best results. Writing implement advice is included, along with ideas for how to get different effects in your lettering.
After guiding you through lettering and practicing the craft, you'll find pre-made signs for all kinds of situations. Some examples include:
The Management Requests You Get Your Shit Together
Fuck You, Kale
When In Doubt, Make Out
Seventy Minus One = Fun
These signs can easily be removed from the book and hung up or framed, for around the house or office. They also provide great inspiration for those looking to share their feelings through classy lettering, crossed with adult humor.
Laughing and learning, creativity and sarcastic humor. Please Don't Do Coke In The Bathroom is a fun way to learn to letter and get your message across.
Through humor and a helpful guide, this book can help anyone learn to produce great lettering, while having fun doing so.

Cheeky! I like it!
As a graphic designer who works exclusively in digital media, it was really a lot of fun and quite educational to work with lettering in more traditional media. Add into the mix that I like a little (or a lot) of Eff You in my crafting, and you've got a hit!

"Take a crack at it, it’s f*cking therapeutic."
Just the title alone on this book would get someone to notice it. It is a guide for hand lettering to express your sarcasm with beautiful calligraphy. With the onslaught of social media and online writing why not change it up and leave a handwritten note telling someone how you really feel. Christianson shows the reader different hand-lettered styles providing a worksheet to practice drawing the letter themselves. It’s a hilarious journey of “A is for Asshole” to “Z is for Zip It Back Up Please” all emphasized in a classy script. I recommend it as a fun, instructional read that will improve your handwriting and quick comeback skills.
Follow Ms. Christianson on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/prettybadwords/.

I agreed to honestly review this in exchange for a copy from netgalley. My honest review is... huh?
So it's not a book with a page of capital letters and smaller case letters you can copy for each style.
Each letter is a different style with a half page alliter-insult (A is for A*hole, B is for B*tch etc), half a paragraph of description of the style and, occasionally, a few lines for you to practice the letter.
So yep, I now know how to do a thin retro script J with a Faber-Castell PITT soft brush pen (so not a broken HB pencil then? Hmm maybe I did learn something) but no idea how to do the rest of the alphabet in the same style.
Maybe if I were a calligrapher or font designer I might find it interesting but, for me, this book is like my broken pencil.

There's not much too this book except for how to do some calligraphy with some salty language. I was hoping for a little more profane crafting, but it there just wasn't much there.

Sweet jesus, is this a fun book.
Premise is as basic as you can ask for, beautiful lettering for naughty words. We start out with the letters themselves ("A is for Asshole"), each one written in a different style. P is for Prick was especially perfect, though M is for Motherfucker was by far my favorite style.
Then we end with a few beautifully drawn phrases, such as the titular "Please Don't Do Coke in the Bathroom", but many others for all occasions, love and hate.
I kind of want most of those framed and hanging in my house, just saying.

I received a galley of this and I'm not sure how complete my copy is, but I found it very distracting not to have a couple intro pages detailing what supplies might be needed. One page would say use this pen, and another would say use that pen, and that was in the middle of the book! This seemed like a book I would have loved if there was a little more direction. The shock value wasn't enough to keep me going.

Containing many phrases I would like to use during my typical work day, this book will be my new doodling companion. A phrase for each letter of the alphabet, tips to create each phrase and the best pen to use when creating is included for each example.
The only thing that could make this book better is if the entire alphabet for each font example included. If you want to use the font to make a different phrase you will need to figure out any letters not included in the original phrase. This is an oversight that will hopefully be added before publication because this book rocks.

I found myself laughing through parts of this title. The lettering styles are given a cursory mention and description. I don't feel it's really useful if you're using this as an instructional material and not entertainment. That said, it does include the description of the style and the tool used to achieve the look. It's only a single letter so don't expect to see the entire alphabet or special symbols in each style.
The signs are sure to draw at least a small chuckle if you are a fan of irreverence, sarcasm and/or swearing. This is for fans of Filthy McNasty's or Dick's Last Resort where insults are part of the fun and appreciated.

Please Don't Do Coke in the Bathroom by Sami ChristiansonThis reminded me of Subversive Cross-stitch; taking a craft and then updating (?) it with bad language. In this case, it's with calligraphy. There are suggestions for signs that you can make yourself. They start with words starting with each letter of the alphabet then a few other suggestions. A nice novelty book.
Three stars
This book comes out September 26