Member Reviews

Super fun book! I felt like I was a character in the story as the writing was so real and descriptive, you could see the vibrant colors. A great choice for beach vacation!

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I got through this book really quickly. The story was good, but the ending was kind of blah for me. Would recommend to someone who wants a quick read.

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Cute chick lit! Fun family story, about grace, love, and forgiveness!

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This was not my first book by this author and it won't be my last.

I loved this story a lot. However, there did seem to be a lot of extra filler. I got the sense of rambling. I think a somewhat shortened version of the story would be a lot better.

However, I did enjoy the premise and the great aunt was a hoot!!

Thanks to Henery Press and Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

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Grace MacAdams has always done the right thing; she had the words ingrained in the head "Family is Everything" by her mother while she was growing up. She's had a run of bad luck lately her mom has passed away after a long illness, which has left her emotionally drained. Her best friend/ex-husband who she runs her estate planning practice with has just told her he is moving in an ex-girlfriend who he has reconnected with after several years into the home she lived while married to him. The worst part is that it's a few doors down from where she lives now. Grace has always held on to a spark of hope that they would get back together but this is too much for her to deal with, believe me, she lets them know she's not happy with this arrangement. I love the way the get's her revenge on Brian and his new bride to be.
One day she receives a postcard addressed to her mother, it's from an Aunt that lives in Florida who would love to get reacquainted with her. Grace has never been aware of any other family members this is confusing to her, who is this woman and why hasn't she heard of her before. Grace decides to get to the bottom of this, she calls this woman and informs her of her mother's recent death. During the phone call, her great-aunt extends the invitation to Grace who accepts. What could it hurt, she's had enough on her plate, and it will only be a week, long enough for her to come to term with the news she just received about Brian.
Grace flies down to Florida and is met at the airport by a group of rowdy senior citizens. She thinks what in the world have I gotten myself into? The fun is just beginning; she's discovering a lifestyle that she had been too afraid to live before, carefree and spontaneous were the last words one would use to describe Grace.
I instantly fell in love with Aunt Millie, who is in her 80's but you couldn't tell by her active lifestyle. There are several laugh out loud moments when Grace is getting to know what her Aunt does for a living. You will fall in love with her too from her bright red Telsa to the strange female cave where she does her funky art and has her quirky workout worm.
Grace makes some decisions regarding her life, and I can't wait to see what Ms. Fox has planned for Grace's new future.
Disclosure: I received this e-galley in exchange for my honest review. My opinion of this novel is my own.

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Grace thought her life was at rock bottom, her mother had died - her father had run out on them when she was a young child - and her ex husband, her childhood sweetheart, had just moved into her street with his pregnant girlfriend! Then out of the blue a postcard arrives for her mother from an aunt she never new she had living in thr Florida Keys.

Grace goes off to Florida to meet aunt Millie, and what a character she is she is in her eighties but running a matchmaking service and writing a relationship blog, if she can't cheer Grace up no-one can!

A lovely book about family relationships and what they mean, some great characters I especially loved Millie she was an amazing person., an enjoyable read.

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Grace was an ok character with no direction and self doubt. I would much rather see a series whose main character was aunt Millie. Now that would be a fun, interesting book. I could see her and her friends as a circle of funny, empowering people even though I have nothing in common with them

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This is a great book with a wonderful story and well developed characters. The story flowed very well and was very enjoyable. This book will keep you reading long into the night and you will not want to put this book down until you finish. This was such a great read and full of surprises. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader’s copy of this book. The free book held no determination on my personal review.

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Phoebe Fox through her word craft always makes me just 'feel'. These feelings are often not easy, often humorous, and often inspiring, but always deeply felt. Such is the case with 'A Little Bit of Grace'. I was gripped from the very first, churning with emotions about issues Grace had to face, not the least of which was childlessness. But although Phoebe Fox grabs you by the throat and heart there is always hope in end. I'm glad to see this is a start of a series. I look forward to more.

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More than a romance, this is about the importance of family connections and finding out who you are, no matter what your age or stage of life. A well written story that kept me flipping pages in a blur right to the blurry-eyed, up way too late end.

My favorite scene: Grace's truly inspired moment of revenge against Brian.

I tried to post a review to Amazon but the book seems to have disappeared.

*ARC via netgalley*

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This was a lovely book about family that really spoke to me. It felt honest yet had a lot of warmth and I felt the author handled the sensitive subject matter with elegance and grace. Highly recommend.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced reader copy.

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Very enjoyable quirky story about family relationships and hidden secrets.

Grace is a partner in a law firm, specialising in end of life estate planning, with her ex-husband Brian. Grace and Brian have known each other since small children, having lived a couple of doors down from each other forever, and were in and out of each others houses their whole lives. Their relationship eventually changed into love and marriage when they got older, although you did get the feeling that it just sort of happened without any great thoughts, it was an easy option. They were best friends that eventually got married. But eventually it didn't work any more, but they still stayed very close friends, until Brian brought home his new pregnant girlfriend, then everything changed. Brian meant well, but he was really a bit of a drip, trying to keep his very close relationship with Grace without realising how much she was hurting at his new relationship, especially as she couldn't have children.

Then out of the blue a postcard arrived for her Mum and all of a sudden Grace realised she had an aunt she never knew about. She thought she had no family left after her Father ran off with someone else when she was a small child, and her Mother had recently died. So after having a bit of a meltdown she contacted her aunt and went off to visit her in Cypress Key in Florida for a holiday.

And that's when the fun really started! Her Aunt Millie was such a fabulous character, with secrets of her own, which are eventually revealed. I absolutely loved Millie's outlook, she was in her 80s but ran a match-making service that was very popular, ran an online relationship blog, and was extremely active in the community. She did come out with some hilarious things that had me laughing out loud.

Grace found out about family secrets as the book went along, whilst reinventing herself a bit, getting a new wardrobe, running around the island to various events, meeting a new guy, and just generally chilling and enjoying her holiday amongst the beauty of Cypress Key.

Eventually she had to go home of course, but things changed a lot there as Grace realised she was living her life for all her past family and not for herself. Wonderfully entertaining story that made me want to rush off to Cypress Key. I did feel that there could be another book here too, so I really hope there is so we can see where Grace's life leads next. I would certainly be buying it!

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Favorite Quotes:

‘Because I told Mandy she could have Grandmother’s chair over my dead body, and I’m nothing if not a woman of my word.’ Mrs. Fielding had taken that vow to the extreme, I reflected, breathing through my mouth as I looked at where her body sat slumped in that same chair, thinking that new upholstery might not be enough to get the smell of her decomposing body out of the antique for Ms. Yeager.

I wish I understood young people’s obsession with their own genitalia and capturing it for posterity… Honey, there’s not one thing you can do about a man who lacks any class and the sense God gave him and insists on foisting his frank and beans onto your phone screen.

Gracie, you’re a beautiful young woman… But you’re a peacock dressing like a pigeon.

'First time stripping the taco? … The lady portal. The bizniz. Sweeping the stairway to heaven.' I stared. 'Come on, you know—waxing Madame Bovary. First time you got the full monty?' She made a diamond of her hands around her groin area.

Sugar, when the day comes that someone has to live here with me and wipe my helpless bottom, I assure you he will be far younger, well-muscled, and more macho than you are.

Don’t you know our state mottoes? ‘Florida: home of the newly wed and nearly dead.’ ‘Death’s doorstep.’ ‘Where America goes to die.’ There is a lot of fertile ground here for estate planning.

My Review:

I tumbled right into this engaging, cleverly written, and delightful tale that was packed with all the feels. I reveled in Ms. Fox’s witty descriptions and clever use of humor while we navigated the painfully insightful inner musings of the endearing and lovable character of Grace. Grace was struggling to come to grips with a series of devastating losses and unpleasant surprises. The final straw that proved too much for the normally mild and placid woman to withstand had her boiling over with a level of emotion that shocked her, as much as her impulsive yet clever act of retribution had appalled and dismayed her – she quickly fled town under the cover of darkness for a much-needed vacation. Phoebe Fox has a smooth and sneaky way of implanting me behind her characters’ eyes. I was right there feeling all of Grace’s feels, my chest was tight when she was devastated, I fist pumped when she finally got mad, and my eyes burned and lower lip quivered as she sweetly detailed incidents of her childhood with her mother to her long-lost aunt. I think I may have even walked funny after Grace had her first waxing experience. Most of us have known a Grace at some point during our sojourn on earth; Grace was the ultimate small-town “good girl,” sweet, kind, considerate, trustworthy, admirable, unassuming, smart, overlooked, plainly dressed, prepared, making do, and patiently waiting. Full disclosure - I have never been a Grace.

The storyline was superbly crafted and unfailingly entertaining while the writing was witty and wryly amusing yet also thoughtful, emotive, poignant, and keenly insightful. The narrative was vividly detailed with humorous and colorful observations that often had me smirking. I adore Ms. Fox’s endearingly flawed, lovable, and relatable characters; even her secondary characters continually enticed and plucked at my curiosity and had me wanting to know more about them. I adored the ebullient and feisty Aunt Millie, whose inner beauty and indefatigable kindness despite her family’s long-standing history of rejection stung my eyes and made my heart hurt. Literally ;)

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*Book provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

I have wanted to read a book by this author for a while, but I have never gotten round to it. When I spotted this on NetGalley, I immediately grabbed the chance.

This story follows Grace, she works at an estate planning law firm, together with Brian, her ex hsuband/best friend. Things are not easy between them, especially when his new girlfriend comes to town, things get complicated. Throughout the book we learn about their past and the life they had together.

Grace then receives a letter from her a woman, claiming to be her relative. Or should I say her mother got the letter. Garce's mum is dead though. Out if the blue Grace decides to call that woman and it turns out, Millie is her great aunt. She takes a step more and flys to Florida and visits her. Millie is a very interesting woman, especially when you look at her job. Let's just say, she is kind of a dating and relationship expert. Garce discovers a lot about her family there and it also changes her way of thinking, especially about her mum. Her mum always said "family is everything", well is it?!

And then there is still Brian and her feelings for him. She also meets Jason in Florida, so there might be a chance for a change, a good change in her life.

Phoebe Fox did a marvellous job with Grace. The character has a lit of depth and is very well lined out. The book is very much about family and it's captured beautifully in the writing. I was hooked from the start. The descriptions are vivid and fresh and colourful. It's emitional too and I can say that I now am a big fan of Phoebe Fox, what a talented author.

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Unrelated yet family. That's how Grace and Brian feel since they have been best friends and neighbors all of their lives. When they took over the family business (3 generation of partners from their respective families) Grace was shocked and pleased when Brian started dating her and finally asked her to marry him. Never was there a happier couple. They moved into his family house three doors down from her mom. All was well until the dreadful doctor appointment when Grace found out she couldn't have children. Brian didn't want to adopt or have a surrogate. He wanted his own children. And thus the beginning of the end. Divorce. Grace moved back to her childhood home and took care of her ailing mother as well as continuing to work in the family business. When her mother died, all continued as before until two unrelated things happened. A mysterious post card comes to the house for her mother. Brian moves his first love into his house and she is pregnant. With her world crashing around her, Grace decides to fly to Florida and meet the writer of the post card-a great-aunt she never heard about before.

The story of Grace and getting over Brian continues as she meets and gets to know her great-aunt. Grace had learned from her mother that family was everything and the most important part of your life. With that feeling and blind trust, her trip to Florida becomes a chance to learn that first hand. While she is there, Grace runs through emotions and tears, and finally learns from her "Aunt" Millie about family love and loving herself.

This is an emotionally charged book going through falling in love, dire news, divorce, disbelief, anger, astonishment, and love for new family. The author has done a great job of sharing Grace's distress without being depressing. I was sad for Grace, but I also laughed at times as the way she displayed her anger at Brian. Sensitive topics were handled beautifully-giving us enough information to picture the situation for ourselves. There was no agenda or opinions, just a portrayal of a loving and certainly special individual. I loved that Grace could accept "Aunt" Millie for who she was and champion her against the family.

I loved this book because I felt like I was in Grace's world. I could feel her confusion and pain. Yet it never made me feel anything but hopeful. Hopeful for Grace and her future. Hopeful "Aunt" Millie will be around for a long time. Hopeful that Grace will have new dreams and accomplishments, and yes, even love.

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An interesting tale of growth and family expectations. Grace could be frustrating at times, but she was able to see the big picture and move on with her life. An engaging story.

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A Little Bit of Grace by Phoebe Fox would be in a genre that I rarely read, "chick lit", but it was worth the read.

Ms. Fox's descriptive writing, character development highlights the growth of Grace as she begins a new life for herself after discovering a family member that she has never known about before. With precision and grace, Ms. Fox depicts Grace's life as a "normal" life with family, love, divorce, heartache and then rebirth as she begins to grow within herself. Under the loving tutelage of her Aunt Millie, Grace discovers that there is more to life and herself than she ever imagined. A smoothly paced plot that allows the reader time to get to know the characters and maybe even look at life a little differently.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book from Henery Press via NetGalley. All of the above opinions are my own.

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This book was quintessential chick lit and not a genre I read often. However, I found A Little Bit of Grace to be an enjoyable read, albeit slow at times.

Grace is at a cross-point in her life and when she learns of a long lost relative, she takes a vacation from her everyday and flies south to Florida to try and connect with her great-aunt. For the most part Grace's thoughts and feelings were understandable and I loved that although there was the burgeoning of a romance, Grace is strong enough to know she needs to work through this transition in life on her own and doesn't rush into this relationship.

Millie (her aunt) has a secret that is the reason for her exile from the family years ago. I loved that we got to know Millie as a person before the secret was revealed. Fox does a great job at creating this character and getting you to love her for who she is.

This would make a great beach read (or in my case, a winter read under the covers).

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Ahh, another cleverly written story by Phoebe Fox, the author who wrote The Breakup Doctor series is back with a fresh take on finding yourself again, dealing with family secrets, and understanding what it means to have nothing in A Little Bit of Grace.

Grace's husband just left her, she's pretty much on her own now, especially because she can't have kids of her own, and her mother has passed away. She's sort of left feeling empty, figuring out what to do with herself, afraid of being alone, but not ready to commit to anything new. She discovers a letter addressed to her mother that's from someone she's never heard of before. When she calls the number she finds out that she has a great aunt that she's never met and that her mother has kept from Grace her entire life.

Since she doesn't have much else going on in her world, Grace decides to travel to Cypress Key to visit her great aunt Millie. Millie is a matchmaker and is determined to find Grace the next love of her life. Then Grace finds out why Millie has been kept a secret from her, and it's like she's back to square one.

This book is so sweet, funny, and emotional! I loved every second of it. There's nothing better than a story about finding a long lost loved one, and the added twist was incredible! This book is definitely one you are going to want to pick up for spring break or summer vacation! I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.

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A Little Bit of Grace by Phoebe Fox is an entertaining book about Grace McAdams discovering herself and finding her way again. I found this book to be a quick read, with a well developed plot and characters. At times this book made me emotional, but isn't that a sign of a good book? I highly recommend this book.

I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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