Member Reviews

Unfortunately I was unable to view my file upon being approved and I’d missed the window to rectify the problem. (That’s on me.) I will say I’ve read a few manga classics editions by now and I always have found them to be aesthetically pleasing and true to the source material.

As an avid fan of Edgar Allan Poe's works, I loved seeing the stories come to life in such a wonderful form of art. The characters were well done, the colors added to the overall mood of the stories. The stories were true to their original form. Wonderful job! Thank you NetGalley for the ARC Opportunity.

I was hoping for more of an easy read with this one but the language was in line with the original works. The Art style was very average. This one didn't bring anything special to the table.

The Stories of Edgar Allan Poe by Edgar Allan Poe can be read in a interesting way by reading Manga Classics: The Stories of Edgar Allan Poe. As a Gen Xer, I was curious to see what a classic novel would look like in Manga. If you're trying to get the young generation interested in classics, this may be a good way to do so. I was surprised to find that the classic language remained somewhat similar. It would have been nice to have seen the pictures in color, but perhaps all Manga graphics are black and white.

This book is a Not For Me title. I mark titles with competitive qualitative content NFM when I find the content personally disinteresting or the writing style to be dissonant to my preferences.
Marked overall as 3 because, while I randomize checks for qualitative markers I do not read anywhere near enough of the book to give either more or less than that rating and a blank rating is not an option.

Edgar is one of my favorites to read and I couldn't put it down. Loved it alot. The art is beautiful. This was beautiful done. 5 star book.

A fantastic summer read that I think readers of all ages would thoroughly enjoy. I highly recommend this book, especially if you want something to keep you full wondering what will happen next. Great book overall

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this advanced readers copy. All opinions are honest and my own.

I loved this book! Prior to this, I only knew of Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven, but I had no idea how that could be turned into a Manga. Once I read that story, it made so much sense and I loved it! All the other stories in this Manga were also super well done and very fun to read.

I really think that these Manga's of classic stories are a really good way to bring these stories to life . The art and new spin on these short stories really put them in a new perspective as you can see what is going on in the story.

We love Edgar Allan Poe. I loved seeing the different stories I love in manga form. I don’t really have a lot to say they kept true to the original but gave it a good manga visual twist. Would recommend to many other Poe fans.

Gorgeous artwork which fabulously showcases the classic core texts. However, the scans are in reverse order. While this undoubtedly makes sense for the printed release, when viewed as digital scans it makes for an awkward release.

The book doesn’t show up on my netgalley shelf and the downloaded version isn't readbale. I would love to review it and read it. If the people involved notice this error, please fix the issue.

Honestly, reading the manga version in middle school when I initially read Edgar Allan Poe would’ve helped me so much to understand the stories better!! I enjoyed the illustrations to aid in the classic of his work.

I really think that these Manga's of classic stories are a really good way to bring these stories to life for a newer audience. The art and new spin on these short stories really put them in a new perspective as you can see what is going on in the story.

I find reading classics very challenging - even though I want to appreciate the acclaimed masterpieces, the language is often a heavy weight on my eyes.
Popularisation of classics such as provided by this manga tome is a very good tool to get acquainted with famous literary works! I thoroughly enjoyed reading the graphic retelling of Poe’s most famous.

Thank you Netgalley for this ARC.
I loved both the stories and the art, which gave this book the perfect atmosphere.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for arc.
The art styles captures the maddening feeling of Edgar Allen Poe's stories. A great read.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read an advance copy of this novel in exchange for my honest opinion! I adore any stories by Edgar Allen Poe, so to see them in manga form was absolutely amazing! Any fans of the Manga Classics series is going to fall in love with the art style and spooky tone of this manga.

I want to take a moment to think the publishing company as well as NetGalley for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for a review.
I love everything about the classic manga series that they have going. As a teacher I personally purchase them so that way my students have additional support in understanding what it is at their reading because the classics are difficult, but they are so worth it. If you are wanting to read the classics, but need more help with the visuals then I would definitely pick up the series you will not be disappointed!