Member Reviews

Uneven writing, awkward dialogue and the plot just didn't work for me - starts as a romance that progresses really fast, then morphs into action/suspense/mystery. None of it really seemed realistic. I struggled with this one and was unable to connect with either Mickey or Treat or their story

Great characters, great story, superb writing. Thoroughly enjoyed this book. I would love a sequel. I thought this author did a super job all around . Keeps your I interest all the way through

I got the feeling with this book you either loved it or hated it. Well I'm going to be awkward and sit on the fence. Reason being I found it a lighthearted story which allowed you not to think too much and just let you enjoy it unfold. It was relatively short and I felt the author skimmed over certain points which could have been tackled more deeply.
The overall feeling of the book was one I did not really take seriously. The author didn't really involve you with a deep back story and when the bad guy made an appearance it was all kinda rushed. I felt the author spent more time on shopping trips than the actual plot. But saying that I did enjoy it.
If you want something lighthearted with some exceptional views then give this a go. Enjoy!
*ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley*

I was unable to review this book because of a conflict in my schedule. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused the publisher or the author of the work. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to review for you and I look forward to reviewing for you in the future.

Treat and Mickey are the two main characters in this book. Treat is moving to Vermont after selling her company. Mickey is in Vermont, and no one but the reader at first knows why.
They meet and I guess fall in love right there. That part seemed very like teenagers not the supposed accomplished adults they are supposed to be. I guess that's where my criticisms sorta start. I mean, I had a lot of problems with this book, but chief among them is the characters and relationships. There was also just so, so much tell and not enough show, and that too hurt both the characters as well as the narrative.
When it came to the two main characters it seemed like there was no warm up. They went from not knowing each other to soulmates in two chapters practically. And for all the other characters, I never felt like I knew them, and therefore I never really cared what happened to them. Killed off, not killed off, together, not together, it had no emotional impact on me as I was reading the book.
Also, sometimes the narrative seemed to jump around. I really felt like I was either reading an outline, or seriously missing some parts of the conversation or a description. And then I'm not sure why the climax of the story happened so centrally in the novel and was over so relatively quickly, and then there was all this stuff after it. Usually that's the denouement, and this denouement seemed so, so, so long.
Oh, and why in the world is a composting business funny? It seems like a great idea (especially in the Vermont/New England area. I've lived in this area my whole life, had a family compost pile every year of that, my grandmother and great-grandmothers did too. It's how you get rich soil for your garden, and how you can go from having a crap-load of trash each week to one barrel at most. And, these days there are so many people who either don't want to do it themselves, or live in the city/apartments/etc. and can't do it for themselves, companies like Roots Compost are literally saving the planet, making our soil better, and making themselves some money hopefully too).
I think this is the author's first book, and so, I would probably try another book by the author, but I definitely didn't like this particular novel.
I was given this ARC by Netgalley on behalf of Bold Strokes Books.

Treat Dandridge moves to rural Vermont for a quiet life and meets gorgeous carpenter Mickey Heiden who is working on her new build home. Mickey is in the Witness Protection Program but won’t confide in Treat, causing problems in their relationship. Danger threatens everything. This was an interesting story with some intrigue and romance. I liked housekeeper Denis and the idea behind it all.
I was given this ARC by Bold Strokes Books and Netgalley in return for an honest review.

This is the first time I’ve read a book by Kay Bigelow and I hope it won’t be the last. Treat Dandridge has loved and loss. She had build up a successful business with her late life partner. But now with the loss of her lover she needs a change. She has her dream home build in NH by a local contractor who has as one of his carpenters Mickey Heiden. Mickey was a lawyer in DC who was put in the Witness Protection Program. Sounds simple enough, woman meets woman but there is nothing simple about this journey. KB gives us a really good read full of some surprises and a few laughs along the way. Nice read.

This book was an LGBT and I did not realize it. Have nothing against these books, but did not appeal to me. I did not finish!

ACR from Netgalley and BSB
I couldn’t really connect with the writing style - it was too flat for me and not living enough... I don’t know how else to explain it.
The two characters fell for each other too fast to be realistic with their backgrounds the crime aspect of the book was resolved in a strange way which seemed unrealistic too.

<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36098457-hiding-out" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Hiding Out" src="https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1503335515m/36098457.jpg" /></a><a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36098457-hiding-out">Hiding Out</a> by <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17116407.Kay_Bigelow">Kay Bigelow</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2154374954">2 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Rec'd an ARC from NetGalley/Bold Strokes Books in exchange for an honest review. Debut book from the author. There were beautiful descriptions of Vermont but the pace of the plot seemed rushed and in parts unbelievable especially the Witness Protection/FBI sections. However, Ms. Bigelow's story theme was good and as a result I would give future books of hers a try.<br />2.5 stars.
<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/31134832-gail">View all my reviews</a>

I haven’t read anything from this author before. I liked the premise of the book and was hopeful for an exciting suspenseful read. I didn’t get it though. I didn’t find the romance believable- the dialogue between the characters was stilted and I just didn’t feel the attraction between them. The reveal of witness protection was robotic and unemotional. One disappointed reader.

This was a tough read for me. Overall the story didn't, seem be be very cohesive, it was a struggle to get through. I wasn't able to connect with the characters, for me it left much to be desired.

This book wasn't for me, I read a few chapters hoping it would develop but I have to be honest I was bored.
It seems like the author is reeling off a story rather than telling a story, no depth or flow to the story line, lacking that something special.
I'm not saying this a a bad book just didn't do it for me

A writer whose potential did not reach full fruition with this publication. The characters had an interesting dynamic with each other, but the suspense plot upon which the tale was structured, with Mickey as an embattled JAG attorney forced into Witness Protection after disastrous earlier events in her career was unrealistic and unnecessary. A solid mystery could have been built without the confounding details that accompanied an assumed alternate identity, a past whose influence refused to relent and law enforcement details which were not fully integrated into the story line. I hope for more in future releases.

This is a fast paced read with some action and some interesting characters. Mickey Heiden is hurting from past life experiences and stuck in a witness protection program, thinking she is content living from day-to-day. Treat Dandridge is hurting from past life experiences and decides to make a change and to her surprise and pleasure two good things happen: her best friend Denis comes for an extended visit and she meets Mickey. I thought the plot was inconsistently interesting. As the two main characters get to know each other, was fast but interesting. Treat's interaction with Denis was how a best friend should be there for you even one step ahead. There is a bad guy that is pretty bad, a traitor, some intrigue and some cute dogs. The process to the ending was unexpected due to how the two main characters chose to deal with the aftermath of the confrontation with the bad guy.

This was really rough for me. Hiding Out is Bigelow's debut with Bold Strokes Books. The problem was this book really felt like a debut. As a Vermonter, I am always excited to read a book that takes place in Vermont. Unfortunately, the setting really was the only thing that worked for me.
The main problem for me, I could not connect with the writing. It really was too much "tell", not enough "show". I also really struggled with the dialog, at times it seemed very unrealistic. While this is in third person, occasionally a character would speak two themselves, in their mind. That didn't work for me, it was overkill and just seemed weird. And where the dialog suffered the most, is when the two mains would have an argument. A few times I was like "what are you even talking about!" it was just odd.
The romance, didn't work for me either. The characters had dinner together a few times. Neither would talk about themselves at all, so it was like what you expect two strangers to say. After those two dinners, where nothing was said, all of a sudden they are almost a little obsessed with each other. Again it was just so odd and I did not get it. No chemistry at all.
This book had a little excitement. One of the mains was in the Witness Protection Program. Unfortunately, that part also was unrealistic. And when the main action climax hit, it was rushed and confusing in parts.
There is one last thing that bothered me, and I have to mention it. To another reader, this might not bother you, but this kind of thing drives me nuts. This book takes place in a small town that actually exists, called Guilford, Vermont. The whole first chapter of the book is about how Treat is building a new house in Guilford. She is dying to move in, but she can't until the building inspector, inspects the property and lets her. This is just not true! I hate when authors use real places and don't take three minutes out to do research. There is no building inspectors in Guilford. In fact, you don't even have to have a building permit in Guilford. If you want to build a house in a swamp, go ahead. In a tree, why not! It is one of the perks of small town Vermont that you, yourself, could build a house, and no one can tell you it is not good enough. It is one of the reasons so many people love to build in Vermont, the freedom of it. It would have took Bigelow a few minutes to find this info out. If you are going to use a real town, please do your research.
This book was not for me, at all. It was almost a DNF, but because it was an ARC, I kept reading. It is a short book, so at least it didn't drag on. I hate to have to blast a book, especially for a new author, but I have to be honest. I will say this, I'm willing to give Bigelow another chance in the future. Many authors struggle in their first book. Hopefully her second book will overcome these issues.
An ARC was given to me by BSB, for a honest review.

I loved the cover of this book, and the appeal of a romance set in rural Vermont also captured my interest. Unfortunately, that's where my interest in this book stopped. The chemistry between the two characters didn't seem cohesive or structured and the plot seemed flat with not much direction. I really wanted to like this book as the cover and description really captured my attention. This book just didn't speak to me.

This book started with some great promise and then about midway, the narrative changed. It seemed the author got bored and just wanted to get this book over with and move on to a more exciting project.

Hiding Out is a fast paced read that includes loyalty, friendship, trust, and of course, romance. There is also deception and murder. Mickey and Treat yearn to have a long term love in their lives after experiencing the loss of loved ones in their past relationships. Their attraction is instant, but the relationship falters due to trust issues. However, once Mickey opens up her life to Treat and tells her why she is in the Witness Protection Program, the story picks up speed and continues until the end.
The main characters are complex, intriguing, and likable. I especially enjoyed the dynamics between Treat and her best friend/chef/confident, Denis. Their interactions and bantering were realistic, emotional, and witty.
The picturesque setting of Vermont was an added bonus. The visual description allowed the reader to be part of its beautiful landscape.
Overall, this story had a little bit of everything that made it a quite enjoyable read.