Member Reviews

I was unable to review this book because of a conflict in my schedule. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused the publisher or the author of the work. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to review for you and I look forward to reviewing for you in the future.

I admit that sometimes what attracts me to a book can be arbitrary. Sometimes I see a books cover and say yes I want to read it. Doesn't matter what the blurb on the back says. And that's the reason I picked this up. The cover spoke to me. What can I say I'm easily pleased. However, on this occasion I felt like I dropped into some social experiment. We don't always realise the front cover may tell us absolutely nothing about the book. But, the front cover told me that this person or persons were unseen, obscure even. Unknown chaos.
At this juncture maybe I should say that this is book 3 of an ongoing series. I'm going out on a limb here, but I'm sure I should have read books 1 and 2 first. Then maybe I would have been more prepared for what I got dropped into. I found myself in an utter quagmire of emotional turmoil. I will definitely be reading books 1 and 2 and then reread this one. The scary thing about this is that it probably does happen. The chaos, the confusion, the lack of human interaction and pushing the human body til there is nothing left must be so soul destroying. How do you come back from that?
Hagen is an extraordinary storyteller. Her writing is so profound. She puts you right there in the head of the main character, which is kind of disturbing considering the topic matter. I say that but to truly understand this book you need to read it. I'm sure if I had read books 1 and 2 this book will make a lot more sense. This is the kind of book that will stay with you forever. Not for the brutality but for the love and family who helped the main character back. The love and friendship is astonishing. I won't ever forget it. It makes you think, it makes you wonder, but most of all it makes you understand the power of love. Enjoy!
*ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley*

This is the third and final book in the Jamie Gwynmorgan series. I highly recommend reading these books in order. What a ride it has been. I have never read a series like this in lesfic before. It was dark, gritty, heart wrenching, but also filled with recovery, strength, hope, and even love. Hagin is an excellent author and I really hope she will write something else in the future.
Retired Marine and POW survivor Jamie has been captured again. She doesn’t know where she is, who took her or why. All Jamie knows is she needs to find a way out before she loses her mind or worse.
Jamie has been through more than any other character I can think of. When I heard this book starts with her in captivity again, I wasn’t sure I could read this. All I wanted is for Jamie to be okay and happy. It actually took me a little while to pick this book up and start reading. Now I’m done, and actually feel a little exhausted. While this book was not as dark as the first two, parts were still not easy to read. You get so invested into Jamie, these books get to you. But I’m also feeling melancholy. I’m happy how the series wrapped up, but I’m also sad it’s over. No more books with Jamie. Jamie easily makes my top ten lists of favorite characters ever. I don’t just mean in lesfic, but across all genres of books.
This book sucks you in right away and puts you in the middle of the action. It also gets really exciting in the middle and towards the end. Even when it slows down, as a reader you are aware anything could happen at any minute. At certain moments all three books were pretty thrilling.
I really enjoyed this series, and know I will never forget it. These books are not for everyone. You have to be able to handle violence, torture, and other tough subjects. This series is dark and intense, but it is also one of the more rewarding series I’ve read. I honestly feel this series is overlooked. I hope more people will give it a chance. And I really hope Hagin plans to author more books in the future.
An ARC was given to me by BSB, for a honest review.

<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36240106-omnipotence-enough" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Omnipotence Enough" src="https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1505410119m/36240106.jpg" /></a><a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36240106-omnipotence-enough">Omnipotence Enough</a> by <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4399167.Sophia_Kell_Hagin">Sophia Kell Hagin</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2154387447">4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
I rec'd an ARC from NetGalley/Bold Strokes Books in exchange for an honest review. <br />The third part of Jamie Gwynmorgan's story is dark and full of intrigue. Her story transports you from the depths of despair to eventual and not easily accepted redemption. Not a quick read by any means (I re-read sections to clarify events) but well worth the effort. I recommend it.<br />4 stars.<br />
<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/31134832-gail">View all my reviews</a>

Once again, NetGalley, please ensure that your descriptions include some sort of indication that a book is part of an ongoing series and not a stand alone title.
As I was making my way through this book, I was put off by this main character and surprised that there was very little description or history about her. The setting also seemed futuristic, but I was given no real clue as to the "world" the book exisited in. There are references to past relationships and experiences, and finally I had to look this up on GoodReads, where they clearly show that this is the third title in a series. I didn't find this character interesting enough to start with book one, so I'm tapping out now.
In the future, I BEG you to please clearly state when a book is in a series!

ARC from Netgalley and BSB
This is not your typical lesfic story but it is very intriguing. I wasn’t sure at first if I like it or not but the more I read the further I got into that world. It is a very well written and developed story that is not for everyone- I guess- but it Is worth to give a change and try something outside the usual happy and fluffy Lesfic romances.

A deeply satisfying, emotionally wrenching third addition to the series. Jamie's continued struggle with post-war trauma effects and a deeply internalized journey toward some form of peace, against a political/social backdrop that refuses to relent was quite a nice departure from the standard genre fare. Honestly, I would appreciate more absorbing books like this and those produced by Jessica L. Webb-being consumed by a work is always the most welcome form of respite in my world. I appreciated the complex jaunt offered by Ms. Kell Hagin, in what I am assuming is the final entry into this character's life story. I would welcome greater development of a plot course devoted to Maddie, she was fabulous.