Member Reviews

I got this as a NetGalley ARC in exchange for an honest review.
I love Anne of Green Gables. I have lost track of how many times I've read the series created by L. M. Montgomery. I was super excited to see this cookbook, written by Montgomery's descendant, and more so when I opened it to read the various dishes sprinkled across my beloved series... not to mention the raspberry cordial.
While the premise is worthy of five stars, the recipes themselves are not something I would make at home.

This is a wonderful cookbook with delicious recipes. If you are an Anne fan it is special to have recipes related to the stories. If you are not a fan or if you have not read her stories you may still find these yummy too. It is a delightful cookbook with great tastes for you. We recommend it.

This is a must have for fans of Anne of Green Gables. This collection of recipes was originally published in 1985, but there is an additional section of recipes from L. M. Montgomery's personal collection that has been added.
There is a short introduction by Kate MacDonald , who is L. M. Montgomery's granddaughter, followed by a section with cooking tips and terms. The end of the book also contains a small biography of L. M. Montgomery. The recipes in the book are broken down as follows:
1. Recipes from Anne of Green Gables
2. Recipes from Anne of Avonlea
3. Recipes from Anne of Windy Poplars
4. Recipes from L. M. Montgomery's Kitchen
There is a total of 31 delicious, easy to prepare recipes. Vibrant full-color photographs accompany each recipe. I would recommend this cookbook to fans of the movies or books, as well as anyone looking for a few new tasty treats.
I received this as a free ARC from Quarto Publishing Group - Race Point Publishing on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

If you know anyone in your life that LOVES Anne of Green Gables? This is the book to get for them!
Its really cute, the pictures are nice, the recipes great and generally just a beautiful little thing to add to anyone that loves the actual stories!
The entire book is made up in a very "Anne" way -if you know what i mean- very fitting to the books and is separated by the different Anne books and the recipes mentioned as well as a little section of Montgomery's favourite recipes.
As i said its really nicely done, the recipes are great and if you see this and think it might be for you or someone you know? IT WILL BE!
The only think i found a bit disappointing is how few recipes there actually are and i think that it might have been nice to add a few more "old-fashioned" recipes into at the end of the book, for example of complimentary recipes to try as well or something after Montogmery's favourite recipe section. That would have been nice and added a little something to the book and make it a bit more worth it.
Still overall a fantastic book and i am sure a must get for any Anne fan!

If you grew up reading the marvelous Anne of Green Gables series chances are you're going to adore this cookbook. Peppered with story quotes, charming illustrations, and beautiful photographs this is a cookbook that would make a lovely gift for a fan. I rarely use but have a wide collection of fandom and pop culture-centric cookbooks so I can't vouch for whether the recipes are actually practical or delicious. My guess is that if the author paid as much close attention to the recipes as she did the little details they're probably great.
Whether you pick it up as a gift for a lover of all things Avonlea or for your own shelf it's a beautiful book.

Kate McDonald, who is a granddaughter of L.M. Mongomery, author of Anne of Green Gables and the other books in the series, has compiled recipes that seem out of another age, and most definitely seem true-to-form as to what Anne Shirley and her friends were eating at the time the books were written. The Anne of Green Gables Cookbook: Charming Recipes from Anne and Her Friends in Avonlea is a delightful read, as well as a cookbook, and will inspire readers to go back and read the series again. There is a charming quote from one of the novels on each recipe page.
When we love characters in a series like most of us love Anne Shirley, it seems appropriate that we would like to prepare dishes that Anne and her friends ate. This is a charming cookbook, with recipes that are actually appealing and simple to make. The directions are easy to understand, and the beautiful photographs take readers back to another simpler time. Mrs. Irving’s Delicious Shortbread is decadent and buttery; it has minimal ingredients and turns out perfectly. There is a recipe for Old Fashioned Lemonade, as well as fancy egg salad sandwiches topped with herb butter. The Sunshiny Corn Soufflé is excellent, and the Afternoon Ruby Tea Biscuits are perfect for an old fashioned tea. The Shepherd’s Pie is very typical, and there is also a good recipe for vegetable soup. Most of the recipes will appeal to both children and adults, and are simple to make.
All told, The Anne of Green Gables Cookbook is charming, and with its literary ties to the wonderful books, would make an excellent gift or coffee-table book.
Special thanks to NetGalley for supplying a review copy of this book.

The Anne of Green Gables Cookbook by Kate MacDonald and L.M. Montgomery is a great cookbook for fans of Anne of Green Gables. The pictures of the finished recipes are beautiful. I appreciate that the recipes use basic ingredients. I made the apple dumplings. Although I needed to seriously adjust the cooking time, the flavor of the finished dessert was delicious. It is something that I will make again. I have several more recipes marked to try. The recipes are simple enough that they can be made with children.

Enjoyable recipes and photos. A fun book to add to a collection of an Anne of Green Gables fan.

The cover art on this cookbook is so beautiful, and so very Anne, I couldn't resist. The cookbook is filled with treats mentioned in the Anne of Green Gables series, which are like a step back in time, but still will hold up today. For fans of Anne Shirley, this is a must have. The cookbook is short but filled with beautiful pictures and illustrations and will help you relive some of the food moments from such a wonderful book series.

What a wonderful book. It is a charming cookbook that brings Prince Edward Island right into your kitchen. Each chapter is based on books in the series, or the cookbook of Montgomery herself. There are recipes for the classic raspberry tart, and raspberry cordial (that will not get Diana drunk). And I forgot about the incident with the liniment. They even have a Liniment cake recipe. The book is written by a grandchild of Montgomery, and you can see the love crafted in every page.

I should have been suspicious when I noted on the title page that it was an expansion of the ANNE OF GREEN GABLES COOKBOOK from 1985, which came out after the Kevin Sullivan version of the story. I remember seeing that one and remembering how few recipes it had in it. This is just that version "prettied up" with some pleasant flowery artwork and a few more recipes in it. I was hoping against hope it was more like the LITTLE HOUSE COOKBOOK, which includes historical food information and the science of why the recipes work, and why and how Ma Ingalls would have used that particular recipe (for instance, she would have used sourdough starter for her bread on the prairie because they had no yeast). It could have at least been expanded to show the type of food Anne might have made for her children, and the meatless, wheatless menu the Blythes might have eaten during the World War I timeframe of RILLA OF INGLESIDE.
Nice enough if you want a few recipes from the Anne novels and a pretty volume on your cookbook shelf. Otherwise pretty sad.

I loved this revised edition written by L.M. Montgomery's granddaughter! The pictures are divine, not to mention the recipes and the wonderful stories that accompany the eye-catching dishes. Anyone who loves "Anne of Green Gables, the "Emily" books or anything written by L.M. Montgomery will enjoy savoring this book and making delicious treats such as Fire and Dew Sweet Potatoes, Chocolate Goblin's Food Cake, and of course Diana Barry's Favorite Raspberry Cordial.

I have been a fan of the Anne of Green Gables series since I was a child. This is a delightful cookbook filled with recipes from the books and from the authors own kitchen. The recipes are not too complicated and the directions are clear and easy to follow so this would be a great book for a young Anne reader to begin to learn to cook with. It is filled with lots of picture of the recipes, some pictures that look like they are from Green Gables, and there are also a few wonderful quotes from the book series. So far I have tried the apple dumplings and they came out great. I am looking forward to trying more of the recipes soon.

This is a lovely little recipe book that would appeal to both young and old. Featuring wonderful recipes and beautiful pictures, it’s a must for any Anne fan.

"Anne of Green Gables" was a huge part of my childhood, so I couldn't resist requesting this cookbook. It's by L.M.Montgomery's granddaughter and was previously published in 1985. This edition includes eleven new recipes, some by L.M. Montgomery herself.
The design is very cute, and fits the image of the "Anne of Green Gables" books. There are plenty of scenic pictures capturing scenes from the book. The food photography is simple, but good and makes you want to try out the recipes presented here.
It's a cookbook aimed at children, and there are plenty of helpful explanations as well as general advice in the beginning of the book.
The recipes are inspired by the books "Anne of Green Gables", "Anne of Avonlea" and "Anne of Windy Poplars". The emphasis is more on easy to make sweets and cakes than hearty dishes, but there are some recipes for soups, sandwiches and salads and such as well. All recipes look like something children should be able to make, maybe with occasional assistance by an adult.
Some recipes, like "Diana Barry's Favorite Raspberry Cordial" brought back fond memories of the books and made me smile. Even though the way the recipes are written suggest this is mostly aimed at a younger audience it definitely also is something for everyone who loved Anne, Diana and their other friends as children, and there are plenty of ideas for an "Anne of Green Gables" inspired tea party in here.
A lovely cookbook with easy yet delicious-sounding (and -looking) recipes that truly captures the spirit of one of my favorite childhood series.

Two words: raspberry cordial.
If you adored Anne of Green Gables, then you know the infamous raspberry cordial/wine scene. I was nine or ten when I first read Anne, and afterwards asked my mom where we could get some raspberry cordial. I wanted to try that beautiful drink that Diana Barry was so obsessed with. Of course, I also wanted to try red currant wine (the stuff Diana has mistaken for raspberry cordial), but I knew better than to ask for that.
At the time, my mom was very much a Marilla to my flights-of-fancy Anne, so the idea was immediately shot down. I had apple juice, and the super-sweet syrup we made fruit punch with. There was no need for raspberry cordial.
Well, this gorgeous cookbook has a few dozen scrumptious-looking recipes, including one for raspberry cordial!!!! Guess who just bought a few bags of frozen raspberries??!!
I was very impressed by this cookbook. There are four sections: recipes from Anne of Green Gables, Anne of Avonlea, Anne of Windy Poplars, and recipes from L.M. Montgomery's kitchen. Every recipe is accompanied by a picture, which manages to give you an old-fashioned, whimsical Anne feeling. There are desserts, salads, and even a few seafood recipes, which is great for my pescatarian diet.
I can't wait to cook up some Anne-with-an-e worthy dishes.
*Thanks to Race Point Publishing and Netgalley for an ARC*