Member Reviews

First I must say that this book looks very beautiful. It has a romantic and nostalgic feeling to it and every recipe is accompanied by a page-wide picture of the dish that looks like taken straight from the world of Anne. It includes all the recipes from the original collection of 1985 (inspired by passages from the stories of Anne of Green Gables series) plus 11 new recipes including some from L.M. Montgomery's own kitchen.
I loved that each recipe starts with a quote from one of L.M. Montgomery's books that refers to the dish we are about to make. It is as if you are summoning the story as you cook and bringing it back to life with every bite. If you are a fan of L.M. Montgomery's stories, you definitely want this book, and if you haven't read them yet, you will find plenty of inspiration here to start your journey.

I guess that we all remember Anne of Green Gables's books, cartoons, movies, TV series and her sad at first, unhappy life as a orphan and her new wonderful life with Marilla and Matthew. One of the best books, cartoons, movies that a kid can sees, because they're plenty of encouragement, positive vibe, great values.
But... What kind of food Anne ate at the Cuthbert's house?
In this book by QuartoKnows, and discovered thanks to NetGalley a new edition with more recipes of: The Anne of Green Gables Cookbooks Charming recipes from Anne and her friends in Avonlea written by Kate MacDonald the grandchild of mrs. L.M.Montgomery and L. M. Montgomery the creator and writer of the various books about Anne of Green Gables.
We will discover dozens of delicious old-fashioned recipes that you can try for the joy of your loved ones, your neighbors, your children.
Chocolate caramels, the recipe of Marilla's plum pudding, a sunshiny corn soufflé, little rapsberry tarts, the rapsberry cordial, but also a good cake with delicious chocolate inside and outside.
We will find an italian recipe in Miss Stacy's baked macaroni :-) but also some recipes of biscuits for tea, like also Matthew Cuthbert's Yummy Biscuit Sandwich.
If you want to try, during the warm summer time, there is also an old fashioned lemonade recipe for restoring your body and soul.
Do you want to refresh yourself with veggies? Why not to eat a delicious lettuce salad?
If you want to stay warm or you search for a healthy dish goes for the a thick and creamy vegetable soup.
Mrs. Irving's delicious shortbread is waiting for you like also Miss Ellen's Pound Cake or a yummy orange angel cake.
During this season don't forget one of the best Montgomerys favorite's recipes: Fire and Dew Sweet Potatoes.
The book is divided in four sections. While the first three follow Anne's books the last one the kitchen by mrs. Montgomery.
Enjoy this book. Pity that the PDF is so poor and frustrating in the visualization through Adobe Digital Edition.
Highly recommended.
I thank NetGalley for this ebook

Thank you to Kate Macdonald and Quarto Publishing Group – Race Point Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this gorgeous cookbook.
The Anne of Green Gables Cookbook is everything it should be! It includes cooking tips and terms, beautiful photos and artwork, and most of all, many foods that we will remember from the book series that we know and love. I can't wait to try out the recipes. I'll be posting a full review on Goodreads in the coming weeks after testing them out.

A lovely book for fans of Anne of Green Gables of all ages, young and old. Full of tasty recipes inspired by the series, it is a treat to read and would make an ideal gift.
The simple format and handy tips is perfect as an introduction to cookery for children though it will appeal to adults too. I love the fact it does not just cover sweet food but a range of meals.

If you grew up reading the Anne series then this book needs very little introduction. Surely you will remember how often food played a part in the young orphan’s life and if you don’t then you will still have no worry because the author has lovingly added quotes from the various books with each recipe to refresh your memory as to why this particular item is important. By the time you’re done flipping through the colorful, easy to read pages and salivating over the dishes presented you will want to bake up some treats then settle in with the books to enjoy them in a thoroughly more interactive way and relive this aspect of your childhood.
There are four sections of recipes. The first 3 are from the books and they are broken down by title with quotes from the chapters attached to the recipes. The last are recipes from L. M. Montgomery herself including an Americanized version of an old Irish staple – Shepard’s Pie.
All of the recipes are easy to follow, contain ingredients that will not be hard to come by and include pictures to help anyone who is cooking impaired so they can compare their dish to what it’s supposed to look like and gauge how close they got. I tried a few of these and found them quite easy to follow though I do admit to cooking regularly from scratch so I’m not exactly a beginner. Cooking tips and terms have been included as well as some advice from a seasoned cook so if carefully read and followed no worries should be had.
This collection was originally published in 1985 and has been updated with 11 new recipes and since this has been put together by none other than L. M. Montgomery’s own granddaughter it feels safe to say the integrity of what the author originally created has been kept intact.
If you are a “kindred spirit” of Anne’s then why shouldn’t you pick this up and join in her culinary adventures?

I was thrilled to receive this book prior to publication. It is beautifully illustrated and has lovely photos and wonderful excerpts from the novels. The recipes are great and I look forward to trying many of them. I especially like that it has imperial and metric measures to suit all cooks worldwide.

A must have for the tried and true Anne of Green Gables fan. Beautiful photos and yummy recipes will take readers right back to their favorite food moments in the stories.

Short book of recipes of old times straight from the pages of Anne of the green gables. Best part was reading the short stories that accompanied the recipes and knowing that were written from one of Montgomery's grand-grandchildren. For lovers of Anne.
Breve libro di ricette dal sapore antico che arrivano direttamente dai libri di Anna dai capelli rossi. La parte migliore consiste nel leggere le brevi frasi tratti dai libri che accompagnano le ricette e sapere che sono state scritte da una pronipote della Montgomery.

This is a delightful add-on for Anne fans and budding cooks. While not all the recipes will appeal to youngsters, the relatively simple instructions are sure to entice them to try.

Sigh. I really wanted to like this cook book. I love cook books, in general, either as food porn, or as good books to get receipies from to make things. I have read books as complicated as Julia Child's <em>Mastering the Art of French Cooking</em> and as easy as the cookbooks my daughter used when she was learning to cook, such as Klutz's <em>Kids Cooking</em>, so I think I know about cook books. I may not know as much as some, I'm sure, but my four shelves of cookbooks mean I have been around the block a few times.
I'm brining this all up, because I didn't really like this cookbook. It didn't seem to know who it was aiming at? The introduction, and the recipes are written as thought this is a cookbook for younger children, probably pre-teen. The recipes are easy enough to follow, I give them that, and the photos of the food, are also quite good. But the design of the book is very old fashioned, which sort of makes sense, being this is supposed to be about Anne, and yet, it felt as though there was no research done. Nothing to say that this is how these would have been made back then, which is what you really should want from a cookbook like this.
A good example of a cookbook that feels as though it came from the era that it is working on is <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8204.The_Laura_Ingalls_Wilder_Country_Cookbook" target=
_blank">The Laura Ingalls Wilder Country Cookbook</a>. Of course, it helps that a lot of these recipes came from Laura herself.
A friend of mine, while researching recipes for a cook book from Jane Austin's time (<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/50385.Cooking_with_Jane_Austen" target="_blank">Cooking with Jane Austin</a>), would have cooking parties, to try out the recipes she had discovered. She would tells us how the meals were cooked, originally, and how she had translated them for the modern oven. It was all very educational.
I guess what I am trying to say, is that none of these recipes feel as though they old fashioned, nor do they feel as thought they were researched beyond their name. Other than the wall paper, and the quotes from the books, the food does not seem all that different. I have never seen Vanilla Ice Cream made with a gelliton and not one drop of vanilla.
And maybe I am just being grumpy, and these might all be great recipes. The pictures from around Prince Edward Island are nice.
Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.

So I actually thought this was a new cook book when I requested it from NetGalley, but alas it appears to be from 1985. Although it does mention inside the cover that This is a revised and expanded edition of The Anne of Green Gables Cookbook published in 1985 by Oxford University Press. So I guess there is some new material here. I have to admit I am not a fan of when NetGalley does this. There should be some mention in the descriptions that this is a reissue or something.
Moving on...I am a HUGE fan of Anne Of Green Gables. I am not sure you can call yourself a Canadian and not be. So you can imagine how excited I was to get my hands on this book. This is a relatively short little book coming in at just over 100 pages. The graphics and photos are beautiful, and the book is broken up into a few different chapters (COOKING TIPS, RECIPES FROM ANNE OF GREEN GABLES, RECIPES FROM ANNE OF AVONLEA, RECIPES FROM ANNE OF WINDY POPLARS, RECIPES FROM L.M. MONTGOMERY’S KITCHEN). The recipes are easy to follow and include quotes from different books in the series. If you are a fan of this series or know someone that is then this would make a great gift. Two thumbs up from yours truly.
Here is just a small sampling of the recipes you will find within...
-- Sunshiny Corn Soufflé
-- Anne’s Liniment Cake
-- Matthew Cuthbert’s Yummy Biscuit Sandwich
-- Old-Fashioned Lemonade
-- Creamy Butterscotch Pudding
-- Orange Angel Cake
-- Green Gables Shepherd’s Pie