Member Reviews

I enjoyed this novella and would have been thrilled if it were longer. I felt as though it needed just a little more to it in order to flesh it out and really get into it. The prose could have used a little more refinement but I didn't find that it took too much away from the story. The plot was great and it's a very well done scifi.

In the book Rewritten, author Helen McMahon, brings us to the year 2093 where the world is unsafe and infected and people live under the Veil.

In the book Rewritten, author Helen McMahon, brings us to the year 2093 where the world is unsafe and infected and people live under the Veil. Everyone is controlled under the Veil. But is everyone who they think they are? And what of this resistance to the government? Who is Monarch really? This was a good fast paced read. I would recommend this book. I received a copy of this e-book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This book has an original concept, a world which is infected and people who must live under domes because of that. They are constantly monitored in order to know whether they will live or die.
However I didn't like very much the writing style and I also found the final reveal (I won't say anything more because I don't want to make spoilers) a bit too obvious.
Anyway it's not bad for a debut and if you like scifi and dystopians this book can certainly be interesting and enjoyable.

What an interesting concept - a world in which people are tested for a virus and the results determine where they live, what they can do for a living, and even if they can live or die!
Anna lives in a dome, she wears contacts that tell her what her waking and sleeping hours are and they even affect what she sees around her!
But one day that routine changes, Anna has a past life that affects her present life, and she discovers that she is part of a group that can change the world!
You will have to read the book for yourself to discover who Anna really is and how the whole planet is living a lie