Member Reviews

I received an ARC of this book for an honest review. I really enjoyed this book. It started off with Sterling learning in order to keep his grandmother's house he has to marry. We then meet Teagan who has had a rough morning. She gets fired from her job, comes home to find her bf screwing someone else before getting in a car accident. Of course the person she hits is Sterling. He ends up propositioning her a deal she can't refuse.

This was what I would call a steamy Hallmark movie book. It was cute, sweet, fluffy and funny. There was only a sprinkling of drama. Sterling is not the typical billionaire bachelor we see in this book. There were some characteristics, but in the end he ended up being a really good guy. Teagan was definitely someone I could relate to. She didn't back down when guys tried to control her and she definitely had some sass. She fought back. I also really enjoyed the side characters of Caitlyn and Trey. I'd be interested in a sequel featuring those two getting together. This book was better than I was expecting when I first read it.

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I needed to read Fake Wife. The books that I have read before Fake Wife dealt with some pretty heavy subjects. I needed a book where I didn’t have to concentrate too hard on the plot but I still had a great time reading. That’s when I looked at my TBR pile and saw that Fake Wife was next. It was the book I needed.

The plot of Fake Wife is pretty basic. Girl gets fired from job, comes home early and catches boyfriend nailing a busty blonde on their bed. The girl ends the relationship and moves out that day. The girl then gets into a car accident with the sexiest bachelor in Portland, OR. Bachelor’s grandmother died, leaving him a house with a stipulation. He has to get married within 6 months of the will being read or the house goes to his scumbag father. Bachelor comes up with a plan: He will marry the girl, stay married for 2 years and he will have the house clear and free. The girl will be paid $250K for her role. All they have to be is roommates and the girl has to go to events with him. Which is easier said than done since they both want each other. Can they pull this off or will everything crumble?

I liked Teagan. I thought she handled Drake’s cheating pretty well. If it was me walking in on that, I would be going to jail. When she hit Sterling’s car, her surprise was very genuine at his niceness. I also liked her reaction to his proposition. I would have acted the same way. What I didn’t get was when she let Sterling’s father into the condo. Sterling had told her not to. Yet she does it and then runs away when she sees what he brought (which was low). I was mystified about her running away. She knew how Sterling felt about his father. So for him to bring something important over because Sterling asked was out of character. I do like that she did realize what happened and came home. But still.

I loved Sterling. He was Teagan’s Prince Charming. Even more so, he came across as a normal, red-blooded man. He liked working with his hands and built a successful business out of that. He wasn’t your typical playboy bachelor. He didn’t have tons of friends, just two good ones with one being a woman. He was also a standup guy. I had tears in my eyes when he told the story of how he met Caitlin. He was a hero. I wanted to reach through the book and hug him for that. I also wish that he was real…lol.

The sexual tension between Sterling and Teagan was through the roof. I will admit, I have never met a book where masturbation was mentioned every couple of chapters or so. I also haven’t read a book where the male lead hears the female lead masturbating and doesn’t go right in to finish it for her. It was refreshing. When they had actual sex, it was off the pages hot and every sex scene after that was too. Those two were also like bunnies. They couldn’t keep their hands off of each other once they did the deed.

The end of the book was pretty typical. Except for the situation with Sterling’s father. I was so mad at that for both Teagan and Sterling. But once they worked through it, I was thrilled. Of course, the epilogue was awesome. Teagan got her dream and Sterling got to live the life he wanted. And there is an added bonus there too!!

Fake Wife is one of those books that you can read at the beach or pool. Or, if it’s winter, by the fireplace. The sex was hot and the characters relatable. I hope there is a book 2 because I can’t wait to see what happens to them!! Well, past the epilogue.

Will I reread: Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes

Age range: Adult

Why: Sex, language, and mild violence

I would like to thank Stacey Lynn, Random House Publishing Group, Loveswept and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review Fake Wife.

All opinions stated in this review of Fake Wife are mine.

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**

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A refreshing change of pace for me. Where the beast isn't really a beast, well not until the little miss who rear ended him after the worst day of her life, but she does it. Just by being who she is.

Teagan's had the absolute worst day of her life, fired from her job, coming home and finding her fiancé of 7 years... (right) drilling some blonde, so she packs her stuff and is now jobless, homeless and rear ends a car at a light, the driver happens to be the wealthiest, best looking you know the rest.
He's just buried his beloved grandmother and after meeting at the lawyer's office and the reading of her will requiring him to marry within 6 months and stay married 2 years or he forfeits her beloved home, which is really home for him. His father who is a real piece of work wants to plow it down and put up a mall. Not gonna happen. Corbin hates his father and there's a whole story there, but seeing Teagan's obvious predicament and having just enough booze in him, makes her a deal. Something tells him she's not after his money or the typical women that try to snag him. He wants normal.
She's as normal as they get.
I loved the two of them together, the banter and her calling him out when he's being an a@@ to her.
He learns to temper not only his speech but his demeanor. So this shifts from an agreement of sorts into something so much more. Ah, but not without a few speed bumps and there was a really doozy lurking around the corner. Bad enough the ex showed his face a couple times. What a jerk.
Great story, nice to read a good love story for a change without a lot of garbage attached to it.

**arc from NetGalley and Loveswept in exchange for a fair review***

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Received ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

5 Star Read ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Loved everything about Teagen & Corbin’s story !! Who wouldn’t want to be whisked away by a gorgeous Billionaire after having the day from “hell” !!!

This book is funny - sexy & has a modern day Cinderella feel to it! Highly recommend this book & cant wait to read more from this author !!

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Teegan is having a bad day, but the best part of it was running her car into the back of Sterling's car. The two share a hot and steamy "fake" relationship in an attempt for Sterling to fulfill the wishes of his deceased grandmother's will.

This was a great read! I look forward to reading more by Stacey Lynn.

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From the first word written----this book kept me wanting to keep reading all the way to the very end in one sitting! Enjoyably written with delightful characters encompassing it all----sexy, funny and good story! Thank you for the opportunity to have read this title prior to publication.

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Lovely read, cute story and great characters. Would definitely like to see what happens next!

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Thank you to NetGalley for the arc.

This is my first book by Stacey Lynn and it's a sweet, low-angst, fun read. While you definitely knew what was coming next, you still can't help but root for the MC's to get their HEA. Corbin and Teagan make a really cute couple.

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*ARC provided by author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

This was a sweet sexy little romance. Two strangers, each having terrible days, come together in mutual necessity, but end up falling for each other. Of course there is a lot more to the story and plenty of build up to the HEA, but it was an enjoyable journey. Will definitely pick up more reads from Stacey Lynn.

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No surprises in this easy going romance, and do you know what? Sometimes you don’t need the angst, the stress, or the emotion and tears, sometimes it’s good to just read. That’s what I did, and I loved every minute of it. Teagan Monroe is having a really bad day and to top it all she’s gone and rear ended one of the richest playboys in the city, Corbin Lane. Corbin is having an equally sh!tty day, but after being rear ended by a beautiful “normal” girl, things start looking up and he can start actually thinking about the possibility of keeping his dream home. Their mutual arrangement looks like it’s going to benefit them both, they’ve just got to ensure they don’t start mixing business with pleasure. How hard can that be? Lovely writing, dual POV, easy going and extremely sexy love story with some wonderful supporting characters. Highly enjoyable. I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was absolutely fantastic and the whole plot really worked wonderfully.Though the title is kind of misleading it should rather be called Fake fiancee as the two aren't married in the book just engaged.

Teagan and Corbin are both having the worst day ever when they have a fender bender. That is when Corbin gets a brilliant idea, they should get hitched. He needs to get married for 2 years to inherit this house that his grandmother left him but he doesnt want to marry the women he knows he wants a real woman, one who is not after his money.

Teagan is down on her luck boyfriendless, broke, fired and now she had a car accident. So when the rich guy proposes she says sure. But the two want to take things slowly and so they move in together to get to know the other. That is really what this book is about. Them discovering who the other is, their problems, and falling in love.

It was a really great story with wonderful characters and I totally loved every minute of it.

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overall I found the story be entertaining and original. good plot.

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A great quick read; while it's predictable the journey to get to the end isn't an easy one. I loved the banter between the two along with the underlying sexual tension. I liked that Drake appeared several times and didn't just quietly disappear. Although I have to admit I laughed the final time he made an appearance and complained about Missy. Karma!

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From the beginning, I seriously wanted to hate this book. It has an awful case of the tropes--marriage of convenience, perfect heroine, billionaire meet-cute, emotionally scarred hero, & (my least favorite) insta-love. This book should be an absolute train wreck. Imagine my surprise when Stacey Lynn didn’t just make it work, she made me love it.

What worked for me: Oh, Teagan. Nearing the end of her 20’s, she’s devastated to find the man she thought she’d be with forever was cheating on her. The feeling of having wasted some of your best years & wasted sacrifice. I instantly sympathized because I’ve been in her shoes. Although Corbin comes with some baggage, he doesn’t hate women & isn’t anti-marriage. His motivations are mostly pure--to keep his family home--& he recognizes that he could be missing out by not fulfilling the spirit of his grandmother’s wishes. The chemistry between the two sizzles off the charts.

What I didn’t like so much: Teagan got over her ex in record time. I would have like to see her struggle a little more with moving on so quickly. It felt like a bit of a cop out to wrap it up so neatly. Overall, a small nitpick in relation to my enjoyment of the overall story.

Hats off to Ms. Lynn for such a great novel. It’s was a just-about perfect mix of funny, sweet, & sexy. I highly recommend!

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I love arranged marriages in romance novels but I wasn't a fan of Fake Wife.
Teagan literally slams into Corbin and so begins their story. At first I was on board with this unlikely duo but as the story continued
I was getting a little tired of the whoa is me personality Teagan had.
Corbin was sweet but also very cliche. Hates his father, doesn't want to have anything to do with his company..

They were also a little to hot and cold for me. I was getting tired of their indecision.

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The fake-to-real relationship concept isnt something new. I've read plenty of stories like it. As matter of fact this week alone, this is the third ARC I got of that sort. But it works, and I loved it. I loved the story... My only complain is that, I wish there was a wee bit more drama coming from Drake, or any of Corbin's exes... they should've given Corbin or Teagan more strain, or something like that... despite the father meddling and the anxiety the feelings brought, I felt like everything was just too easy. Dont get me wrong, I dont like super angsty books, they can be really draining...but I guess a little bit more is okay...but I'm not the writer, so I respect that. I was just saying, is all... lol

I can certainly relate to Teagan— her insecurities and apprehensions. Its a normal knee-jerk reaction especially when your heart was shredded by someone you gave yourself to for many years. Being in your head too much can make you blind to beautiful things that come your way.

I honestly enjoyed the book... I finished it within the day. I'm usually a stickler for timelines and pacing— still am, but for some reason it worked. Everything was great.

I know the story of Corbin and Teagan only took a very short time to evolve from fake to real... and usually I'd roll my eyes at the typical corny insta-love feels, but surprisingly this one is really good. I guess it all boils down on how it was written... on how the feelings were vividly worded and described by the author. I had butterflies in my tummy page after page.

If you're looking for a light, fun and sexy read, this is the book to pick up!

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It's not real. Or is it? From the first time Corbin laid eyes on Teagan, he thinks he's seeing an angel. Teagan sees the man that is going to be her salvation. All the twist that this book takes, from exes who can't take the hint when told no. To fathers who think they are a god and you owe them. It seems to just make their connection closer.

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Stacey Lynn is quickly becoming on of my favorite authors. Her stories have such heart and she makes you fall in love with the characters. I took a bit longer to warm up to the hero because he was kind of an ass but I love how the heroine didn't put up with his shit and brought out the best in him. I'm looking forward to more by this author!

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When Corbin loses his beloved grandmother he is crushed, she was always the one bright spot in his life, the one person who didn't have a long list of expectations for him, and the one person who made him feel truly loved. His parents are another story, while he knows his mother loves him, he also knows that she will always side with his philandering father, and it has always caused a rift between them. Especially now, his father knows that with Corbin's grandmother's passing that their homestead is up for grabs, and he'd love nothing more than to get his grubby hands on it, and turn it into the next hot property, whereas Corbin plans to keep it just the way it is now. And the only way he can do that is to find a wife, and ensure the property stays with him... problem is all the women he knows would gladly be his wife, for a hefty price. Then he literally crashes into an angel and all bets are off...

To say that Teagan's life is hell right now, is a complete understatement, first she loses her job, then comes home to find her fiance doing the deed with a busty blonde, and then she loses her home when she walks away from their seven year relationship. It's as if life is completely against her right now, then fate steps in and hands her a "get out of hell free card", and puts her face to face with the Adonis she has been swooning over since she first arrived to town. Corbin is beyond gorgeous, and he makes her a offer that she can't really refuse right now... and as soon as she says "yes" to his offer the sparks start flying and her once crappy life starts looking better than ever!

Fake Wife is a gem of a story, within the pages of this sweet and sexy read you will find many moments that will put a smile on your face and a blush upon your cheeks!! Seriously you can't go wrong with a hunky billionaire, who falls for a plain Jane damsel in distress... the moment Corbin swooped in and saved the day my heart started to melt. Watching these two fight so hard not to fall for one another was quite entertaining, there was lots of feisty banter that had the heat rising, and lots of unexpected tender moments that had me swooning, I loved every moment of their little journey! I highly recommend you get your hands on this one, Ms. Lynn's well crafted characters are sure to have you falling in love right along with them!!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this title.

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