Member Reviews

I have an affinity for cheeky and entertaining. Cindi Madsen hit the nail on the head (pun intended) with Ivy and Jackson. Nailed It combines two of my worst addictions: HGTV and hilarious, steamy, heartwarming romance to create an irresistibly tempting renovation of the heart. The ultimate fixer upper has arrived and left a lasting impression on my heart.

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Nailed It by Cindi Madsen is a standalone romance novel.
Meet Ivy Clarke. She works as bartender and has serious commitment issues. When her childhood refuge is about to be sold, she proposes to flip the house. Thanks to HGTV she feels equipped to do so. But then she sees she´s way over her haed in this and she needs help. Help from Jackson Gamble, her nemesis. They can´t be in each others company without slinging insults, bicker, banter and playing pranks on each other.
Jackson wants a forever and the white picked fence with her. She fights that tooth and nail.
Nailed it is a beautifully thought out, beautifully written and beautifully told story. I love the writing, the words and tha characters.

Favorite Quote : " Every heart can be ready for a little rehabilitation. "
I recommend the book and give 5 stars. Thank you, Cindi Madsen !

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LOVED this book! It's light, sexy, and fun. In true HGTV fashion renovations lead to a fantastic happily ever after.

Ivy and Jackson were such fun characters and the chemistry jumped from the pages. Most people would think they hated each other seeing as they can't be in the same room without snapping at each other. Yet when Ivy takes on a project that is well over her head she knows the only person she can turn to is Jackson. Who knew working together to renovate an old Victorian was a great way to work through your frustrations with a person!

Definitely a fun read and a book I highly recommend.

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This was a good story, which for the most part I did enjoy. Although I must admit to being a little confused as to the premise of this story. As I wasn't sure if it was supposed to be a hate to love story or a second chance romance. And honestly it kind of got stuck somewhere in the middle.
As for the two main characters Jackson and Ivy. I thought they were likable. Certainly Jackson more so than Ivy who frustrated me a lot. Especially as she spends a lot of time trying to justify her life as a single girl and not believing in love or commitment. Even though I could understand where her issues came from. And I also didn't feel like there was much of a connection or any chemistry between the two of them either.
As for the actual story I found it extremely sweet, a little angsty at times. Yet overall it was really easy to read and I'm sure anyone whose read 12 Steps to Mr. Right will enjoy Nailed It too.

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Remodeling a house can cause havoc in a marriage. What will it do this estranged couple? Will their romance rekindle or get completely destroyed? Lots of humor and spice along the way. Entertaining and engaging.. I know better than to watch the HGTV projects and think I can accomplish them. I was suckered in by Martha Stewart a couple of times. Wow! Those simple projects were not simple. I completed them, but they took forever and never to be repeated. So I could certainly relate to Ivy's difficulties during the remodel.

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ivy clarke has rules against falling in love. 13 of them actually. her best friend savannah might be a dating coach with 12 ways to love, but ivy knows that her rules are better. they are meant to keep her heart safe in nailed it.

if only she hadn't gotten in way over her head in a house-flipping project. if only her only source of salvation weren't jackson gamble. if only her stupid body and heart wouldn't react every time jackson was in the same room with her. she tries to mask all her attraction with antagonism. but it's just an act.

and the more closely they work together it's inevitable that they'll end up in bed together. but jackson wants the real thing—love, commitment, and a happily ever after. and ivy knows that she'll never be able to give jackson what he wants. she's a mess. she has no idea what to do with her career. her mother continues to be an emotional timesuck. she's that girl from the wrong side of the tracks and there is no way that jackson's family would ever be happy with her pairing up with him.

jackson has to be the bigger man here. he has to have the faith for both of them. because ivy is just a little too broken, a little too afraid to admit that her heart is engaged. but will time be enough for ivy to realize that she's got everything backwards? that even if you try to avoid feelings, humans are built to have them?

the chemistry between jackson and ivy is off the charts, and there are some really sweet emotional beats between the two leads as they figure out their way to a happy ending. there's ups and downs, but it's a relationship that is worth sticking out, even when ivy is being super stubborn.

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I loved this book! The story was well written and I loved the characters. I found the banter between Ivy and Jackson perfect and they were so relatable. I also greatly appreciate that there was chemistry and hot times between the characters without getting overly descriptive and raunchy.

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Jackson and Ivy were such a mixed emotional read. I liked the story and both of their characters had stand-out moments that held this reader's attention. But, by far, Jackson's character stole the limelight. I liked Ivy's character, but the emotional tailspins tended to drag out a bit. The finale was awesome to read and a the story, as a whole, was great.
Review copy received from Entangled Publishing via Netgalley

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I've been eagerly awaiting for this book and it didn't disappoint!

Our leading lady isn't looking for a forever relationship, After watching her mother going through a fair share of bad relationships, of never really putting herself first ad well as Ivy suffering her own deceptions she has this set of rules to prevent her from getting too close to someone and to avoid heartbreak. But there is one guy with whom she let her barriers down and unfortunately she's now stuck in a house renovation project and the only one who can help her is the same guy she needs to be careful of; her best friend's brother, Jackson Gamble.

I loved Ivy and Jackson's relationship, they had a great chemistry and the banter between them was amazing; I had a great time reading all their interactions. And of course you know these two being stuck together somethings is bound to happen and how could it not with a guy like Jackson? he's seriously amazing, I loved him!! If I could have asked Cindi for anything is to read from his POV, that'd have been fantastic and no doubt it would have made me love him even more! He's just kind, and caring, sexy, just perfect boy friend material.
With that said I won't deny that I kinda wanted to shake a bit of sense into Ivy: like look at this guy! he's a good one! don't be afraid! But what point would the story have if it were that easy for her to overcome her issues, right? Ivy is lucky to have found a guy like Jackson who is patient and willing to give her the chance to figure things out and not give up on her.

Even if you haven't read 12 Steps to Mr. Right, which is the book about Jackson's sister, you can totally read this as a standalone and I'd definitely recommend anyone to read Nailed It; it has humor, romance, some sexiness too, what more do you need? :)

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I loved this book, such a fun read! Because her mother always sought out a new relationship once the previous one fell apart, Ivy has been through more changes than a person should, and it's made her commitment-phobic in terms of everything. The one constant in Ivy's life has been her best friend, Savannah. Savannah's older brother is hot, fun, smart, dependable, and definitely interested in Ivy. But there was that one time they tried to be together and it ended in an epic failure, so now they're enemies, until they end up renovating a house together. Told from Ivy's point of view, this is a great story about confronting the things that scare you and figuring out what you want and what you're willing to risk to get it.

Received an advance reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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**3.5-4 stars**
Ivy Clarke has watched her mom go through relationship after relationship, never finding “Mr. Right”, and seeing the pain that goes along with that. Add to that, her own failed relationships. Ivy is done with all of that. She figures if you don’t get too close and don’t let emotions get involved, then you can’t get hurt. Except there’s one man, Jackson Gamble (her best friend’s brother) who can get to her like no other. They almost had something in the past, but Ivy put up her walls and wouldn’t let him get any closer. Now they’re working together on fixing up a house to sell that held many childhood memories for Ivy. If these two can be in the same room together though without insults and trying to fight off the attraction, it will be a miracle. Ivy is determined to keep Jackson at arm’s length, but as the two spend more time together working on the house, it gets harder and harder.

She’s got a plan though. What’s a little fun and no attachment fling between them while they finish up the house going to hurt? When the project is done, they’ll go their separate ways. Jackson can be with a woman who wants the whole white-picket fence and HEA ending and Ivy can continue being on her own and taking care of herself and not let any chance of a broken heart come into play. Sounds good, right? But as they say, the best-laid plans…

I loved the bantering and the chemistry between Jackson and Ivy. While there were times I was a little frustrated with Ivy’s character, I was still rooting for this couple. I loved how Jackson wouldn’t give up on her. A fun, sweet and sexy read. Overall, I really enjoyed it. If you like enemies-to-lovers, second-chance romance and the best friend’s brother tropes, this one has it all!

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So in this book, we see just Ivys POV which is a little bit frustrating. Why because we see like all breakups not just here, but a few of her mother breakups. And from time to time she was annoying with her rules and for me was like she is touring herself. Jackson was an ok guy, likable for him hat down because he finds a way to break the walls Ivy had built. It doesn't show him like he is some alfa male but in the end, he does get a girl. They are some funny interaction while rebuilding the house. The chemistry between Ivy and Jackson is hot and I was satisfied that Ivy changed her mind and left love in her life.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly

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Hot passion you can’t stop reading till the very end. Cindi Madsen delivers such a fantastic book with really strong characters with sizzling chemistry. It’s a quick and easy read which readers are going to love and want to get there hands on. Would recommend

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Nailed It by Cindi Madsen

Unfortunately this book was a bit of a miss for me. The blurb drew me right in, which is why I requested to read, but I didn't really feel the connection between the main characters, I couldn't feel any of the tension or passion that I should have felt from a hate-to-love love story. I also didn't actually like Jackson or Ivy: he came across as a bit weak and Ivy kind of annoyed me. I think that while the story had the potential to be great, the characters needed a lot of work. There was a small handful of moments that made me laugh and therefore a 2 rating.

*arc received from publisher via Netgalley in exchange for honest review.

**Reviewed by Melinda for Joandisalovebooks Blog.

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A cozy romance perfect for fans of house flipper shows.

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Nailed It by Cindi Madsen is a GOOD book. It's fun, humerus, and sexy. Unfortunately, I didn't love the book as much as I hoped. I think this is because I recently read a book similar to the premise of this one and kept referring back to that book- simply, I couldn't keep myself focused on this one because of that. This has nothing to do with the author or writing, I just wished I had read it long after the last one because I think I would have liked it better.

With that, I would recommend this book. It has a lot of great things going for it and the fact that the characters are essentially fixer-uppers is great. I think their job is a metaphor for their love life too!

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A fun, sexy, romantic read !

Ivy and Jackson had a weeklong fling, that ended badly and ever since they get into antagonistic banter whenever they meet. Now Ivy has bitten off more than she can chew trying to flip a house, and Jackson is the only one who can help her. Working together has disaster written all over it and the constantly pulsing attraction between them makes things more difficult.
Nailed it was superb read. It was full of humor and entertaining banter. I loved the fact that Jackson knew just how to handle Ivy and her fears and was totally relentless in trying to make things work, totally swoon worthy. It was funny, had drama, tension and romance, a treat to read.

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Loved it! Fun, flirty and sexy! Ivy and jackson were great! Such great chemistry! Ivy tries to fight how she feels for Jackson but I'm so glad she caved! This book was such fun to read. I loved the storyline and how they come together to work on the house. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I can't wait to read more!

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After spending a childhood being drug along as her mother chased her “flavor-of-the-month” guy, Ivy is anti-love, anti-relationships, and anti- any sort of commitment, down to what color to paint the walls in her condo. But it’s a spur of the moment decision that lands her in hot water when she decides to take on renovating her mom’s ex-friend’s house, the only place she ever really felt like home. In over her head, Ivy’s best friend’s brother, Jackson, is called in to lend his professional help. But while fixing up the house, will she also end up fixing her heart?

Sometimes, the right book comes along just at the right time. This book has a lot of my favorite tropes: enemies to lovers, second chance romance, DIY home renovation, and a heroine with emotional “issues", to put it mildly. Ivy has a very set view of life, condensed into a series of rules. While I could see how her stubbornness could get frustrating for some readers, I thought the slowness with which she opened up to Jackson was believable and so sweet. I loved the chemistry between Ivy and Jackson - the bantering, the sex scenes, everything. And, oh, I adored Jackson. I loved that he was willing to give Ivy space to deal with her issues while at the same time setting boundaries. I loved that he was capable of being supportive of her quirks and past trauma while also gently pushing her boundaries.

Though this is the second book in a series, this works perfectly fine as a stand-alone. In fact, I’ve already added Savannah and Linc’s story to my TBR list. If you want something that’s well-written, humorous, and hot, then this is the perfect book for you. In summary, this is a light, comfy, funny read, the perfect thing to curl up with a cherry Coke in your window reading nook and devour in one sitting.

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After years of setting her own hours and living the dream bartending at an upscale bar, Ivy Clarke is looking for something more satisfying. She watches HGTV and has an eye for design... surely she could flip a house, right? No. Wrong. So very wrong. Now, Ivy’s in way over her head and the only person who can save her is Jackson Gamble, her best friends brother and Ivy’s sworn enemy. (Her gorgeous, infuriating enemy, who she happens to have a bit of history with.) Can Ivy and Jackson make it through this reno together, or will they give in to their mutual attraction?

I loved Cindi Madsen’s Operation Prom Date. Like, seriously, it was one of my favorite books of the year. I was so excited for the opportunity to review her newest book and Nailed It did not disappoint. The best way I can summarize this book is a second chance best friend’s brother enemies-to-lovers-to-enemies-to-lovers romance. Phew. That’s a pretty long description, but if you’d told me that’s what this book was about, I would have snapped it up even faster. Just throw a bunch of my favorite tropes in a blender with a swoon-worthy hero and a sassy heroine and you’ve got this book, so that’s great.

Is Jackson pretty much perfect? Yes. (Can somebody please come spider-bomb my attic? Please?)

Is the best friend in question, Jackson’s sister Savannah, also pretty much perfect? Yes. (Can we have more books where the sister’s only concern about her best friend and her brother dating is that someone might get hurt? That would be great.)

Is Ivy pretty much perfect? Ehh... here’s the thing. I totally understand why Ivy is the way she is. Madsen does a great job of providing the necessary backstory for Ivy’s actions to make sense. But even though I know why Ivy is so terrified of commitment and why she felt the need to act like a petulant teenager all the time, it still drove me crazy. Ivy is exhausting. Imagine dealing with her on a daily basis. Jackson must be a saint.

But, honestly? Ivy’s issues are my only criticism. Aside from that, I loved this book. I loved the renovations and the decorating and Savannah’s twelve steps and the cats. I had hoped that Savannah already had her own book, and she does! Excuse me while I add 12 Steps to Mr. Right to my ever-expanding TBR.

I’ll leave you with this:

“I hope the house doesn't end up going to some pretentious couple like a few of the ones on House Hunters, where the husband’s a freelance hamster trainer and the wife sells dreams and rainbows and they somehow make $1.3 million.“

I received a free ARC of Nailed It from the publisher (via Netgalley) in exchange for my honest review.

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