Member Reviews

This is the second in the series and most likely a nice bridge between the first and third books, but as a stand-alone story it isn’t very strong.
It continues the time traveling missions of Delaney and Donovan, but spends far too much time on the cliffhanger ending from the first book and the consequences of Landry’s actions.
The new relationship between Landry and Jade is very strained, but I don’t feel the dialogue nor the actions of the two characters is done very well here and doesn’t do much to convey that strain.
Landry does a 180 with the way she has been treating her mom for years in the span of a few sentences. That is something one would need more time to work out.
Honestly, this book took me two tries to get through. The first time was when it first came out and I couldn’t even get through half of it. I put it down and didn’t bother to give it another go until now that book three is available. I still struggled with it, but made it through this time. I didn’t want to jump on book three without having read book two.
If you are going to read this book, I highly recommend that you read book one first to get a handle on the characters better.
I was given a review copy from the publisher for my honest review of the book as seen above. I didn’t hate the book, but overall it is lacking.

I have been waiting for this book ever since I finished Escape In Time. When I saw it on netgalley I knew I needed to have it. It was literally burning with desire. I loved the first book so much. Yes, I know, could a sequel be as good? Was I disillusioning myself into thinking yes? Well my likeness of this author is seriously being tested as we speak. Robyn how could you do this to me a second time? O.M.G. I am at a loss.
If I could give this 20 stars it still wouldn't be enough. This story was left on a knifes edge and again I find myself swearing at the author. I am absolutely certain I don't want to meet her as I worry what I will say. Hell, I'll say it now .... How could you do this a second time? Yes. and now I am repeating myself. What is really scary is how I wish I found this author later and been able to read the series uninterrupted. There I go wishing my life away for a book. Yes I hear you sniggering. But honestly I have never had a series grip me so hard that all I want is book 3.
The book is about time travel and how saving people in the past can have the future made even better. So yes, the genre is right up my street. I love science fiction with a passion. And this book has it in droves. Although I am against Pulsus reasons for not sharing I do admit to understanding why. It has everything you could want. Action, adventure, discovery, deceit and yes some sex.
My advice is that this is a must read. Even if you aren't keen on science fiction. Me? I am going to go hide under my duvet until book three is out. I will probaly read both books again in anticipation for the next. So, please Robyn please don't take too long you need to think of my mental health. Enjoy! I did very much so.
*ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley*

I didn’t think it was possible to top the first in the Extractor Series by Robyn Nyx but I was wrong. ‘Change in Time’ is exciting, tense, romantic and sexy. The story centres around Landry, an Extractor for Pulsus, an organisation that sends teams back in time to change one small incident and improve the future. We saw the toll that can take on individual team members in the first book. In this instalment the consequences for Landry and for Pulsus become more serious.
Robyn Nyx has delved further into the characters emotions and their motivations. I liked seeing how Landry’s relationship with Jade changes her and makes her consider her actions more. Delaney’s mental state and how it affects the whole mission is nail-biting. The dynamic between Elena, Landry’s mother and the Pulsus boss, Jenkin, was fascinating and gave a depth to the whole backstory for me. The book was excellent and the author has left me desperate for more. I can’t wait for part 3!
I was given this ARC by Bold Strokes Books and Netgalley in return for an honest review.

I wanted to give this book 3 ½ stars and rounded up. I liked the story and the time traveling was interesting. The characters were well developed and their relationships were genuine. Landry and Jade had some chemistry - I wouldn’t say there were sparks coming off the pages but their relationship was believable. My main complaint is that the book felt too long and drawn out which made it a bit boring at times. I don’t think that it is too violent and graphic as some other reviewers said but it has some violence in it.

A less compelling, highly graphic follow-up to "Escape in Time." While the quality of the writing remained consistent, a gratuity accompanied the more intimate scenes and after a while, tolerance for such themes wanes. I was hoping for much more, specifically in terms of character development than Ms. Nyx offered here.