Member Reviews

Radclyffe if one of my top ten favourite lesfic authors (see She's a very reliable author whose romances often portray glorious butches and strong femmes. This book is number 4 of 'A Rivers Community' series portraying love and life around the Rivers hospital and its surrounding small town. Even though this is a stand alone novel, characters from the previous books appear here so it's better to read them in chronological order.

'Love after hours' is the story of Carrie, the hospital CEO’s admin who we've met before in the series, and Gina, a building contractor with good looks and big secrets. As the author says in the acknowledgements, this is a book about romance but also about family and finding home. The usual ingredients of Radclyffe's books are present here: a moving story, sizzling chemistry and hot scenes. Radclyffe fans won't be disappointed!

Overall, an entertaining romance. 4 stars.

ARC provided by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Anything Radclyffe writes is a winner. I enjoy all her series. The Rivers series has many stories that focus on today's world..
Will put on Goodread as soon as title is available.

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This novel finds us getting Carrie a special girl. Before we get into the review, you should know that this was my first novel into the Rivers Community Series and I was quite thrown off by the narrative. The novel kicks off with an important surgery taking place where all the main characters are involved in some capacity or the other (due to friendships and family connections). I can understand why Radclyffe does this; its to establish how much Carrie is involved from the administration side of things.

For a new reader into the series, it is pure chaos. I found myself not caring one whit for anyone and their issues. I kept waiting to find out more about Carrie and Gina (our other protagonist). the romance is well done however, it feels as if we get only 55% of Carrie and Gina, 20% of Margie and Blake, 15% of Flann and Abby and 10% of Harper and Presley.

I enjoyed the softball and the construction bits as well as Carrie's freaky accurate mental clock (very useful).

I then proceeded to read the first two novels in which our other characters mentioned above are introduced and I think I would have enjoyed this one more had this not started off with Blake's surgery and assumed that readers know everything.

My rating is based on my first impression of the novel, perhaps if I had read this after the first two novels (this is the fourth in the series) then I think I would have given it 4 stars.

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This was a very sweet romantic addition to the River's Family Romance series. Carrie had been a supporting character in he previous books and now takes center stage with Gina Antonelli by her side. These two were nice mains, easily relatable. The plot wasn't very deep and there weren't many bumps in the road, which is quite a change of pace from Radclyffe's usual fare. I liked revisiting with old characters,especially Blake and Margie. Overall this was an enjoyable and sweet read. Thanks Radclyffe for another great one!!

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Radclyffe is an amazing writer and in this book she weaves characters from her previous series of the "River's Hospital" and focuses on Carrie, Presley's executive assistant. The new character, a contractor, name Gina is hired for renovations at the hospital & at Carrie's new home.

While I enjoyed the book with the romance, please know that a lot of time in the book is focused on Blake's transition. I am selfish and love Radclyffes writing, so I wish Radclyffe had written another book for Blake's transition. I feel there was a lot more depth to explore between Carrie and Gina. Although I am use to Radclyffes earlier writings in the early Providence Series (especially the first 4) and her early Justice Series where a lot of time is taken to establish emotional depth between the characters.

Love After Hours is a good read and Carrie is a wonderful character who is honest, loyal and smart. She also has a beautiful spirit, so it's great to see her find happiness.

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This book is good! Damn good, to be quite honest. Love after Hours is Radclyffe at her very best. She weaves a story with strong characters that have heart and soul and just enough angst and tension to keep you captivated. This one is hands down the best of the Rivers Community Romance series.

Carrie Longmire is back and in the forefront of this one. Carrie is super-efficient at her job and basically everything she does. Not wanting to settle for anything than true love, Carrie patiently awaits for the one to show up. She fine to flirt and casually date, but anything more is out of the question unless love is in the air.

Gina Antonelli had one tragedy turn her life upside down. An accident, when she was a teen, took the life of her childhood friend and first love. Gina bears the weight of that moment every day and has basically shut down. She exists to work for her father's construction company, and the job is all there is for her.

Carrie and Gina totally get off on the wrong foot and that makes for a tumultuous start. No this isn't a love to hate romance, but they do spend some time trying to get their footing around each other. Add into the fact that they are both ridiculously attracted to each other, and you have for a fabulous beginning. There is heat, there is tension and its drawn out perfectly.

Add in the other fun and fascinating characters of Rivers and you have an amazing story. I am partial to Blake and Margie myself and I delighted that story weaves a bit of them into it as well. If you loved the Rivers series so far, this one is for you. This book has it all! If you haven't read this series yet, well, I am a bit jealous of you because get ready for a great set of books.

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