Member Reviews

I was interested in reading this book for two main reasons: 1) it’s written in verse, and 2) I think glassblowing is amazing. And while it was a sweet little story, unfortunately it fell short for me on both counts. It’s not actually written in verse so much as normal prose broken up into lines to look like verse, which was disappointing. And I really wish there had been more about glassblowing!

I did really love the setting and I enjoyed the writing once I got past the whole “not really in verse” thing. I think this would have benefitted from being a longer, fleshed out story; it’s really more of a novella and I never felt totally invested, though I wanted to be! It had so much potential and unfortunately just didn’t live up to it for me.

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Sadly this book just didn't do it for me. I really loved the plot and the thought behind it but it turned out to be just meh. I wouldn't even give it a full three it's more like a 2 and a 1/2 for me.

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I could not finish this book. It didn't click for me.

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