Member Reviews

Thanks Fur Last Night is a great fit for readers who enjoy romantic tales of strong, possessive shifters finding and protecting their fated mates in the midst of action-packed adventures.

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I absolutely loved this book. It was full of sexual tension, action, and sarcasm. It was well written and executed properly. I enjoyed the character development, by the middle of this book, I was invested in them. I greatly appreciated not being left with so many questions regarding the characters, the plot, or their motivations. I highly recommend reading the book.

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I really enjoy these stories! Eve Langlais and Milly Taiden are two of my favorites-they always write great stories. Kate Baxter is newer to me, but her writing is very similar to the other two. All of these are shifter stories with protective men and strong women. Anyone who enjoys shifter romances is sure to enjoy these novellas.

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These were well-written short stories, that captivated me from the very first word! "Bearing His Sins" had to be my favorite of the 3, with "The Alpha and I" being my least favorite.

I'd recommend this to anyone interested in shifters or the paranormal.

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I do love an anthology and this one features stories from three authors whose work I've previously enjoyed. Fun short reads and a decent introduction to the authors if you haven't previously read them

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Not a bad mix of shifter romance stories. I think the third story had the best mix of chemistry, suspense and excitement. I like a compilation of different authors. It lends a different style and mixture all wrapped into one book.
4 stars.

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Great little PNR anthology. Three great authors with three great stories. Definitely a good way to lose yourself in a quick read or three.

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Well if you Love Shifter stories like I do you will be very pleased with these. Bearing His Sins Cole is supposed to kill his assignment but when he is discovered by a woman who is his perfect mate he finds he can’t kill his assignment because he is too busy trying to save her. Bought by the Bear. Josie needs money to raise her nephew and stop his grandmother from taking him she poses as a mare to a Shifter but when her fake mate turns out to be a real one they have lots of trouble. The Alpha and I Devon is driving home when she finds a naked man on the side of the road, so when she takes him home she figures she must be crazy. When Liam comes to he can’t believe he is alive and in his mates house now he just has to convince her that they belong together and save her life.

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Thanks fur last night is a collection of 3 stories from 3 different authors. I have to say that I liked the wordplay in the title. From the title alone you know that you are about to read.

Bearing His Sin is my favorite novella out of the 3. Αnja's grandmother was very funny. The grandmother in the second story was also a good secondary character so grandmas for the win! Kate Baxter's stories are always for some reason my least favorite and they feel out of place. It ruined the bear theme that was going on in the other two novellas. The writing wasn't bad, but it wasn't the story for me.

The book is good. I liked that we got 3 stories that are not connected with each other and have three different writings. I think some of them are a part of a series, but they can be read as stand-alone.

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This novella collection features three mostly new-to-me paranormal romance authors. There’s a little bit of everything here with stories that vary in tone from wildly over the top to deadpan serious. All three stories feature variations on the fated mate trope.

Bearing His Sin by Eve Langlais – This story opens with the mercenary hero perched in a tree thinking about his penis and about possibly assassinating some people. Then all hell breaks loose when Cole is confronted by the Russian farm girl who owns said tree and is not at all interested in dealing with his shit. The woman, Anja, is also his fated mate and that is a complication he is so not interested in dealing with. The story is crazy over the top but fun and it kept me highly amused while reading. The hero POV can be kind of challenging to get through because he’s such an arrogant jerkwad. Fortunately, his amazing heroine and her feisty grandmother are more than worth putting up with him.
Grade A-

Bought By The Bear by Milly Taiden – Josilyn is struggling financially after a terrible divorce and custody of her young nephew could hang in the balance. A job as a “fake mate for hire” for her friend’s paranormal dating agency might be just the break she needs. Xander is looking for a fake mate to keep his grandmother at bay, but when he meets his fake mate and realizes she’s actually his real mate, plans change and he’s got some major wooing to do. Xander and Josilyn make a good pair and it’s entertaining to watch them get to know each other.
Grade B

The Alpha and I by Kate Baxter – In isolated Idaho bar owner Devon finds a half-dead naked man in the snow on her drive home and rescuing him sets her life on an unexpected course. Her handsome stranger wakes up the next day and brings with him more questions than answers. Liam can’t tell Devon what happened because he doesn’t remember. She’s human, so he also can’t tell her that he’s the alpha to a werewolf pack that recently relocated to the area and that she’s his mate. What he can do is try his best to reconnect with his pack while keeping Devon away from whatever or whoever is targeting him. I’m a fan of snowed-in stories and the isolated aspect worked really well here.
Grade B+

Overall, I enjoyed all three stories in this collection and I look forward to reading more.

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While I enjoyed Kate Baxter's portion of the book, very much...I could not get into the other authors' stories. I found them difficult to get into and enjoy and the characters were not terribly likable.

I did not review this on the blog but I did cover The Big Alpha In Town

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A cute quick view into the worlds of three authors. Just enough story given by each author for the reader to see whether or not they want to dive into a series.

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I loved this collection of stories but my favorite was Ms. Taiden's Bought by the Bear. I love a good shifter story and when you mix in fake finance I am on the hook. When Xander realizes that Josilyn is his real mate and not a fake, I fell in love as much as he did. Great writing by all of these authors.

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thanks fur last night by Eve Langlais, Milly Taiden and Kate Baxter.
Cole should have killed Anja the moment he realized she was his mate. Instead, he let her live and now they’re on the hunt, chasing the morons who think they can force her to marry another man. Like hell. And while this shapeshifting bear might have his share of sins, he’s not going to let little things like murder and mayhem prevent him from having the woman meant to be the keeper of his heart.
a good read with likeable characters. had to put down a couple of times but I read it all. bearing his sins
bought by the bear
the alpha and I.
This was 3 stories in one. even though the first one was slow I really enjoyed the other 2. so 4*.

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This anthology is written by three different authors and contains tales of shifters finding their mates and what they’ll do to protect them.
Each story was a complete tale for being a novella. The characters were well liked and the book was a quick read. I highly recommend.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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I honestly couldn’t get past the first story. Eve Langlais is hit or miss for me and this one was definitely a miss. The story was just too ridiculous.

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Fun anthology with different stories. Fun, quick reads!

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Great compilation of shifter romance stories. I really enjoyed all three stories.

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Thanks Fur Last Night is a box set with the following authors- Eve Langlais, Milly Taiden, and Kate Baxter. These are paranormal romances that are great to read if you are looking to start reading paranormal romances but not sure what to read, this box set is a great way to start. This is a sampler of authors in short novellas. You will find something to like in each and if you already love paranormal romances, then this is a great addition to any collection that you have. Full of action, passion, intrigue and love.

My Rating: 4.5 stars *****
“I received an advanced copy of this book from the author at no cost to me."

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A fun, quick collection of were romances! Each story drew me in, and made me want more of their stories!

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