Member Reviews

This is a great book set with a wonderful story and well developed characters. There are three stories in this book written by Eve Langlais, Milly Taiden, and Kate Baxter. The stories flowed very well and was very enjoyable. This book will keep you reading long into the night and you will not want to put this book down until you finish. This was such a great read and full of surprises. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader’s copy of this book. The free book held no determination on my personal review.

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This was nice read. Three different author's with three different storys. The novellas in this book let you try out different authors. I really wanted to love these stories. It was an ok read. Not my favorite but it wasnt bad. I couldn't connet to the characters. Some where ok others not so much. Give it a read you may enjoy it.

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Thanks Fur Last Night
Trilogy of Shapeshifter Novellas

Looking for a fun anthology with furry fellows that find their mates? Look no further ;)

BEARING HIS SIN by Eve Langlais
Fun read of Greek bear assassin Cole literally falling at the feet of Anja, his fated mate. There are werewolves, a bear hero, the Russian tiger mafia, a wannabe husband trying to kidnap Anja and more but what really grabbed me was the style of writing that made me smile. Anja is no delicate maiden needing a savior and Cole is a man who is rather blunt but endearingly so. This was a bit over the top but in such a delightful way that I couldn’t stop reading once I began.

BOUGHT BY THE BEAR by Milly Taiden
Josilyn is in a tight financial situation as she takes care of the nephew in her charge. Her friend provides an opportunity to be pretend mat to Xander and she grabs it – she needs the money. Xander realizes at first sniff she is his mate but how to let her know without scaring her away? This story has someone out to do Josilyn in, Xander doing his best to keep her safe, a mother-in-law and ex-husband from H*ll and a HEA for all…I felt this might be part of a series and that I was missing something at times but all in all it was a fun read.

THE ALPHA AND I by Kate Baxter
Revenge wanted by a bear shifter puts Liam Murphy near death just off the road as Devon Kincaid drives by. Managing to get him home in one piece he wakes to realize his alpha wolf half has determined Devon is the mate they have been waiting centuries for. Keeping Devon safe, defeating the revenge seeker and introducing Liam’s pack are part and parcel of this story that made me want to read more in the series…if there is one. With humor and spice and a bit of nice this was another read that I thoroughly enjoyed.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press-Griffin for the ARC – This is my honest review.

4.5 Stars

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Overall I liked this set of novellas, they are short, cute stories that are easy reads. The one I enjoyed most (and the author I know most of) was the one by Eve Langlais. The others I probably liked a bit less - as some others pointed out there were some inconsistencies in the storylines but nothing too major. Also one other thing I noticed about this book was the price - I thought the price was a bit steep for 3 novellas - but I realize this was set by the publisher so...

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THANKS FUR LAST NIGHT is an anthology of never published novellas by authors Eve Langlais, Milly Taiden, and Kate Baxter.

BEARING HIS SIN, Eve Langlais :
This story should have been longer because there is so much going on that a little more explanation was needed. To be honest, I had to read it twice to keep everyone and everything straight. It turns out Anja is a Russian princess, and her family there wants her to marry to strengthen family ties and Cole, though a jerk, isn't going to let that happen. The humor is a bit raunchy, with a lot of bickering back and forth including snarkiness toward and by the grandmother who raised her, but the wedding scene was very different and funny. It seemed disjointed at times but the writing style that described what and where was very good. Normally I enjoy Ms. Langlais' stories, but if I were giving stars, I am afraid this one would get maybe three.

This is a lighter story than the previous one. Xander is a bear shifter and after meeting Josilyn is shocked that she is his true mate and he must work doubly hard to make her realize it too. There is also an added danger that you won't see coming, Josilyn's ex is a jerk but how horrible he comes at the end when she has to be rescued by a very angry bear. That surprise might have been better in a longer book because a number of questions, most explicitly how he (the ex) got away with so much hatred before marrying her needed to be answered. Still, the sweetness and humor are alive in this offering. I would have to give this four stars.

THE ALPHA AND I, Kate Baxter:
The chemistry between Devon and Liam is immediate, and if you dispense with the single woman alone with a naked man she's never met, then it really gets fun. I mean she is a smart cookie and really gutsy. There is a lot of humor, just picture a big guy wearing a too small t-shirt and a sheet because she doesn't have any pants that will fit. Very good, steamy short story that you will wish was longer!

THANKS FUR THE NIGHT just might be what you need on a cold, lonely night!

~Annetta Sweetko reviewing for Fresh Fiction

The complete review may be found at:

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Enter a world of smoldering shifters in this scintillating anthology headlined by New York Times bestselling authors Eve Langlais and Milly Taiden with brand-new, never published novellas!

Bearing His Sin
Cole should have killed Anja the moment he realized she was his mate. Instead, he let her live and now they’re on the hunt, chasing the morons who think they can force her to marry another man. Like hell. And while this shapeshifting bear might have his share of sins, he’s not going to let little things like murder and mayhem prevent him from having the woman meant to be the keeper of his heart.

Bought by the Bear
Josilyn Martinez just needed the money to help raise her nephew. That's it. There's no other reason she would take a job posing as a shifter's mate so he can assure his grandmother he's settled down. There's no reason to stay at his place so they learn "more about each other." And there's definitely no good reason she should get involved with the hard, hot, and handsome shifter that's hired her.
Xander just needs a fake mate for a week to get his grandmother off his back. But what's a bear shifter to do when the impostor mate he hired turns out to be his actual mate? All sweet, luscious curves and a heart of gold, Xander's not going to let his mate get away. Now all he has to do is show her that they belong together, one kiss and touch at a time...

The Alpha and I
Devon Kincaid is happy with her new life in Lowman, Idaho. Her little bar on the outskirts of the tiny, isolated town is doing well, and she’s not even interested in finding a man. But when she finds a bleeding man—a hot, hard, handsome, naked bleeding man—in the snow one night, Devon brings him home to care for him. He’s definitely not like any man she’s ever met before, but what she doesn’t realize is that he’s not just a man…
Liam Murphy isn't simply a werewolf. He's the Alpha. In a heated battle with a deadly bear shifter, he's moved his pack to the Sawtooth Wilderness in order to draw danger from them. He was hoping to escape his problems—but the last thing he expects to find in the isolated Idaho wilderness was his mate. Fragile and unfamiliar with the violent supernatural world, the only way he can protect Devon is to make her what he is: a werewolf. He only hopes that in the process convincing her to enter fully into his world, that he doesn’t drive away the one woman he can’t live without.


So, the blurb pretty much hits the highlights for each of the novellas in this book.

Each story is wonderfully written by three of the best paranormal romance writers. Each is super sexy with lots of heart. The biggest thing I have to say is that I wish each were full length because I did not get enough of each of the couples.

If you are looking for a good shifter romance, then you should read this. You get some quick interesting reads and they might whet your appetite for more of these Authors.

*I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this book provided by the publisher.*

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BEARING HIS SINS by Eve Langlais

This one was my least favorite story, where I lost interest towards the end and had to force myself to finish it just so I didn't have to label it a DNF. My main issue was Cole. I really didn't like him. There are books out there with incredibly grumpy and violent people/shifters who have a redeeming quality to counterbalance their attitude. Or the book is humorous enough that the exaggerated violence and prickly attitudes actually fit into the world building-even then those characters still have something else compelling going on with them for you to root for. Cole and this story have nothing to make Cole's behavior and actions okay. Cole is a dick. Anja and her Babushka are much better personality-wise and I enjoyed their combative yet loving relationship. The plot was all over the place with some silly moments that didn't do much to save this story from me waiting to get to the next story in this anthology.

BOUGHT BY THE BEAR by Milly Taiden

This was refreshingly nice romance to read after the previous story. I love the idea of Xander hiring Josilyn to be his fake mate to trick his grandmother. Granted lying to your grandma is not too great, the reason for it is pretty understandable. It was funny to read how Xander starts to realize that Josilyn is his real mate. I enjoyed the fact that Xander wasn't super confident about how to go about this relationship as it made the story seem relatable. This anthology should have been called "Awesome Grandmas" because between the previous story and Xander's grandma, grandams rule in these stories.

THE ALPHA AND I by Kate Baxter

This was another fun story even though there was no awesome grandma like in the other two stories. It had a romantic thriller feel to it and I could see this being expanded into a longer series. I liked the set up where Liam is trying to figure out what happened to him as his relationship with Devon grows. They had some nice banter and it was the sweetest of the three stories in this anthology.

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Assassins, hired mates and good Samaritans. When paranormal authors get together to create a box set of 3 shifter stories, add humor and sexiness, intrigue and romance, you know you are in for a wild ride. This is a great read right from page 1until the very last period.

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This book was fine, but lacking something.

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Three great stories from three great authors. All stories have a shifter and the woman he falls for. But they are very different from each other. From a Russian woman and her dominant and hilarious grandmother who tries to marry her off to an assassin. To a maid trying to make it and keep her nephew safe and the gorgeous shifter who will rescue her a few times. And the woman hiding in the middle of no where and stubbles upon a very naked and handsome man lying unconscious in the snow. Lots to love in this set for any paranormal romance reader.

I voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of the book.

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This is a first anthology I have read in a long time that all of the stories were really good. Normally there is one or two that you just skip...but this one has all good stories!

If you like shifters, you will love this!

Reviewed by Jenn of the GothicMoms Review Team

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Bearing His Sins by Eve Langlais
~ 5 Stars ~

I loved this short bear shifter read. It was crazy, OTT, funny and captivated me from the first page. I loved Anja, she was a strong heroine and held her own with Cole. They were perfectly matched. Two sides of the same crazy that kept me laughing throughout their short story.

What I loved:
The banter between Cole and Anja, Anja and her Babushka, her Babushka and Cole. Priceless!

Favorite Line(s):
* * * * * * * * * *
"Who wants to die when we can live to cause chaos?"

* * * * * * * * * *
"We should stop tempting each other. Getting involved with me is such a bad idea."
"I've been bad my whole life, so you'll fit right in."

* * * * * * * * * *
"Don't whine like a girl."
Whack. She punched him. Like a man.
* * * * * * * * * *

Memorable Moment:
Their first meeting pretty much set the tone for this read ...
* * * * * * * * * *
Anja: Totally doable. But given his lack of brightness, she worried about him being clingy. best to pass on this one.
* * * * * * * * * *
Cole: .... the woman his bear wanted to lick head to toe. Personally, he'd prefer to just just lick her between her thighs. He did so love honey.
* * * * * * * * * *

Would I recommend? Yes, I loved this short quirky read. Reminded me of a cross between Mr & Mrs Smith and Kresley Cole's IAD series. Definitely a fun read!

Bought by the Bear by Milly Taiden
~ 2 Stars ~
Both Xander and Josie were okay as MCs but the story for me was too rambly and tended to drag aimlessly a few times. It was a short read but I still found myself loosing interest and stopping only to pick it up again later. What normally would have taken me a couple of hours to read took me two days.

If you've read Milly Taiden before, this is pretty much the same formula. Sexy alpha shifters, some drama, a little snark/humor and hot smexy times.

Would I recommend? For a short easy read, yes.

The Alpha and I by Kate Baxter
~ 3 Stars ~

I liked Devon and Liam, she was an independent human and he was a protective and possessive wolf, which I love. I can't quiet put my finger on what didn't work for me, just that when it came to an end, I was just okay with it. Nothing really struck a chord with me.

Still is was a lot more action packed than the previous story and both Liam and Devon were well rounded characters. Not sure I'd continue with this series, but this story was a good starting point.
Would I recommend?: Yes, although I found it too slow down a bit too much, the story was still good and kept me well entertained.

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Thanks Fur Last Night was a fun compilation of 3 novellas by some great authors.

Bearing His Sins by Eve Langlaise was a 4.5 star read for me. She always writes these fun quirky characters that are goofy and sometimes just plain silly but they are always fun and extremely high on the heat meter. Her characters always work and this novella is no different Cole is an assassin for hire and Anja is a farm girl. Two complete opposites but boy do things go sideways fast and it just gets kookier! There are a few twists and of course fast paced.

Bought by the Bear by Milly Taiden was a 3 star read with Josilyn and Xander. Josilyn is a very strong character. I really liked her a lot. She is in charge of her nephew and has a battle on her hands on that front. Then there is Xander who needs to hire a mate and that doesn't go to plan at all. There were, what seemed to me to be a few inconsistencies, but overall the story was a good one with twits, a fast pace, and enjoyable.

The Alfa and I by Kate Baxter was 3 stars as well. Devon is another strong female and I just love when the women are strong. She is a bar owner and she can handle her self just not against some things. Liam has trouble written all over him and Devon gets caught in the middle. These two have a good fast paced read with an interesting plot.

4 stars over all

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Thanks Fur Last Night is a fantabulous collection of stories by marvelous authors that each have a gift for using well written worlds to build wonderful and intriguing worlds full of captivating and commanding characters.

Bearing His Skin by Eve Langlais keeps readers glued to the pages as murder and mayhem plaque Cole and Anja providing lots of thrilling suspense, excitement and some heated romance that is full of turmoil.

Bought by the Bear by Milly Taiden is an emotionally turbulent story that captures the readers’ hearts as well as their attention as Xander tries to convince Josilyn that their fake mating is not only the real thing but one that will last forever.

The Alpha and I by Kate Baxter captivates readers with an intense and emotional romance that has danger nipping at its heels which keeps anticipation building from the beginning to the end.

All three stories may be short but they pack one heck of a punch, as they all ensnare readers keeping them glued to the pages until they have read each and every word. The romances are fascinating with lots of sizzling chemistry that leaps from the pages and the stories are full of excitement and thrills that gives readers an exhilarating experience and I can’t wait to read the next Beast Sized Anthology which coming soon.

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Three and a half
I do love an anthology and this one features stories from three authors whose work I've previously enjoyed.
Bearing His Sin
I found this snarky pairing to be hilarious. I guess I was just in the mood for characters who some might find downright annoying but to me putting a bear assassin with a fierce woman from the Steppes and adding in a truly cantankerous grandmother just tickled my funny bone. Plus there's a twist in the tale !
Bought by the Bear
Initially a light easy to read story with a young woman ( Josie ) taking a chance but right from the offset things go awry. Xander needs a pretend Mate but hadn't expected to actually meet the woman of his dreams. Problem is he has to somehow convince Josie whilst at the same time find out just who seems to want her decidedly dead !
The Alpha and I
This was possibly the longest offering but honestly I really wish it had been a full length book. A snow clad wilderness reveals a very naked man and what do you know he's a Werewolf! Devon has made a new life for herself and it's one with no room for a new man but darn it not even she can leave Liam outside. Bringing him inside does have it's amusing side ( a distinct lack of items that fit him !) but it's perhaps the least humorous of the three offerings. Still an Alpha Werewolf and a human did actually make for a very interesting story.
So three very different styles are showcased here but if you enjoy paranormal romance and particularly shifter stories then I'm pretty sure there's something here for everyone.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

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Thanks Fur Last Night anthology

Bearing His Sins by Eve Langlais
A bear shifter assassin and a Russian mob princess make this paranormal romance quite an adventure. Often humorous and sexy, the pace is fast and fun. Meeting a mate can turn your life upside down.
Excerpt for writing style:
“I’m pretty sure this oak hates me. Which is pretty shortsighted of the tree, given she owned an axe.”

Bought by the Bear by Milly Taiden
A fake mate for the bear shifter? Nope. Trust the world to throw a curve ball.
A lot of hot and heavy sex along with f**king, both in dialog and deed. That’s the mating instinct.
With a change in perspective, the author takes a couple of steps backwards in time. While it makes sense to cover what happened with each in that timeframe, it temporarily pushed me into confusion until I readjusted.
Bottom line steamy and campy and brazen.

The Alpha and I By Kate Baxter
A naked werewolf can’t hide anything from his mate. But now the danger is stalking closer and he will do everything in his power to protect her.
A bit more tension along with suspense in this one. And an alpha that puts himself in harms way. Stupidly in my opinion. But that’s what made it suspenseful.

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Thanks Fur Last Night is a box set with the following Titles totaling around 400 pages:
Bearing His Sin by Eve Langlais;
Bought by the Bear by Milly Taiden;
The Alpha and I by Kate Baxter;
This is a great box set to get 'your feet wet' with shifter romances. I really enjoyed this set! So much so that it made me hunt down the authors to find more books from them.
Loved this set and would recommend it.

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This book has three stories in it and I enjoyed them all. The first story was hilarious! I loved the banter between the two main characters. The next two stories were shifter stories. Bought By The Bear was a good read. Josie and Xander had nice chemistry and the storyline was enjoyable. I have to say that the third story was my favorite. Loved the characters in that one quite a bit!! The Alpha and I was definitely a hit for me. I would have loved to see a bit more follow up with the ending though.

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Three great paranormal reads. This read includes three great shifter reads with great characters, fun and entertaining stories as well as some drama and suspense. I liked the characters and the chemistry between our heroes and heroines. The stories are fast-paced and held my interest throughout. I really liked it!

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