Member Reviews

Thanks Fur Last Night consists of three paranormal romance novellas, which are Bearing His Sin, by Eve Langlais; Bought by the Bear, by Milly Taiden; and The Alpha and I, by Kate Baxter.

In Bearing His Sin, Cole is a shifter bear and a hired assassin, while Anja is a human, farmer, and secret heir to her distant family of Russian mobsters. While working, Cole meets Anja and her unique grandmother. Both Cole and Anja are attracted to each other, yet frequently claim that they will kill each other. Plus, Cole immediately recognizes that they are mates. With rough and tough characters, this action packed story is also mixed with passionate romance and situations.

In Bought by the Bear, Xander is an alpha bear shifter with a former playboy lifestyle and home. Now, he needs to prove to his grandmother that he's settled with a mate. However, Xander actually doesn't have a mate, so he hires a fake mate who then turns out to be his real mate and a human. Josilyn is divorced, struggling financially (due to her ex-husband), and taking care of her little nephew, since her sister and brother-in-law died. The brother-in-law's mother is rich and rude, yet she wants to take control of her grandson, especially away from Josilyn. Xander and Josilyn are intense and focused in their unique relationship, while dealing with a lot of drama throughout the story.

In The Alpha and I, Liam Murphy is an older werewolf (not a shifter) and alpha wolf of his pack, while Devon Kincaid is a human and owner of a bar in a small town. After being chased, Liam is eventually attacked and left for dead, yet Devon saves him during a blizzard. Even though he's a werewolf and she's a human, they are mates. Within the first few days of meeting each other, Liam and Devon deal with plenty of drama and major action. Their conversations are slightly humorous, despite the danger.

Thanks Fur Last Night is geared towards those who enjoy reading action-suspense paranormal werewolf romances.

Note: I received this book from NetGalley, which is a program designed for bloggers to write book reviews in exchange for books, yet the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Bearing his sins by Eve Langlais
A serial killer that is a bear-shifter, strong female lead, babushka! What will happen when Russian descendant and the bear killer will happen to be mates, and she's not what everyone thinks - her past will be shocking.

Bought by The Bear by Milly Taiden
Fake mate, Love, tragedies in the background. I enjoyed this one. It was Full and allowed me to Connect with characters. Good story

The Alpha and I by Kate Baxter
The best out of 3. Yet still, i had issues like what Had happened to Devon's Dog? I liked characters The best. Also, the plot kept me The most on The edge with The anticipation.

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Thanks Fur Last Night has three stories by three different author in it. Bearing His Sin is by Eve Langlais. I'm a fan of Eve Langlais so this one was the main reason I wanted to read this anthology. Cole and Anja are both fun characters. Their banter had me laughing at some points. At some points I did get a little confused on what was going on but my interest in the characters kept me hooked. The Alpha and I by Kate Baxter was my favorite. Kate Baxter is a new to me author and The Alpha and I gave me a little taste of her writing and I'm definitely going to check out her books.

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I received an ARC of this anthology from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

It is a decent anthology it just didn't wow me! I am a paranormal romance fan and a shifter fan so I thought this would be right up my alley. I was a little disappointed that it didn't live up to my hopes. I give it 3 1/2 stars mainly for Kate Baxter's The Alpha and I.
I think I may have enjoyed the other two more if they were novel length, even a short one, but those novellas didn't give me enough to draw me in. The stories were okay just not long enough.

But I enjoyed The Alpha and I. I really liked Liam and Devon and their chemistry was hot. The story line flowed nicely and had just the right amount of steam. It was a sweet story.

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I requested this anthology thinking I was going to enjoy werebears in two of the three stories, but the result wasn’t what I was expecting. Please note that the stories aren’t related.

Bearing his sins - Eve Langlais : 0/5
The hero is a hit man spying on his potential next target, and who meets his mate on the neighboring land. He’s going to help her get rid of a too intruding suitor.
I read several stories by this author and finally stopped because of her too sexually aggressive heroines. I didn’t find this problem here, however it’s by far the worst story by this author in my opinion. The hero and the heroine’s conversations and thoughts are crude, vulgar, without any subtlety, and are permanently centered on sex. (I even discovered expressions I could have done without!). The characters’ behavior in inconsistent, they change their minds with the story that seems to be all over the place. Only positive point: we see the bear during two battle scenes. Not enough to raise the level.

Bought by the bear - Milly Taiden : 3/5
Josy needs money to raise her nephew and she accepts to impersonate Xander’s mate for money. Of course he realizes quite quickly she’s really the one meant for him.
It’s a very cute story with a plot already done but the author succeeded in renewing it. Of course saying mate means instant attraction but they don’t jump on each other directly. The thing I thought was too much was the story with the heroine’s ex-husband, doing all of this for revenge seems going a bit far. There are some typos at the beginning (mainly additional words) that will be corrected in the final version I hope. And here don’t expect the bear, we only see him a little at the end, even if the hero often talks about his inner bear.

The Alpha and I - Kate Baxter : 3/5
When Devon saves a naked and bloody man during a snow storm she is dumbfounded to discover he’s a werewolf, she’s his mate, and she’s now the target of his enemy.
This story too is quite classical, the heroine who discovers the existence of supernatural in general and especially werebeings, and the hero who falls for her at first sight, but it’s pleasant to read. A little negative point for the heroine’s idiotic moment when she decides to go back home to think instead of staying with the pack when she knows the enemy is still around (okay she accepts a bodyguard but still). There are several transformations of the hero and the bad guy in their respective animals, but however what happens to the heroine’s dog? It’s not even talked about in the second part of the story!

Conclusion 2 stories out of 3 it’s more than the average, and I really don’t recommend Eve Langlais’ story.

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Three authors, Three awesome, sexy, funny stories.
I have only read one of the authors in this set so this was a treat.

Bearing His Sins by Eve Langlais
New to me author..
This is a funny but very hot story. Cole is on a mission, Death is to be done but then Anja enters his vision. Others want her but so does he. Now what?
Grandma has a lot to say about what will happen now for your futures. haha too funny. I enjoyed it.

Bought by the Bear by Milly Taiden
New to me author..
This story is a variation of emotions for me. You get Josilyn who is trying hard to support her nephew that she doesn't want to lose, you get a best friend who helps her but doing WHAT? lol Well Xander will be letting her in on all the details... Now does she stay or run?

The Alpha and I by Kate Baxter
I have read Vampire books by this author but wow this book just blew me away.
Devon left her home and started over in a small town out in the middle of no where.
One night while driving home in the blizzard from hades she notices a man?
Liam has no clue what happened he only knows this human is his...

Absolutely fantastic set of stories...

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Fab compilation of PNR!

Bearing His Sin by Eve Langlais - Witty, OTT, and fabulously funny!

Bought By The Bear by Milly Taiden - Fake mates have a way of becoming true mates! Great read - Grandma almost stole the show

The Alpha and I by Kate Baxter- I felt this was the weakest of the three but that could be because I've read less of this authors work so don't have a real feel for it. Felt it would have been better as longer story so characters had more time to develop.

Overall a great collection of stories and well worth the money!

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This is a great collection of shifter stories to set your heart racing, I loved every one if them and couldn't wait to see what would happen next

I rec'd a copy from Netgalley and voluntarily leave my own thoughts

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This is another anthology from a set of lovely sets of authors.

Bearing His Sin by Eve Langlais

~Is a bit confusing, fast phased and funny. The narration was confusing, with the way the characters were ,throwing line with abandon. It was a bit hard to keep track of the conversation. But if you analyze everything, it really amusing to read the way they interact with each other.

Bought by the Bear

~is your normal woes of a parent...well an aunt that has to raise her nephew, that is being hindered by the nephew's grandmother. This is actually a good story, what are the chances that you will meet your actual mate? And I love how this turned out to be.

The Alpha and I
~Somewhat is a bit different in the terms of this anthology. For one, this has the most actions, and the second, Liam is a werewolf, not a bear. Yeah, he is being chased by a bear, but heck! It's a good addition to the series.

~~~In retrospect the three stories are nice. I know, I know....nice is not a good word. You need to remember, in every new series, the 1st book would carry the expectation of the readers. Hence, I am not going to judge this book in a bad way because I like reading it. In spite of the ups and downs of it, it will all come down if you enjoyed reading it, which is I did.

Another series to look forward to! Keep it coming!

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All three of these novellas are definitely worth the read. At times hilariously cute, heart wrenching, smoldering and scorchingly HOT!
You'll Love reading each one of them!

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Bearing His Sins - Eve Langlais - 3 stars
Loved the fast paced antics of this couple as they attempt to stop the person trying to kidnap the heroine. This has a lot of banter, exemplary secondary characters and a nice little storyline. Steam factor is high but late in the story.

Bought by the Bear - Milly Taiden - 3 stars
This one has a bit of a mystery, some action and lots of steam. The dialogue was a bit stilted initially but soon evened out.

The Alpha and I - Kate Baxter - 3 stars
I enjoyed this one with its romantic thriller feel. The heroine did make a decision that made me want to roll my eyes at one point.

Overall, I liked this anthology and each of the stories within. Good for a little taste of each author’s work.

This is an honest review of an advanced copy provided by NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press.

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Review & Giveaway: THANKS FUR LAST NIGHT by Eve Langlais, Milly Taiden & Kate Baxter
Publication Date: January 30, 2018
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Reviewed by: Reading in Pajamas/ Donna
Rated 4.5 Stars

This was a fun cohesive anthology by three talented writers. All three stories held the same feeling…part humor and part suspense, so you didn’t have to regroup when starting the next story. I liked that a lot. Eve Langlais’ BEARING HIS SINS had some quirky characters and fun banter. Just when I thought I had things figured out, the author sent a curveball. I liked that, along with the smoking hot romance. Milly Taiden’s BOUGHT BY THE BEAR was a fun, fast-paced sexy romp. The dangerous excitement blended well with the sexy romance between Josie and Xander. I wish it was longer! Kate Baxter’s THE ALPHA AND I, wasn't as humorous as the others, but it blended so well with the other stories, I didn’t skip a beat. It was a sexy, action packed romance that kept me turning the pages. A nice fast read.

*Review copy provided by St. Martin’s Press in exchange for an honest review.


Kindle $9.99

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WOW!! Yea 3 amazing stories.

These are my favorite, you get to sample different authors in one book. Each story is unique and great. Well written.

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I know people who love Eve Langlais, but I'm DNFing the first story, Bearing His Sins, after 3 chapters. The hero is incredibly unlikable and dialogue is ridiculous. I think it's supposed to be funny but it's just crude and kind of awkward, as though the characters (or possibly the writer) are not native English speakers. After that experience I’m just not interested in reading in the other stories any time soon, though I may comeback to the Baxter story one day.

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I have reviewed and rated each of the three novellas separately.

Novella 1 - Bearing His Sin by Eve Langlais
So, what did I think about this story?
Eve Langlais is a new-to-me author but I don’t think that she writes my kind of stories.
In the first chapter, we meet Cole, a bear shifter and our story's hero. I didn't like him at all; he isn’t my kind of swoon worthy hero due to his many personality flaws. Our heroine, Anja, is more like the strong female leads that I like but I felt disappointed with the insta lust between the pair; it didn't feel natural or believable.

I prefer paranormal stories that aren't as farfetched as this, both in the plot lines and characterizations. If the setting is now in our world, I prefer it if the author writes more complex human facets, temperament and foibles onto their supernatural beings. With a paranormal romance set in a fantasy world, I feel there's more poetic licence, for example, I like the Dragon Kin books by G.A. Aiken, I can suspend my dislike of male chauvinistic behaviour and insta love/lust and just go with the flow. The characters in Bearing His Sin feels similar to this series so I tried to forget that the story takes place in our world and just go with the flow... but I struggled.

There are certainly a great many twists and turns in this plot which kept me wondering what would happen next, however, they weren’t as smooth as I’ve read in novellas from other authors. While we’re on the subject of smooth, although I enjoyed the way the relationship aspect of this tale was concluded, the very end had flummoxed me, did I miss something?
My Goodreads Rating For This Novella: 2 Stars (It was OK)

Novella 2 - Bought by the Bear by Milly Taiden
So, what did I think about this story?
Milly Taiden is another new-to-me author. I really liked the concept for this story and I found it very easy to read, however, there were some aspects of her writing style that jarred; I thought that the way Ms Taiden laid out Josie’s background story wasn't as smooth as it could have been, both the order in which she described incidents and facts and some of the prose she used (as a pre-proofed arc, I tried to ignore the editing needs assuming that they would be fixed before publication) and some of the dialogue between characters felt forced, out of context and a bit unnatural at times.

In the first chapter we meet our heroine, Josie. I liked her, she’s got gumption; although she's lost everything she's still fighting, she’s loyal, still has a sense of humour and is looking after her young nephew. We’re introduced to our hero, Xander in the next chapter and I thought that he had potential. He’s an alpha bear shifter in charge of a huge company but he still has an honourable humanity about him, a sense of humour (I liked the banter between him and Keir) and a kind heart; I chuckled at his “problem” of needing a fake mate to placate his human grandmother – so sweet. I liked the personalities of our romantic couple and I enjoyed the emotional turmoil that their situation caused.

Having said that, I must just say that the "you are mine" declarations in these types of stories only gets me hot when the male also declares that he is hers completely too otherwise it's just a chauvinistic pig statement for me and the magic's gone. Unfortunately, Xander fell into this box all too often. Shame. :-(

I understand that writing a standalone novella is challenging; creating a full, engaging story within so few pages. Bought by the Bear is crammed pack with storylines – Xander’s need for a fake mate to satisfy his human grandmother, Julia, for him to settle down and have kids, Josie’s custody battle for her nephew Nick with his snobby grandmother, Mildred, Josie’s dire financial situation following her very messy divorce from Michael, a deranged wolf shifter on the loose, the prejudices Josie regularly experiences due to her size and cleaning job together with a mystery stalker/psycho fixated on her – all running alongside the romance/relationship aspect! With so much going on, I felt that this story was rushed, especially towards the end, to enable all the loose ends to get neatly tied up.
My Goodreads Rating For This Novella: 2 Stars (It was OK)

Novella 3 - The Alpha and I by Kate Baxter
So, what did I think about this story?
I am already a fan of Kate Baxter’s books; I find her writing style very easy to read, her plots engaging and her characters intelligently written and full of depth, including the supporting cast. I was delighted to find the same level of care and proficiency in this novella.

We meet both our male and female lead characters in the first chapter; I liked Devon straight away, she's what I look for in a heroine, intelligent, witty, resilient and self reliant – she had gumption – but life hasn’t been a bunch of roses, Devon comes with her own troubles and backstory. Our hero, Liam, is a werewolf and Alpha to a local(ish) pack and has his own troubles nipping at his heels. I liked the humour and the way our romantic couple dealt with their feelings for each other and I appreciated the fact that Liam had had to earn Devon's trust, I think that made this paranormal tale feel more believable.

I really enjoyed The Alpha and I, my only niggle is that Devon's dog, Mac, wasn't mentioned after they left him in her cabin to go to Liam's pack in Stanley. I'm sure Devon wouldn't have forgotten Mac but it would have been nice to get a sentence or two confirming this after the threat had ended.
Oh and I must just say that I liked the "can't lie to a mate without pain" addition to the traditional werewolf lore that Ms Baxter created here. In short, I laughed, I cried, I held my breath in anxiety and I felt the flutters of arousal; I was gripped from beginning to end.
My Goodreads Rating For This Novella: 5 Stars (It was amazing)

So, basically what I’m saying is...
Now before I go on to summarise my thoughts for the book as a whole, I want to say that I do love paranormal romance stories with titillating sex scenes; my favourite authors manage to make the most explicit sexual scenes still feel very romantic -I’m a soppy sod at heart. I think that it takes a very talented writer to accomplish this because often, when reading ‘erotic’ or ‘passionate’ stories in this genre, I feel that romance is sacrificed for porn-esque sex and for me, a story is only really erotic if I’m emotionally connected to the characters involved.

So bearing that in mind, I think that this paranormal romance anthology is OK, I enjoyed reading it. Of the three novellas I really liked one (I’m sure you can guess which one, lol!) but still thought the other two were OK. I felt that this book was a good opportunity for me to read a couple of new-to-me authors who keep popping up on my Amazon and Goodreads “recommended book” feeds and read a new story from a firm favourite, having said that I think I would have felt a bit disappointed if I had actually purchased this for myself (n.b. the current Kindle selling price of £7.59 seems a bit steep to me).

Due to the graphic violence and sexual content in these novellas – they are definitely steamy and not blood-shy - I’d recommend this book to existing fans of Eve Langlais, Milly Taiden or Kate Baxter and adults who are fans of relationship and romance stories with oodles of action and passion galore.

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I enjoyed 2 out of 3 of these stories.
Bearing His Sins: was not that interested in at first. But the more I read the more I was hooked. The characters had great chemistry. I loved the grandma as well. Loved that Anja was no simmering miss by any means.
Bought by the Bear by Milly Taiden
a hot short story. Still full storyline in this short story. However, at times I did loose track of the timing in the story.
I liked the main character-Xander. Josie was ok.
The Alpha and I by Kate baxter. I was not interested in this story at all, Not impressed with this author.

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I enjoyed these novellas very much. Just long enough to give a nice complete story with good characters that are also short enough to be read on a train journey. No real weird or wonderful plot twists and fairly predictable but readable and engaging at the same time.

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I love the punny name. That's probably the thing I liked about it the most. I wanted a review copy of this because I've heard so much about Eve Langlais on Facebook, so I thought why not try it, and while I did enjoy all of them they all felt a little rush, even for novellas. The good thing is that these are all brand new novellas never published before.

Bearing His Sin: Eve Langlais

Probably the funniest one, the two main characters Cole and Anja bicker almost the whole story. They are that one couple who constantly fight but it is obvious that they love each other. His "I'm still trying to figure out if I'm going to kill you" running gag reminded me of, "Good night Wesley I'll more than likely kill you in the morning". This was an action packed, humorous but the overall story was just ehh. It did feel like it was being rushed through. Cole is a hitman/assassin scoping out his next job when Anja drops him to his knees, well he falls out of a tree close enough. Anja's crazy Russian grandmother takes a liking to Cole and invites him to the house. Turns out Anja is on the run from a marriage she doesn't want a family that is more than likely trying to kill her. Tired of hiding Anja decides to go back to her home country and make it perfectly clear she is not going to be forced in to a marriage she doesn't want. And because Cole's bear has pretty much already claimed Anja as his mate, he goes along to handle all the killing.

Bought by the Bear: Milly Taiden

Despite having, in my opinion, a horrible title this was really and adorable story. Josilyn gained custody of her nephew when her sister and her brother-in-law died suddenly in a car accident. Their will stipulated she was to gain custody of Nick and not his paternal grandmother who, although has enough money to support him, is incapable of showing and emotion other than disdain. It wouldn't have been so bad if Josilyn's ex-husband hadn't of ruined her career to the point the only thing available to her was with a maid service. Josilyn's best friend found the perfect temp job for her that pays a buttload, enough money to catch up on her bills and then some, all she has to do is pretend to be a mate to a shifter. Xander's plan of a fake mate to show off to his grandmother was full proof, until he realized there was nothing fake about Josilyn. Xander knew as soon as he saw her she was his true mate. All he has to do is ease her into the idea that the mating is real. This was an enjoyable story, I liked it I would be interested in reading other books in this series.

The Alpha and I: Kate Baxter

The longest one in this anthology, also the only one where the bear shifter is the bad guy and probably my least favorite of the three. Not that there is anything really wrong with it I just didn't enjoy it as much as the other two. Devon moved out to Lowman, Idaho to escape an abusive relationship. Liam was out having a normal run with his pack when they were ambushed the next thing he knows he's waking up in a house fifty miles from where he started. Devon rescued the bloodied naked man from the blizzard and brought him home, only he has no idea how he got there. The chemistry is palpable between Devon and Liam but Devon has been burned in the past and is a little wary about anything now. When a body is found in the park Liam can guess what happened and with another blizzard on the way he can only hope they can make it to his pack in time before the vengeful bear shifter catches up to them.

There is another anthology coming out later containing book two of these series so keep a lookout.

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Three novellas in one book.
Bearing his Sin: I did not care for Cole in the beginning of the book, but Anja and especially her Babushka were hilarious. Her backstory and hidden family were interesting, and the story really picks up when they travel to Russia. Good story.
Bought by the Bear: Josilyn is in trouble. She has no money, a pushy ex in-law who wants her nephew who she cares for, and no hope. In comes Xander Uris who needs a fake mate. Upon meeting however, surprise, surprise!! She is his mate. A good read.
The Alpha and I: Was a decent enough read with of course a mate, danger and a bloody fight.

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Anthologies aren't usually my favorite and I tend to stay away from them unless I'm looking for a specific story. I did enjoy this one though. It was a good addition to the PNR genre, and I will definitely seek these authors out in the future.

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