Member Reviews

Jonas Reval is the Principality of San Michele’s super eligible Prince Charming–at least he will be if the family has its way. But Jonas has been paying his dues in the family high-powered law firm for long enough. He wants to live life on his own terms, and that does not include romance.
Hope Kennard’s childhood was rocked by scandal and financial ruin. With the death of her beloved but misguided father, she left England to travel the world in search of peace and purpose. No commitments, no baggage, no regrets. This philosophy works for Hope until she takes a housesitting job in sunny, beautiful San Michele and has a fateful meeting with a handsome and intriguing man. Hope senses Jonas has secrets, but she has a few of her own. Can two people stop running from themselves long enough to find love?
This was a cute read with no real drama except on Hope’s end. I really liked Jonas and I understood where both characters were coming from. While I understand her mistrust, using it , as the main conflict between the pair and when I understood why Jonas did it, made me like her a little less and drop my rating a little.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

**Copy Provided by Netgalley and Tule Publishing for an honest review**
This is a sweet read that motors along fairly quickly, but is also fairly predictable.
Hope is currently living abroad in San Michele and has escaped her life back home in England. She has travelled well and has picked up lots of skills and is getting better at learning languages, however she is currently dog sitting for a wealthy family.
Jonas keeps secrets that eventually lead to a breakdown of trust and Hope's broken trust issues.
The ending is good, the friends that Hope has are lovely, but somehow it felt a little flat for me. Will be iterating to see how the next authors follow on with the story.

I truly enjoyed The Prince’s Bride by Sophia Weston, book one in Royal Wedding Invitations series. Jonas Reval might be a member of San Michele’s royalty but he feels most at home when he is working in the outdoors rather than in his family high-power law firm. Hope Kennard grew up amid lies, scandal, and financial ruin. After the death of her father, Hope leaves England to travel the world, searching for peace and a purpose. Her travel has her taking a house and dog-sitting job in San Michele where she unexpectedly meets the handsome Jonas. Hope has a feeling that Jonas is keeping secrets from her, but she has a few of her own. Can these two stop running from themselves long enough to find love with each other?
I really loved enjoyed this book and had trouble putting this book down, reading this book in one day. Ms. Weston drew me in and did not let go until I read the last page. I recommend this book to other readers and cannot wait for the next book in this amazing series.
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

3.5 Perfect Cover Stars
* * * 1/2
Oh, this had all the yummies that catch my eye:
Perfect Cover- Check
Bride in the concept- Check
A Reluctant Prince who falls for a "Commoner"- Check and Check-
And part of a series which will have the stories told around the same location and royal family...
Check, Check,Check

Jonas Revel is a Prince that wants nothing more than to just live his life without jumping through all the hoops of royal life. Jonas does his best to have as little to do with royal events and lead his life more normally even going as far as to volunteer for the park rangers. It’s out in the woods that Jonas first meets Hope.
Hope Kennard has been running from her past for quite awhile choosing to travel and see the world to hide from the scandal that her father caused. Now Hope has taken a job house and pet sitting in San Michele where she runs into Jonas when she gets a little turned around in the woods. Hope and Jonas hit it off but both have a few secrets of their own they need to confront to make it work between them.
The Prince’s Bride by Sophie Weston is the first book in the new contemporary romance Royal Wedding Invitations series. Each book in this series is going to be by a different author and contain a different couple that revolve around this royal family in San Michele.
This opening book of the series opened up with Hope and Jonas and set the royal stage for the following stories. For me I loved Jonas right away in this one as he was rushed about with his royal duties but it took a while for me to warm up to Hope, she just seemed a little off for some reason to me. But once the story got going it really became a nice opening to what I hope will be a great series.
I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

If I had to rate this book to my Disney-oh-meter it would be off the charts... Since the movie 'The Prince and Me' (yesssss, it is from 2004, I know I'm getting old...) is one of my favorite movies, the cover and the blurb immediately attracted me. And what do you know... the story has a lot of similarities with my favorite movie. He: the prince who doesn't want to be a prince and she: the girl who has no time for romance in her life. And then they accidentally meet and fall in love.
And then: she discovers what he has been hiding from her. Is love enough when you become part of the royal family and thus the focus of every paparazzi in the world?
Jonas and Hope are wonderful characters, brought to live by Sophie Weston. And although the story is a bit predictable, it really had my inner Disney princess doing a happy dance. So definitely four out of five stars from me and a special thank you to Netgalley for providing the ARC.
And yay, this book is the first of a series of four books! Can't wait to start on the next ones in the series.

This book was just ok in my opinion. I found that it dragged quite a bit and I lost interest.

The Prince’s Bride makes for perfect escapist reading if you happen to be a lover of light, sweet romances. While we do get inside the bedroom door, we are only given enough to demonstrate the growing relationship between Prince Jonas and Hope Kennard.
Royal romances always seem to have a bit of a fairytale feel to them—the glamorous and pampered lifestyle so many of us dream of—so it was rather refreshing to read one in which our hero spent much of his time working as a lawyer or volunteering happily as a forest ranger, only reluctantly taking on the trappings of royalty when it was unavoidable.
Hope, his heroine, is a bit of a jack of all trades, ably managing her dog and house sitting job while also demonstrating her versatility by helping with a forest rescue and settling into a completely different sphere of work later in the book.
These two are well matched yet as a reader you can’t help wondering how they will ever overcome their differences to reach their happy ever after. I enjoyed watching them work it all out.

When your life had been turned upside down, your youthful memories not of a happy family but of a father’s incarceration – well, a lie is never an easy thing to be told, not even those little white lies that flow so naturally in civilized society. Hope has no tolerance for lies of any sort. Having seen the results of her father’s lies, how his misleading destroyed so much for so many people… no, lies will never be acceptable. So when Hope meets a real life Prince who is going about his normal, real life – without the pomp and circumstance his sister-in-law insists on- well, Jonas didn’t tell the complete truth, granted an omission is also a lie but he didn’t understand the importance of that difference to Hope at their first meeting. It would matter, and it would come back to bite him far too soon, before explanations could be made. He’d told her the truth that he was in fact a practicing lawyer, that he did volunteer work with the forest Rangers… he neglected to mention that he was also known as His Serene Highness, Prince Jonas of San Michele.
Most of us could understand the desire of a prince who has just met a lovely, interesting woman who does not recognize him to allow friendship or more to develop between them before revealing his true identity, titles included. We might not like it, but I believe we’d understand why at least. Hope’s trust in Jonas was shattered when she discovered who he also is and their story is Jonas coming to understand just how important the absolute truth is to Hope… and Hope coming to realize that while he did omit something vital, Jonas has also gone to great lengths to make up for that and prove his honest love for her. I enjoyed their story. If I was more on the team Jonas side well that didn’t mean I couldn’t see Hope’s point but her ridged mindset at times made her not so likable for me. With several interesting and intriguing secondary characters being introduced in this first world building story, now I’m hooked on looking for the other stories to come in this series. I would recommend The Prince’s Bride for any Romance reader and suspect that you’ll easily get caught up in the rest of the series as well.
*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

A sweet magical story that reads like a fairy tale. Hope and Jonas are both people trying to live life on their terms and outside the shadow of their family. He's a royal and she's the daughter of a scandalized father. There is no way these two should work but the heart doesn't always listen to reason when it comes to matter of love.
This is a wonderfully written book with some great characters. It's a recommended read.

Hope Kennard had been traveling the world trying to get away from her past. Then she lands a job as a housekeeper on San Michele. One day while out walking the dog, she gets lost in the forest and a handsome forest ranger comes to her rescue. Little did Hope know, he was really Prince Jonas, a prince who is happiest working at the family law firm and volunteering as a forest ranger. When Hope learns the truth about Jonas, she gets upset. She doesn’t like secrets or lies. Hope and Jonas both have some issues to work through before they can get their happily ever after.
This is the first installment of the Royal Wedding Invitations series and can’t wait to read the rest of the books. The author did a great job building an interesting and entertaining love story.

I was pleasantly surprised by this novel. I thought I knew what to expect from it but I was not entirely right. Yes, Jonas and Hope live happily ever after but only following a realistic period of doubt, anxiety and estrangement. One of the plot features I most liked was the fact that the break in their relationship came midway through and the second part of the novel was used to resolve their differences.

When someone does not feel validated or appreciated it can cause secrets and barriers to go up in their relationships. Such is the case for Jonas Revel and Hope Kennard in The Prince's Bride by Sophie Weston. I liked how these two wanted to live life on their own but it is obvious that they needed more love in their lives. The romance is built upon a friendship of sorts. That fit exactly with the characters who still had personal issues to work though. The romance forces them to do that.
The Prince's Bride is an entertaining read with some angst. Characters made mistakes making them normal like the rest of us. The plot is focused on the romance and the characters ability to work through their individual issues. Not too long of a story with a pleasing conclusion.

A sweet love story about Hope and Jonas. Hope is a young woman whose life was upended when her father disgraced the family and caused their financial ruin. Since that time Hope has traveled all over and been very wary of any dishonesty in her relationships. Jonas meets Hope in his job as a forest ranger and just forgets to mention he is the Prince of San Michele.
This story has a very low spice level and focuses on the romance and the story which I enjoyed. Both Hope and Jonas have parts of their life that they don't want to dwell on but Hope is pretty open about her family scandal very early on which I liked. Jonas isn't so honest and it comes back to bite him.
This is the first book in a series and I look forward to reading the rest.

While I enjoyed the beginning and the set-up of the romance between Jonas and Hope, I found the middle somewhat boring and found myself skimming to the end. I was just not fully invested in Hope's painful past and and did not buy the reasons keeping them apart. That said, I did enjoy the ending. Other romance readers may feel differently.