Member Reviews

Great read with kids. Good illistrations. Holiday books are always a good basis for kids even if the message is not directly related to the holidays. Would recommend.

This colorful and easy to use book will appeal to youngsters. The clear and simple writing in both English and Spanish are great for those introducing either language to children.

If only dragons were real it’d make snow shoveling so much easier. The book focuses on winter and family activities like baking cookies, decorating the tree, shoveling snow and more.
It’s written in a very easy to read and understand rhythmic pace. Kids can learn to read and learn a new language at the same time thanks to the bilingual story.
The illustrations are brightly colored, depict the fun of the story and will help keep children focused while bringing the book to life.
There are educational lessons after the story that show the multiple levels this book can be used for at home and in the classroom.
As a parent reading this with my kids one of the fun things for me was that not every piece of the story was given which allowed me to make it more interactive, ask my daughter questions, and help increase her critical thinking skills. For example:
The story has the following sentences:
“Look at this. Down, down it comes.”
After reading that I asked my daughter what was coming “down” in the picture – which was snow. That led to me talking to her about snow, how it forms, what you can do with it, etc. There were many instances where the simplicity of the story allowed for much deeper lessons and more quality with my kids.
I like the series and have found it to be very educational and helpful. My kids adore the dragon.

I officially want a dragon snow shovel. So much quicker and easier. While this is Merry Christmas Dear Dragon, it focuses more on family and being together than the holiday. I love that the book is bilingual, and that the old easy readers are being brought to a new generation.

I thought that this book was an ok read, I did like that the Spanish was written and then the English underneath so you could learn words from both languages if you wanted too. It is a simple book that would be good for young children and early readers as there is an awful lot of rhyming and repetition - which is exactly what they need to learn, even if I'm not a huge fan! 3 stars from me.

This is a simple story about a boy and his pet dragon, and the winter fun and activities they take part in, in the run-up to Christmas. The special thing about this book however, is that the story is told in both English and Spanish, with sentences told twice, once in English and once in Spanish. This is a brilliant (and sneaky!) way to teach young people another language without making it seem like a chore. The story is nothing spectacular, but the illustrations are bright and fun. There are some extra teaching points at the end of the book, as well as phonetic pronunciation suggestions, which is a good addition. A good aid for teaching new languages, but not the finest of stories.