Member Reviews

Once again Lisa Genova has crafted a novel that grabs readers from the very first page and never lets them go.
Her career as a neuroscientist gives her a unique perspective on the diseases she writes about. She has lived the ALS journey and understands the situation from the perspective of both a scientist and a patient.
This is a must read book and fully deserves a 5 Star Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Once again, Lisa Genova has taken a neurological disease and made it real for her readers. ALS is not just the ice-bucket challenge, and in this novel we see its direct effects on one man and his family. Although sometimes simplistic, I think the message is strong enough to make this a very compelling read.

Richard Evans is a world-famous concert pianist who has recently been diagnosed with ALS. As his health quickly deteriorates and as he requires more and more complex and expensive care, he thinks back on his life and on the mistakes he has made and the regrets he has for things he has done or not done. He misses no longer being able to play the piano; he misses close relationships he has had with women including his ex-wife, Karina; he regrets how he treated Karina and wishes he could ask for her forgiveness while he still can; but most of all, he regrets that he had not been a better father to Grace, their now college-aged daughter.
Karina is also a talented pianist and still, in many ways resents Richard for the affairs, for not appreciating her desire to become a jazz pianist, for moving them from New York with its strong jazz community where she was beginning to get a name for herself, to Boston where jazz has never developed much of a following. When she hears from old acquaintances about Richard's condition, she decides to visit him. Although shocked by the changes in him, she is determined not to get involved with his care but, as his condition deteriorates, she decides that he should move back with her so she can care for him. His care requires more and more of her time and, not surprisingly, she begins to feel resentment both towards him and even herself for taking this on. But, as he becomes more dependent on her and outside care and with the aid of one of his caregivers, she begins to reassess their relationship. She realizes that blame for their divorce was not all one-sided and starts to understand that she chose to make many of the sacrifices she had made throughout the marriage.
Every Note Played by author Lisa Genova is a beautifully written and heartbreaking story about the terrible cruelty of diseases like ALS as they rob their victims not only of their health but of their dignity while leaving the mind fully intact and aware of what is happening so that, by the end, death is a welcome relief. It also shows the difficulties, hardships, and sense of guilt at the inevitable feelings of resentment it places on family members who are forced into the role of caregivers and the necessity for empathetic and professional aid to help them. By making Richard and Karina both complex characters, both imperfect, with flaws, regrets, and resentments as well as moments of clarity, kindness, and, in the end, forgiveness, Genova makes the book even more poignant, heartrending, but also relatable.
Every Note Played is not an easy book to read - it could even be described as painful as the reader accompanies Richard and Karina through the tragedy of ALS - but it is also a very well-written and compelling story as well as a very informative book not only about ALS but the physical and psychological trauma experienced by both the sufferers and their caregivers. This is the kind of story that stays with you long after you have finished reading it and I cannot recommend it highly enough.
<i>Thanks to Netgalley and Simon & Schuster Canada for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review</i>

Lisa Genova is an artist, conveying through the written word compassion, insight and candor for her characters and the topic at the heart of her stories. They are not only an examination of the human condition when pitted against the slimmest of odds but also a call to action to educate and mobilize her readers. Although Still Alice and Left Neglected remain my absolute favourites, with Every Note Played, Lisa Genova continues to excel at her craft.

Brillant as always. I have yet to be let down from this author! The subject was well-researched and felt incredibly real to me. It's an uncomfortable subject for many to deal with and I'm glad it's getting some exposure through this book as many people may be dealing with issues such as this.

I will always love Lisa Genova's work and I love how in depth she goes into these stories. The subjects of her books are never easy to deal with and this one isn't easy at all. The main character has ALS and has to get used to not being able to do the thing he loves. Play music. It's really quite heartbreaking and eye opening into what those with ALS suffer

Thanks to Netgalley for my copy. 4.5*
A moving emotional tale of the trauma of dealing with a diagnosis of ALS. Richard is a world class pianist when he is given the painful and devastating news he has ALS. Karina is his ex wife who is fighting her own emotional battle after always coming second to his career.
Although Richard is quite an unlikeable character this is a brutally honest and heart-breaking tale of the emotional onslaught of such a diagnosis not only for the patient but for those surrounding them.
Genova's books are always so thoroughly researched and rightly so considering her medical background. Having said that her skill also lies in creating multi layered characters that we are invested in. Another cracker in her repertoire.

Lisa Genova is one of my favorite authors. They always have just the right amount of heart and science. Every Note Played is no different. I finished this novel and was sad when I was done, I wanted more, but I also felt that I actually learned something. This novel is beautiful and will stay with you long after you are finished the last page.

Thank you netgalley, the publisher and Lisa Genova for this wonderful story.
The story of Richard an accomplished pianist who at 45 is diagnosed with ALS, his ex-wife Karina who becomes his caregiver.
We see Richard go thru this horrible proceed of loosing total mobility and body function. Karina, who becomes his caregiver. Karina, a music teacher who gave up her promising career for her husband and daughter Grace. Karina who is still bitter from the divorce and stuck in her life.
Sad, heart wrenching story. Highly recommend. Thank you Lisa Genova for giving us such a wonderful story.

One of the things I love most about Lisa Genova's books is that they add a level of humanity to the physical ailments of her central characters. Sure, I know what alzheimer's is and I've heard of ALS, but reading Genova's books about characters and the people around them and how they deal with the diseases on a daily basis makes things real. I've been fortunate that none of my close family members have had these conditions, so I can still maintain some emotional distance, but at the same time, I'm compassionate enough to appreciate how these diseases can change a person.
I am skeptical enough that I don't believe everything I read, but in Genova's case, I have decided to trust that she has done her research and though her depiction may not be what every person goes through, it is a fair telling of what someone might go through. For that I can appreciate that she is telling me a story and providing me with some insight into the manifestation of these diseases along the way.
I find that I look forward to Genova's books because I know I will feel something and come away with a better appreciation of her chosen topic. I can usually count on crying at least once through the telling, so I try to time these books appropriately.

Another novel by Lisa Genova, another in depth look at a serious medical condition. In Every Note Played, the author tackles ALS, that cruel disease which reduces the brain's ability to control motor function until muscles atrophy and autonomic systems begin to fail. We all understand the eventual outcome for those unfortunate enough to contract the disease. Our hearts break when we know someone afflicted with ALS.
I was impressed with the Genova’s choice of characters which made Every Note Played much more than another sad story. Richard is a concert pianist. His mastery of the keyboard sets him above and apart from the rest of us average folks. ALS will rob him of his career, his ego and his life. The thing is, Richard is not a nice guy. He is a selfish, egotistical womanizer who put his career aspirations above his (now) ex wife and daughter. He is unlikeable. It's hard to feel remorse for him in the early stages of the disease. Instead we pity Karina, a woman who sacrificed her dreams for this scoundrel of a man.
It is not until we witness the unrelenting decline in his ability to care for himself that the reader begins to feel sorry for Richard. The author drives home the commitment needed by professionals and family members to care for those affected. The toll on caregivers is both physical and emotional. There is nothing storybook about end-stage care.
A story of regret, reconciliation and eventual acceptance. A memorable peek at a devastating disease.
ARC received with thanks from publisher via Net Galley for review.

This was an emotional read, just like all Lisa Genova books. While Richard is not necessarily a sympathetic character, one does sympathize with his situation. Obviously well-researched, this book does describe the realities of someone living with ALS and the care they will need, it does lack slightly the personal touch that her other books had. I just really had not much connection to Richard, or to Karina, or to their daughter Thank you for granting my wish to read this book (but I had already read it from the library).

Thank You to Simon & Schuster, Gallery/Scout Press and NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Thank You for granting my wish because this just might be the best book I will have read in 2018!
This is an amazing heart felt book that deals with a terminal disease, ALS, and it's effects on everyone involved. Far past the time I should have turned the lights off, I pushed on with tired, scratchy eyes consumed with the life of Richard. We travel through his illness with him, through all his stages of denial, grief and regrets of the way he has lived his life. We meet his ex-wife, Karina, in his final months as she cares for him.
These were not characters in a book but close friends I desperately wanted to love and support.
Highly recommend this to all readers because this is one you do not want to miss!

Lisa Genova's Every Note Played is the story of a world-class musician, Richard, who is diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and his ex-wife, Karina, who re-enters his life following that diagnosis. The novel moves between their points-of-view and allows us to learn Richard's thoughts, as he navigates a degenerative motor condition, and Karina's thoughts, as a caregiver and someone coming to terms with the medical condition of her estranged ex-husband. Not only was this a great read but it was a very timely one, given the recent attention paid to ALS due to the ice bucket challenge and also the death of Stephen Hawking, who survived an unusually long time with ALS.
In my view, Genova's strength is that she can bring to life the various aspects of a medical condition. I teach university-level neuroscience courses and I find that the textbooks will list various symptoms and underlying changes that are linked to ALS. In contrast, Genova brings humanity to this heart-breaking laundry list of symptoms; she still carefully educates the reader but she also provides insights into the experience of a person or family dealing with ALS.

4.5 stars!
Powerful. Emotional. Heart wrenching. Captivating. Eye-opening. Informative.
Every Note Played is the story of Richard, a world famous pianist who, in the midst of his thriving career, develops ALS. We witness this devastating disease take over and paralyze his body, stripping him of his career, relationships, pride, independence, freedom and more.
I admit I knew next to nothing about ALS prior to picking up this engrossing book. Lisa Genova beautifully writes an engaging and deeply moving story that took me on a journey that I will never forget. Genova compassionately reveals the private details - the symptoms, medications, side effects, equipment needed and family decisions that this devastating disease forces upon you. It is not an easy read, but it is an important one.
This book impacted me so deeply. At the end of the novel, there is “Lisa’s Call To Action”. It asks the reader to put ‘empathy to action’ by making a small donation to ALS care and research. (For more information, please visit www.lisagenova.com and click on the “Readers In Action” button). Upon finishing this novel, I headed straight for that website. My donation is in the hopes of research finding a cure, but also as a way to ‘thank’ Lisa Genova for writing this deeply touching and unforgettable book.
A big thank you to NetGalley, Simon & Schuster Canada and Lisa Genova for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review! It was an absolute honour and pleasure to read this fantastic book!

Ice bucket challenge, theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawking, baseball player Lou Gehrig are all things I associate with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (also known as ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease, or motor neuron disease), a debilitating disease that slowly paralyzes people as it destroys the neurons that control their voluntary muscles. I’ve have taught about ALS in intro psychology courses, but it was not until after reading, Every Note Played, by Lisa Genova, Neuroscientist and bestselling author of Still Alice, that I understood just how devastating the disease is physically and mentally for individuals but also on family members and friends who stand by and watch loved ones become trapped in their bodies. From now on when I lecture on ALS I will talk about this book.
The story is told from two perspectives; that of Richard the forty-five year old world-renowned concert pianist living with ALS and also the viewpoint of his ex-wife Karina, who becomes his default caregiver. Also, figuring in the story, is their daughter, Grace who has recently left for college and has a rocky relationship with Richard. Beyond the medical story, this is also a novel about family dynamics many people will relate to and as such I will discuss with upper year students while teaching about close relationships. Ultimately, the novel touches on themes of forgiveness, regret and reconciliation as well as love and second chances.
As for the story itself, I found it somewhat uneven, and began to loose interest about midway through the book, however, the powerful and moving ending, made me glad I finished the book.
With gratitude to Lisa Genova, NetGalley, Simon & Shuster Canada, and all those living with ALS who shared their journeys for this book.

I couldn't put this book down. I was reading it everywhere with tears in my eyes. Also agreeing or nodding along, and sometimes laughing. It was an exploration of living with ALS from a first first person's perspective as well as the caregiver's. The experiences are transferable to other chronic progressive illnesses or disabilities. I will be telling everyone to read this!

This book was unrelentingly bleak. I didn't expect a ton of laughs from a book about ALS but this was seriously harsh. There was no light in the dark and it made it really hard to get through. It's a super honest and graphic depiction of what living and dying with ALS is like for both the patient and the caregivers and it's just as depressing and brutal as you would imagine. As always. Lisa Genova brings personality and humanity to all her characters, I especially loved Bill, but the main character is the disease which permeates every aspect of the story and these characters' lives. It was depressing but also very informative. It might be helpful (and terrifying) for those diagnosed with the disease and their loved ones because it certainly paints a vivid picture of what to expect.
Thank you to Simon & Schuster Canada for providing an Electronic Advance Reader Copy via NetGalley for review.

Norma and I were lost in the all my heart and emotional lush coulee with three of our regular visiting Traveling Sisters reading Every Note Played.
Lisa Genova writes skillfully with knowledge and compassion as she explores a family’s journey through ALS. She shows us insight into the reality of ALS for people with this disease and their family who cares for them.
Lisa Genova does an amazing job creating well-developed characters here with Richard and Karina and we loved the dynamics between them. Through both of their perspectives, we see each coming to terms with their failed marriage, their past decisions and find forgiveness and facing the truth. We see not only the physical decline of Richard’s health but also the emotional ramification of the disease has on him as well.
We found the ending so well done and love Lisa Genova’s ability to write so beautifully with hope, understanding, and compassion, giving her character's strength in times of such heartache. Truly one of our favorite Traveling Sister Reads this year so far. We highly recommend.
Publication date March 20, 2018
Thank you so much to NetGalley, Simon & Schuster Canada, and Lisa Genova for the opportunity to read and review a copy of this book.
Review is written and posted on our themed book blog Two Sisters Lost In A Coulee Reading.
Coulee: a term applied rather loosely to different landforms, all of which refer to a kind of valley.

4.5 heartbreaking stars
Lisa Genova has the perfect formula for an engaging story: 1 part family drama + 1 part fatal disease x 2 perspectives = a morbid realization of what it's like to live with a devastating illness and how it impacts family and quality of life. Every Note Played provides an indepth look at ALS from the perspectives of both Richard and Karina.
Richard, an accomplished pianist is diagnosed with ALS during the prime of his life and career. ALS is slowly taking away his music, his livelihood and his dignity. Living alone, divorced from his wife Karina and estranged from his daughter, father and brothers, Richard's options are limited as his health deteriorates. Who will help care for him? Karina steps in to offer assistance and so it goes that Richard moves back to his old family house and fractured relationships are put to the test. Can this family heal and forgive before time runs out?
I tip my hat to the author's immaculate research and ability to paint such a realistic image of ALS and how it gradually steals a person's physical capabilities to a point of being "frozen" while their mental wellbeing is perfectly intact - essentially trapped in a jail created by one's own body. And although there is certainly heartbreak and devastation in this book, there is also hope and realization weaved into the story. The writing is clever and the characters fully developed. The story has several layers in which we learn not only about the disease but also about humanity, need and the challenges of forgiveness. There were a couple of monents where I teared up and truly felt the emotions.
If you've read other books by Ms. Genova and enjoyed them, this one is right up there. If you haven't read any pervious work by this author then you're in for a treat. This is a book that is easy to to get swept into and lost along the way. It certainly made me appreciate my own and my family's health.