Member Reviews

Virgin Wars is a light, quick read. Love the cover! It was a little sluggish for me in the beginning but then it picked up. However, I had a hard time believing in Stacie and Jace's relationship. He's a stripper she sees every few weeks in a strip club. He even admitted he creates an illusion and it's not who he really is. And then she feels weird giving him money after getting a private dance? That's his job!

I also had an issue with Stacie's so-called friends. She should really dump the sisters. I couldn't stand them.

Thank you to NetGalley, Sarah Bale Publishing and Sarah Bale for a copy of "Virgin Wars" in exchange of a fair and honest review.

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Funny and sexy book, I enjoyed it and would recommend it to others.
I don't think it's like Sex and the City though?

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Thank you to the author and Netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange for a review!

This was exactly what I expected, a quick and fun read! The concept was unique and entertaining! I will definitely recommend it to friends and to customers at the bookstore I work at!

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Stacie is one of a group of friends over 21 years of age and all still virgins. When one loses her virginity, the others all determine they will do the same and none want to be the last. This forces Stacie to try to determine what she wants from a relationship.

Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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This book was definitely different from the books I normally read. The writing was solid, and it did keep the pages turning. Unfortunately, I just didn't feel a connection between the characters or the plot.

I tried not to, but I really did have a problem with the stripper for a boyfriend concept. I'm not sure that I believe that a bunch of virgins frequented a male strip club. The h felt desperate and her inexperience made it feel even less believable.

I also did not like some of the h's friends. She so easily forgave their thoughtless actions--and sorry, but if your friend goes after the same man you have your eye's time for a new friend.

Finally, I was disappointed that the H never once took the initiative. Overall, I just couldn't buy in to the story. I will try another book by this author, but this one wasn't for me.

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Virgin Wars by Sarah Bale was one of those books that I had trouble putting down. I read it in two sittings and that was only because of life distractions. Surprises at every turn. Well developed characters. Friendship dynamics are good and then complicated. There were moments where I could have automatically written off one or two of them because of catty behavior.

Though I enjoyed the book, the scenario has been done to death. Virginal pacts/races are a common theme. There were moments of some confusion. I questioned the lack of support in some situations.

Thank you Netgalley and Sarah Bales Publishing for a digital copy in exchange for an honest review. I am rating it Three Stars because of the reasons stated above. This book wasn't truly for me but I would read other books by the author.


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The book was full of so many different and unexpected surprises. I love the relationship that the best friends have with each other. It was so fun to read. Stacie is one of a group of friends that are still virgins, that is fine until one of the friends loses their virginity and then the others don't want to be the last. What follows is a chaotic adventure into the dating world where they realize what the want may not be what they need. Thank you for allowing me to read this book and write a honest review.

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The Virgin Wars is exciting and humorous! You meet Stacie and the gang right away. It was a tad slow in the beginning and I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to get into it. But boy was I wrong. The book quickly picked up pace and I couldn’t put it down! I had to find out what was going to happen to Stacie and Jace! I connected well with the characters and really cared about what happened to them. I was hooked until the very end I’m excited to learn that there is another book coming out! Wedding Wars.... I’ll be watching for it!
A great read for anyone who enjoys romance, excitement, friendship and a really good read!

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This is a light, quick read about a group of friends who all feel obligated to have sex after one of them takes the plunge. These friends, they aren't the nicest people. Two of the girls (sisters Amy and Lori) scream out to be removed from your contacts, but the other two (Jeremiah and Evie) are pretty nice.

This is meant to be a contemporary, but is more like a fantasy, what with Stacie having a relationship with a stripper that she meet in a strip club. It is confusing, what with the way the characters race to have sex just for the sake of getting it over with, and how they text each other immediately after the act. There is a happy ending.

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I read Virgin Wars in 1 sitting on a quiet Sunday. The book is compared to Magic Mike and Sex in the City. Ok you can disown me now but I have NEVER watched a single episode or the film of SITC. Never really been my thing although yes I know what it is. The comparison to Magic Mike, well there are male strippers... That count? I hate it when books are likened to films or programs like this. But still I want to say if you are don't love those 2 films it doesn't mean you won't enjoy this book (As in honesty I didn't live Magic Mike although do think Channing looked hot doing Pony). Virgin Wars is a close knit group of virgins. I did like the friendship dynamics although had issues with some of the characters. Namely as I just didn't get how they could be the way they were with eachother, issues or not. I don't want to talk about the issues, I don't do spoilers but Amy was self centred and only seemed to care about herself (Or what her sister was out doing her by), Lori needed to grow the hell up and the only 2 who I remotely liked was Evie (Who felt the most genuine out of all of them) and Jer. But even Jer had his moments. Moving on I even had a few issues with Stacey. Now I know this isn't a teen book but I do think many of the New adult, contemporary romance books still need to boost those 'its ok to be you' and 'you don't need to change to get what you want' (Physically speaking). So then couldn't get over the whole Stacey low self esteem thing with her weight (I got this was due to the ex) and how her confidence only came from losing weight and working out. And what was the deal with leggings?! I'm a size 18/20 (I think that's a 14/16 in the US) and wear leggings. I don't need confidence to wear them!!!! I also felt at times she was as judgemental to her friends but mainly with regards to Maverick.

You may wonder with my character issues then why the hell did I give this a 4 star rating? Well, firstly this was barely a 4 for me. I debated it being a 3.5 but I am honest if nothing else with my reviews and this book did make me laugh, plus it was enjoyable. I really loved Evie, she kept this book going for me and Jace/Maverick had that air of mystery although I felt that should have been elaborated on a bit more. The character chemistry worked for me, I liked the writing style and I didn't get bored of the pace. In fact this book had me tearing up at times and laughing out loud so I really couldn't give it a 3.5 rating as you see.

Over all I liked Virgin Wars. It warmed my gloomy Sunday and made me smile. Yes you have a HEA and there's another book coming (I'm not giving spoilers but it mentions it at the end of this one). If you like a happy romance then this is one I would recommend. Thank you to NetGalley for giving me the ARC!

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I honestly didn't like anything about this book. It was suppose to be funny but I just found it childish.

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There are several types of books, in the most diverse genres. Some make you reflect, some fall in love, some narrate real facts, or create situations of pure fantasy. Each one with its own plot, but that in the final result manage to captivate the readers. In this amount of ​​titles, genres and narratives, there are those who can simply shut you out of reality and transport you to the subject, making it just for a few hours, you just relax and have fun. I can qualify this work as such.
This reading was a welcome surprise. With a light and funny storyline, this book was able to distract me and make me curious to know how things went. Four friends - Stacie, Amy, Lori and Jeremiah, in their twenties, professionally resolved, have one factor in common: they are still virgins. When Lori takes an attitude that changes this situation, a transformation takes place in these friendships, and the remaining three are in a race not to end up as the last virgin of the group.
Stacie, the main character, stipulates that the date of her approaching 25th birthday is the deadline for solving this problem. There is only one small question in this equation: she is single. As a famous author, she travels a lot promoting her books. Whenever she goes to Dallas, she and her friends go to a strip club to have fun, where they drink a few drinks and watch the men dance. After attending, they ended up getting friends with some of the staff. And one of the dancers always inhabited Stacie's fantasies. Now, not wanting to lose the bet, Maverick / Jace becomes her target.
In this journey, the relationship between the four protagonists will be put to the test. I confess that after everything that has happened, I have my doubts if they really are as friends as they think. Of course in such a long and true friendship, you sometimes end up having some misunderstandings, but the way they behaved shows me no, they are not the best of friends they thought. I saw true feelings in Stacie and Evie. They do have a friendship.
But without a doubt the best of the book was Stacie and Jace. She managed to be real, a person who had an abusive relationship in the past, who was deceived, who can not see the beautiful woman she is, and who has not the courage to speak to this handsome man that she is interested in him. She also makes mistakes, many of them, mostly because of insecurity and lack of life experience, but she is able to perceive and go after what she wants, to change. Jace is the cute character who is impossible not to fall in love with. It may have a somewhat peculiar profession, but never once did I believe that his attitudes were not sincere, as Stacie's friends had repeatedly pointed out.
There comes a point in the narrative, that you simply forget the war and come to follow when those two will get along. At least for me, the rest served as a backdrop to introduce the couple, who steals the plot. The end has an unexpected turn. I never imagined who would lose the bet. It's a sweet, funny novel that makes you cheer on the couple. Now, I just have to wait for the second book, and see who will do better in the war for marriage.

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This book was not for me. I liked the description, and the beginning was ok, but it never picked up for me. I just didn't care what was going on with the characters. It was a good idea, but poorly executed.

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After hearing this title and seeing the cover I wanted to love this book.  It started out fun with a very diverse group of characters.  However the further into the story I got the less I liked the characters.  They quickly became people that I wouldn't call friends.

I enjoyed the Heat portion of the book.  The guys were fun, diverse, and sexy.  I also really loved getting a more in depth look into a writers life. Both of these parts of the storyline grabbed and held my attention.  The relationship between Stacie and Evie was real and genuine.  Whenever they were together I ate the story up.

What I had a hard time with was the relationship between Jace and Stacie.  Their interactions were minimal and almost all took place in the backroom of a strip club.  It wasn't believable to me that they built any kind of real relationship based on how little time they spent together or even communicated via text.

I enjoyed this book enough to read it wall in a day but there were too many little things that didn't flow right for me to love it.

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This is a great book with a wonderful story and well developed characters. The story flowed very well and was very enjoyable. This book will keep you reading long into the night and you will not want to put this book down until you finish. This was such a great read and full of surprises. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader’s copy of this book. The free book held no determination on my personal review.

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The idea of this storyline is good; this book is not. Every single character in this book was whiny, completely annoying, and just plain awful in most cases. This group of friends couldn't really give two craps about each other. They lied to each other, demeaned each other, encouraged each other to make horrible life decisions, and never once showed an ounce of character. Terrible people!

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