Member Reviews

In Redemption Song, Caia grieves her son who was killed in a tragic accident, and she becomes obsessed with the man she holds responsible. I thought the author captured grief well, as she showed how it can totally engulf someone’s life. I understood and felt like I could sympathize with Caia’s character; however, the rest of the story fell short for me. I didn’t feel like I saw enough changes in others for the ending to be believable.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC for my Kindle.
I have read other books by Tanya Anne Crosby, but this one was my favorite.
Dealing with the tragic death of child is beyond anything I can imagine and hope & pray I never have to face this situation. But how a mother deals with or faces the child's death is what the book is based.
The mother is consumed with her child's death, and her whole being is involved in finding and searching for the killer even though it was ruled as an accidental death.
I don't read books about children's abuse or neglect but this book is not focus on the tragic loss of a child but how a mother faces the death and the path she chooses to redemption.

A very well written book. The books has a great plot with well developed characters..

This is a woman's fiction book. It took me a while in the book to connect with Caia. I could not relate to her as I don't have any children of my own so I couldn't really get how she feels. There were times that I didn't care about hearing about Jack and I think it has more to do with I couldn't relate to that part of her story. This really is a redemption book for Caia to find her way back after such a tragedy. I enjoy this story over all. I would read another book by Tanya that was along this type of book again.

Heartbreak, Betrayal, Anger, Depression-is in the mind of Caia Paine after the death of her only child. A death caused by a car driven by a man that is seemly going on with his life, with no worries. The book opens with Ms. Paine stalking a man and a child. (I thought at first she was planning to kidnap the child and almost didn't continue the story.) As she befriends the man, his sister and the child, her depression eases and her thoughts are not as dark as before. She finds that there is life afterwards. This book is definitely difficult to read. due to the content. But, it is a beautiful, well written story of acceptance and forgiveness and maybe a little love.
If I could give this book more than 5 stars, I would. Definite read for 2018.

Wow, I'm more used to this author's historical stories, but this was really good. It is a well written highly emotional read that draws you in from the beginning, I couldn't put it down
I received a copy from Netgalley and voluntarily leave my own thoughts

What a powerful and emotional read is Redemption Song, by Tanya Anne Crosby. This is the story of a woman who faces a crushing loss, and is gripped with a blinding kind of rage and hatred. These powerful emotions drive her across an ocean in pursuit of answers.
Tanya Anne Crosby takes the Reader on an unforgettable journey with amazingly descriptive writing, so detailed, that you can feel the breeze on your face, and hear the sounds, and see the sights. Her writing enables you to trod the path of the Heroine, Caia Paine, and feel her anguish, her rage, her grief.
There are twists and turns in the plot that I never saw coming - Redemption Song is not predictable, and makes one think, really think, about the destructive nature of anger, and resentment. This story will linger
in your mind long after the last page is read.
Tanya Anne Crosby has crafted a gripping, intense story with Redemption Song, and I highly recommend it!

This story is of a mother, Caia, who has lost her young son as a result of the actions of another person. She is devastated, and trying to navigate her way through grief and depression. ( Caia has losses in addition to that of her child, although that is the most profound of all in my estimation.). As a mother myself, I found that the author had me feeling Caia’s rage, pain, and sadness at the unfairness of it all. The narrative is really well written, and makes one empathetic to Caia’s suffering. Caia is stuck in a rut of grief and decides to take action to find answers to her questions about her son and what happened to him. It is during this time of seeking information that Caia encounters other people who have also been painted with the brush of life’s unfairness. It is through this journey that Caia has to decide if she can move forward with her life or not.
This book has moments of poignancy and laughter, thoughlessness, and humanity. I found it engrossing and the ending was ultimately satisfying. I highly recommend this book- it is wonderful!

An engaging, emotional story about a woman whose son has died, and the lengths she goes to to seek revenge on the man she thinks responsible for her son's death. I have never lost a son so I couldn't relate to a lot of the heavy emotion, although I could well imagine it. I love how she wove between the past and the present, so that eventually all the pieces fit together.

Caia Paine has lost a son in a tragic accident. Jack was only thirteen, and Caia is overwhelmed with grief and anger toward the man who took his life. Caia's sorrow is the journey of this short novel. Her obsession focuses on the man who killed her child. Caia's losses multiply to include her father, a man she loved dearly who immigrated to Georgia from Poland. Caia's husband, Gregg, left her when she hit rock bottom and now she is alone with her pain.
Caia's obsessive thoughts take her to Spain in pursuit of the man she thinks of day and night, her son's killer. Caia cannot fathom how this man did not go to prison for his crime. She has every intention of handing out the justice that he truly deserves.
A mother's grief is unfathomable. Caia acknowledges that she may be going too far, but her obsession takes her to Spain, and she follows every opportunity to get closer to this mystery man. Caia thinks about her life in Athens, Georgia with her immigrant parents, and acknowledges that she was always alone with them. They were still outsiders, not assimilating all that well into life in the south. Caia recognizes that perhaps Gregg wasn't a good choice for a husband, but all of that means nothing now that she has lost the one true happiness in her life, her beautiful son.
Tanya Anne Crosby's writing pulled me into this story of pain and grief. I wanted resolution for the characters. It did not disappoint.
Thank you, NetGalley, the author, and Story Plant for the opportunity to read and review this e-ARC.
Publication date: January 9, 2018.

Redemption Song tells the story of Caia, a woman who has recently lost her son. After he passed away, Caia was as put in a mental hospital by her husband, who then divorced her. To deal with her grief, she goes to Spain to find the man who she believes is responsible for Jacks’ dead. When she finds him she is forced to deal with her emotions, her anger, pain, sadness, but eventually also hope and forgiveness.
It took me a while to get into the story, but when I finally did, I really enjoyed it. I can imagine that this story is even more gripping for readers with children. The emotional journey of the characters is very special and told from two perspectives showing the reader two sides of the story. At times, the author could have elaborated and dug deeper into the minds of Caia and Nick. The pace is a bit too high in some chapters, and more character background would have been beneficial for the story.
3.5 stars

Great book written by Tanya Ann Crosby. Redemption Song is a song written with so many feelings of anger, hurt, depression of loosing loved ones in death. How do you go on? This book is about a mother, who travels to Spain to stalk the person who accidentally killed her son.

Book Review: Hauntingly Beautiful, a book you can’t put down until the end!
Redemption Song
by Tanya Anne Crosby
From the depths of this emotional well is a profound journey of healing.
We follow Caia Paine through a complete arc of pain hoping she’ll be okay when she comes out the other side. This is so beautifully written as Crosby weaves the backstory in at just the right moments to give clarity to the present emotional crisis. Crosby tackles the heavy theme of grief and the ultimate forgiveness with wisdom and grace. It unapologetically is hauntingly beautiful!
In Caia’s story, she loses everything that grounds her in her life. After her teenage son is accidentally killed, her husband leaves her in a mental care facility then files for divorce. When she is released the thought that keeps her going is confronting the man who killed her son.
She follows him to Spain with hatred fueling her daily steps. How can he still be alive when her son is gone? When she finds him, she expected him to be pompous and evading justice, only to find him broken. Almost as broken as she is. Redemption can be found in many ways and this story shares a few paths that can help heal wounds that are so deeply cut it is a wonder if they’ll ever heal.
Caia’s journey is remarkable. As a society we shun grief, it is “allowed” only for so long and tragic if it becomes all-consuming. Caia’s grief is looked down upon as the reader questions her mental stability. However, the raw emotion portrayed by her character gives so much insight into a truly troubled mind. It gives an insight into the rawness of terrible grief. It opens the reader’s heart in unexpected ways and lays unadulterated emotion at their feet.
Crosby expertly crafts this story so you will empathetically feel it all; love, sadness, anger, despair, then hope. The title says it all, Redemption Song.
Be sure to visit Tanya Anne Crosby’s website to see all of her titles at http://tanyacrosby.com
FTC Disclaimer: I was given an ARC of this title by Netgalley and The
Story Plant for review purposes only; no other compensation was awarded.

I received this book "Redemption Song" from Netgalley for my honest review.
This was a very interesting book. Caia is obsessed with the man who hit her son with his car and killed him. Her son Jack was her life. Caia ends up divorced from her husband and starts to follow the man who killed her son. She follows him to Spain and spies on him. She has so much anger and she goes over everything she will say to him. Does he ever think about the boy he killed? Did Jack's life even matter to this man? Everything changes when she finally speaks to him. Both of their lives change. Definitely a page turner as you wait to see what will happen.

When Caia Paine’s son, Jack, is killed in a road accident she is consumed with anger against the driver of the car. She follows him to Spain and embarks on a quest to uncover everything she can about this rich man who has abandoned his normal life following the accident. She spends her days stalking him; watching him escort a little girl to and from school and engineers a meeting to get closer to him.
The book is structured so that we are party to all that Caia does and thinks but we are also witness to the events that led up to the tragic accident which took place on Jack’s birthday. We are aware of her boundless love for Jack but also witness the growing distance between her and Jack as she becomes focused on her relationship with her husband and in doing so leaves her son feeling somewhat side-lined.
The overwhelming dilemma in this is Caia’s emotional state as she moves from despair and anger to a fascination with the ‘killer’ of her son; a dilemma that leaves her questioning her motivation and morals.
I cannot make up my mind whether I like Caia or not. Clearly one can empathise with her situation but is she making rational choices? But then in the circumstances can you be surprised if she doesn’t? However, at times I was quite cross with her in particular on the morning of Jack’s birthday.
This is a really well written, beautifully constructed novel with evocative language. It is quite gentle but I was totally engaged throughout.
Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for providing an ARC via my Kindle in return for an honest review.