Member Reviews

I found a light romance novel in this book, just when I needed some light romance book amongst my dark thrillers. I had a great time reading it, thanks for the copy!

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Risking It is the second book in the series. I did like the first book a lot so I was looking forward to the second. I was slightly disappointed in the story. For me it seemed that the characters were a little disconnected. That is just me. Maybe others got something totally different from the read but I was having problems getting into the story at the beginning of the book. It starts to work better for me by middle and towards the end. Jane is supposed to go on a self-discovery journey and keep a journal to show to her friend. When leaving for her trip the one person she does not want to be with shows up by her car wanting a ride. Aiden is a playboy and a hunk so this does not really work for our librarian Jane. When he starts to complain she tells him to leave, but he stays and finds himself more attracted to her and by middle of the story is looking forward to the different place that she is hiding to next. It just took a little time to get to this point for me. Like I said for other readers this might be something that they get quicker. When they get to Atlanta more of the first story and next started to make sense.

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Risking It is a sweet, sexy, quirky road trip!

Jane has been tasked by her over protective best friend to take a road trip to cleanse her of the man who hurt her (The Turd), when he, get this, didn't make a move during the night they spent together. You see, Jane is a sweet, dorky librarian with lots of insecurities, so when she spent a fun night with a charming playboy, she naturally expected him to make a move, and for once in her safe, boring life, she was planning on doing something out of her comfort zone, and would have thrown herself into what she was expecting to be a hot one night stand. Alas, said charming playboy, was instead, a charming gentleman, and Jane ghosted him the next morning.

Aiden has spent the weeks since Jane's disappearing act with her on his mind. So when she appears at his bar, suspiciously close to a little fire near his dumpsters, he can't help but be excited to see the woman who's been on his mind for so long. And when she happens along when his borrowed car dies, she's his reluctant angel, and brings him along with her on his roundabout road trip to Atlanta, where his team is playing their hurling match.

Along the way, they visit some funny, strange sights (a giant potty chair, a castle, etc.), and they open up to each other and find that their views of their one night together are vastly different. Their natural chemistry is what propels this story along at a nice pace, and their sex scenes were hot and sweet. I liked Risking It just as much, if not more, than Earning It, because Aiden and Jane are so adorably perfect together. His playboy rep was certainly earned in the past, but his POV reveals what a sweet guy he really is. And Jane, wow, she was definitely the stereotypical introvert, but also much, much more. Two more sweeter people and couldn't be more perfect for each other. I'm hoping there's more to come from this series, because so far it's sweet, funny and sexy.

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Have to say was pleasantly surprised by this book. It was a little slow in the beginning but by the mid way mark I was hooked and couldn’t put it down.

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I was a bit lost by the first few chapters in this book, it didn't have a flow that made sense. But as the book went on it seemed to make more sense and we got a more complete picture of these two characters. So, stick with this book, it will be worth it in the end. Really funny situations and settings in this story. The conversations between them is so fun and then when he starts to pick up on some of her nuances it is really sweet. There are many layers to each of these main characters and to see how they each uncover these layers is a most enjoyable ride. One thing we don't hear more about is his bar towards the end, what was going on with the money being deposited and the liquor license thing... Starts off odd and slow but it really does get better.

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What a fun, sweet and steamy read! This author was new to me when I read the first book in this series and I was pleasantly surprised with the writing, the storyline, the development of the characters and how much I absolutely loved it! Well, this second book in this series is just as good if not better! The supporting characters are well written which adds to the overall enjoyment of the storyline. Aiden and Jane were very easy to relate to -- they're the kind of characters that you want as friends in your life. And I have to say I'm finding the sport of hurling really interesting! And the places they visited during their road trip -- so unique! Loved this book-can't wait for Conor's!

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This book wasn't for me, but I'm sure fans of Ms. Quarles will like it.

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June is a shy, intelligent, well-read librarian. She meets Aidan at a bar (his) and they hit it off. Aidan is a man whore. When June finds this out, she takes off. June has self-esteem issues related to a past relationship and Aidan has insecurities and doubts from his past relationship.

In an attempt to get over her attraction to Aidan, her best friend maps out a “quest” for her, with interesting stops along the way. Only, before she can take off, Aidan appears in front of her, needing a ride in the direction she’s going. Next thing she knows, they are off on a road trip.

The unique stops along the way provide some smiles and interesting conversation. For a short story, it seemed to drag in spots. And the reasons for their issues were brought up repeatedly.

Some steamy scenes but I didn’t really feel their connection. Communicating would have resolved everything. Overall a quick, easy read but not particularly memorable. This is the second in the series but my first. Easily read as a standalone.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC provided by NetGalley and the publisher.

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As the second book in the Stolen Moments series, I did not expect this book to live up to the standards of the first one. But it was just as real, sexy and fun as the original!

This book was even more realistic, at least to me, in that the female protagonist is a librarian and all-around book nerd. The male protagonist is a bar owner, as well as a member of the hurling team that we originally met in the first book of the series, Earning It (featuring Luke & Pepper). In fact, the start of Jane and Aiden’s adventure is mentioned there, which makes it all the more fun to see their story develop.

The characters were very down-to-earth and believable, uncertain about themselves and their burgeoning relationship, yet willing to take a chance – a little at a time – on love and happiness. The sex scenes were definitely spicy, without being too extreme. The verbal and intellectual connections between the two of them was fascinating and fun to watch, and their internal dialogues were priceless.

Again, the story is told in dual viewpoint, alternating between Jane & Aiden. I’m not a huge fan of this perspective, but it worked out well here. The characters were very distinctive, especially due to the excessive amount of swear words used by Aiden, compared to their more moderate use by Jane.

Although the backdrop of this tale and the series in general is the interactions of members of a hurling team, there were not excessive sections devoted to actual game play of the sport, really even less than in the first volume. Which was a relief to me since I’m not a big sports fan in general.

This is absolutely a book that I recommend! And I can’t wait to read additional volumes in the series! It was quite fun to see other characters from the prior book make appearances in this story, and I look forward to seeing these characters again in future tomes.

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This is book two in the series and was just as exciting, funny and romantic as the first, lots of action to keep you entertained,

I received an ARC from Netgalley and voluntarily leave my own honest opinion

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WOW! I love a great romantic comedy, and this fabulous book certainly fit that category!
Jane has a “thing” for Aiden, and has for a while. Then that night happened, the night they were going to finally…. they fell asleep watching TV. Jane realizes, Aiden is never going to feel for her, the way she feels for him. Her friend forces her to take a road trip, visiting places that will make her get over Aiden. Starting at his bar, where she will burn……. Stop, no spoilers. But, how is she supposed to get over Aiden, when he sweet talks her into giving him a ride.
I LOVED watching Jane and Aiden fall for each other. Stop, by stop during their journey, they both realize that what they thought about what happened that night, may not be what actually happened.
Risking It, is the second book in Ms. Quarles Stolen Moments series. Each book can be read as a stand-a-lone.
I really enjoyed reading this book. It kept me hooked until the very last word. Thank heavens for vacations, because I could not put it down.
I was gifted with a copy of this wonderful book by the publisher, via NetGalley for my honest review. In my opinion, if you like a good rom/com, this book is definitely for you.
Thank you for reading my review.

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This was a cute story, I did not know that it was a second part of a series, not that I anything in story indicated that this was the second, however as I received the ARC it indicated second in series. I plan on reading the first book, because I did enjoy this Author. So we meet Jane, who is a shy librarian, and unfortunately had met Aiden in a party and he is opposite to her, he is outgoing and a man-whore. Jane was attracted to Aiden and thought they were getting along pretty well, but then when he did not try to initiate sex, felt that she lacked something due to past experiences and was mortified after finding out he was such a player. It is time to forget about him once and for all, and on the insistence from her bestie, goes on a road-trip, but things really got derailed. Aiden was confused as to why Jane had given him the cold shoulder and he was going to forget about her, but when he misses his plan, guess who he ends up with. I enjoyed that they got to know each other and fix the misconceptions.. Can't wait til the next one, it has to be Claire's...

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Risking It by Angela Quarles is book Two in the "Stolen Moments" series. This is the story of Jane and Aiden. I have read the previous book but this is easily a standalone book if you choose to do so. Jane is the bookish nerd type while Aiden is the jock type who doesn't commit. When Jane set to head to Atlanta to clear her mind of Aiden fate interrupts it seems to have Aiden in need of a ride. So Jane has to accept him as a passenger where they start to learn more about the other person and have some funny times along the way.
This was a quick read that was so enjoyable...loved seeing these two come together.

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Cute quick read. I was pleasantly surprised by this book, and the characters in it. Although it was fairly short, and the trope is certainly not new, the story felt original because the characters were interesting and better developed than a lot of the shorter romance novels I have read. A fun, sexy, and entertaining read that I would definitely recommend.

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Cringeworthy moments, interesting locations, funny dialogues, incredible chemistry and epic sex!
Angela Quarles made Aiden and Jane characters beguiling and endearing.
Five stars.
I received an eGalley arc from the publisher. This is my honest review.

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Jane is an introvert in the truest sense of the word. Being around people - even her best friend - tires her out, and her idea of the perfect vacation is spending the day in bed reading. So when her best friend challenges her to a crazy roadside attraction road trip to get over a one-night stand, she agrees reluctantly, expecting that she’ll hurry through her daily itinerary and then spend the rest of the day reading in her hotel room. Until that one night stand misses his flight and ends up hitching a ride with her...

I loved Jane and Aiden together. I especially liked how Aiden respected Jane's introversion. I’ve read too many books where introverted characters are, basically, forced to interact as if they are extroverted people, which somehow magically “fixes” them. While this may hold true for some people, the thought of that gives this introverted person hives! As Aiden says,

“I’m tempted to coax her, but I have a hunch she needs to break through on her own, like those nature documentaries that show hatching babies and how they have to push through the shell on their own to gain the necessary strength to survive outside it.”

Aiden and Jane both have had past relationship issues that color their initial interactions, but as they check off their road trip attractions (Giant Potty Chair! Weird dinosaur statues!), their own attraction begins to break through. And, hoo boy, it’s hot!

My biggest complaint is that it's short - 254 pages according to my e-reader. This is the second book in the series, but it worked fine as a stand-alone for me.

Overall - this is a fun, sexy, quick read. I’ll definitely be looking up more books by this author!

I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Risking It, A Romantic Comedy, Angela Quarles

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre:  Romance

I liked the sound of this but...though it wasn't a bad read there wasn't that magic spark that keeps me glued to the story. 
Its well paced, original story-line but i just didn't feel the magic, didn't feel the sizzle between the characters, and there wasn't have the tension I need in a romance, the conflict, the angst and agony. 
Even when they weren't getting along it was all so muted, and the whole reasons of misunderstanding felt OK at first, but got put forward so many times ( or so it seemed), that I wanted to say to them both Get over yourselves. 
It did seem on both sides to be a real storm in a teacup theme, making so much out of what was a simple misunderstanding. 

There are some steamy encounters between the two, and the premise of the road trip was fun and brought a few interesting moments, but for me its a read and forget book.
As ever though this is just my opinion, what I want in a story doesn't reflect on what you want, so read a few more reviews and make up your own mind. 
If you share a taste in reading with me you may feel the same, but if not this could be your perfect read. 
Stars: Three, an OK read but lacked drama and feeling for me.

ARC supplied for review purposes by Netgalley and Publishers

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4.5 - "You're a talker, aren't you..?" Stars!

Risking It is the second book in Angela Quarles Stolen Moments series, I haven’t read its predecessor, and it can absolutely be read as a standalone.


And what a treat my first read by this author was, I read Risking It in one sitting, which wasn’t a massive struggle because it was a short read, but it grabbed me from the beginning and I just couldn’t put Jane and Aiden’s book down.

This is a fun interlude with a player. Nothing more…

Road-Trip, that trope in itself is usually a pre-cursor to a good story-line, but Jane and Aiden have past form, in that they spent one night together in the week previous, but rather than getting their naked on, they spent the night watching films and cuddling up. Something, which although not his usual night time endeavour with a woman, leaves Aiden thinking that maybe there is life outside of casual hook-ups. Only problem being Jane pretty much cuts him off at the nuts the following morning and he is none the wiser as to why.

I’m not the outgoing va-va-voom type.

A comedy of errors and mishaps, eventually leads this couple to sharing a car on a road trip to Atlanta, and stopping at some pretty weird and wonderful sights on the way, as they travel you learn more about the both of them (great dual POV), and also Jane’s reasons why for not giving Aiden the time of day the morning after their film fest.

He’s so gorgeous but also so vulnerable, and I don’t know what to do with that…

This point for me was the only weak part of the story to be honest, considering Jane is a grown woman and not an inexperienced college student, but by the time it came to light I was so invested in seeing how things turned out between them I let it slide, it didn’t hurt that Aiden was an absolute sweetheart either!

I’m going to have a hard time letting him go. But I have to… This is just a fling.

I cannot wait for more from this series, I will definitely be looking to read the first book Earning It at some point, as well. This is an author I will certainly be looking to read a lot more from in the future.

"We’re going to have a lot of adventures together…"

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“Risking It’ is the sequel to “Earning It” and the second installment in the Stolen Moments series by Angela Quarles. So far, the series focuses on two members of an Irish Hurling team based in Sarasota, FL. And, while it could work as a standalone story, I strongly recommend reading them in order since the same people and events are referenced in both works and they go in chronological order. I found the series because I seriously adore Angela Quarles and am always eager to read her latest books. So, imagine my delight when I received an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review – THANK YOU! I can honestly say I flippin loved it!

This story focuses on Aiden and Jane. They had a one-night stand during the events of “Earning It” and are still feeling the repercussions when this story begins a few weeks later. So much so, that they’re each trying to work the other one out of their systems and move on, but fate has another plan. (Doesn’t it always!?!) They end up taking a road trip through Florida, punctuated by visits to roadside attractions that range from the wacky to the bizarre. All while coming to terms with their attraction. And, oh, how they come to terms.

I particularly enjoyed how they came to terms at the gazebo of confessions. That entire scene was spot on, for me. It really showcases how this story, and really Aiden and Jane themselves, have a joy and humor that were just FUN for the reader. They are constantly playing the good kind of games, making jokes, having word play, and making literary references that I enjoyed more than I probably should. Which, again, means Angela Quarles gets a giant hat tip for her writing style. She has a unique voice that I just adore. Considering the long-novella-esque length, I felt that the reader gets a lot of character development for Aiden and Jane, as well as the secondary characters. We really learned what made them tick, with lots of introspection and thinking about their feelings for the other person. So, the reader was shown by their actions AND told by their introspection what they felt for each other. Meaning that by the end, you are really rooting for them to find their Happily Ever After.

The story also heavily features the sport Irish Hurling and, after watching a few youtube videos, I am a huge fan. It is a mash up of field hockey, lacrosse, volleyball, rugby and pretty much every other contact sport you can think of. This sport, much like Angela Quarles writing style, is guaranteed to take you on a fun adventure. So, go give this series, and this book in particular, a read. You’re going to love it!

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Risking It is the second delightful romantic comedy in the Stolen Moments series written by author Angela Quarles. I really liked this couple. Thanks to NetGalley and Season Publishing for the advance copy.

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