Member Reviews

God Cures
21 Days to Look Good, Live Great, and Love Well
by Damon Davis
Charisma House
Christian , Health, Mind & Body
Pub Date 09 Jan 2018
I am reviewing a copy of God Cures through Charisma House and Netgalley:
It’s hard to wrap your mind around this but more than a billion people live with Chronic Pain. Despite the fact that the human body was created to repair and heal itself. This being the case: why do so many people deal with Chronic Pain?
In this book Davis goes into details about his battle with a life threatening illness, the things he learned and how despite emotional and physical, mental even spiritual wounds brought on by what he had suffered. He talks about what he had learned and how he survived what could have easily killed him.
I give God Cures five out of five stars!
Happy Reading

God Cures by Damon Davis is a book that proposes an alternative to traditional medicine. The author discusses his battle with an autoimmune disease and how he looked to God for a cure that medicine could not provide. I’m glad this author was able to find a more balanced life as he describes in this book and developed a stronger relationship with God. I found it really hard to like this book. I am a deeply committed Christian and I believe that God heals, just as He did in the Bible. But I am married to an amazing doctor and I disagree with a lot of what the author says about the medical profession. I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher with no obligations. These opinions are entirely my own.