Member Reviews

Second Chances can happen and in this heartwarming novella, the past catches up with the future. Arabel Rowland the Laird's daughter is in love with Garrick McGuinness, the son of a blacksmith. They plan to elope but Arabel feels she cannot leave her family because her brother is in trouble. Ten years later they are thrown together again and each has inherited one half of Castle Highburn, the estate of Arabel's uncle. Garrick had once saved her uncle's life and this was his way of repaying him. As you can imagine after not seeing each other for all those years and Garrick now holding the title of Earl of Townsend it was almost an explosive situation. At least in emotions of which neither had forgotten their love for each other. But there had been a lot of resentment on Garrick's part that Arabel had chosen her family over him and he wanted revenge. This story gripped me from the beginning and showed how misunderstandings, betrayal and strong love can change the course of a life. But there is always hope and this is a story not to be missed. Well done Anna Harrington! If I were not a fan before ( which I was!), I would be now!!

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Garrick was a poor groomsman and Arabel was the daughter of a Lord when they fell in love. They both knew that her family would NEVER allow them to marry so, they decided to elope one night. Unfortunately, when Garrick came to get Arabel, she was in tears and, refused to go with him because she had to stay with her family due to problems with her brother. When Garrick finally decides to leave her, he is surrounded, beaten to unconsciousness, kidnapped and dumped onto a ship leaving for England.
Ten years later, Arabel's uncle has died and, she believes, left her the estate. She soon finds out that the new Lord Harrington (Garrick), has been left half of the estate. They both must stay together at the estate for 30 days before either of them can attempt to buy out the other!
This story is classic forever, soul mate love, with gross misunderstandings and pain that must be moved past in order for both of them to heal. The problem is that both Arabel and Garrick are very proud, determined to win, alpha personalities who will fight to the end for what, or who they want!

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Anna Harrington’s Regency tales are always well written, well plotted and well-paced. I enjoyed this story of second chances very much.

Ten long years ago Arabel and Garrick were very much in love and they were going to elope. Then, on the night of the elopement, Arabel tells Garrick that she cannot go because of a family situation that has just developed. Garrick is heartbroken and just doesn’t understand why she always chooses her family over him. Then, when she thinks he has left her, she can’t forgive him.

I won’t tell you a lot about the story itself because the synopsis tells you that – and since it is a novella, if I tell you too much, you won’t enjoy the book. There are huge misunderstandings in this story and you wonder how they can get past them. Given what happened to him, I would have thought Garrick would be the one unable to forgive, but it was Arabel who kept clinging to her hurt and anger. Frankly, she got on my last nerve but finally came around so they got their HEA.

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"I requested and received this e-book at no cost to me and volunteered to read it; my review is my honest opinion and given without any influence by the author or publisher."

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Arabel and Garrick are set to elope when tragedy strikes her family. Heartbroken, she decides to stay with her family. Hurt and angry, Garrick decides to leave without her. In order to make sure that he stays away from her, Garrick is beaten and forced to leave the Highlands. Ten years later they are given a second chance for love and happiness. The very people who forced their separation regret the unhappiness their actions caused and create a situation to bring the two together. A chance is just that, a chance. In order to take advantage of it, Garrick and Arabel will have to deal with a rather odd shared inheritance, get to know and trust each other again, share hurtful secrets and move past them, and deal with a lukewarm engagement.

A Match Made in Heather is a poignant love story that begins and ends in a field of heather. The characters, especially the hero and heroine, are strong and determined, written in a way that lets the reader to get to know and understand them. The plot spins right along filled with excitement, humor, and passion. This is a wonderful Highland romance.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley and volunteered to review it.

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They were to elope but Arabel Rowland, the daughter of a laird has decided to choose her family over their planned future and broke the heart of Garrick McGuiness. He was then beaten up to an inch of his life by Rowland's men unbeknownst to Arabel.

A decade later, fate has brought them together again. Arabel and Garrick had both received an inheritance they have to share. Garrick is now the Earl of Townsend and not a penniless Scot who used to work for Rowlands stables.

Garrick harboured a grudge towards Arabel and her family. When a secret was divulged which relates to their heartbreaking separation, Garrick revised his plan of just taking the money and leave.

This is equally painful and wonderful to read. It has all the elements of a good romance - passion, secrets, family duty, scandal, engaging story, captivating characters and heather in the Highlands! A second chance in life/love is one of my favourite tropes. Five stars.

This is an eGalley arc from the publisher. This is my impartial review.

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Arabel Rowland and Garrick McGuiness, the poor boy of blacksmith and former groom in her uncle's stables were going to marry, but in the evening they would run away, she gives up because, once again, her brother gets into gambling problems. Hurt, Garrick walks away alone and never looks back.
The years passed, Arabel was engaged to Ewan Murray when she discovers that with the death of her uncle Malcolm, she had inherited Castle Highburn.
The problem was that the inheritance was divided with the Earl of Towsend. Her surprise was when she discovered that the Earl and Garrick were the same person. He was awarded the title when he saved her uncle's life.
Now they would have to share the castle's address if they wanted to keep it, or the loser would give its share to the other.

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Kincardine Scotland - 1809

Garrick McGuinness, age 21, is waiting late at night to meet Arable Rowland, age 19, as they plan to elope. Garrick has a new job waiting for him in Inverness as head groom for Laird Donnelly and it comes with a cottage.

They are planning to elope because Arabel’s wealthy family would never approve of Garrick. But when he sees her, she has tearfully changed her mind saying that her brother, Samuel, is in deep trouble and she cannot leave him and her family. Garrick is frantic at losing her and he knows that her family wants her to wed Ian Campbell, son of the Duke of Argyll. But Garrick must start his new job in a few days or lose it. Angry, he turns away telling her to go to her family.

Kincardine - 1819

Arabel Rowland has just learned that she has inherited Castle Highburn from her uncle. It is the ancestral home of the Rowland clan. She has agreed to marry Ewan Murray but does not care for the man. Her solicitor tells her that there was a problem with the entailment which turns out that she and Garrick have both inherited the Castle because Garrick had once saved her uncle’s life and because he felt Arabel would need help overseeing the Castle. He has earned the title of the Earl of Townsend and is now a very wealthy man. They also learn that they must live at the Castle for a month without leaving or their ownership will default to the other owner.

As they spend time together, they share the events of the past years and the reasons behind the Rowland family’s misfortunes. Even though he has become accustomed to living in England, will he be able to return there knowing he is leaving his heart behind?

This is a sweet love story. My only complaint is not with the story itself but the fact that so many Scottish stories I read show this intense devotion to the country with a rarely seen compromise. Congratulations to the author for another great book.

Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Arabel and Garrick were in love when they were younger, but Arabel's loyalty to her family stopped them from eloping and they were separated for many years. Garrick harbors thoughts of revenge against Arabel's family for the part they played in keeping them apart. I like the way the author has the characters go through the process of trying to resolve their differences and see if they can find their love again, as it made for an interesting story. The only thing I didn't quite understand was why Arabel made her initial decision not to elope with Garrick, as I didn't feel why she had such loyalty to her family, since we don't see them as treating her well at all.

I received a copy from the publisher at no cost for review.

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This novella is the story of Arabel and Garrick. She is the daughter of gentry and he works in her uncle's stable. The summer she spends at her uncle's, they fall in love. They know her family won't approve, so they decide to elope. But due to circumstance, the elopement never happens. They are torn apart, neither knowing the truth of what happens. Skip 10 years ahead, where they are brought together again. They are required to spend the next 30 days together in order to receive an inheritance. May the fireworks commence.
Anna Harrington shows so many different emotions in her chara6. From young love and passion to hurt, hatred and revenge. Then there is forgiveness, a building of trust and again passion and love. I also loved the ending of this novella. Garrick makes the bold gesture to prove his love, Arabel's hero to the end. I loved where they had their wedding, the perfect ending!

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**Extended Version of Review from Say Yes to the Scot**

Oh, the angst! This was a story filled with betrayal, misunderstandings, and lost love found again. It tugs at your heartstrings and makes you believe in love despite all odds. I went through a veritable roller coaster of emotions, rooting for both love and justice at the end of it all. It may be a small story, but it is mighty.

Garrick McGuiness, born the lowly son of a blacksmith, is now Lord Townsend, and his past has finally collided with the present, allowing for sweet revenge. Ten years ago, he meant to elope with Arabel Rowland, his employer’s daughter, but fate intervened, and Arabel was forced to let Garrick go. Thinking she was throwing their love away, Garrick storms off, and they don’t see each other for many years. Now they have both acquired one-half of an estate, the ancestral home of Arabel’s family. They must live together inside the home for thirty days before even thinking of selling, and Garrick knows this is his chance to get back at the family who ruined his life so many years ago. But the truth isn’t always clear, and Garrick must soon decide if his revenge is as important as his love for Arabel.

Garrick and Arabel were really a very likeable couple. Although Garrick said very harsh things to Arabel out of pain and anger, and Arabel made decisions that made me want to shake her, I really, really wanted them to be together from the very beginning. My heart ached every time they clashed, because while the reader knows they love each other, they don't find that out until much later. It was one of those love stories that I can imagine happening in real life, so it makes it all the more vivid to the reader.

Read it – I know you will love it! It was a story originally part of the Say Yes to the Scot box set released in June, but it really held its own and deserves the spotlight now.

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The appeal of Anna Harrington is the fire that catches the minute her stories begin. A Match Made in Heather is no exception to the rule. At first introduction, Garrick and Arabel set off sparks. Yet social class and heartbreaking twists put an end to their happily ever after. Will fate bestow them a second chance or will pride be their greatest fall? A Match Made in Heather is a page turner. Unpredictably delicious with a little wicked temptation on the side.

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Anna Harrington books are always entertaining to read! Her books are original, well written, and lovely to read! This tale of second chance love was a delight to read!

Ten years ago, Arabel and Garrick were living in the highlands and they were in love. Planning on eloping, Garrick is hurt when Arabel puts the brakes on, saying she can not go with him right now due to a family crisis. He has to leave in order to take a job he's already accepted. When she doesn't explain the crisis, he feels he will never measure up to her families standards, and she herself has chosen her family over him. After he leaves. Arabel felt abandoned and it was unforgivable.

Now, Arabel's uncle dies and leaves Castle Highburn to the two of them-each getting half of the estate. Thrust back into each others lives, each want the property for their own reasons. Neither will budge. The will says they have to live in the castle for a month. Can they do it without killing the other first?? How long does it take for old feelings to surface? Can the put the past in the past and move forward with their lives however the chips may fall??

This is a novella so its quite a bit shorter than the novel's Anna has written, but it is not short on story! Lots of misunderstandings surround these two and it's a wonder they could be sorted through! Both held onto their anger and hurt-even after important facts were revealed. Love was still present after all these years and I was rooting for a happy ending! Anna Harrington delivered my much sought after HEA!!

5 Stars/3.5 Flames

This book was gifted to me and I chose to leave a voluntary review. The review and ratings are solely my opinions.

reviewedby Deb

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I first read this novella as a part of the Say Yes to the Scot anthology. Anna Harrington's story was definitely worth a second read. The storyline is based on a big misunderstanding that occurred ten years earlier. Garrick and Arabel had planned on eloping. Unfortunately life and her family got in the way. Ten years and lots of time for mutual loathing to grow they are thrown back together. They were co- bequeathed Arabel's family home by her uncle. They must live in the manor house for one month (loosely chaperoned by her aunt). And a lot does happen in that month. As Shakespeare said, "All's well that ends well!"

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A Match Made in Heather by Anna Harrington is the story of Garrick and Arabel.
Garrick once worked for Arabel's family about 10 years ago. Garrick and Arabel fell in love and had planned to runaway together and marry. But on the night they were to elope, Arabel came to him to say that her brother had gotten into series trouble and she could not leave yet. Arabel asked that he wait with her as her family fixed this latest problem the brother had caused. But Garrick has excepted a new job that starts in three days and doesn't understand her choosing her family over him. They argue and she leaves but not before he is attacked and warned to stay away from her. Now 10 years later they meet again but this time Garrick isn't the poor stable boy and Arabel has just agreed to marry another.

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I love Anna Harrington's book and characters so much. I really enjoyed this book and I can not wait to read more in the future. The story is about Arabel Rowland who was the laird’s daughter. Garrick McGuiness was penniless but on when they elope together everything falls apart. A decade later, Garrick is now Earl of Townsend gets a surprise inheritance from someone he never planned on seeing again. But will's never are straight forward.

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I promised a fair and honest review for this ARC and here it is. Very sweet story along the lines of, "if I can't have you I will find you the right person". Unfortunately, the right person is the matchmaker. Enjoyable read.

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A definite buy book for a second chance love. While reading this story, I had times where my emotions were pulled tight in anxiety some where it was frustration, some in irritation. However, even with the see-saw of emotions, I had tears. This was a book the definitely deserves the rating good read. I will say it is not the best book I have ever read, however, It is definitely one that I will remember! The author is very talented. From start to finish you will be pulled into the whirlpool of emotions. At the end finally when you are calm and reflect, you will find that the wonderful second chance at love touched you in many ways. So buy the book and sit and enjoy. I was given this book in return for an honest review. Anna Swedenmom

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A Match Made in Heather was a delightful second chance at love story set in the Highlands and I really enjoyed it.

Arabel Rowland and Garrick McGuiness built their dreams in secret for as the laird’s daughter and a penniless stablehand, the two were forbidden to be together. On the night they were to elope, tragedy struck Arabel’s family and she was forced to choose between her duty and her heart. Her choice drove Arabel and Garrick apart for a decade until they were reunited by a shared inheritance. Garrick intends to fulfill the will’s requirement to live at Highburn castle for a month then leave Scotland forever. However, the longer he’s around Arabel the more his feelings return and he begins to rethink the future he’s laid out for himself.

Arabel has always been the dutiful daughter and has a hard time standing up to her family. She struggles to make her own decisions as her family has strong opinions on what she should be doing. Arabel sees Highburn as a chance to restore her family’s name, but she struggles to find a way to tell her family of her plans. Despite her inability to stand up to her family, Arabel is fiercely independent and has a very passionate nature.

Garrick built his life from nothing after he was run out of Scotland. He managed to save up enough money to purchase an officer’s position in the military and he was extremely helpful in the war against the French. As a result of his contributions, he was awarded an English earldom for the remainder of his lifetime. In the ten years since he left Scotland, Garrick has been unable to let go of what Arabel’s family did to him and sees Highburn as a way to get revenge against the Rowlands so he can finally move on.

When Arabel and Garrick are reunited, their relationship has a bit of a rocky start despite the obvious chemistry they still have. Slowly the truth about everything comes out and the characters begin to work through everything, but there are a number of stumbling blocks along the way. Their physical connection though is never in doubt as the sparks fly whenever these two are together and we get a few sexy scenes in the short book.

Despite its shortness, A Match Made in Heather was a thoroughly enjoyable read and I definitely recommend it for anyone looking for a quick romance set in the Highlands.

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I just adored this story. Your heart breaks with the love that is torn from them and then all you can do after is cheer for them to find their happy ever after! Very well written for a novella story. This had enough detail, action and lovable characters to make it a page turner. The romance between Garrick and Arabel was full of chemistry and sparks! The snark in Garrick fit his position and part well – it made the story come alive. I loved the setting and story line of a beautiful crumbling castle and the tension that put on both of them. Perfect weekend read!!

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I thoroughly Anna Harrington's books and this one doesn't disappoint. Arabel Rowland, a laird's daughter, is deeply in love with Garrick McGinnis, a penniless stable boy. They plan to elope, but a family crisis keeps Arabel from going with Garrick. Both are heartbroken, each thinking the other didn't love him/her enough to devote their lives to each other. Fast forward ten years and they are once again thrown together by a shared Rowland inheritance. Can they bury the past and embrace the future together?

Ms. Harrington is a talented author who knows who to tease out the back story for both Arabel and Garrick, what had happened on that fateful night ten years ago. This book is well-written and the pacing is good. It kept my interest until the end. Fans of Scottish/Regency romances will definitely enjoy this one.

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