Member Reviews

Anna Harrington books are always entertaining to read! Her books are original, well written, and lovely to read! This tale of second chance love was a delight to read!

Ten years ago, Arabel and Garrick were living in the highlands and they were in love. Planning on eloping, Garrick is hurt when Arabel puts the brakes on, saying she can not go with him right now due to a family crisis. He has to leave in order to take a job he's already accepted. When she doesn't explain the crisis, he feels he will never measure up to her families standards, and she herself has chosen her family over him. After he leaves. Arabel felt abandoned and it was unforgivable.

Now, Arabel's uncle dies and leaves Castle Highburn to the two of them-each getting half of the estate. Thrust back into each others lives, each want the property for their own reasons. Neither will budge. The will says they have to live in the castle for a month. Can they do it without killing the other first?? How long does it take for old feelings to surface? Can the put the past in the past and move forward with their lives however the chips may fall??

This is a novella so its quite a bit shorter than the novel's Anna has written, but it is not short on story! Lots of misunderstandings surround these two and it's a wonder they could be sorted through! Both held onto their anger and hurt-even after important facts were revealed. Love was still present after all these years and I was rooting for a happy ending! Anna Harrington delivered my much sought after HEA!!

5 Stars/3.5 Flames

This book was gifted to me and I chose to leave a voluntary review. The review and ratings are solely my opinions.

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Once madly in love and ready to elope, Garrick McGuiness was heartbroken when Arabel Rowland wouldn't run away with him on the night they planned. A family scandal kept her from running away that night but all Carrick could see it as was a Laird' s daughter wanted nothing to do with a penniless future before her. He left, albeit forcibly, and never returned until called back by the reading of Arabel's uncle's will.
Garrick was far from the truth of the events if that night, Arabel loved Garrick and never stopped even though 10 years later she is engaged to another: man. Garrick is now titled and rich but he still wants revenge from Arabel's family and the will allows for that to happen.
Their love has never died but has too much time and anger ruined their future.
This story read like a full length novel which I was impressed with. Garrick's side if the story was more explained which led to me to believe his view of the situation. He seemed to acquiesce to Arabela's demands to stop seeking revenge in order to win her love but her one sole time to stand up to her family for him seemed pretty minor in comparison. It didn't feel like a two-way street but I still liked them as a couple and enjoyed the novella.

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I wonder what her brother did that was so horrible.

Ten years later, and she's only engaged?

He's a one-man VA office.

God, is she really going to marry this guy?

If Auntie can't sleep ain't nobody sleepin'!

They are both in an impossible situation.

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A great read, went very quickly. Both characters were likable and easy to cheer on. Garrett and Arabel are the star crossed lovers who have a second chance.. Many things kept them apart a decade ago but now they can choose whether to be together or not. I was a little impatient with Garrett not telling Arabel what happened to him when he first left 10 years prior, the first 3-4 times he had the opportunity. Arabel was as guilty as he was in not telling him the whole truth, with her withholding information leading to their separation as much as anything or anyone else. Thankfully they both come clean early enough for each to consider the past in their decision making on the way to HEA. I appreciated that the characters could redeem themselves and their mistakes, before the story fell into the one-big-misunderstanding-trope, I definitely recommend this one to Anna Harrington fans, and for those who haven't tried her books yet.

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I thought the book was too short but I as I was reading it it was just right .
A lovely romance of love, family and eventually forgiving .
I writing style is fluid and lovely; the dialogue is witty.. Anna Harrington created Arabel and Garrick as solid , flawed, but lovable and admirable at the same time.. the scenery is beautiful.
Thanks for a great book, again !

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A Match Made in Heather is one of those stories that shows love and trust even when tremendous hurt has torn lovers apart. As indicated in the book’s synopsis, Arabel is the daughter of the Rowland laird and Garrick is a stable boy in her uncle’s stables. He has been offered a better job elsewhere and wants to take Arabel with him as his wife. The night they plan to elope, she tells him she cannot due to her brother’s gambling debt. Garrick believes she is choosing her family over him and walks away. He is beat that night to within an inch of his life by other employees who claim she told her parents to get rid of him. There is a lot of manipulation going on around these two while they were young and in the current time ten years later.

What endeared me to these star crossed lovers is that when they were brought together after ten years separation how tremendously strong their love still was. It took a bit for them to remember the love and trust they originally had with/for each other, but it is that difficult journey that makes for a good story. The uncle with whom she visited frequently years earlier and for whom he worked passed away. He wanted to right the wrong done to them. So, he left them as equal owners of his estate with the caveat they both reside in the home for a month and help move his widow to the dower house. Well, fiance to Arabel was not in favor of this at all. But, in order to truly inherit, Arabel and Garrick must follow the dictates of the uncle’s will. And, to add a little more hurt, Garrick is now an Earl having earned the title through battle for the crown, and quite wealthy on his own.

All in all, this is a delightful story of second chances. It was endearing to see them open up with each other, just to be followed by doubts. Although short, this novella provided everything that is good in a normal length book to make a great romance on its way the a loving HEA.

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When I started this book, I did not realize it was a re-read for me. I read it originally in an anthology, Say Yes To The Scot.

When I reviewed the anthology, one of the things I pointed out was that each of the stories was a 5 star read for me.

This is still true with this re-read.

Arabel and Garrick were deeply in love when they were both very young. He worked in her father's stables and she was a daughter of nobility.

On the night they were to elope, everything changed. Arabel refused to go because of a family disaster and Garrick was decimated.,

Now it is 10 years later and both of them have inherited the estate which has been in her family for generations.

These two people may have parted years ago, but the feelings they have for one another are just beneath the surface.

It is a story of young love which was severely damaged by situations which were not in their control.

Ms Harrington has created a story which is genuinely lovely. Arabel and Garrick are good people who must revisit the past and find a new path to their future.

I received this book from the publisher through NetGalley. I am voluntarily writing this review and all opinions are my own.

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Such a good novella I read it twice! I had some issues the first time but looked over them the second time. great second chance story!

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Overall a good solid historical romance. Enjoyed from the start.

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I wanted to love this book; loved the characters, but struggled with finishing it. I guess it was because it was a bit predictable.

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Events conspired against Arabel Rowland and Garrick McGuiness. Falling in love as teens, their hearts are ripped to shreds as her family learns of their planned elopement, beats him near to death and throws him in a cart to take him far away from her.
He survives, and triumphs, joining the service and gaining an earldom.
She stays with her family...escaping the first arranged marriage by the dint of the family's problems, but becoming engaged before receiving word of her uncle's will
Both must live together in the wreck of a castle for a month to inherit, neither willing to cede to the other.
As they work to restore it...the truth comes out and they each come to realize the other did and still does love them.
Sweet and sensual

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A Match Made In Heather by Anna Harrington is Garrick and Arabel's story. In this well-written book, Arabel has to refuse to leave with Garrick the night they were to elope. Years later Garrick returns when Arabel's uncle leaves half of Castle Highburn to each of them. Loaded with awesome characters, drama, humor and sizzle, this book will have readers glued to their kindles. I look forward to my next Anna Harrington book. This is a complete book, not a cliff-hanger.

I voluntarily read an Advance Reader Copy of this book that I received from NetGalley.

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Arabel Rowland was eighteen and Garrick was twenty one, they were in love. She felt her family needed her so she could not elope as they wanted to. He had a job he had to be at in three days and could not wait.
It is ten years later.
They meet at a solicitor's office, they inherited, Highburn the main seat of the Rowland Clan. They had to share responsiblity for it.
It is really sad that they wasted so many years but maybe there were some lessons they needed to learn. The descriptions were lovely. The characters were amazing, warm and in love. The plot has intrtigue and danger. It had some sad parts but there were some really romantic ones. I love this book,, Aunt mathilda was trying to push them together, but without being obvious. It was kind of funny because she didn't suceed. The author did a marvelous job of writting this tale. I read this in one sitting, and I hope to read another one of hers.

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Publisher's Description:
She was the laird's daughter. He was nothing more than a penniless, nameless Scot with nothing to offer but his heart. Fate tore them apart, but now he's back in her life with status, money and a title. Can they let go of past hurts and find love?

My Thoughts:
I read this novella previously as part of the anthology, Say Yes to the Scot.
This is a poignant story of second chances that kept me enthralled, this story gets 4.75 of 5 stars for storyline and character development and is the best of the collection in this reader's opinion. I gave it a slightly higher sensual rating of 4 of 5 flames.
The chemistry between the hero and heroine is palpable.

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I previously read this story in an anthology but decided to read it again. Ms. Harrington’s books flow well, the characters are well developed and the storytelling is outstanding. Garrick and Arabel’s back and forth bantering and double-entendres is a delight to read. Can Garrick forgive and give up his revenge? A second chance at love and worth it.

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~This book was publish in the anthology "Say Yes to the Scot".~

This is the first time that I will read a book from this author. This was a good story. Revenge was the main feeling of main hero. During the time period of this story, social standings was more important than love, and at the same time, family loyalty.

As I was reading this story there are some parts that made me cry. They love each other so much that it hurts to read some of the lines in the book. However, the most captivating words that I have read was this:

“The most important families aren’t the ones we’re born into, but the ones we choose”.

Somehow, no matter how much you love the family you are born into, there are times you have to let go especially if they are the ones that causes you pain, and you can never find happiness no matter what you do.
Love is a two way street. If you are willing to give it, but love is not returned, it is not called Love anymore. The past may have hurt them, but the her relatives that saw how much pain they caused, made the effort to bring them together.

Love is sweeter the second time around, and it is certainly true on this story.

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This story was full of emotional turmoil, betrayal and as always misunderstandings but never fear with all of Anna Harrington's stories there is redemption and love that gets reconciled and that makes for the best kind of love!
Garrick McGuiness was torn from his love - Arabel Rowland because of his status the son of a blacksmith. Although her heart bled Garrick was lost to Arabel ten years ago.
As fate is known to sometimes play with the hearts of mere mortals they are given a second chance they are to live together in Arabel 's home before they can sell. Can they live in close quarters without risking their hearts? Can the passion and love they shared be rekindled? And is revenge really worth an everlasting love? Sometimes circumstances are not always what we thought they were!
Anna Harrington always keeps you glued to every single page with well written characters and witty banter and interesting stories!

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Arabel Rowland was the laird's daughter. Garrick McGuiness was nothing more than a penniless, nameless Scot with nothing to offer but his heart. They planned to run away together but she couldn’t leave her family as her brother was in difficulty, then Garrick was beaten up & disappeared. Ten years have gone by. Arabel’s uncle dies leaving the family home, Castle Highburn jointly to Arabel & an English Earl, Earl of Townsend who is no other than Garrick, given his title & lands as a reward for his endeavours in the army. The terms of the will state they must inhabit Highburn for a month of forfeit their share.
A thoroughly enjoyable novella of misunderstandings, revenge & second chances. The characters are well portrayed, likeable & have plenty of depth. The pace is good & kept me reading. Garrick & Arabel are both clinging to what happened ten years ago & both are reluctant to let go & move on.

My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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This is a touching and heartwarming story of second chances in love. The characters of Garrick and Arabel are so beautifully written. My heart was breaking for the separation that they both went through because of Arabel’s family. I really enjoyed this book and would definitely recommend it.

* I received this ARC from NetGalley and the publisher for an honest review*

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I have read a few of Anna Harrington's books before and have enjoyed them, so I had high hopes for this book and it did not disappoint! I loved the romance between Garrick and Arabel. At times, they frustrated me with their stubbornness and pride, but their love for each other was always apparent. Their romance was passionate and the story contained some hot love scenes, which were not too much or cheesy. The story had the right amount of angst, which is again something I enjoy in my reads. This was definitely a read I'd recommend!

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