Member Reviews

Juliet Capshaw is a baker, and as the co-owner of Torte in Ashland, Oregon, she feels a duty to keep her customers happy. She and her staff do their best to keep the small town in coffee, pastries, cakes, pies, and lunches. While they are working at expanding their bakery with a wood stove and another kitchen, along with more seating, Jules still has to keep up with their daily baking offerings as well as their special orders like wedding cakes.

So when her best friend Lance comes into Torte demanding a dessert buffet for his Shakespeare-themed party, Jules feels she has no choice but to say yes to him.

Lance is the artistic director for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, is known for his dramatics, and this party may be his most extravagant. He’s insisting that everyone be in Elizabethan dress, and he wants the food to be authentic to Shakespeare’s times, including Jules’s desserts. With a little research on what that would entail, Jules is convinced that she and her team can pull it off, providing trifles and marzipan sweets for the event. And that’s a good thing, because for the first time in Jules’s friendship with Lance, he is genuinely afraid that his job is in jeopardy.

They are getting ready to open Antony and Cleopatra, and the lead actor, the man playing Antony, is not a fan of Lance. In fact, he’s gone so far as to talk Lance down to the board, and Lance is worried that some board members have been listening. So Lance is going all out on the party. And it works. The party is a beautiful success, with Jules and Torte’s dessert table getting lots of compliments throughout the night.

But later, after Jules has packed everything up and headed home, Lance shows up at her apartment. He has blood on his hands, literally, and he’s carrying a knife. He tells Jules that he found Lance dead, stabbed to death, and he panicked. He grabbed the knife and ran away, ending up at her apartment. Jules insists that they call the police, so she calls her friend Thomas, who is an officer. She tells him what Lance told her, so he heads to the place Lance said that Antony was killed.

But Thomas doesn’t find anything.

Jules doesn’t understand what’s happening. Lance had been under a lot of pressure, and some thought maybe he was losing control. Could it be that Lance had imagined Antony’s body? Could this be some strange prank, and Antony is hiding somewhere perfectly safe? Or did someone really kill Antony and is letting Lance take the fall?

Another One Bites the Crust is the 7th book in Ellie Alexander’s Bakeshop Mystery series. These books are lovingly written, with a lot of love for Oregon and for those in the hospitality industry. She clearly loves to bake and cook herself, and she understands how a smart baker with a kind heart can show up with a box of delicious pastry to butter someone up (literally) to get them to talk freely.

I love these mysteries from Ellie Alexander. The characters are warm and inviting, and the setting of Ashland is like a favorite vacation spot. I’m so glad that there was a murder set at the Shakespeare Festival, because there is a mention of the Bard in all the books I’ve read so far. I thought Another One Bites the Crust is another strong book in the Bakeshop Mystery series, I can’t say it’s been my favorite. But like a colorful macaron that’s not your favorite flavor, diving in to enjoy it is still delicious and worth the time.

Egalleys for Another One Bites the Crust were provided by St. Martin’s Press through NetGalley, with many thanks.

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This is the 7th book in the Bakeshop cozy mystery series which is a personal favorite series of mine. It's been awhile since I last picked up a book in this series but it felt like no time at all. There is just something about this town, these characters, and these books that I cannot get enough of. I always read this series wishing that Torte was an actual shop that I could visit because the descriptions of food and dessert never fail to make me hungry. The mystery is honestly not even the thing that I care about the most with these books. I will say that I was more invested in this mystery because of Lance being the prime suspect. I love this character so really wanted to see Jules clear his name. But for me, it is everything else that really brings this series to life. It's the delicious descriptions of the food that they are always making and baking in the shop that keep me coming back to this series time and time again. It's the characters that have really come to life for me seven books into this series. It's the cozy feel that just makes everything feel okay especially when we are living in the midst of a pandemic. I really cannot recommend this series enough!

Overall, I enjoyed this book immensely even though it isn't my favorite of the series. My favorite so far is probably On Thin Icing but that's because I love a good snowstorm mystery. I don't think that you necessarily have to read this series in order but I would recommend it if possible just because things that have happened in previous books are referenced in later books. Plus, each book in this series is such a delight that it is completely worth taking the time to read them all! If you are looking for a cozy mystery series to sweep you away from the every day craziness that we are living through, this is really it! Highly recommended!

Bottom Line: Another delightful addition to one of my very favorite cozy mystery series!

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book thanks to the publisher and NetGalley. Honest thoughts are my own.

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Dollycas’s Thoughts

We arrive in Ashland, Oregon just in time for the return of the Shakespeare Festival. Jule’s friend and artistic director of the festival should be over the moon but he is acting stranger than his normal strange. He has decided he needs to hold a start of the season party with authentic desserts from the 1500s which he expects Jules to bake. Jules already has a lot on her plate with the construction at Torte and planning her mother’s upcoming nuptials. She knows she can’t say no to Lance, especially when she knows something is going on with him.

The party is going great until a fight breaks out. A fight between Lance and the young actor playing Antony in the play, who is a method actor so he only answers to that name. Lance thinks Anthony is bad-mouthing him to the festival board and trying to get him fired. The party breaks up but later when Anthony is found dead Jules knows Lance is in a world of trouble.

Jules, her mom, Lance, Andy, Sterling, Bethany, Stephanie, Thomas, and the Professor come together in this 7th installment of this fun and entertaining series. I truly feel like I am visiting old friends every time I open a Bakeshop Mystery. All the characters are genuine and because of Helen, Jules’s mom’s huge heart they are all truly a family.

We are introduced to a new character when Doug needs to take a step back from the investigation due to his friendship with Lance. Detective Kerry’s attitude pushes Jules hard to help her friend in any way she can. For me, the jury is still out on Detective Kerry.

Along with the opening of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Torte is doing a big expansion and Helen and Doug, the Professor are engaged and want to get married right away, as soon as they can find an available venue large enough for all their guests. Then there is the mess Lance finds himself in. I love the way Ms. Alexander blends the mystery with all the real-life happenings of the entire cast along with the yummy food and Andy’s signature beverages and recipes.

The mystery has a quick pace and is so well-plotted. Twists and some exciting moments made this a very fast read as the pages flying, there should have been smoke coming out of my Kindle.

Another One Bites the Crust contains everything I love about cozy mysteries. Fun characters, an entertaining mystery, just enough drama, and some romance thrown in too. The current mystery is solved but the author teases us with just enough information to excite us for the next Bakeshop Mystery. The one good thing about being late to the party for this series is that I don’t have to wait months for the next book. Watch for my review of Till Death Do Us Tart coming soon.

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Jules' bakeshop, Torte, has been contracted to supply the baked goods for the opening season of the Shakespeare Festival. Her friend, and artistic director of the festival, Lance, is looking forward to period-time pieces of delectable handmade desserts. His plan is to show the Board of Directors he can do his job and bring more promotion and marketing to OSF. When Lance is observed arguing with the lead in the upcoming play, and said lead is found dead the next day, Jules knows she has to help clear Lance's name.

I love the Bakeshop Mystery series. All of the books are wonderful. I enjoy Jules, her estranged ex Carlos, Jules' mom and The Professor, Lance, and Stephanie, Sterling, and Andy. Each story is different, containing not just the murder mystery but other threads. The author does a fantastic job weaving multiple stories within each book. Each thread makes sense as you move along in the book, some intersecting with the murder and others just additional everyday life. The books are descriptive and I am able to immerse myself into the town of Ashland or wherever the author takes the characters in this series.

The world building continues as new events take shape, book settings change, and new characters are introduced. The familiar favorites are always a pleasure to see on the pages. I enjoy the characters including Jules, Jules' mom, Stephanie, Sterling, Lance, Andy, Thomas, and the Professor. I connect with all the favorites on some level and can't imagine these books without them.

The story is fast paced and engaging. I enjoyed trying to unravel the murder mystery. Every time I thought I had things all figured out, the author tossed in a complication that changed my mind. Ellie Alexander does a great job keeping everything under wraps and revealing things methodically and at the right time.

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A wonderful addition in this series! All the mention of food will make you hungry though. I could almost smell the baked goods described. Loved all the characters and felt like I was right there with them. Jules Capshaw is a solid amateur sleuth who readers will love. Looking forward to the next book.

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Ellie Alexander’s newest cozy, Another One Bites the Crust is entertaining and has a likable cast of central characters that is easy to cheer for and care about.  While these items are essential to a well written cozy, Another One Bites the Crust has one weakness - the plot. For the most part, the story flows smoothly. The end, however is haphazard and the motive for the crime comes out of thin air.  While readers might make a guess who, there is no way they can figure out why. Even Jules is in the dark until the last moment where the culprit is revealed and the trap is sprung - and she is the lead. Still, Another One Bite the Crust is a cute, fun read.

In Another One Bites the Crust, Lance, the town’s artistic director, is at wits end, frustrated and angry with the young actor playing Anthony in Anthony and Cleopatra.  When Anthony is found dead, Lance is the main suspect. Fearing that he may be charged with the crime, Lance begs Jules to find out the truth.

3.5 / 5 ( 4 / 5 )

I received a copy of Another One Bites the Crust from the publisher and in exchange for an honest review.

— Crittermom

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A solid cozy mystery that had me guessing right up until the end! Fans of Joanne Fluke or Cleo Coyle will eat up this addition to the Bakeshop Mystery series; no pun intended. The food serves as a nice backdrop without taking over the story. A few recipes would be a nice addition though. Overall, an enjoyable weekend read.

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4.5 Stars

I love Ellie Alexander's Bakeshop Mystery series. Lance Rousseau is without a doubt one of my all-time favorite cozy mystery characters. Another One Bites the Crust finds Lance, the artistic director of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, being investigated for the murder of lead actor Antony.

It’s true, Lance has a flair for the dramatic. But nothing could have prepared Jules to find him on her doorstep in the middle of the night bloodied. Lance insists Antony is dead, but when police go to investigate, Antony's body is nowhere to be found. Jules starts to think that Lance is having a nervous breakdown because of his recent erratic and paranoid behavior. Lance becomes the prime and only suspect. With Lance and the Professor aka Detective Doug Curtis having such a close relationship, Doug is forced to bring in a detective from a neighboring town to run the investigation. Detective Kerry doesn’t exactly give off warm and fuzzy vibes and she’s keeping Lance locked in a supply closet, dressed in warm-ups. Poor Lance. Jules takes it upon herself to help Lance anyway she can.

“Pastry chef by day, sleuth extraordinaire by night.” With the help of baked goods, Jules starts her investigation and learns that several people associated with the OSF have secrets. It seems that not only did Lance have issues with Antony, but so did several cast and crew members. While Jules is doing everything she can to prove Lance’s innocence, it seems that even locked up, Lance is always three steps ahead.

Ellie has written a really good mystery. While I always attempt to solve the murder before any of the characters, I found myself most of the time just enjoying the story. Even with the possibility of facing a murder charge, Lance is still Lance. He’s overly dramatic and funny. Yet, he somehow manages to still setup one heck of a scene. You just gotta love Lance.

Something very interesting and surprising is revealed at the end of this story. I can’t wait to get my hands on the next book, Till Death Do Us Tart, to see how it all plays out. Oh, it should be noted that while Another One Bites the Crust is the seventh book in the Bakeshop Mystery series it is a standalone read.

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The new season of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF) is about to start. Jules Capshaw is busy with the remodeling expansion of their bakery Torte and also preparing treats for the opening night of Antony and Cleopatra. But her friend Lance, the artistic director for OSF, has been acting strangely. He tells Jules that the new lead actor playing Antony is attempting to oust him. Lance decides to hold an over-the-top preseason party with an authentic 1500s Shakespearean dessert buffet to win over the OSF Board members. The party is a hit but there is an altercation between a tipsy Lance and Antony. Then Lance awakens Jules at home with clutching a dagger in his bloodied hands, claiming that he found Antony dead. Since the Professor is a friend of Lance, he recuses himself from the investigation and an outside investigator is brought in to lead the case. But Jules cannot let Lance languish in jail and is determined to help find Antony's killer.

This is another fun and yummy entry in the Bakeshop Mystery series.

I received an eARC via Netgalley and St. Martin's Press with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book and provided this review.

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I have loved this series since the first book. I truly enjoy each and every character. They mystery is always so well plotted. I want to see this be a very long running series.

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I was given this book by Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

This is the first book I have read in this series, but that did not keep me from enjoying it. Juliet returns to her hometown and finds her best friend in the midst of crisis. When an incredibly unlikable character ends up dead, and her best friend is arrested for it, she finds herself trying to solve the case.

I liked the relationships in this book, liked how she helped the police, but didn't think they were stupid, and I didn't figure out the murderer right away. She also subtly mention d another character in a different series of hers that I had read, and I loved that!

I really recommend this book and plan on going back and reading the others in this series.

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Ellie Alexander's "Another One Bites the Crust" is the seventh book in the delicious Bake Shop Mystery series. This is one of my top three favorite cozy series. I highly recommend the entire series. I was thrilled to receive this ARC from the publisher via Net Galley and thank you for the opportunity to read and review this wonderful series..
The ARC did not influence my personal opinion.

In the seventh in series our favorite baker Jules is busy renovating her shop Torte and baking with her wonderful staff. Her friend Lance who runs the Shakespeare theater has asked Jules to do the baking for one of his events. She is thrilled to have the opportunity and happy to help out her friend. As she plans the menu many wonderful recipes are featured and mouth watering to every reader. As a murder occurs Jules is once again on the case and a well crafted sleuth with many clues abounds throughout this next in series.
I adore how this author blends the clues with the baking and the beautiful setting. Her writing is sublime and each book is impossible to put down until the last page is done.
I love this series because it is the perfect combination of a well crafted sleuth,. a wonderful setting and characters that feel like old friends. Each next in series is a absolute delight to read . The delicious recipes that are created are delightful and so real the reader can picture each dish and pastry bite for bite. I highly recommend the entire series for your reading delight. I look forward to the next in series. This is a outstanding series in content,, form and detail that literally jumps off the page and entrances the reader.
Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley for the opportunity to review this wonderful next in series.

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Another thrilling installment in the Bakeshop Mystery series, book 7. Torte bakery is gearing up for the Shakespeare Theater season in small town Ashland, Oregon. When manager Lance is accused of killing the new lead actor Jules and the rest of the bakery crew swings into action to clear his name before theater closes and the towns economy tanks. Great mystery with a few misdirections to keep the town on it's toes.

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I am seriously loving cozy mysteries this winter - they are my jam! I especially love when I'm reading a series - the familiar characters and setting always make for a fun read. So, I was super excited when I received a copy of Ellie Alexander's latest book, Another One Bites the Crust, from her popular series, A Bakeshop Mystery. Its the seventh book in the series and I think it may just be my favorite one.

The Shakespeare Festival is in town and Jules' bakeshop, Torte, will be providing the yummy treats - get ready for some mouthwatering descriptions of delectable desserts. Reading about all that delicious food is one of the highlights of these books - I just love that the recipes are included, too. Jules is a foodie and its obvious how much she enjoys her bakery. Of course, she is super busy getting ready for the festival and dealing with the renovations on her basement - she's planning on expanding her shop even more. So, she's a bit surprised to say the least when she notices how weird her BFF, Lance, is behaving. He's directing the play at the festival - Antony and Cleopatra - but he's not happy with the actor playing Antony. In fact, the two get into a huge fight on the eve of opening night - DRAMA! Unfortunately for Lance, the actor is found dead the next morning and he is considered to be the "prime suspect" - ack!! Jules knows her friend is innocent and sets out to find the real killer. Talk about a suspense-filled mystery! I just loved learning more about Jules and her BFF; reading about all of the craziness behind the scenes of the Shakespeare Fetival; and trying to figure out whodunit. This book is a terrific addition to the series - the characters seem to grow and develop more and you can't help but fall even more in love with Ashland, Oregon. I absolutely LOVED Another One Bites the Crust. I would happily recommend it to fans of the series and anyone looking for a new cozy mystery to get lost in - you will LOVE this book!!

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Juliet "Jules" Capshaw is back again, bringing with her the wonderful Torte staff and the colorful characters of Ashland, Oregon. In the seventh book in "A Bakeshop Mystery" series, Jules once again showcases her baking skills as well as her sleuthing ones. The Shakespeare Festival is ready to open for the season and the eccentric and over the top Lance wants Jules to create mouth watering desserts from the Shakespeare period. He is trying to show everyone that he can throw the best party to showcase OSF, after the board had their gala at the Merry Windsor on the cheap. He is sure "The Board" wants to fire him. He is also feuding with the leading man in Antony and Cleopatra, who he is sure is behind the Board's apparent feelings. When "Antony" ends up dead and Lance is the one to find the body, the first time, he is arrested for the murder. The Professor excuses himself due to his friendship with Lance, and brings in a detective from the nearby town. Suffice it to say, Lance wants Jules to investigate and get him off the hook.

I really like Jules as the protaganist in these books. Not only is she a strong character but she is smart, caring, compassionate and an excellent chef and baker. She is dealing with a lot in this story. Her mom is remarrying, but she still feels the loss of her father and her memories are strong and heart wrenching in this book. She is still working on renovations to Torte with her mother and now her friend has been arrested. The other characters that work at Torte also had their own smaller storylines and it was nice to see a bit more of them in other situations. Overall, this was a good addition to this series with a surprising ending that is sure to bring a new dimension to this series. I recommend this book to any cozy mystery lovers.

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I can sum up Another One Bites the Crust in one word- likable. The cast of characters are likable. The writing is likable. The way the story unfolds is likable. In fact, there was nothing I didn’t like about this 7th installment in A Bakeshop Mystery series. The dialogue is smooth. The characters are well-developed. The story line flows. The interest builds. This book ticks all the boxes for this cozy mystery lover. I enjoyed the setting, the relationships, the evolution of the characters and of course, the mystery and distractions sprinkled throughout. I voluntarily read an advanced reader copy provided to me by the publisher through NetGalley. This did not affect my rating. I have provided an unbiased and honest review.

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This is a series that I've come to love. Not only are the mysteries top-notch but the ongoing mystery of what while happen with the relationship between Jules and Carlos. These characters are like old friends that just continue to improve with age. I love the description of the town of Ashland. and I wouldn't mind visiting there.

This book kept me guessing until the end and I stayed up too late reading this one.

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I have been looking forward to this book. I like Jules and the cast of characters that Ms Alexander offers up in each of the Bakeshop Mysteries. I am so happy that Netgalley has given me the opportunity to read this one.
So if you’ve read any of the books, you know that Jules is the chef and part owner, with her mother, of Torte. This episode brings us to the point that Torte is the supplier of Elizabethan treats for the local theater. As in all cozies, a murder must be solved. This one has Lance, Jules’ BFF as the main suspect. I like that the police department in Ashland is competent and one of the police officers is a friend of Jules. He listens to what she finds out and does remind her to stay out of harms’ way. Read this, enjoy the plot twists and see if Jules can figure out who did it.

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I recently reviewed one of Ellie Alexander’s novels and I loved how she incorporated unique locations in her book. One of her books was based in Leavenworth Washington which is basically the Christmas town of the Pacific Northwest.

That was the reason I agreed to review this one….this time Alexander has us in Ashland Oregon. I live in Oregon (in Salem, the capital) which is about 5 hours north of Ashland but I have been to Ashland many times and I loved the charming town.

They host a yearly Shakespearean festival there which I have attended before and the quality of acting is superior to man festivals. Plus the theater is outdoors and reminiscent of the famous Globe theater. So I thought this book offered a unique setting for a murder.

It’s the role of a lifetime for Jules. The Shakespeare Festival has returned to Ashland, Oregon, for the season and Torte has been cast as the supplier of Elizabethan-era treats for the main event.

But on the eve of opening night, a brawl between Jules’s friend Lance, the artistic director, and a strapping young thespian named Anthony almost brings down the house. . .and the next morning, Anthony is dead. Jules knows that Lance loves his drama—and his just desserts—but she also knows that murder is way off-script for him.

Now it’s up to Jules to cut through a bevy of backstage betrayals and catty co-stars who all have their own secrets—before the curtain drops on someone else (summary from Goodreads).

The first thought that stood out in my mind was THANK YOU Ellie Alexander for not making Oregon sound like ignorant and incompetent hillbillies! When people think of Oregon the first thought is often back woodsy folks cut off from the world, or idealistic tree huggers who recycle. In this book, the Oregon police are capable and the characters are cultured thespians. I loved that she kept the town charming and colorful but yet realistic and modern. It’s clear that she has a healthy respect for Oregonians and she really brings the town and its culture to life.

While this is the 7th book in the mystery series I didn’t feel completely lost within the narrative. Sure there were some nuances that I felt like I was missing but overall it didn’t detract from the novel. I normally would prefer to start a mystery series at the beginning so I could fully appreciate the characters however, I liked Alexander’s story telling style in her Sloan Krause series that I figured I would try her more popular series, A Bakeshop Mystery.

This is an easy to read cozy mystery that does keep you guessing until the very end. I was actually really anxious for the characters and the final outcome which is sometimes unusual in a cozy. I was invested in the story and the mystery enough to keep reading even when I said ‘one more chapter’. As I said there were some nuances that I felt like I was missing from previous books but on the whole I wasn’t entirely lost.

Also, the food in the book is to die for. The descriptions of some of the desserts were enough to make me hungry even though I had just eaten. I was drooling at times and felt like I gained 10 pounds just from reading this book. I want to visit this bakeshop now!

If you like cozy mysteries with delicious food descriptions as well as intriguing mysteries then this is the book for you. If you are worried about starting at a late point in the series, don’t be but if you want the full experience start with the first book. I am excited to go back and see how the characters have evolved since the first book.

Challenge/Book Summary:

Book: Another One Bites the Crust (A Bakeshop Mystery #7) by Ellie Alexander

Kindle Edition
Published January 2nd 2018 by St. Martin’s Paperbacks
Review copy provided by: Author/Publisher in exchange for an honest review.
This book counts toward: NA

Hosted by: NA
Books for Challenge Completed: NA
Recommendation: 4 out of 5

Genre: Historic fiction, romance

Memorable lines/quotes: NA

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Jules has just returned to Ashland after spending some time with her estranged husband on the cruise ship where he runs the kitchen. Just as she is starting to settle back in and take a hard look at her future, and just as the Shakespeare season starts anew, good friend Lance starts to act strangely.

Plenty of laughs, and a twisty plot will keep you reading up to the last page. Well-drawn characters pull you in, and while this is in a series all of the books are able to stand alone.

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