Member Reviews

Ellie Alexander's Another One Bites the Crust is the seventh book in the Bakeshop Mystery series. Jules, owner of Torte, has a full plate with the shop renovations and her mom's wedding. When her best friend Lance appears on the verge of a breakdown, she wonders what else can go wrong. She finds out when the star of the local theater's production is murdered, and Lance is the prime suspect. I always enjoy this series from the characters to the setting to the mystery. This book did not disappoint. The book moves along quickly. Even though there are several sub-plots, the story flows so well. I am already looking forward to the next in the series.

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My Impression: This series feels just like visiting old friends. I love getting back to Torte and checking in on Jules, Andy, Stephanie, Sterling, and now Bethany. This one even had a bit of romance with Jules' mom doing some wedding planning as well as the excitement of the new expansion at Torte. I do wish Torte was a real place because despite all the murder it would be on the top of my list of places to visit! The food descriptions are mouth watering and Alexander brings the whole place to life.
While the murder doesn't occur until well into the book the plot starts going right away. Lance has been a reoccurring character in all the previous books and here he's front and center and going to pieces a bit more than usual. It was sweet that even though he drives Jules absolutely crazy she was worried about him as was everyone else at Torte. I was swept up right away into life in Ashland and the murder just hooked me even more. As I would expect from this series the mystery is well done and page turning. I had a few ideas prior to the reveal but there were still a few surprises.
This is a fast paced mystery with a fantastic setting and some of my favorite cozy characters. It was an absolute delight and I can't wait for the next book!

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Good mystery. Had a fun Shakespeare theme set in Ashland, Oregon. I didn't guess who did it. I was surprised by the reveal which I love.

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When Jules' Capshaw is hired by her close friend, Lance, to provide the baked goods for his over-the-top Elizabethan extravaganza, she becomes a little concerned that he may be having a nervous breakdown. But when his lead actor is found murdered, and Lance becomes a prime suspect, Jules will have to go behind the scenes to solve the mystery and save her friend.

I really enjoy this cozy mystery series-the characters are unique, fun, and lovable, and the setting is a place I want to go visit (and eat some of Jules' baked treats!). Jules makes a great protagonist and narrator, and is a well-developed and complex character who readers can't help but root for.

I also loved that this entry in the series was so focused on the theater. This meant Alexander was able to get even more fun Shakespeare references in, and I enjoyed all the behind the scenes scandals and drama.

While the solution to the mystery was a good one, I wasn't a fan of the fact that there was no way readers could solve it before the denouement. The clues needed weren't provided up until the big reveal.

This is a really fun cozy mystery series, one I would definitely recommend.

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Three and half stars: A delightful cozy brimming with comfort food and bakeshop coziness, but the mystery is weak.

Jules has been exceptionally busy since she returned from her cruise. Her bakeshop, Torte, is busier than ever. Jules is also in the middle of renovating the basement area in order to expand the shop. It is a wonderful time to be Ashland, spring is right around the corner, which means the opening of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Lance should be in his element, but something is wrong. He is stressed, erratic and acting strangely. Things take a disastrous turn when Lance shows up on the eve of opening night covered in blood. The lead actor in the upcoming play is dead, and Lance is the prime suspect since he was since fighting with the deceased shortly before he disappeared. Can Jules clear Lance’s name while balancing her busy baking schedule?
What I Liked:
I can never resist a trip back to Ashland, Oregon to spend time at Torte with Jules and the gang. The Bakeshop Mysteries are always delightful filled with scrumptious baked goods, terrific characters and the feel good vibe I crave in a cozy. This latest book, Another One Bites the Crust delivers plenty of comfort food and coziness. This read is perfect for a cold, stormy day.
I love that this book features plenty of baking descriptions. Reading about warm, comfort food preparation whether it be soups or delicious pastries is so relaxing and soothing. This book is brimming with yummy food. I am a big fan of all things food, and I love that the author also incorporates lots of baking tips and tricks. The only downfall is that these books always make me hungry.
I continue to enjoy the cast of characters and the camaraderie that they share in the bakeshop. The core group of players continue to grow and evolve. I love spending time with all of these characters.
I appreciate that the mysteries are interesting. Jules manages to always lend a hand when it comes to the sleuthing, but the law enforcement characters are capable, smart and they are on top of the cases. No incompetent police work.
The ending is satisfactory. The mystery is done up, no big loose ends, though there is a tempting tease for the next book.
And The Not So Much:
*I found the mystery in this one to be rather weak. It wasn’t possible to guess the motives for the murder. There is a lot of distraction and plenty of red herrings. When the killer and the reasons were revealed, I thought they didn’t make much sense. I also found the deductions on who the killer and why a bit far fetched. It was disappointing, but I didn’t mind so much because I don’t read this series for the mystery. I am all about the bake shop and the food.
*Even though I love this series, it is stretching believability to continue to have so many murders in this small town in such a short time span. I wish the books would branch out and do something else beside a murder mystery.
*I wasn’t a fan of the female detective, and I was confused on her role. I could do without her unless she has a big attitude adjustment.
*I loved the recipes that are usually included, but my advanced copy didn’t have any recipes. I am hoping that there are recipes are in the final copy because the recipes are always one of the highlights.
*I was wanting more movement in the romance, but alas, absolutely nothing happens with Jules’ romantic conflict.
*There was a story line involving Stephanie suffering from insomnia due to a noisy neighbor. I felt this story angle wasn’t developed well, and I didn’t like the supposed resolution. Why didn’t she complain or do something?

Another One Bites the Crust was a yummy, cozy food adventure. I loved all the food descriptions and spending time in the bakery. I was disappointed though in that there was no change in the ongoing romantic conflict. I also thought the mystery was weak. Still I love spending time in Oregon with the fun cast of characters and all the scrumptious treats. If you want a light, cozy read, this is one to grab especially on a winter day.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own, and I was not compensated for this review.
Posted@Rainy Day Ramblings.

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In Another One Bites the Crust, Jules and her crew of baking superstars are getting ready for another busy season at their bakeshop, Torte. As Jules prepares for tourists to descend on Ashland (and Torte!) for the opening of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, everyone in town is looking forward to opening night. Well, everyone that is except for Jules' best friend Lance, OSF's director, who is busy dealing with his extremely high maintenance lead actor. When Lance finds his nemesis murdered, he quickly becomes the prime suspect and begs Jules to find the real culprit before his career is destroyed and he winds up on trial for murder!

Ellie Alexander has certainly worked her magic again because Another One Bites the Crust is honestly one of my favorites in the Bakeshop series. I've always been a big fan of Lance and it was wonderful to have an entire book revolve around his character. Since the Oregon Shakespeare Festival has played such a large role in the series it was also a bonus to get to see more of the inner workings of OSF and life backstage. Alexander does an excellent job of describing the entire city of Ashland in such detail that the reader feels as if they're actually living the story. Her characters have such warmth and seem so genuinely authentic that you just can't help but believe they're real people! As always, I'll have another serving of Torte please!

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Another deliciously tasteful mystery by Ellie Alexander. Another One Bites the Crust is sure to please your taste buds and satisfy your craving for a good mystery.

When a Shakespeare Festival returns to Ashland, the local bakery, Torte, is called upon as the main supplier of treats for the event. Before the main event can begin, the town is hit with a murder and Jules’s friend Lance, the theater director is the main suspect. Juliet knows Lance is big into drama but has a hard time believing he would murder anyone. It now falls to Juliet to find the real murderer and prove her friend innocent before anyone else gets cooked.

One of the nicest things about the Bakeshop Mysteries is they are fun cozy mysteries that you can just relax and enjoy. There is nothing too complicated that takes a lot of thinking or over analyzing. I enjoy the witty banter, the quick pace and the character interactions. Even though this is the seventh in the series, it can be read as a stand-alone. The author does a great job of giving just enough back story so a new reader can enjoy it without having to have read all in the series. By this point, if you have read all in the series it is easy to see how well developed the characters are and the flow of the story is great. I enjoyed how this story focused more on Jules and Thomas and had less to do with Carlos. However, I do foresee him coming back in the next installment with what was mentioned at the end. I recommend this to readers that want a nice, sit by the fire with a blanket story that will make them laugh at times and keep them guessing at what is to come next.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within are my own.

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After really enjoying the previous book and reviewing A Crime of Passion Fruit, I was super excited to get approved for an advance copy and find out what Jules has been up to since arriving back on shore! I've been slowly making my way through the series since finishing the last one, but these are definitely stand-alones, so you can definitely start with this one without feeling like you are missing anything.

This is such a fabulous addition to the series, which is a cut above the average cozy mystery. As an actual pastry chef, Jules is a true foodie and her descriptions of ingredients and flavors merging together to create delicious baked goods will leave your mouth watering and your pantry empty! There are also recipes provided, which I'm still trying to find time to recreate!

Some of my favorite moments were the interactions between Jules and her staff at Torte. She has put together a hard-working, reliable, and dedicated team and the concern they express towards one another is truly heartwarming, especially during these cold, winter months!

While I did have to suspend my disbelief again with the mystery element to the story, it was much more engaging this time around. Jules is not butting heads with any form of law enforcement, incompetent or otherwise, and free to conduct her own form of investigating without much negative consequence. Ultimately, I would have liked to see more push and pull between Jules and any antagonists, regardless of their involvement to the case; however, if you like your mysteries more character centered and not easily seen coming, then you should really enjoy this one.

Overall, I highly recommend this series if you're a fan of cozy culinary mysteries and I will continue to look forward to reading more adventures with Jules.

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I loved this book but I don't have any of the books previous to this book and I highly suggest that they are read in order. The book has characters that you actually want to meet and sit down with. I will definately buy the first 6 books because of how much I enjoyed this one. I also enjoy the recipes at the back of the book. This book was fun and easy to read.

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I  recieved a free digital copy of this book from Netgalley for an honest review.

This is the 7th book in the Bakeshop Mysteries. In this book, we find Lance as a murder suspect right before his new play is to open.

I loved many different aspects of this book. Descriptions of food, friendships, and the

I'll tell you one thing, this book made me hungry! If it wasn't the descriptions of cheeseburger soup or the avocado wraps it was that darn carrot cake! I don't like coffee(GASP!) but I'd love to try Andy's Jelly Donut coffee.

I love the friendship that Jules has with Lance, even with all his melodramatic moments. We all need a friend we can go to when our hands are coated in someone else's blood. 😂

I wouldn't mind if Richard Lord bites the big one in the next book. Seriously.

I loved all of the supporting characters (with the exception of Richard). The passionate speach that Thomas gives about being a cop in Ashland touched my heart. I got a good laugh about the bit featuring Stephanie's neighbors blasting the Oklahoma soundtrack!

My favorite line: "It's weird how it sneaks up on you, grief. I think it's because the people who leave us leave pieces of themselves behind."

I can't wait for the next book to come out so we can see Helen and the Professor get hitched!

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The Bakeshop Mysteries have become one of my favorite cozy series--I love the characters and the Ashland, Oregon setting. It's such a great town and I love how Ellie Alexander brings it to life. Without giving spoilers if you haven't read the previous six books, I can tell you that in Another One Bites the Crust, we are starting the busy season as the Shakespeare Festival is kicking off and also at Torte--the bakeshop run by Jules and her mother, Helen. The festival's flamboyant artistic director, Lance, has become a close friend and Jules is concerned when he seems out of sorts and it only gets worse when the lead actor of Anthony and Cleopatra ends up dead and Lance is the chief suspect. Of course Jules is going to help him and she finds herself caught up in another mystery, while expanding the bakery and other 'life stuff' (no spoilers) ;-) she is involved in.

The usual cast of characters is in play--Torte's college-age staff, Helen and the Professor, Ashland's head of police, Thomas (deputy and Jules's old boyfriend), plus there is a new doughnut-loving investigator called in on the case from the 'big city' of Medford, who we may see more of. The food descriptions don't stop--something I love in a foodie cozy and I like the cooking and baking details and tips that the author works in. The pacing and how the mystery unfolded is good--I like that Jules has a fairly level head most of the time and although it wouldn't be a cozy if she didn't take some risks in the name of mystery solving, I don't find myself 'yelling' at her in my head as much as the leads in other cozies. I also was happy that Jules's estranged husband Carlos was not a big factor in this book. I like Jules best when she is independent and not focused on romantic tangles.

Although you could read this book without reading the first six as Alexander does a great job in layering in the backstory, I wouldn't recommend it. You get more of the details and the evolution of the characters by reading the series in order and you get to taste Torte's and Jules's creations vicariously by reading them--just don't do it on an empty stomach. (Here's my blog review of the first five books.) Although I am reading an advanced reader's copy e-book and have not officially confirmed it, there are usually some of Jules's sweet and savory recipes at the end of each book and plenty of food inspiration along the way. Another One Bites the Crust is a fun way to start 2018 and a great book to curl up with a cup of tea and a muffin and enjoy--or, if it's lunch time or late night and you have a hankering for savory comfort food, try Jules's Grown-Up Grilled Cheese--recipe on my blog.

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Another One Bites the Crust by Ellie Alexander is the seventh book in A Bakeshop Mystery series. Jules Capshaw co-owns Torte with her mother (Helen) in Ashland, Oregon. The new season of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival is getting ready to start which will greatly increase the traffic to their bakery. They are also busy with the remodeling of their new space, planning Helen’s wedding to Doug (aka the Professor) and preparing treats for opening night of Antony and Cleopatra. Then Lance, artistic director for OSF, enters with a new request and drama. Lance is acting a little stranger than normal (an understatement). He feels that the actor playing Antony (who will only answer to Antony) is attempting to oust him and he wants to hold a preseason party with authentic Shakespearean dessert buffet (oh boy). While they really do not have the time for Lance’s party, Jules cannot deny his request (even though he wants to her to use recipes from the 1500s and have the party in one week). The party is a hit, but there is altercation between a tipsy (again an understatement) Lance and Antony. Later that night, Lance arrives at Jules home with blood on his hands and clutching a dagger. Antony is dead (not a shocker) and Lance stumbled upon his body. Lance is the prime suspect (of course) and is arrested. Jules with assistance from the Professor and Thomas work to prove his innocence. Someone is setting Lance up for the crime. Who could have wanted Antony dead? And what is the actor’s real name?

Another One Bites the Crust is nicely written, has a good pace, contains well developed characters and a charming town. While Another One Bites the Crust is the seventh installment in the series, it can be read alone. The author provides the needed background details. The cozy elements that readers of this genre love are present. A charming town, quirky yet lovable characters, someone to dislike (Richard Lord), a bakery with delicious descriptions of baked goods, a Shakespearean play with accounts of the beautiful costumes, Jules creating delectable delights for Lance’s party, a hint of romance, Stephanie’s lack of sleep, Lance acting nuttier than usual and wedding planning. I do feel that we do not need the details on every item that Jules decides to create (it can become tedious after the third, fourth, then fifth time). I was thrilled that Carlos was not featured in this story (I am tired of his storyline). It does seem, though, that Carlos’ story is not finished. There is a hint of what is to come (hint: remember what Carlos gave Jules). The mystery is medium level. The killer can be discerned before the reveal (just follow the clues). The investigation consists of questioning people, our sleuth sharing information (with Lt. Kerry, the Professor, Thomas), and Jules thinking and speculating. I appreciate that the author gives us competent police officers and detectives (hooray). While Lt. Kerry is a rule follower (and intelligent), she is not rude, dislikeable or idiotic (or all three). There is just the right amount of humor in the story. While Lance is an over-the-top character, he is the only one (thank heavens). I liked Thomas and Jules getting to spend some quality time together with a little flirting (can you tell I am Team Thomas). Another One Bites the Crust is a light, entertaining cozy mystery.

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I love cozy mysteries and Another One Bites the Crust was no exception. Well written plot and well developed characters. I have not read this author's books but see myself reading more of their work in the future. I recommend to readers who enjoy a good mystery.

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This is a great book; this is the seventh book in the Bakeshop Mystery Series written by Ellie Alexander. This book can be read as a standalone, but once you read it you will defiantly want to go back and catch up with the other book in this series. It’s the role of a lifetime for Jules. The Shakespeare Festival has returned to Ashland, Oregon, for the season and Torte has been cast as the supplier of Elizabethan-era treats for the main event. But on the eve of opening night, a brawl between Jules’s friend Lance, the artistic director, and a strapping young thespian named Anthony almost brings down the house and the next morning, Anthony is dead. Jules knows that Lance loves his drama and his just desserts, but she also knows that murder is way off-script for him. Now it’s up to Jules to cut through a bevy of backstage betrayals and catty co-stars who all have their own secrets before the curtain drops on someone else. This is a great book with a wonderful story and well developed characters. This book will keep you reading long into the night. If you are looking for a great book, then you need to read this book. I am looking forward to reading the next book by this great author. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader’s copy of this book. The free book held no determination on my personal review.

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ANOTHER ONE BITES THE CRUST by Ellie Alexander is a worthy addition to a very enjoyable series! This seventh book in her Bake Shop Mystery series builds on the characters and strengthens the protagonist, Jules (Juliet) Capshaw’s ties to Ashland, Oregon. And yes, she was named after “that” Juliet. Ashland is known for its Shakespearean Festival each summer (it really is a real-life event!) and the setting provides so many opportunities for drama and small-town connections. Jules and her mother own Torte, a delightfully yummy bakeshop. I would dearly love to spend time in her shop every day, enjoying the close-knit banter between the staff, the incredibly decadent smells and tastes coming from the kitchen, and the sweet kindness from the proprietress. If I could describe this series in just a couple of words, it would be character connection. I love how Jules and her staff at Torte really are like family, despite their many differences. I think one of the things that can make a cozy mystery series successful is the connection the author can create between the reader and the characters. Ms. Alexander definitely brings the reader directly into Jules’ life and helps us experience Torte, Ashland, and the mystery first hand.

In ANOTHER ONE BITES THE CRUST, Jules’ friend, Lance, who is the artistic director of The Shakespeare Festival, has been arrested for murder of the leading man. There are several suspects since actors and actresses lend themselves easily to the drama of the situation. However, Lance himself seems to be hiding something, which brings tension to the plot. Jules finds out just how much her friendship to Lance means and gets involved to prove his innocence. Ms. Alexander brings an emotional level to this new book that hasn’t been quite so evident before. It begins by examining what friendship means, especially when a person’s presence has been taken for granted. Jules also begins to acknowledge her buried feelings about her mother’s pending remarriage and the feelings associated with her deceased father. This conveys a vulnerability and an emotional connection to the story. The ending brings a satisfying conclusion to the murder mystery but I will be impatiently waiting to see what’s next in store for Jules and her friends!

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I love Ashland, Oregon, and I want to try Andy's coffee creations. Lane, as usual, has everyone spinning around with his unusual behavior. In Another One Bites the Crust by Ellie Alexander, Jules Capshaw tries to deal with Lance's craziness, the renovations at Torte and hermother's wedding when a murder intrudes. Another gem.

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Another One Bites the Crust by Ellie Alexander is the 7th book in A Bakeshop Mystery series, and another great addition. I really enjoy this series, and have read them all. Whenever I read this series, it's like going to visit friends in Oregon, and being part of the group. In this adventure Lance is in trouble, and Jules searches for the real killer, so Lance can get out of jail. The plot and characters are well written, and this book will keep you guessing and wondering about all the suspects. I strongly recommend this book for all cozy mystery lovers.

I received this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Another fabulous adventure with Jules and the team! This series never tires. Getting to have Lance as a more leading character in this book was great and expanding on his friendship with Jules was perfect! The mystery and sleuthing was executed excellently and the reveal was first class-Lance style! Although I hoped the Professor and Mrs. C would get married this time, I'm just that much more excited for the hope it will happen in the next book.

It was a book that I had to read every second I got the chance, even in the hubbub of the holidays I was stealing away to read just a little bit more whenever I could.

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Place:  Ashland, Oregon

People:  The usual gang from Torte is back! Jules and her mom, Andy, Sterling, Stephanie, Bethany, and Lance. And, since it is a murder mystery, the Professor and Thomas are involved, as well. New characters for this story include OSF set designer Thad, actors Tracy, Brock, and Antony, and costume designer Vera MacBohn (more about her later!).

Plot:  Jules is happy to be back on solid ground and at Torte after a week at sea. Spring is right around the corner in Ashland; the bakery is expanding, the theater season is running previews, and Jules is helping her mom plan for her wedding to the Professor. The trouble is that Lance (the theater's Artistic Director and Jules's friend) seems high-strung and out of sorts. After hiring Juliet and the crew at Torte to provide theme desserts for a party, Lance shows up at Jules's apartment in the middle of the night carrying a dagger and covered in blood. But Jules knows that her friend can't be a killer - even if the victim is the prima donna actor who has been antagonizing Lance for weeks. Lance begs Juliet for help and, of course, she can't turn him down. 

Pacing:  Steady

Predictability:  Low

Perspective:  Another One Bites the Crust is the seventh book in Ellie Alexander's Bakeshop Mystery series. I've been a fan since the first book, but I must admit that this one has a special place in my heart. I had the opportunity to name a character in this story - Vera MacBohn. Vera is named after my niece (Vera - a Dutch bunny) and my nephew (Macca - a spaniel hound mix), both of whom passed away in 2016. It was delightful to have them immortalized on the page!

Aside from that particular delight, the story itself is Ellie Alexander at her best. She weaves together tempting recipes, tantalizing mystery, and irresistible characters expertly.

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Jules Capshaw is back again, bringing with her all our favorite Torte friends and of course, the colorful characters of Ashland, Oregon
The Shakespeare Festival has returned and the wild and zany Lance is ready for Jules to create some mouth watering desserts.
Unfortunately for Lance, he doesn't get to enjoy much of the events when he becomes a prime suspect in the death of the leading man.
Rumors begin to fly and it is up to Jules and her high school sweetheart, Thomas, to put the puzzle pieces together.

I have enjoyed all the books in this series and this one was no different. Jules is a strong character and she really blossoms in this story.
She is so happy that her mom is remarrying, but she struggles with the loss of her father. This topic points toward reality and it was interesting to see how it played out. The author portrayed it in a sensitive way and left room for Jules to continue to heal after her father's death.

Fans of this series will love this book. I look forward to reading the next in this series by the talented Ellie Alexander.
I voluntarily read an ARC of this book provided by the publisher and NetGalley.
#AnotherOneBitesTheCrust #NetGalley

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