Member Reviews

I've really cut back on the cozy mystery series that I'm reading, and planning on only continuing series that I really enjoy. The Bakeshop Mysteries series is at the top of the list of cozy series I continue to find entertaining and charming. Jules is back in Ashland in Another One Bites the Crust, and the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and the city are back to having starring roles in this book. With a great cast, a charming setting, and a story that always seems solid, this is another enjoyable book in the series, full of food that sounds absolutely delicious.

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It's almost time for the annual Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, Oregon. Unfortunately, Antony of Antony and Cleopatra is found murdered before the curtain can rise, and Jules's friend, Lance, artistic director of the OSF, had a rather public fight with the actor on the eve of opening night.

Juliet (Jules) Capshaw is protagonist and co-owner (with her mother) of Torte who employs four university students part-time on staggered schedules to help man the bakery-coffee-lunch shop. Apparently, she has decided on the bakeshop and Ashland, Oregon against ex-Carlos and her former cruising lifestyle. Lance has been a friend and strong supporter for some time. Unfortunately, Lance is suspect and Jules feels she must defend him. Thomas, old boyfriend and Ashland detective, is working the case along with "the Professor," Jules's mother's fiancé in an unofficial capacity. You have to give Ms. Alexander kudos for her variety of well-crafted characters, each with personalities you can learn to appreciate.

I might describe it a character-driven plot more than plot driven if it were not for the constant infusion of recipes and baking instructions. I suspect foodies will absolutely love her descriptions of the artistry and unique latte infusions, as well as one unique baking idea after another, but I must admit that after the third or fourth start of another baking project, my eyes began to glaze over. The seventh in the series, it can still function as standalone. The description of the little town set an idyllic bucolic setting. Perhaps because of the slow burn through the next delicious haute cuisine sample, the plot just turned to molasses for me. I must admit that I didn't guess the antagonist.

I downloaded this ebook from St. Martin's Paperbacks and NetGalley and appreciated the opportunity to read and review. Totally recommended for those who appreciate the inside scoop on custom coffees and unique bakeries with a little mystery.

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This is a good solid cozy series. I highly suggest you read them in order.
I enjoy the characters; although I think the whodunit in this latest offering was not the best in the series.
I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.

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Another One Bites the Crust: A Bakeshop Mystery
By Ellie Alexander
St. Martin’s
January 2018

Review by Cynthia Chow

Taking place not long after the working vacation on cruise depicted in A Crime of Passion Fruit, bakeshop owner Jules Capshaw is adjusting back to life running Torte and its expansion into the basement below. The Elizabethan-themed town of Ashland, Oregon embraces the Bard as an inspiration to attract tourists, but most of the antics seem to be occurring behind-the-scenes. Jules is seeing firsthand the mental spiraling of her friend Lance Rosseau, the artistic director of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, whose upcoming production is the tragic Antony and Cleopatra. Desperate to hold onto his position and fearing that the board plans to remove him, Lance enlists Torte into catering an over-the-top Shakespearean dessert buffet to go along with his ostentatious preseason party. In an act that has Jules concerned about his stability, Lance physically assaults his method-acting lead, calling him untalented and desperate for attention. Jules wonders if it isn’t an instance of the pot calling the kettle black, as a hysterical Lance arrives at her door holding a prop knife and claiming to have found Antony’s dead body.

When police are unable to find a corpse, even Jules must ponder whether it was all a publicity stunt. Lance may be known for his dramatic attention-seeking acts, and she has to admit that the news will attract a plethora of media attention. As the truth slowly unfolds, Jules is forced to help her friend and once again finds herself in the middle of a police investigation. Even if he weren’t already in the midst of wedding plans to Jules’ widowed mother, the Professor – and lead detective - recuses himself due to possible personal biases. His replacement is by-the-book and not accustomed to Ashland’s informality, which not only has everyone in everyone else’s business, but keeps a prisoner “jailed” in an unused office with Jules delivering Torte treats.

What makes this series so enjoyable is how it perfectly balances the small-town vibe and details with a realistic police investigation. Perhaps it is due to her soon-to-be-father-in-law and an ex-boyfriend-but-interested-in-being-current-boyfriend both being Ashland detectives, but Jules behaves rationally and attempts to follow the law. Details of astoundingly delicious savory and sweet delicacies, along with the quirky dilemmas of her staff, are interwoven into the plot without slowing down the pace or the plot. Characters introduced early in the series continue to be developed, and while new readers will have no trouble catching up long-time fans will rewarded by seeing the lives of their favorite residents progress. Jules is realizing that she must make a decision in her personal life, even if one has become glaringly clear. Ashland truly is where she feels most at home, and with a lead up to further intrigue, readers will anticipate where Jules’s life goes next.

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Another One Bites the Crust is the seventh Bakeshop Mystery #7)  by Ellie Alexander. I have read most of the previous books in this series and I really enjoy it. 

Another One Bites the Crust is filled with interesting characters. Readers of this series will enjoy getting back to the bakeshop, Torte, in Ashland, Oregon with Jules and her co-workers. Jules has realized that she is going to build her life in Ashland and not with ex Carlos on the cruise ships. Her shop is going under major renovations and she is excited about the future.

Jules is given an opportunity to provide the food for an elaborate party by the artistic director, Lance, of the town's Shakespeare festival. On the night before the opening of the festival, Lance fights with young actor Anthony. When Anthony is found dead Lance is blamed and Jules needs to help her friend.

Another One Bites The Crust is a well written cozy mystery. Great addition to the series. Highly recommend.

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*3.5 stars*

In this seventh helping from Torte, Jules Capshaw is busy getting ready for the Shakespeare Festival. The play of the season is Antony and Cleopatra, but her bff Lance (and director of the playhouse) is having a lot of issues with the man playing Antony. So when Antony is found dead, Lance is the obvious suspect. It's up to Jules, and the refreshingly competent police department, to find out who really killed Antony.

There's a lot of positive things to say about this book. It's my first introduction to the Bakeshop Mystery series, but I was able to start reading with no problem. The characters are interesting and zany, and I love the fact that Torte is a business passed to Jules from her parents (and that her mother is still alive and very much involved!).

Another pleasant surprise is how Jules seems like an actual pastry chef and foodie. I have read many cozy mysteries where the protagonist is the owner of a bakery or coffee shop, but seems to know nothing about baking or brewing coffee. Jules is the opposite! There are many wonderful descriptions about food, and the process of finding ingredients/merging flavors.

I also liked that the police department is competent, as I mentioned above. There are a lot of dopey police officers in cozy mysteries, but the detectives in this book seem intelligent and capable of solving crime. Yay!

I wasn't that sold on the actual mystery, however. There was no way I could have solved it on my own, and it was wrapped up very tidily. I don't actually read cozy mysteries for the whodunnits, however; it's more because they're comfortable, cute reads. And in that case, Another One Bites the Crust is the perfect book.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and Netgalley for an ARC.

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Another One Bites the Crust is the seventh installment in Ellie Alexander’s Bakeshop Mystery series. The books in this series are fun and easy-to-read cozy mysteries, with interesting mysteries and a well-developed cast of characters. The author provides enough background information that each book in this series can be read as a standalone.

Juliet “Jules” Capshaw works in her family’s bakery, Torte, in the quaint Shakespeare-themed village Ashland, Oregon. Torte is thriving and is undergoing an expansion project. Her mother, Helen, is engaged to Ashland’s lead detective, Professor Doug Curtis, and she’s helping to plan the wedding, but they are having trouble finding a venue large enough. Lance Rousseau, the artistic director of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, has hired Jules to supply Elizabethan-era treats for the main event and Torte’s competent and talented staff members, Sterling, Stephanie, Andy, and Bethany, work with Jules and Helen to prepare a delectable array of desserts. On the eve of the opening night, Lance shows up at Jules’ apartment late, with bloody hands and a dagger he pulled out of the lead actor, Antony Lethello. When the police arrive at the park where Lance found the body, they can’t locate the body. The Professor recuses himself from the case due to his friendship with Lance, but continues to investigate under the radar. Reinforcements are called in from Medford, with Detective Kerry assigned to the case and Thomas works with her. When Antony’s body is discovered in the duck pond, Lance is arrested. Lance begs Jules to clear his name and she is determined to help her friend.

I received an Advance Reader Copy of this book from NetGalley and voluntarily reviewed it.

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Ellie Alexander's Bakeshop mysteries are always a treat to read. Full of mouth watering food descriptions, delightful characters, and a quaint small town; I always love visiting Jules and the gang in Ashland. Another One Bites the Crust is fun instalment where we get to see behind the scenes of the Shakespeare festival which I liked. This one definitely left the reader eagerly awaiting the next instalment, with several big reveals dropped in the last couple chapters. If you are a fan of foodie cozy mysteries then this is for you!

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Another winner in my favorite cozy mystery series! This time Lance is a suspect when one of his actors is murdered. Will Juliet and Thomas be able to clear his name, or is he a cold-blooded killer? As always, I thoroughly enjoyed all of the descriptions of the wonderful food and coffee creations served at Torte (I would love to try a rose-scented latte). I did miss the recipes that usually accompany each book--here's hoping they will be included in the final print edition. I can't wait to read the next book and find out what's in store for Juliet and her mom.

Thanks to the publisher and to Netgalley for the preview copy!

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The new year is going to be off to an amazing start for cozy lovers with Another One Bites The Crust by Ellie Alexander! I finished reading this last night and I was on egg shells the entire book. I was so worried the whole time that something terrible was going to happen to one of my most favorite characters in the series and I found myself holding my breath through much of the book. Ellie does a great job with character building and makes you care so much about fictional characters that you come to think of them as real. While the place is real it is so hard to not think that I could just get in my car and drive 10 hours and be sitting in Torte while visiting Ashland. Having driven through and reading about it throughout this series I can tell you first hand that the setting feels as realistic as it looks, with a few exceptions that is. I loved this one. It was suspenseful, it was nail biting and it was fun. I loved it and I think you will too.

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Jules is back home in Ashland in this latest installment of the Torte series. This time, her friend Lance is framed for a murder he can't prove...will they find a body, or is it all part of a conspiracy to set him up? Familiar characters and delicious recipes will draw you into this whodunit.

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This was another great installment in this series. Jules is really maturing into an interesting character, and I felt like this was one of the best in the series for her in terms of character development. She's really turning over a new leaf in this book. Also, the mystery itself was very interesting. Finally, Torte and this small town were a great backdrop for this story, and I loved the descriptions of the baked goods that Jules created. I thought this series was starting to lose steam, but this installment really made me reinvested, and I'm excited for the next book!

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This is a delightful mystery featuring interesting characters and a lovely setting. Juliet has left the cruise ship world and her husband Carlos to return to Torte, her family bakery in Ashland, Oregon. It is time for the annual Shakespeare festival and Juliet's friend Lance who is the festival director, is throwing a big party to open the season and, also, to show up the lead actor, Antony. The two men have an acrimonious relationship and after Lance throws him out of the party, Antony is found dead with Lance's dagger stuck in his stomach and his blood on Lance's hand. Lance cannot remember what happened and begs Juliet to find the true murderer. There are suspects galore, and once again Juliet is able to find justice for her friend. I loved this story, especially the wonderful descriptions of the desserts that Torte's makes. The descriptions of the macarons had me heading for the local bakery! I highly recommend this book.

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These are a fun and easy-to-read cozy mystery series set in the appealing setting of Ashland, Oregon, home of the year-round Shakespearean festival, a magnet for tourists from all over the world. The author expertly incorporates the town's theater culture with the adventures of "Jules" Capshaw as she creates drool-worthy desserts and food in her bakeshop and solves a mystery or two.

Perfect for fans of Diane Mott Davidson (without the violence and language), Joanne Fluke, and other cozy mystery writers who involve food with solving murders.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for allowing access to the advance digital reading copy.

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This continues to be an enjoyable series that appeals to bakers, Shakespeare enthusiasts and cozy mystery lovers.

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