Member Reviews was a quick, entertaining read. Suspend your disbelief that a high-powered doctor would leave his career to go be the doctor for a resort in Hawaii. If you can accept that and can accept that a corporation would have a week-long retreat in Hawaii and a boss would pressure employees to do thing like walk across burning coals. If you can accept the set up, it’s a rather cute story of busy, stressed-out corporate woman meets a hunky guy on her vacation and falls for him just as he’s falling for her.
I was given a free ARC of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
This book premise sounded good, but the execution of it was short and rushed. Maybe if it was a cll book instead of a novella is would have worked better. It seemed very rushed to me!
Sorry but I cloud not finish this book. To fast seems like I was missing something
DNF @ 72%
I know when I read an ARC to expect, the odd spelling, grammatical or repeated word error, but when you get to a pivotal part between the H/h of what is already a short story, to be provided with the following -
(Love scene, 1000 words)
Rather than the actual event, and then straight onto the next chapter is a little bit light on detail even for me. Seeing as this book released back in September, I hope the author managed to write, and include the missing 1000 word 'love scene' for readers who have actually bought the book. For me, this story needed the sex, so to have it whipped away before it even started killed my interest in finishing it.
ARC (or part thereof anyway) provided via Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.