Member Reviews

Ok, I'm going to go out on a limb here. You need to read the first three books first to really appreciate this one. I have read the previous three but it was a long time a go. So I had to go back and remind myself.
The continuation of the characters and the storyline is good. Both are developed well over the series.
However, I felt the love storyline was a little too rushed. It's an age gap romance and the older woman was imprisoned and tortured for twenty years. Now don't get me wrong I'm glad she survived all those years but surely she would have some emotional trauma. And the girl. I call her a girl because she won't shut up. I know opposites attract and you fall in love for the strangest of reasons. But if my best friend fell in love with my daughter I might have to say something.
Anyway, overall not a bad read just me nit picking. 3 stars

This is a good addition to the Exodus series. As with the previous books the setting and characters were all very well written. I thought the romance was a little too instant and the chemistry between the two leads could have been more obvious, but I really enjoyed the other storylines.

Arrival is the 4th book in the Exodus series. This is a romantic, suspenseful science fiction story. I have read all the books in this series, as well as all of Ms. Brooke’s other books.
As with the other books in this series, Ms. Brooke does an excellent job with the storyline and the character development. Because it is a series, you get to revisit the characters you got to know in previous books. Ms. Brooke has been able to weave a story that flows so well from each one of her books. I would not recommend reading this book unless you have read the previous books as you will miss out on learning why the Oconodian/Gemosian people had to leave their home for the planet Gemocon.
I enjoyed the way Ms. Brooke develops the suspense in each of her books. At the end of this book you will sense that there will be another one coming. I only hope that she can write quickly.
I am giving this book 5 out of 5 stars.
I was given this ARC in return for a fair and honest review.

This is book 4 in the series and not the best in my opinion. I didn’t like the pace of the relationship between Pamas and Darmiya - their real action ship evolved in a very fast way that didn’t seem natural and there was so substance or chemistry in their relationship. Beside that the overall pace of the story was too slow and I was tempted to skip pages in between.

ARC received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
This is the fourth in the series, but it’s not the best. It features another older/younger couple, this time Pamas (who is Spinner’s long lost mother) and Darmiya. This mainly functions as a continuing storyline for the other books, and the instalove between the characters was too fast for me and built on nothing of substance. In each of the other books the main characters were on ships together for long periods of time, but here they know each other for all of about a week for the totality of the book and still manage to fall in love.
Pamas is a character who’d experienced something that should have been interesting, but was only skirted around and told in drips and drabs, maybe that’s because there’s at least one book left (I’m assuming based on how this one ended) and Gun is trying to space this information out, but it didn’t work for me. I wanted a scene where Pamas sat down with Spinner and they actually discussed what happened, I also would have liked to see Pamas reunite with Pherry, but I assume that’s still to come.
All in all, this is just filler, and the relationship wasn’t done justice, so I couldn’t really get into it. There were also a few typos, but I assume that’s because this is an ARC and they will be fixed for the final version.
3 stars

An honest review thanks to NetGalley. I have read the previous books in the series, but it has been awhile, so my memory was a little dim as I began to read. This was an ok book, but it did not overwhelm me. I found myself getting bored and constantly flipping through pages. The suspense and mission were interesting as well as Pamas reconnecting with her long-lost daughter. I would have liked more of this instead the relationship between Darmiya was put into play. I did not see these two together and didn't feel any connection between them. THis was written great as are most of Gun Brooke's books.

The fourth entry in the series, which continues the world building and story lines of a number of the characters that were introduced in the previous entries. Ms. Brooke is an effective author who does well with the presentation of Commander Seclan's struggle to recover following the trauma endured while she was a captive. Darmiya was a plucky figure, with an interesting scientific history and a clear affection for her romantic counterpart, their interactions were strong and at a number of points, very emotionally resonant. Overall, the plot was framed and presented well, but cannot stand independently of the texts that preceded it.

3 1/2 Stars. This was a good read for the 4th book in the series. After 4 books I have come to really enjoy this series. It has a great cast of characters and each book someone new gets to shine. I thought the first book was just okay, but then the series got better with each additional book. Book 3 is still my favorite out of the bunch, but I still enjoyed this one.
You may want to skip this paragraph if you have never read this series, it has some slight spoilers. The series is about a group of humans who must leave their home planet in search of a new home. Their home planet was taken over by Changers, people who have supernatural abilities, and were dangerous to regular humans. Book 1 is about the advanced team, a ship scouting space to find a new planet. Books 2 and 3 are about the main ship carrying all the people to the new planet. This book 4, is about the main ship landing on the new planet so finally everyone is at their new home. What does that mean for reading order? Well before you could skip book 1, and just read 2 and 3 since they are connected. Now that everyone is on the same planet, all the old characters are back. I now think to truly enjoy this series, start at book 1, and read them in order.
As with all of these books, I think the “I love yous” come pretty quickly, but I expected it and didn’t mind it this time. Like book 3, this is another age-gap romance. I don’t think the two main characters Pam and Dar had a ton of chemistry, but they had a bond. I believed them together and was cheering for a possible relationship.
This book was not quite as exciting as the last book, but it had its moments. I was sucked into the storyline immediately and enjoyed the read. My biggest complaint really is the story ended too soon. The book was a little too short for me and I would have loved even more.
While this is a sci-fi series, I believe people who are not big sci-fi fans will still enjoy it. It’s a story about people and relationships, plus there isn’t hard to understand science or tech. Reading is smooth and everything is well explained. I’m a fan of Brooke and am happy to hear there will be a book 5.
An ARC was given to me by BSB, for a honest review.

The fourth book of the Exodus series continues the journey carried out by the oconodian people together with the gemosian people, both in need of finding a new planet.
In this chapter a new character appears, Pamas Seclar, who is related to Spinner, protagonist of the first novel. Pamas has been disappeared for 20 years but has managed to get rid of her captors and try to return to her life, with the difficulties that this entails given the circumstances.
The universe Gemocondian created by the author, is very interesting. Within the fantasy of this genre, the descriptions of environments and gadgets are easy to understand and do not disturb the story at all.
You should know that the books in this series must be read in order to be able to properly follow the story. And that I already expect the next chapter impatiently.