Member Reviews

Bennett Carlyle gets promoted to Police Captain and handed the project managing the redesign of the new sub-station building. Uncomfortable taking on something she has no experience with, she knows she needs to succeed to prove herself to her team and her boss. When it turns out the architect is her high school crush, who left town after their first kiss, things get way more complicated.
Kerstin Anthony gets handed a project in the town she grew up in, but had no intention of returning too. Unaware of the mess she is being handed, she wants the project to be the centrepiece of her design portfolio that will launch her own agency. When her first meeting brings her face to face with Bennett Carlyle all the painful heartache of being abandoned by her first and only love come flooding back and invading her carefully controlled world.
Can the two of them bear to work together of a project that is critical to their careers or will the heartache force them to step away?
VK Powell is the mistress of Police romances and this one is another classic “will she wont she” story of lost loves reunited by chance. Bennett is a true hero, calm, strong, brave and loyal, her heart has never really moved on despite getting on with her life, she is everything admirable. Kerstin has done the right thing, forged a career, taken care of her mother, but on the inside she is broken, unable to form attachments, scared of the thought of commitment, she holds herself in tight control and lets off steam with emotionless sex in her favourite private club.
There is a lot of prevarication.. this is the archetypal story of a woman not wanting to accept she has feelings, and it might drive you mad; it certainly makes Kerstin behave badly towards Ben whose patience is nothing short of stoic. But ultimately she has to grow, accept her feelings, allow herself to know why caused the breach and what has crippled her emotionally ever since.
The two families are extremely well drawn, far apart in many ways, one warm, caring and engaged, the other cool and distant; both feed the personality of the main characters and provide great sub-plots along the way.
Well written, lots of great sex and excellent sexual tension, great character building and use of the setting, this was a thoroughly enjoyable read.

I felt this book took a long time to get going. I started and stopped several times.
I really liked Bennett the police captain. I found she was honest, up front and honest. Kirsten I found to be the opposite. She has some serious issues. Kirsten also seems to blame Bennett for all her problems. All because Bennett told Kirsten's dad that they were experimenting when he caught them as children kissing.
Kirsten blamed Bennett for her parents divorce and all that came with it. She got good at running away. But Bennett proved her wrong.
The three most powerful words in the world "I Love You". Many don't understand their true meaning. But once said its hard to unsay as Kirsten found out. Trust and friendship are also part of it.
This story is poignant in itself. How the three words can change the perception of one's life. Yes, its a bit slow but I liked it. Enjoy!
*ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley*

Stevie‘s review of Captain’s Choice (Fairview Station, Book 1) by VK Powell
Contemporary Lesbian Romance published by Bold Strokes Books 12 Dec 17
Estranged lovers reunited years later is a common trope in romance novels, although it works best for me when both lovers have already worked through the reasons for the original estrangement and are prepared to talk things over like grown-ups when they meet once again. The scenario has more likelihood of working in LGBT+ stories than in heterosexual romances, I find, because the opportunities for teenage angst and confusion are so much greater, as are the chances that these emotions will be resolved with maturity. Add in the extra complexity of potential parental disapproval becoming diminished as dependence lessens, and all the ingredients are there. Except… what if, as the years have passed, the parents have become the dependent ones for one or both former lovers?
Kerstin Anthony finds herself in just that situation; having built up a successful career as an architect, and on the verge of being able to start her own firm, her plans are disrupted when her overbearing mother suffers a stroke, which leaves her with mobility and memory impairments. Kerstin is able to call upon a maternal aunt for help, and the pair share live-in carer duties in order that both can continue their careers and social lives while Kerstin’s mother recovers. This recovery is progressing well, when Kerstin is called upon to take over a project in the family’s former hometown at short notice. The job seems to be a perfect next step in progressing her career, until Kerstin discovers that her liaison for the project is the woman who apparently dumped her as a teenager, right before Kerstin’s family moved away.
Bennett Carlyle comes from a long line of police officers. Newly promoted to captain after her predecessor’s spectacular fall from grace, she feels that she would be better occupied out on the streets setting a good example to her subordinates, rather than being stuck in an office or off on site visits overseeing the conversion of an old building into a new police station and community hub. This displeasure only increases when Bennet finds out that the new architect for the project is the only woman to break her heart. When Kerstin’s father walked in on the two girls kissing, Bennett denied that they were having a relationship to spare Kerstin from her father’s anger, figuring they would work things out later; however, none of her phone messages were passed on in the short time between the event and Kerstin leaving town as a result of her parents’ divorce. Now the two women have a perfect opportunity to fix what once went wrong, and work out if the reason neither has managed a successful adult relationship is partly due to the fact that they belong together.
Meanwhile, the project that has brought the two back together is beset by difficulties due to their respective predecessors’ ethically challenged natures and attempts at cost-cutting with no regard for building codes. Kerstin also has to rush back to see her mother at regular intervals, and worries how she will be able to carry on a long-distance relationship with Bennett in the face of maternal disapproval. Bennett, by contrast, has a very approving family, but worries that Kerstin lacks commitment for the long haul.
I liked this book a lot. At times I wished the main characters would just sit down and talk things through, but this dissatisfaction was counterbalanced by the sheer joy of meeting the various members of Bennett’s family, especially the two matriarchs. I was greatly charmed by Kerstin’s aunt and was cheered immensely to see her start on the road towards her own happy ending. Definitely a series I want to follow as more of the characters are developed in their own right.
Grade: B

I love these rekindle stories with the scars the characters have developed along the way. Ben (what a great name) and Kerstin had the teenage backstory and their lives were thrown back together professionally and personally. Ben, again my favourite, had the most beautiful honesty.
Overall a good read although the final love/sex scenes were clunky.

I was looking forward to reading this book, as it looked interesting. However, I found it too predictable. I didn't much like the style of writing, as it was a little confusing at times ... and a little immature. The main characters - Bennett and Kerstin - came across as teenage lovers as opposed to people in their late 20s / early 30s. Kerstin annoyed me with her constant tug - of - war, with her constant back - and - forth. I tip my hat off to Bennett, for her patience, but because she was SO patient, it felt unreal. Any normal person would have left Kerstin a long time ago as Kerstin kept toying with Bennett's emotions.

From start to finish I felt that the story kept dragging out and took forever to get to the point. I love the love story behind it. I got confused in the style of writing.

Enjoy a good romance with just enough, will she, won’t she? This book is for you!
Throw in police captain Bennett Carlyle who finds out her first love, Kerstin, will be heading the new design for the police station and the feelings are still there. It is a great story line.
Yes, most of it is predictable. However, if you are looking for one that is a feel good book, this will do it for you!
I received a copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I haven’t been able to pinpoint what it was about this book that made me not get into it as much as I wanted to. The start was slow, but it did start to pick up more towards the middle of the book. I think I would have enjoyed this book more if we started out with Bennett and Kerstin in high school as opposed to present day. I think it would have helped me not be so confused with how they knew each other for as long as I was.
Another reviewer did say that Kerstin annoyed them because of how wishy-washy she was and I have to agree. I felt like Bennett was so solid and Kerstin just seemed like she had no idea what she wanted. It was harder to relate to her.
I like the author a lot and think she’s great at these cop/lawyer type books but this one just wasn’t one of her best.

This is a romance involving two main characters Bennett Carlyle and Kerstin Anthony. Bennett has been recently promoted to a police captain and has been assigned the responsibility of overseeing the building of a new substation. Kerstin is the architect who is working on the building design and construction. The project presents a lot of pressure for both Bennett and Kerstin. Unfortunately, there are several problems that they are not aware of when given this assignment.
To work on this project, Kerstin must return to her hometown. The last time she had been home was 17 years earlier at the end of high school. She is not looking forward to returning, but she has to take the job to enhance her portfolio. Kerstin and Bennett were in a relationship when they were in high school. The chemistry once present between the two bursts upon the scene when they unexpectedly meet on the job.
I liked the story. The only problem I had was with the many “on again, off again” signals that Kerstin is sending Bennett. I understand that Kerstin has family obligations and job goals, but I felt the indecision was a little too much and caused the story to be choppy at times.
Character development was good. I particularly liked Bennett’s character. She is brave, honest, sensitive and hard working. Throughout the book you will see these characteristics. I am sure the attributes were ones which Ms. Powell demonstrated through her many years in the law enforcement profession.
I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.
I was given this ARC in return for a fair and honest review.

I loved this book. Sure, there are gaps that I wish were filled, but I was rooting for these two throughout.

I'm of two minds on this novel. On the bad side I couldn't stand one of the main characters, Kerstin. She's an architect who has a sorta past with the other main characters, Bennett, and through the whole book everything she did was just so off and her character never seemed even remotely understandable to me.
Bennett, a Police Captain that has been chosen to work on the new police station with Kerstin. They went to school together and they have a super confusing/awkward/painful past that hurt both of them immensely. When they start working together again, the feelings bubble up again and bring up a lot of different stuff.
Then there's the good side. Other than Kerstin I literally loved every other character in the book (even Kerstin's mother Elizabeth grew on me), but from Valerie, Kerstin's aunt to every single member of the Carlyle family and a few friends, they were all awesome characters that each jumped off the page at me. I would definitely love to read more about all of them, especially Jazz and Dylan.
In a lot of ways this book reminded me of the Rivers Community series Radclyffe writes. I hope there are more about this awesome cast of characters for sure. Oh, and huh, never knew that those rocky things were called Circus punks. Heh.
I was given this ARC by Netgalley on behalf of Bold Strokes Books.

I was not very impressed with this book mainly because the “problem” that stood between the two main characters could have been solved quickly and easily but instead it was drawn out. It seemed a bit ridiculous after a while. The characters didn’t have a lot of depth and seemed very flat. I also didn’t feel any chemistry or connection between the main characters.

I always look forward to reading books authored by Powell and I'm always glad I’m not disappointed. Kerstin Anthony is a architect in charge of designing and overseeing a new substation for the Greensboro police. Bennett Carlyle is the officer in charge of making sure the jobs done. Yes they also share a history dating back to their high school days. Neither thought they'd ever meet again but fate has different plans. We get a follow both as they learn to let the past go. Did I mention the plans for the substation were not done correctly, so Kerstin has to fix the problems or the work won't be done in time. Throw in Bennett's large and very close family and you have another great read by V K Powell. Really nice read.

I'm a big fan of stories that involve lost love being found again especially when it involves sexy sparks of that renewed romance. Captain's Choice captures a lot of that undeniable chemistry and magnetism between Bennett and Kersten despite the many years of separation. The build up of delicious tension and anticipation had me on the edge of my seat, until it practically became unbearable. Then, it truly did become unbearable while we waited for Kersten to make up her mind about Bennett. She flip-flopped more than a crooked politician when it was as obvious as the nose on her face that they were both still very much in love. We all have reasons why we are skittish with promises of the heart, and while Bennett and Kersten are no different, it became exasperating to watch Kersten rise to creative levels of cruelty with how much she teased and pulled back from Bennett. I really liked Bennett, who is honorable, brave, and a good soul through and through. While Kersten is a good person I had a really difficult time getting past the deplorable way she treated Bennett. Still, this a polished story and well written with lots of sexual tension and a great supporting cast of characters that I grew to love and care about despite not caring for Kersten all that much.

I have read quite a few of Powell’s books and thoroughly enjoyed them, but this is not one of her best. I didn’t feel there was enough explanation as to what the problem was between Kirsten and Bennett all those years ago. Why was Kirsten so scarred? Also, I didn’t quite feel the connection between the two leads. Having said that the book was full of wonderful supporting characters, and did make for a worthwhile read.
I was given an advance review copy via NetGallery in return for an honest opinion.

Reading of this book has been quite entertaining, the plot and the characters are interesting, the story is well developed and well-paced. Perhaps my only complaint is that the issue that both main characters had seventeen years ago has not been well explained and goes over and over along the story. Kerstin's insecurities and fears in some crucial moments has been a little bit annoying also. Poor Bennett is really getting so many mixed signals from Kerstin all the time. But the book has more positive than negative things, so it's worth reading.

This was a pretty ok book up until just over half way. Then it became an awesome book! Whew, some hot action and some really well thought out words on LOVE v sexual desire. Powerful and absorbing I just loved this book!

VK Powell is one of those authors that I really enjoy because her writing is simply good. Her stories are gripping and I find myself diving in and getting lost in the lives of all the characters. I enjoy a good romance with a little angst. Complexity between the main characters is the chemistry that helps keep the pages turning for a solid romance. This was a solid read. I look forward to reading more from this author. I highly recommend.

This novel remained narratively consistent with earlier works by Ms. Powell, with the additional benefit of the architect/law enforcement subplot which does not arise often and proved to be more dynamic than I anticipated. However, the romance was subpar, the characters (specifically, Kerstin) were lackluster and I was left wanting more fire/action from the tale, despite the youthful involvement between the women.

Relationships are complex because people are complex. Bennett Carlyle is not the person she was and feels good about the person she has become but once in awhile her confidence wanes. Kerstin Anthony is in her own words, hot and cold and has trust issues. The yes, no, maybe was too much at times as they attempted to work through their relationship hang ups. But you know what, in my opinion, this is real life relationship stuff which like life can be unforgiving as well as unpredictable.