Member Reviews

I've read quite a few of Williamz books. Unfortunately, I'm trying to play catchup with respect to the publisher Bold Stroke Books, I finished this book.
I have to admit this just wasn't for me. I was disappointed because I've enjoyed this author in the past.
This book had no depth, and the characters weren't really developed.
I feel that the book is some what out dated.
I don't think its as bad as some reviewers have said but I honestly don't think this is one of her best.

very passionate and sexy f/f adding hookup culture of dating/hook up sites in the background. Loved.

Leah Davis has just been dumped by her partner of five years. The reason? Leah is no good in bed. She decides to learn to be a better lover by meeting women on a lesbian hookup site. Dillon Franklin is Leah’s best friend and co-owner of their bar. She is also secretly in love with Leah. She is adamantly against Leah’s idea to hook up with numerous women in an attempt to learn to be a better lover. She knows she could teach her but is afraid of ruining their friendship. Eventually, Dillon gives up on Leah and starts dating Stephanie. This causes Leah to grow insanely jealous, but she can’t understand why. Will Leah stop her string of meaningless encounters to pursue Dillon? Or will they grow apart and never find true love?
Was "okay". I did not really feel the chemistry.

I felt this title was not very well written. I didn't find the plot believable and for me the characters were not that likeable. Overall I would not recommend this title.

This book was all over the place. The writting was repetitive, plot non-existent and the characters underdeveloped. Romance? What romance.
Defiantly don’t recommend.

Tried starting this ebook several times but couldn't get past the first few pages. I didn't like the character and everything went down from that. It just wasn't for me. I didn't finish it.

This is only my second book by this author. Not sure I will be trying another until I see a highly reviewed book come out. I didn’t enjoy the first one, but decided to give this one a go. The first I thought should have been labeled erotica; I thought my expectations on this one were clearer. The title, the cover all set the expectation for this book… or so I thought. Both books I finished, but the struggle was real. I will be honest and say I wanted to stop, several times. I would talk myself out of it after taking a break. This book wasn’t working for me early, and by the end I felt a little dirty. Not in a good dirty way. Random sex to “learn” how to have sex properly… really? Leah getting dumped for not being able to please someone set this book up for failure with me. This entire book could have been wrapped up with a conversation and some direction. The random sex in books is just kind of gross at this point. I wanted to give a lecture on safe sex, and lesbians who think STD’s aren’t a worry for them. Poor Dillion wants Leah. Even after all of this. I don’t know any of the lesbians depicted in this book. I am sure they are out there, but why surround yourself with them? If you like this author, this may be your cup of tea. For everyone else, I would give this one a pass.

Book received from Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review
I'm struggling to review this because it is very rare for me to have disliked a main character quite as much as I disliked Leah. I’ve read a few of MJ Williamz's books and for the most I enjoy the stories she tells (some more than others), however, my enjoyment was interfered with by my irritation with Leah. The premise could be an interesting one. Leah gets dumped by her girlfriend of five years on the grounds that Leah doesn't satisfy her in bed. When Leah tells Dillon, best friend and co-owner of the bar they run, that she's going to become a better lover by putting a profile up on a hooking-up app, Dillon is taken aback. Seems Dillon has been secretly in love with Leah since they first met.
Leah is completely self-absorbed and narcissistic and it's blatantly obvious as to why she was dumped by her girlfriend. I spent most of the book trying to figure out what Dillon saw in her and the balance hoping that Dillon finds someone more worthy of her love.
There were a number of scenes which started out as fairly erotic but eroticism for me is lost when there is no mental connection between characters and the bland interaction between them didn’t help.
I think there was an opportunity for humour that was missed and also an opportunity to switch up the formula by giving it a different kind of ending.

This book was just not working for me on many different levels. The sex scenes felt more like an instruction manual and were very clinical and didn’t project any feelings or chemistry between the characters. The whole time I asked myself why would she sleep with random women, hoping to learn how to have sex - that is just strange to me especially because Dillion obviously likes her. The only really likable character and the one I feel bad for is Stephanie. Shew didn’t play around and got dumped in the end anyway.

This book read like a 1st attempt, the characters did not have much depth and the sex scenes were very repetitive. I did not like either MC and honestly could not careless if they got together or not.

I'm sorry to say that the book just didn't sit well with me. There was nothing that impressed me or something that picked my interest. I did finish the book out of respect for NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books but unfortunately that was the only reason. The scenes are simple and non-inventive, the whole plot was lacking the chemistry between the characters.... It just didn't work for my taste.

I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I enjoyed reading this book.

2.5 stars
Leah Davis has just been dumped by her girlfriend of 5 years. Abandoned for a girlfriend who is better in bed, Leah decides to hook up with a variety of women who can help her to improve her skills.
Lean’s business partner and best friend, Dillon Franklin, is not happy with the new plan. Secretly in love with Leah for years, Dillon is frightened that revealing her secret will mean losing her best friend and destroying their business relationship. Will Leah find happiness in the arms of these new lovers, or will Dillon’s jealousy take root and destroy this adventure before it begins?
This is Williamz’ thirteenth book, and she has a good handle on creating characters. However, I think this one was a side step rather than the main game for the author. It really feels like a test rather than a well-written book that fits comfortably within a genre. The official blurb doesn’t indicate that there are a lot of sex scenes in the book, and that it has the sensibility of erotica almost as much as it does romance.
There are problems with the book fitting between the two genres. The developing romantic connection between the two main characters fits the genre of a romance, but there isn’t enough depth to do them justice. There also is little of the surrounding characters and events that normally act as the glue in their relationship in romances. As for the numerous partners and fairly explicit sex scenes throughout the book, this fits much better within the erotica trope. However, most of the sex scenes are truncated and leave the main character feeling worse off. It’s so pronounced that I almost wonder if there isn’t a sly statement from the author about sex being better with one person only and so a judgement of “it will be bad” is landed upon the one-night stands. Unfortunately the book doesn’t work particularly well as erotica, and it isn’t working as well as it needs to as a romance either.
I liked both the main characters, but there was a lot of dialogue and not much happened in the plot other than the erotic exploits of the characters. It was a short book, and I wanted more development of the relationship, particularly intensifying the heat between the two main characters, for this to work better as a romance. Perhaps even add a bit more unresolved sexual tension for a chunk of the book to lead us further down the romance path.
This is light entertainment and won’t take long to read.

If all you’re looking for in a book is erotica this is the book for you. The story here involves Leah and Dillon. They are co-owners of a bar. Leah's girlfriend leaves her but before she walks she tells Leah she a terrible lover sending Leah searching for a women who will teach her how to be a better lover. In the meantime Dillon, who unbeknown to Leah has been in love with her forever is forced to watch Leah go through strange women hoping to get better at sex. I'm sure for some this could be the perfect book but I find it to be a hard read when I really don't care for either of the main characters. Having read other books by this author that I really liked, I'm hoping the next book will be more to my liking.

I had a very difficult time getting engrossed in the characters. While I understood the premise and motivation of Leah, she came across as very one-dimensional, let alone a bit selfish in her quest. Dillion was by far my preferred character. She showed much more depth, compassion, and awareness. Unfortunately, I was not drawn enough into the book and was unable to finish.
The scenes were pretty interesting and the imagery was quite vivid. While I am not an avid reader of this genre, I would probably give it another go.

I wanted to like it, but the Leah character was so flat. I honestly didn't care one way or another if she was any good in bed. I also couldn't figure out why Dillion was so hung up on her in the first place. Leah was just some hot part-bar owner who was pretty clueless about other people's feelings and wasn't particularly likeable. Dillion was actually an interesting character and if the whole book had been from her point of view, it would have made for a better story.

Having read a significant number of Ms. Williamz's previous works, with varying reactions and lately, somewhat diminished expectations, this novel reflected many of the same plot weaknesses that seem to be becoming standard. There is too great a reliance on physical encounters between characters and little grounding that one might refer to as a plot. I did not complete the whole and wonder if I will seek out further efforts from the author.

Not going to lie, it was definitely an interesting read. What a thing to be afraid that you’re not good at sex. It was a little fast and much for me but enjoyable and I know people will definitely enjoy it.