Member Reviews

Georgia Beers was the first lesfic author whose books I bought and read one by one after discovering the genre. For a long time I read everything by her but then there were some books that didn't give me the same experience. Right Here, Right Now is right there with her best books, a very enjoyable read with a good buildup and a satisfying ending.
I expected the other character to have issues than the one actually having them but that gave a nice surprise and when I had to stop reading due to a busy work schedule and couldn't go on I kept thinking about the story. Which is a very good sign.

I don't really know what to say about this one. It wasn't bad by any means but it was very average.
I did like the main character, Lacey, I thought she was very driven and passionate about her work. She does have some insecurity, especially when it comes to dating. I think this was interesting and she had strange dreams as a result. We did see one of her dreams but I really didn't like that part since the scene felt strange, and I wasn't sure what the author was trying to show, other than her insecurity.
The romance wasn't terrible and they did have chemistry but I was just bored. I really don't have much at all to say about it. Not great, not terrible, and not engaging, but not torture to read.

I’m a fan of Beers, she has been writing great lesfic for over 16 years. I have a lot of respect for her writing career. Unfortunately, this book is not one of my favorites. It’s really right down the middle being just an okay read.
Lacey is an accountant set in her ways. When a new advertising firm moves in next door to her office, they quickly get on her nerves. But as much as she complains, she can’t take her eyes off of the firm’s boss Alicia. Is there a chance at a relationship or are they just too different?
In reading some of the other reviews, it seemed most people didn’t care for Lacey, but liked Alicia. I was actually the opposite. I liked Lacey, but could not get a real read on Alicia. This book is told in first person (Lacey’s POV) so I’m sure that was part of my issue, but I just could not connect with Alicia. I actually liked one of Alicia’s straight co-workers more, and though she was a better match for Lacey. And speaking of coworkers Brandon was a little sh#t and one of the most annoying secondary characters I have read in a while.
One of my main issues with the book is I found it to be boring and repetitive in parts. I have nothing against accountants, but reading about an accountant’s day to day work during tax time, is not what I consider entertaining. I had to force myself not to skim. It was really not until the last 1/3 of the book that I found myself enjoying the read. The ending was a little abrupt and not as settled as I would like, but I still thought it was better than most of the rest of the book.
Beers always writes well and this book is no exception, I just did not care for her choices of subjects. I can’t recommend this, but I won’t say stay away either. Hopefully, her next book will be more what I am used to by Beers.

Georgia Beers is one of my favorite authors. Her way of describing every setting and scenario is remarkable. Whenever I see she is the author, I know the book is bound to transport me into a different world which always welcomes me and makes me feel a part of.
As always the characters were well written, and I personally fell a bit for Alicia, she was nice, sweet, sexy and exactly what Lacey needed.
Personally I believe that Lacey took more than her time to get together with Alicia, and the drama seemed to come completely out of the blue, as it was not entirely in the form of a falling out between the main characters, but more on the accident/tragedy kind of thing which I was not expecting. When it comes to romance I prefer the main characters having a dramatic fall out and going through some emotional hardships instead of any type of harm to any of them.
In general, it was a good book which I have already read twice, it had its fun moments and left me wanting a couple of characters more. I kept hoping for the big love declaration between the two main characters and it never happened, but again, the love scenes and chemistry between the main couple made up for it.
Above all, it felt like another win for Georgia

I don't even really know where to start. I guess I can start by saying that I may actually be in love with Georgia Beer's ... writing (I am a married woman after all). This book was incredibly as most of her books are. I connected with it instantly because I am a lot like Lacey and my wife is a lot like Alicia (without the dead family). If it weren't for her I would never have come out of my shell and stopped being so rigid.
So back to the review. I loved the instantaneous connection between Lacey and Alicia. It didn't seem forced or at all like a set up. I think when I read a lot of these books the" insta-love" bothers me because it doesn't seem realistic. With these tow it felt like something that could actually happen in real life. it felt organic and it built slowly and wonderfully. I have lost my parents, but I still have five siblings and I still felt the hurt that Alicia was feeling. That was one of the most heart-wrenching things I have read in print lately and it didn't seem at all forced or cliche. I was wondering as I was reading the book what would be the rising action, what will finally bring these two together., and the subtle hints about NASCAR Kyle definitely read like foreshadowing. So I saw something coming with him, I just thought Alicia would be the one that got hurt not Lacey. Lacey didn't deserve to be run over. These two women were the most beautifully written in a lesbian romance. Everything about it drew me in and had me reading it at 4am when I should have been sleeping. So Thanks for writing this and I can't wait to read more.

** I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review **
3.5 stars
I really enjoy reading Georgia Beers books and after reading the blurb on this one I requested it immediately. However while it was good, I found that didn't enjoy this one as much as some of her previous works.
When Just Wright marketing moves into the empty office next door to the accountancy firm owned by the sensible and organised Lacey Chamberlain, her world is suddenly turned upside down. Enter the beautiful, gorgeous and free spirited Alicia Wright who immediately makes a lasting impression on Lacey. Suddenly Alicia is all Lacey can think about but the question remains can a relationship between two people who are total opposites ever work out?
There were things several I liked about this book. I felt it was a sweet and easy read and I always love a story with a happy ending. I thought that both Lacey and Alicia were very likeable characters and were portrayed as normal everyday women. However I felt that they didn't really have a connection with one another (particularly in the first half of the book) except during the occasions when they slept together. I did really like the secondary characters especially little Leo as he was such a sweetheart and was one of the reasons I gave the book the rating I did!
However the one thing that really bothered me was that the story was so descriptive and repetitive, particularly in the first half of the book. I felt that there was unnecessary descriptions of Lacey's long work days and boring details about her work/clients. I found myself skipping pages at a time as nothing of any great significance was happening.
All in all it was a decent enough read. Was it her best book? I don't think so but I did still enjoyed it and it won't put me off reading other books by Beers in the future.

This author’s books are just point blank amazing. I love that the characters had this chemistry between them and it cracked me up that this marketing person was such a free spirit because that’s exactly how I am at my job and with my team and some people hate it! It’s just hilarious to see them try so hard but fight this connection they have and man I did not put this down and neither should you so pick it up right now!

I don't say this often, but if I could give this book greater than 5 stars, I would. I tend to read slowly, either because a book doesn't grab me, I don't have enough time, or I'm savoring the story. I read this book in three days (lightning fast for me) because every time I put it down, I found myself thinking about the story and planning for the next time I could pick the book up again. IT. WAS. THAT. GOOD.
The story grabbed me from the start. It didn't take long for me to become fully vested in these very likable characters. When they laughed, I laughed along with them, and when their hearts broke, so did mine. This is a book I'll read more than once.

This was a really nice read. I loved that it was told in the first person. Lacey’s inner monologue was often times hysterical. Lacey and Alicia, both hard working small business owners met when Alicia’s company moved into the vacant office in Lacey’s building. Naturally with Lacey’s routine oriented life, the little shake up with Just Wright moving in was exactly what she needed. Both Lacey and Alicia were great mains. While I was reading I was a little annoyed that Alicia pulled away only after a few weeks of dating. She had gone to a lot of trouble to bring Lacey out of her shell and then she pulled away. As I kept reading, the reason why was revealed and made a lot of sense, so I was no longer annoyed. The supporting characters in this book were great and by far the best was Leo. He just melted my heart. I highly recommend this book to all!!

This was a very sweet, light read. The characters were likable and their line of work was interesting and portrayed in a very realistic manner. I read a few of Ms. Beers earlier novels and enjoyed them. I felt this story, however, had quite a bit of repetition in the characters’ actions and dialogue; this made the plot stall. The writing style seemed kind of flat and anemic. Fortunately, toward the end, the writing style took on a renewed life, and made it a decent read.

This one is difficult to write as I think Georgia Beers is a fine writer and has written novels that I absolutely adored. Right Here, Right Now is not my favorite of hers. I wanted so much more from this one.
My main issue with this book is the repetitive nature. The main character, Lacey Chamberlain, is an accountant and financial advisor. When the book begins Lacey's in an accountant's busiest time, tax season. So many times, I mean so many, the reader has subjected the length of Lacey's day, how busy she is, random uninteresting client details. I felt like I was Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. It felt clunky and a loop I desperately wanted to jump out of. Break the cycle, stop telling me boring mundane details. S T O P!
What's good about this book is the relationship Lacey develops with her office neighbor, marketing guru Alicia Wright. Alicia is a fantastic character and when her an Lacey are together, it's hot, sexy and absolutely adorable. The only thing is you have to weed through so much to get to those scenes. It is never good when you start skimming, and oh how I forced myself to refrain from skimming.
Not bad but just not a great one either.

Beers used to be a writer whose books I tended to love without reservation. Lately, not so much. I wasn't a fan of her series and even DNFed book 3 (something I never thought would happen with one of her books).
So I picked this up with some trepidation.
But I knew from page one that I would like this a lot and I wasn't disappointed and that had me kind of in a giddy state while reading. While at the same time being hit with all the feels. It sure was a ride.
The only thing that bugged me was the sudden ending. But overall I'm mostly happy that this book hit me right in the gut as much as it did.

Right Here, Right Now is one of those books that reinstates your faith in the Lesfic romance genre. That it's possible for a romance to so easily captivate you with deep character development, a solid plot line with a few surprise twists, interesting dialogue that draws you in, and lovable yet human characters that you care deeply for by the storie's end. Lacey and Alicia are so different but they somehow fit so well together as we are drawn into their world when Alicia's business moves in next door to Lacey. Told through Lacey's POV, I love how her first person POV really packs an extra emotional punch through her eyes. I laughed at all of the ridiculous and silly moments as Lacey has a great sense of humor. My heart raced at every unbelievably hot and sultry moment. I cried a few tears at their lowest moments, and I felt overwhelming joy when they were at their best. It was a glorious trip for sure. The best part of this story was the final scene of the book that somehow managed to blend fireworks with a quiet but poignant statement. This will go down as one of my favorite books from this author.

A great read by Georgia Beers and I am so glad this time around she did not mess up with the mini breakup she gave her two leads in What Matters Most.
I enjoyed the tax season and how Alicia weasels her way into her life, workplace and heart. It was an engaging read with just the right amount of heat, romance and mischief.

4.5 stars
Lacey Chamberlain is an accountant and financial advisor. Stuck in the middle of tax season hell, she manages with long hours and the steady discipline of avoiding change.
So when a marketing and design firm move in next door, complete with loud music, hot food at all hours and football in the corridor, Lacey’s life has to change. It doesn’t help that the owner of the new business is the seriously hot Alicia Wright, who seems to be encouraging Lacey to explore her fun side at every opportunity.
While Alicia is living in the moment, and Lacey is stuck in her habits, will the two of them ever be able to make it work?
This was a really entertaining book. I liked both the main characters. They had good back-stories and appropriate behaviours that made sense for the characters, and for the story. Told in the third person, but from Lacey’s perspective, Beers gave us enough information to give us a sense of her job without ever delving into the detail and risk potentially boring those of us not from an accounting background.
Beers also gave herself room for some of the minor characters to shine, without them ever feeling like they were going to take over the story. I thought they were all good; the brother with a bit of sibling rivalry, Lacey’s parents, her p.a., and Alicia’s staff. However, the character that almost stole the show was the dog. He was a great addition and a charming little plot device throughout.
I knew I’d be in good hands with Georgia Beer, and she didn’t disappoint. This was a delight throughout.
Advanced reading copy provided by NetGalley for an honest review.