Member Reviews
This is a nice beginning science book. It explains the concept in a simple and clear manner, and I think that my youngest students would enjoy this book.
Good introduction to the subject of forces - such as push and pull.
Quite basic in its layout but easy to follow for what is a tough subject to first understand
Speed, by Mary Lindeen is another addition to the Beginning-t0-Read, Physical Science Series. This is a non-fiction book that provides an interesting way for children to learn about various principles of the force push and pull effects on an object which results in speeding up, slowing down, or stopping. I really think the title is a bit misleading and might have been titles Force, or Push Pull. It is also an early reader book so will help to reinforce reading skills as well. At the back of the book it lists the high frequency words as well as content words that can be pre-taught or discussed if the book is being read aloud. There are facts given during the reading accompanied by photos as well as sections called "Did you Know". The section at the back for parents and teachers gives questions for further discussion, resources for further investigation as well as suggestions of activities to reinforce concepts. A good book for a primary classroom studying forces.