Member Reviews

It was one of the better Kennedy based thrillers I read.

I was excited to read this book for several reasons. I'm sure we've never been satisfied with the findings of the Warren Commission that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. No one believed it and wasn't particularly surprised when the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) concluded in 1979 that Kennedy was "probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy." It's not like the barn door has ever closed on that discussion.
Therefore, another conspiracy theory may be laid out as a compelling fictional story and I enjoy the ship details and vernacular, the stories at sea of the roiling mountains of salt water and survival. The novel grabs you from the first chapter and begins an introduction of a large cast of characters, orientation, and plot promises. And there are twists and some starts and stops.
It is John Franklin Kincaid (JFK!) that for the most part carries his descendent through the rest of the story. I had a problem with the shifting of the time sequence from the 50's, into the 60's, and onto 2003 (and back again). The CIA and the mob figure prominently into a convoluted plot that almost takes an Excel spreadsheet to keep dates, characters, and relationships organized. Several characters espouse previous lives that tie Kincaid with history and the present.
At times, the novel takes on a literary feel, begging prose. Dialogue seems natural. Mike Kincaid, a journalist mate striker, could have been fleshed out more roundly, though it's obvious he is a damaged person. It's also obvious the author has military and shipboard experience and he writes that well. I received this digital download from Sunbury Press Inc., Milford House Press and NetGalley and greatly appreciated the opportunity to read and review. This book may need a little fine tuning, but definitely works out a complicated premise into an entertaining fictional account.

Wade Fowler has produced a nice thriller that links murder, the mob, JFK assassination, the CIA, and Cuban exiles in one plausible drama. Past life experiences push some of the characters into action that move the tale forward. Others are trying to make sense of what happened back in 1963 or get revenge/payback for those events. Plenty of action along with several nice twists make The Compass Island Incident a very nice read.