Member Reviews

Well, that was mental 😂 what a crazy storyline and book this one is but totally enjoyable to boot…completely out there with the plot but fantastic and will defo look out for more from the author!

A great start that, at least for me, came to a faltering halt somewhere around the middle. I got the impression the author did not want this story to end, thus adding layer after layer of obscure and indecisive plot lines. Is it demons or drugs or simple madness that claims the inmates of this facility? I wished there would have been a clearer plot line to follow - in the end I was more thrilled by having finished the book than by actually learning what was going on in the asylum. Sorry to say this was not my cup of tea.

This book was a great read.For me It was a intense yet scary book, that made you worry about the characters of what's going to happen to them.

I had a hard time getting into this but I slowly but surly pushed my way through this. I didn't really care for Seven-X by Mike Wech. I feel like it could have been better and did better,

A very dark take of the main character entering an asylum to discover hidden truths, while becoming enmeshed in his own horror. I found the characters frightening well developed, and leaving me wondering what is truth when one is also in denial of their own faults of humanity. Highly recommend this novel if you're okay with reading Christian doctrine.

Seven-x is a seriously disturbing book. I just had to keep reading to find out what will happen next. I’ve seen lots of movies and tons of books about demons and this was one of the best. The way Wech leads the reader through the horrible and impossible and crazy things that happen to the lead character is truly imaginative.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy.

I have tried numerous times to read this book and for some reason, I just could not connect to the story or the characters. The writing was fine and Mike Wech is a good author, but this story did not grab me the way I expected it to.

Thank you to BooksGoSocial and NetGalley for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.
Eddie Hansen is a freelance reporter investigating a story where death row inmates are secretly sent to a private asylum for experimental procedures after fake executions. Eddie is volunteering to stay at the hospital in the guise of doing an article on the doctors running the facility.
There is a supernatural spin to this story.
I found this book to be very difficult to hold my attention. It appears to be a horror story but details seem to be very vague and I just wasn't connecting on any level to this book.

Thank you to NetGalley, BooksGoSocial and the author, Mike Wech, for the opportunity to read a digital copy of Seven-X in exchange for an honest and unbiased opinion.
I thought the book was really well written. I stayed up into the early hours of the morning just to finish it. The author had me gripped from the beginning.
Definitely well worth a read for fans of the genre.

I really loved this book! Seven-X is one of those books that stays with you long after you read it. INTENSE!!! This is the best way to describe Seven-X.
It's deep, mystical, unsettling, haunting, tragic, funny at times and incredibly well written.
cant wait to read more from this author

Great read! Loved every second of it! I did not want to put it down, which is why I stayed up till 2 am reading this gem of horror. I recommend 100% if you like horror, thriller, and a mystery all mixed together.

#SevenX #NetGalley
The book is incredible. Mike is able to submerge the reader into a universe of sorrow, terror and pure intrigue. The mystery and mysticism last until the last page. Excellent book!

4.5 Stars
Super creepy modern possession story.
This book is written as a serious of diary/audio/video entries from a journalist investigating a mysterious mental rehabilitation center. This style of writing really ramps up the suspense and makes it almost impossible to put the book down. It also gives us a potentially unreliable narrator so we can't be sure exactly what is happening.
This book is weird and creepy and intense from start to finish. An excellent take on possession, exorcism and the paranormal.
Although this book does have a lot of pop culture references. I'm not generally a fan of books which do this as I feel this can potentially age the book. There's also a feeling of not being in on a private joke if you don't get the pop culture reference, which is likely going to be true of many readers in just a few years.
I can absolutely see why this is a bestseller on Amazon and can easily see it becoming a modern classic of the genre. I'm so excited to see what else this author has in store for us.
Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review

Thanks to NetGalley for a free review copy of this book.
Death row prisoners; weird, small town; strange priest; untrustworthy scientist; spirits; and a determined journalist trying to get to the bottom of a mystery surrounding said death row prisoners. Oh, did I mention that everything happens in a lunatic asylum? I hate lunatic asylums! Why did I choose this book, then? Because I wanted a scare.
I wasn't disappointed. I loved Shutter Island, and there is an old abandoned lunatic asylum near where I live that has been converted to an antique centre and cafe! So i get the potential scares you can get from these places.
Written in the form of a series of journal entries and video and audio file transcripts, Seven-X hooks you almost immediately and doesn't let go. The story switches from giving the impression of Dr Haworth, the asylum director, being behind the patients' madness by playing mind tricks or pumping drugs through the air or food, to demons possessing the patients, to the main protagonist just being plain mad!
The copy I received was apparently a re-edited copy, but it could definitely do with a bit more. However, this was exactly what I was looking for when I chose the book.

I'm DNFing this at 51%. This feels much more like a "Christian" read than what I thought it was going to be, and that just doesn't fit well with me or what I expecting from it. Also (and primarily), the format of the book (audio logs, video logs, etc) is one that when I love it, I love it, but when I hate it - I hate it.
Nothing against the book, really. We just aren't meant to be together.

A freelance reporter, Eddie Hansen, goes undercover in an asylum to investigate the apparent cover up of a serial killer’s disappearance. What transpires is an okish thriller, that ends up being a little all over the place in terms of execution and delivery.
The plot seems to go nowhere for a long period of time, which given the short length of the book, results in a rushed ending. There are also few descriptions or a sense of world building, meaning the book relies heavily on a dialogue which is often stilted and hinders the development of any atmosphere the book was trying to create. Even within the dialogue portrayed, there’s little meaning in them, as Eddie aimlessly tries to work out the apparent mystery of what happened at the asylum - leading to pointless conversations that did nothing to improve character development. Because of the haphazard nature of the plot, I was also left confused several times as I had no idea what was going on, or what Eddie’s apparent motive for doing things was, because everything is so vague.
Eddie is also not a very likeable character, with little emotional depth and little to no character development. He seems to have an explosive personality, shouting constantly or lashing out, but without any descriptions as to his motives for acting a certain way, again I was left confused with regards to some of his actions.
I could see the potential here, and I do admire what the author was trying to do. Asylums and serial killers are an immediate selling point for creepy, thriller style books. I just think the writing style could have been a little neater and more polished to help the story flow better.

Eddie Hansen is a freelance reporter who signs in as a voluntary patient at a privately funded asylum. Under suspicion of a cover up, he conducts an investigation into missing death row prisoners. He believes they have been secretly transferred to the Uphir Behavioural Health Centre in Texas for unknown reasons. Little does he know his own sanity and faith will be threatened as he works to confirm his suspicions. What he sees and hears may even cost him his life.
Parts of this story left me feeling a little confused about what was going on and others really grabbed my attention. On the other hand I think the author did a good job of creating a creepy, crazy, possessed sort of story and what better setting than an asylum. This is a debut novel and the first in the SEVEN-X series. I am sure readers will see some very interesting storylines in the future.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a free digital copy of this book in return for my honest review.

Well, be scared... Or not really. "Seven-X: Terror to the Seventh Power" is an entertaining enough short novel, with an interesting enough premise that, unfortunately, fails to deliver on its promises.
And all starts well enough. We have reporter Eddie Hansen, who is investigating some death row victims who seem to have been shipped to a secret institution, even though officially they have been executed and their bodies disposed of. Eddie got the information from a friend that went to investigate the place and disappeared and he thinks he can make loads of money with this investigation. Pretty soon he seems to discover secret dealings in the place, and strange things seem to be happening, while the 'owners' of the place keep telling him they are dealing with demon possession. Till here, all good. A mystery, a place out in the middle of nowhere, some demons (maybe)...
However, the delivery lacks and the plot is weak. After the good introduction, and Eddie's arrival to Uphir, we just get Eddie doing silly things, making risible mistakes, and shouting for no apparent reason at every corner.
The problem is that there is no clear character development. Forget all the secondary characters that are just there to further the plot. Center on Eddie Hansen. It is difficult to believe his journey, because there is no clear explanation of why what happens, well, happens. We see him shouting, or fighting, getting angry, but not why, and his explosions of anger make little sense if we don't really see why they should be happening. It all seems quite random, just to further the plot. And the demons... Don't start with the 'demons', because there is not a moment you will believe there are demons in the story, apart from reverend Billings telling you once, twice, or a million times, that there are demons in the story.
A big part of the problem resides in the writing. Mike Wech tries to make all easy to read and fast-paced, with videos, audios, blogs, and phone conversations to further the plot. However, along the way, the author has forgotten that just conversation a book don't make, and that we need some description, even some actions and situations. The book is basically Eddie talking to himself or to people, but with conversation that are shallow and have little meaning. Instead of Eddie analyzing the situation or describing things, it is Eddie saying: 'I'm gonna get lots of money, there is a secret here'. Once, it's fine, it's acceptable. But when he says the same thing on page 5, 24, 50, 57, etc., it becomes also repetitive.
On top of that, some moments it seems the book is preaching to the reader. Instead of making the reader wonder and discover, there it comes a sentence of the bible or some long diatribe by reverend Billings about demons. It makes the reader detach from the story and it feels like being hit on the head with a book... Hmm...

seven x by Mike wech.
Eddie Hansen is a free Lance reporter. he is given a tip off about a prisoner Annette Dobson who is said to be in the uphir behavioural centre. he goes to investigate. this book is his diary of what happened while he was there. his girlfriend melody receives the file.
Omg a eerie spooky and gory read. I just couldn't put it down. wanted to know what happened. fantastic. 5*.

Eddie Hansen, an investigative reporter, gets a tip that the execution of death row inmate Annette Dobson was a cover up. Annette, "The SIDS Killer", was transported to a behavioral health center outside of Dell Texas. In hopes of finding Annette and exposing the truth, Eddie voluntarily commits himself in order to expose what he believes to be illegal and unethical experiments on unwilling patients. As Eddie digs deeper into his investigation, what he finds is an evil so malevolent his own soul may be in danger.
Wow! This novel was insane and seriously creepy. Seven-X is written from the protagonists POV through his recovered journal entries, video diary, and recordings while in the behavioral center. Eddie believes he will be exposing a large corporate cover up but instead finds himself in the middle of a paranormal rehabilitation experiment in which the patients are suffering from demonic possession. Seven-X is one of those novels that builds up (e.g. The Exorcist) with each horrifying experience revealing a deeper decent into darkness. I read this in one sitting but even after I finished it I couldn't stop thinking about it. This novel was frightening not because it was overly graphic but because it slowly builds more like a psychological thriller...which I love.