Member Reviews

I gotta say, this collection was incredibly aptly named. Unfortunately, that meant that all of the stories in this anthology read a little bit same-ish. Almost all of them had royal princesses that needed to be saved (or the main character thought they did). Most of them fell into one of two categories: female knight/female princess pairings or trans knight/female nobility pairings. Quite a few of them either had a dragon or at least mentioned a dragon as part of the plot.
For me, though, there were three absolutely standout reads in this collection, and two completely new to me authors that I am incredibly interested in following from here on out:
Annabeth Leong is an erotica writer who contributed a short story of a female knight and a princess that doesn't want to be saved in "To Rescue a Princess". I love how sassy Princess Cordelia is in this short, but the sweetness and unsurety from Sir Elizabeth was what really grabbed me. Vulnerability came from both characters at various times as Elizabeth explores her sexuality with Cordelia for the first time.
I've been a long time fan of Meredith Katz's writing. I've already read a m/m novella with a human and dragon pairing in Smoke Signals. "Debating the Dragon" was easily as good. May is the human in this short. She wants to prove herself just like any other knight and the way she chooses to do this is to rescue a princess trapped in a tower being kept by a dragon. Fortunately for her, everything the tales told her about are not as they seem.
Daniela Jeffries is the other standout new-to-me author of this collection. "My Brave Knight" is the only story in this collection that explicitly states the age of these two characters. Both of them are around their thirties, and Miryam particularly is seen as a spinster by this point. She's okay with that, and doesn't truly expect anyone other than her lady-in-waiting to be company in her life until she meets Amir. He is a merchant from Italy who is travelling and drawn to Miryam's attention by said lady-in-waiting.
This anthology likely has something for everyone, but these three were my favourites among the collection.

I would like to apologize and say I lost my notes in regards to each individual story but this is a fantastic anthology with a great diverse cast and stories. Each story held its own weight differently and it was great to read so many stories about Knights, lords and ladies

<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36130827-to-the-victor" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="To the Victor" src="https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1510852053m/36130827.jpg" /></a><a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36130827-to-the-victor">To the Victor</a> by <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4838884.Samantha_M_Derr">Samantha M. Derr</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2214745609">4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
I rec'd a copy from Less Than Three Press for an honest review.<br />A nifty collection of stories filled with knights, damsels, romance, dragons and gallantry. My favourite by far was To Rescue a Princess by Annabeth Leong. This is a great way to escape from life's problems. Thank you Ms. Derr!!<br />4 stars.
<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/31134832-gail">View all my reviews</a>

I loved this compilation of mostly outstanding stories. Full of gallantry and romantic heroes and heroines, some of the tales I can see myself re-reading for years. Definitely a keeper.
To Rescue a Princess by Annabethe Long ★★★★
Great romantic short with a gallant knight and a strong-willed Princess not really in need of rescue. Loved both of the heroines, loved the story-telling, very enjoyable.
Damsel in Distress by Asta Idonea ★★★★
Adventure, dastardly deeds, and a very happy ending. I liked the way the characters were described, and the short rescue journey.
Wolf Knight by C.C. Bridges ★★★
Lovely tale of a knight escorting a returning royal, complete with danger, a dragon, and a tournament.
Liked the story, but the writing was a but stiff.
Pipsqueak by L.S. Engler★★★★
Cute story with a few surprises - I love the characters, the HEA was a bit too rose-colored, but I am happy for them.
My Brave Knight by Daniela Jeffries★★★
A very calm tale, with no active conflict, more so a diary of someone at a happy safe time in their life. It seemed a bit out of place among all of the other tales of adventure and tournaments, as this focused more inwardly on the characters' pasts.
Debating the Dragon by Meredith Katz★★★★★
Wonderful, and perhaps my favorite in the book. The tale of a brave knight (May) and the surprises she encounters while seeking the glory of rescuing a princess. Very nice, mature tale of courtship.
For Queen and Country by Kayla Bain-Vrba ★★★
A queen in peril, a brave knight journeying through dangerous lands to seek a cure, and a magical Full of twists,
and a lot like a classic fairy tale, eve n including the old fashioned fairy tale insta-love. I found some of the twists a little telegraphed, which lessened the mystery.
Perilous Knights by Charles Payseur★
This one is Arthurian-related, as the knights and children of the main players in the legend play some of the main parts.Very explicit, and I did not like the picture of Merlin as a lecherous dolt. Too violent, too cruel, too hateful. Would advise skipping this tale.
Highly recommended for those who love knights, courtly love, and historical happy endings.