Member Reviews

I don’t know - the characters got to be so cloyingly ‘cutesie’ that they started to get on my nerves. Is this how the (male) author thinks all lesbians act all the time? I was waiting for them to have a tickle fight in their underwear - like all of us guys think queer femmes do.
The story was somewhat interesting. But I don’t know how these two people kept getting easy access to such dangerous places. Dangerous places that seemed like they just existed for people to go to and almost get killed.
Those were the 2 things that kept pulling me out of the story.
I wonder if a lot got cut in editing - or if it needs editing. It seemed like they went from one otherworldly location to another and there wasn’t much transition. Was this location whiplash intensional? It didn’t help that stuff wasn’t explained very well. Why did the robots go crazy? Why did vampires rule a massive corporation on Mars? Why was that weird mutant going to kill them? I can go along with going on the quests - but a little more explanation - of both what was going on and what the places were might have helped.
And some of there interactions were odd. I don’t know if they were supposed to be quirky. They just weren’t really believable as 2 people interacting. And sometimes Kirby cane off like a real jerk - but that didn’t seem to be the intent of the author.
Overall, I don’t think I’d recommend it.
<i>Thanks to NetGalley and Less Than Three Press for a copy in return for an honest review.</i>

This was a really cute story although it was maybe a little bit lacking in substance, but sometimes you just need something short and light and fun. It's set in a futuristic version of Earth where the protagonists basically have a small handheld teleporting device that can take them all over the universe where they alternately look for parts for Kirby's doomsday-averting machine and try to have a nice relaxing vacation like Leigh planned. There's a lot of cool futuristic settings and gadgets but there's also not very much explanation or background given on any of it as they really just pop in and out of places very quickly.
Instead, most of the plot is focused on Leigh and Kirby's relationship and they are SUPER cute together. It was just fun to read about them because they were generally so sweet and in love and I like how it touched on each of their insecurities and how they each think the other one is basically the best thing in the galaxy. I would definitely recommend it if you're looking for a light F/F read set in space, but maybe not if you're looking for more heavy sci-fi elements.