Member Reviews

4.5 stars

Synopsis: Keith was almost killed, and has been seeing things differently ever since. He can see beings that aren't quite human, and the man who died saving his life is a ghost that haunts him. Literally. Keith and Lucas can only be so far apart before they have to be together.
When Keith starts having dreams about Others being killed, he feels that he has to do something to try and save them. To that end, Keith and Lucas visit antique shops trying to find a bottle like Keith saw in his dream. One of the shops that they are directed to is run by an Other, who sends them to see his friend, because she has been having dreams about being hurt.
When Keith dreams that she gets taken, and they arrive too late to save her, he and Lucas and Hildraeth decide to confront whatever is harvesting the Others.

What I liked: the love that you can feel between Lucas and Keith, even though they don't talk about it with each other. I liked that Keith was never really sure whether he was crazy or if what he was seeing was real. The world building was interesting, and the characters were clearly drawn with very distinct personalities. I also liked that the real world went on around Keith, and that they thought he was crazy for always talking to himself. Once the friend got taken, Keith was determined to get her back, even though it meant involving himself. I also liked that both Lucas and Keith extended themselves and found out what else they could do in order to try and save beings that they didn't know.
Both Lucas and Keith were human, with all the foibles that go with it, even if Lucas was a ghost, and I liked that they became quite heroic when the time came. Hildraeth was Other, and had the sensibilities of something not human, and one who has seen everything. In spite of that, he was also optimistic and enthusiastic about small things.

What I didn't like: the ending felt a little forced in order to have a happy one that would satisfy everyone.

Overall impression: I really enjoyed the writing and story telling. The characters were engaging and I would love to read more about them. I would definitely read another book by this author.

*I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*

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Keith has had a difficult time lately. His life was saved in a car accident, but he's now haunted by Lucas and suddenly has magical powers. It's been difficult to cope and most people around him think he's crazy, but he is coping. At least, until a dream about terrible monsters attacking the supernatural community embroils him in the fight to stop said monsters.

This book was a page turner. I had to keep reading to know what was going to happen next until suddenly the book ended. I was very disappointed to learn this book wasn't going to be part of a series because the magic, the characterizations, and the romantic relationship were all so interesting that I couldn't help wanting more.

Katz managed to balance a human with magical powers, a ghost, and a stag all interacting together. This included their various quirks like the stag being vegetarian, the ghost not being able to sleep, and Keith having to deal with college tests. It all came together really nicely in a way that was completely believable. I do admit that the villain of the story could have used a touch more depth, but aside from that I had no complaints.

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This story has one freaky and haunting plot. This is an amazing ghost story for anyone that doesn’t have a phobia of creepy dolls, but if you do, don’t even think about picking up this book. The story centers around the psychic Keith, his ghost crush Lucas and a supernatural character that should have really been called the horny Horned Boy rather than just the Horned Boy. Together these characters have to solve a series of otherworldly kidnappings and all happen to fall in love/lust in the process. This is book is definitely more of a romantic urban fantasy than a paranormal romance so the focus is more so on the plot and mystery than the relationships. Although the relationship does end in a sweet M/M/M HFN.

I have to say that I found the story engrossing. The otherworldly worldbuilding was fantastic, especially when Keith learns that he is able to enter the mindscape of others. This world is more diverse than the traditional ghost story and the Others, as they are known, add a very unique and mysterious fantasic element.

I wonder if the author will continue these character’s stories because it would be nice to see more of their interactions now that they are in a relationship. Not to mention, that they make a pretty cool supernatural crime fighting team. I’d also appreciate more of their backstory because we were more or less dropped into the middle of the story. Overall, this is a really solid urban fantasy with a cute romantic side plot that I would recommend to horror lovers.

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Oh boy, this was such fun. From the cover alone, I probably would have guessed this wasn't exactly my kind of thing, but I've loved everything by Meredith Katz so far, so I just had to go and pick it up anyway.

Fans of this author will definitely not be disappointed!

Keith is a boy haunted by the ghost of Lucas, a boy who once saved his life and awakened powers in him that he barely even believes. For the most part, he doesn't have much to do with the paranormal world, but when he starts getting prophetic dreams, he feels as though he really does need to pay attention to them.

That leads him and Luca towards Hiraeth, the deer boy who is one of the Others. This comes with a whole bunch of beautifully realised mythology that I won't spoil here.

Suffice it to say, this book set up a cast of characters I'd love to see in a paranormal investigation series going forward. And, if that wasn't all enough to interest you, there is also polyamory between the three boys!! I'd definitely love to get more of a fleshed out version of that in future books, particularly given that Hiraeth comes so much later into the lives of Keith and Lucas, who obviously already knew each other.

If I had to have just one complaint about this book, it would be that Hiraeth's feelings towards the other boys, and those feelings back in return, just weren't as convincing to me as everything else in the book.

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