Member Reviews

Alice and Kat were very intriguing characters, met in an off chance and continued friendship blossomed. One of them though, their husband has been found murdered.
The book goes back and examines things which really does get your mind thinking.
I got drawn in this book with no problems at all, it’s the kind of book that you can’t stop reading….one more chapter and bleary eyed the next day when you wake up.

This was a good psychological thriller that kept me interested and I will read more from this aubtor .

I was provided a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.
I had signed up to review this book awhile ago and finally had the chance to read it. And I ended up really enjoying it! The plot of this book was great - there were some great plot twists that I never saw coming, which is somewhat rare for me. I was pretty shocked at the ending! The characters were well developed and the pacing of the book was well done. I liked that the book was told through alternating passages between present day and the past. I can't say too much without giving away the ending but overall this was a really good book. I didn't want to put it down because I wanted to find out what happened. And like I said the plot twists in the end were shocking, if a little dark and twisted. I'd definitely recommend it though!

Do you have a best friend? Do you tell them EVERYTHING? Do you always tell them the truth? Kat and Alice have been best friends for a few years and when a police officer ends up on the front door or Alice's home, she is left wondering if she really knew all that went on with her best friend Kat.
I absolutely adored this book. It was the perfect mixture of mystery/thriller and women's fiction. The plot worked so well and the book was put together so well, I loved how it switched back from the current investigation to the past where the relationship was coming together. And the characters. I don't want to give too much away, but the way they developed and the journey they went on was amazing. It just did everything right!
This was my first Margot Hunt read and because of how much I loved this one, it will most definitely not be my last! If you are hesitant to read the mystery/thriller genre, I would challenge you to read this one, it had just the right amount of eeriness mixed with great plot and characters.

I really enjoyed this book. A very believable story of the intensity of friendship and how manipulative humans can be. The plot was clever, detailed and had a delicious twist at the end.

An indulgent thriller that you will devour very quickly! Loved the characters and the storyline and would def recommend !

A well written, captivating and original story of friendship, betrayal and of human nature. I loved this, especially the ending and look forward to reading more from this author

Why do I keep giving these so called thrillers a chance? This is one of many generic stories on the market today. So much filler no substance. The friendship never seemed sincere to me so that pretty much ruined the whole experience. I can not recommend.

Not my typical read. It sounded interesting and did not disappoint. An edge of your seat read. I liked it alot.

4 Deliciously Wicked Stars.
Twisty, turny and completely captivating, “Best Friends Forever” by Margot Hunt is one heck of a debut that should not be missed.
Kat and Alice meet in an airport and become fast friends. These two women are from very different worlds: Kat is extremely wealthy, while Alice and her husband struggle to make ends meet. You’d think they have nothing in common, yet somehow these two women click. And just like that they share absolutely everything, much to their husbands’ chagrin. Kat’s husband Howard is a difficult man, one who is not fond of Kat and Alice’s friendship. When he is found dead, Alice is arrested for his murder. Once she gets out, Alice tries to contact Kat to get help and is ghosted by her best friend. Sounds a little harsh to me don’t think?! Now Alice is left with a bunch of questions and so are we.
What starts as Alice being ignored by her best friend, leads to secrets coming out and every action being questioned. Do you ever really know your friends? Do Kat and Alice know each other? Alice always thought so.. Can you trust the person next to you? Asking that question gives me the chills. I hope it gives you some as well.
“Best Friends Forever” by Margot Hunt is an extremely well done character driven suspense novel that kept me glued to the story, turning pages as quickly as I possibly could. I highly recommend it to those looking for a quick, easy, enthralling read.
This was a Traveling Sister Read with Brenda and Kaceey. So glad we read this together sisters! For the Traveling Sister Reviews, please see Brenda and Norma’s fabulous Blog: https://twosisterslostinacoulee.com
Thank you to NetGalley, HQ Digital and Margot Hunt for a complimentary copy to read and review.
Published on NetGalley, Goodreads, Amazon and Twitter.

A great book i couldn't put it down...
A few twists you will not see coming .....
The ending was great....

This book was ok. It is a modern thriller which started well then fell away. The ending was easily predictable.

Four⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ twisty stars
A debut 'thriller' from Margot Hunt delivers a twisty treat!
Alicia and Kat have been the best of friends for the past 3 years. Long lunches over bottles of wine, topped off with sunny beach vacations away from their spouses. When tragedy strikes and Kat’s husband dies that friendship is put to the test. How well do you really know your friends? Can you trust them when things are darkest and everything is at stake?
Told in present and past timelines through Alice’s POV. From their first meeting in an airport lounge to the present, where the police are circling, in search for a suspect.
This is a super-fast read that kept me engaged straight through. My only issue with this book was I constantly felt one step ahead, easily deducing where the story was going, predicting each twist before it happened. Sometimes I wish I could just go along for the ride instead of trying to predict every turn! Oh well...that’s just me! But at the end of the day, I still feel it’s a four-star read as that never took away from my enjoyment. I would recommend this book to all thriller lovers!
I will be looking out for Margot Hunt’s next release!
Thank you to NetGalley, HQ Digital and Margot Hunt for an ARC to review in exchange for an honest review.
For this review and our full Traveling Sister review please visit Brenda and Norma's fabulous blog:

Alice meets Kat in an airport, and the two hit it off, becoming fast friends. Three years later, they are as close as ever, but when Kat’s husband is found dead at home while Kat is out of the country, the police start to point to murder, and their finger is pointing right at Alice. Best Friends Forever by Margot Hunt is a sharp, dark and fiery story about what it means to be a true friend, and what kinds of secrets people can hide from those that they love the most.
With everything going on with the murder investigation, you would think that Kat would at least reach out to Alice and tell her she wasn’t the one who spoke her name to the police, or maybe she could even give a statement claiming that she knows Alice would never hurt her husband, but Kat instead ignores Alice and won’t return any of her calls or texts.
Both of these women are complete opposites of each other, and yet they fit together so well. Once Alice starts to peel back the layers of Kat, she may be in for a rude awakening and realize that her friend isn’t who she thought she was after all.
This book brought in one of my favorite ideas, an unreliable narrator. I thought that the way Alice was written was pure genius, you’re never quite sure if you should trust her or not. She seems like a well-meaning housewife and mother, but when she gets suspected of murder, you’re never really sure for the rest of the novel. For a debut, this was a perfect tactic, and I loved the plot as well!
The twist at the end made my jaw drop, but the delivery could use some work. I felt like I was slapped in the face with it, without really having any lead-up or suspense. I even had to flip back a page or two to make sure I was really reading what I thought I was reading. Other than that, this book was perfect, I loved everything about it. I give this one 5 out of 5 stars, a great way to start off the year!

Three and a half star rating.
A chance meeting throws the serious, plodding Alice with rich, enigmatic Kat and they are soon best of friends or are they? This book kept me gripped from start to finish, but the ending was a huge disappointment and had expected something better after that build up. The women weren't exactly nice and neither were their husbands - huge streaks of selfishness running through all four of them. What lively Kat actually saw in mundane Alice is a mystery in itself! An easy read, great for holidays.

First of all I would like to thank Netgalley and HQ digital for the free digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
When busy stay at home mom Alice and chic and sophisticated Kat find themselves stuck in an airport terminal it doesn't take long for them to share their frustrations about the situation. When both women start talking it appears that they are not only from the same place they also have the same taste in cocktails. Alice is surprised when she feels an instant connection to the kind, generous and elegant Kat who runs an art gallery.
Although Alice feels pretty insignificant by comparison she is thrilled when she and Kat exchange contact details when back in Florida. What follows is a string of decadent lunches at which the women open up about their marriages, children and careers. They easily confide in each other and over the course of time appear to have become "Best Friends Forever". But when things start to go wrong the question is how well do you really know your best friend and are you sure they have your best interest at heart?
I must admit that this novel just kept me turning the pages. It's so easy to read, I got totally immersed in it. I loved the fact that there is a lot of dialogue storytelling going on. Both Kat and Alice are interesting characters with intriguing backgrounds. The story could have swayed in many different directions since there were all kinds of things going on. I never felt like I knew what was coming, so well done Margot Hunt. I'll make sure to read your next one!

This review will be VERY short.
This was painfully boring!
Thank you to the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book had me guessing right to the very end...and wow what an ending it was!!
I loved this book! It was fast paced, entertaining and thought provoking with a great twist.
The book is about two women (Alice and Kat) who meet by chance at an airport, realise they live close to one another and soon become friends with regular lunch dates and even going on holiday together. Then one day when Kat is away her husband "falls" to his death from the balcony, while at home, supposedly drunk. The book jumps from the present day to the past which I really liked as you really got to know the characters well and it made you what to read more so you can find out what happens next.
I would highly recommend this book for lovers of thrillers but also books that make you think. Would make a great tv show or film.
I received this book free of charge from the publisher in return for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

Alice and Kat met while waiting on a delayed flight home. Alice, a former University of Miami math professor and now a stay at home mom, is having money problems. Kat has “money with a capital M” and is very worldly and yet despite their differences they become best friends over long lunches. As the story opens, Kat's husband has died and the police have come to question Alice who can’t imagine what they want with her. The chapters vary from the present time to the beginning of their friendship to various times in between to reveal the women’s personalities and their close friendship. I enjoyed both women. Kat was worldly and rich but so nice to Alice. Alice enjoyed having a close friend to break up the sometimes monotonous life of a stay at home mom. The story has several twists and turns leaving the reader wondering if there really was a crime and who really did it. The ending came as a shock to me and left me sitting with my mouth open thinking “Wow”. I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this book to give this honest review. I loved it and highly recommend it!

While I didn't find this story to have anything surprising to it, I must say I quite enjoyed this novel. Margot Hunt is the pseudonym for a bestselling author who has published 12 books before this one. And it shows because the quality of the writing is very strong. I couldn't stop myself from flipping one page after the next because the writing style allowed for this novel to maintain a fairly fast pace (even though there wasn't actually a lot happening) and be an easy read.
What made this novel really work is the characterization of the 2 female characters, which was great. The story is from Alice's perspective and she is a great protagonist. Alice is a logician, and her logical mind is evident in her various interactions with other people. She is described quite a few times as being cold or too calm, and this has been attributed to her logical thinking ... but reading from her point of view showed that this isn't necessarily true. Alice feels a lot. She feels protective towards her family and friends, driven by her love for them to do whatever it takes to make them happy. She was a character I could really connect with, and I enjoyed reading from her perspective as she went from loyal defender of Kat to doubting their friendship.
Kat's character was also very interesting. I could tell right away why she wasn't to be trusted.... but also why she was so easy to be best friends with. Heck, even I wanted to be friends with her! I enjoyed reading about the relationship between Kat and Alice and how it may have seemed like a tight bond at first, but was just a manipulation by Kat.
The conclusion of the story, while predictable, was still quite good because the author really stuck to the theme that she had introduced from the start. This is a story about what it means to be a friend, and how friendship can be manipulated. I'm giving this a solid 3/5 stars and would recommend it to anyone who likes thrillers!