Member Reviews

3 stars
Synopsis: Liam was sent away from his kingdom 5 years ago to go to the academy. Upon his return, he only wants to see one person: his best friend Cerdec. He and Cerdec didn't part on the best of terms, since Cerdec didn't come down to the docks to see Liam off. When Liam discovers that Cerdec has become a knight in his absence, Liam requests him as his personal guard, and when they pick up where they left off, requests for Cerdec to be his night guard.
The only problem is that Liam's father, the king, is bound and determined that his son will marry and provide heirs for the kingdom, so he has arranged a marriage with a prosperous nation. Liam and Cerdec believe that they will have to cease their relationship until Liam talks to his bride on their wedding night.
What I liked: that even though we don't get to hang out with Liam and Cerdec for that long, we can feel the love between them. I enjoyed the world building and the characters. Liam tries to do what is best for his kingdom, even if it means sacrificing his happiness. I liked how happy the kingdom was to have their prince returned to them, and to see their prince happy.
What I didn't like: even though I felt as though Cerdec and Liam loved each other, it didn't completely feel like a forever kind of love.

Set in a fantasy world of knights and castles (and magic), Prince Liam is returning home to his father's kingdom after five years away at the Academy. Liam knows that he must enter into a politically advantageous arranged marriage with a princess from a neighboring kingdom, but Liam is more anxious to learn news of his boyhood friend Cedrec.
Liam returns to a kingdom ruled by his evil elderly father (imagine Walder Frey) and finds that bisexual Cedrec does share the sexual attraction that sizzles between the two young men. Liam installs Cedrec in his bedchamber as his personal bodyguard (cue a very steamy sex scene or two) but soon his terrified bride arrives and they are married.
Fantasy and polyamory are not in my reading wheelhouse, but I like how Samantha MacLeod turns this story on its ear by finding a solution to the situation that results in a happily polyamorous M/M/M/F (or perhaps more accurately M/M, M/F and occasionally M/M/F/M relationship. 3.5 stars.

I have mixed feelings about The Night Watch by Samantha MacLeod. I liked it, but it took an unexpected twist along the way that I wasn't all that crazy about. I was perfectly happy with Liam and Cerdec's story until the princess and her lover showed up. Overall, the story was fine, but not my favorite.

I received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review. The story of a prince, Liam and his best friend/lover Cerdec who claim their love for each other. The king has arranged a marriage for Liam with Princess Analynn who had a previous lover. A unique arrangement is made and the story continues to intrigue you. The story could be longer with more interaction between the four of them. It is a good read and worth the time.

Cute novella with a very happy conclusion to a situation that has happened many times over the course of human history: the habit of forced, arranged and 'in name only' marriages.
This is the story of a Prince Liam, his jerk of a Father king, a long-time adoring friend, and a politically arranged bride on the way.
Mildly angsty, but with the promise and deliverance of a happily ever after.