Member Reviews

I received this from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This is a spinoff from the Sinful Brides series. Really, I think it is just the same series with a different name. This was okay I just wasn’t in love with the characters from the previous books in these they were kind of just jerks. I was disappointed in them but overall the story turned out to be pretty good.

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Christi’s series often cross over, this new series is about the family who owns the rival club from the previous Sinful Bride’s series. Christi spins yet another world of characters in her regency genre. The family in this story is able to overcome many challenges and foster their reputation and connections in the London Society which helps them attain more wealth and power. This can be a stand alone book as can all her others. Christi is on a roll with another wonderful series that keeps the characters from the previous series alive and int h readers mind since you never know when they may reappear.

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I knew I would love this book when I saw it on Netgally. And I was so right! This book is the beginning of an offshoot series from Christi Caldwell’s Sinful Brides series.
Our hero has clawed his way up from the streets of London with his ‘brothers.’ Although not related by blood they worked together to become successful. Now all of his brothers have married into the aristocracy and Adair just wants to keep running his gaming hell. But then the fire happened. Now our hero is forced to help the sister of his enemy find a husband among the aristocracy in need of her wealth.
Our heroine doesn’t actually want to land a husband among the hated elite. But, her brother knows that a title will keep her safe. Will the members of the ton look past her parentage, background, and even glasses to see what a gem she is? Even if she comes with a substantial dowery?
Excellent romance with great characters. 😊

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Book 1 in the Wicked Wallflowers series, “The Hellion” is evocative of “Romeo and Juliet” in the sense that the Thornes and the Killorans are two warring families. The protagonists – Adair Thorne and Cleopatra Killoran did not trust each other. Yet even when they first met, there was a spark, albeit it was combative.

In the grand tradition of Regency romances, the young woman (Cleopatra) needs to find a husband. And an unexpected beau (Adair Thorne) presents himself. But, the tradition ends there. “The Hellion” is set in the shady London society. The haut ton is not here! There are no titled gentlemen. In fact, the Thornes and the Killorans are what we call mob families today.

A fun read! Adair and Cleopatra are just adorable, though sometimes you just want to wring their necks. Nevertheless, they never fail to amuse. “The Hellion” is Rated T for Teens.

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I love historical romances. So, I picked this title up because it’s the first in a new series. While that fact is technically true, it should be mentioned that this is a spin-off of another series. It’s a very tightly related book to the Sinful Brides series. I realized it pretty early on and was thankful that I had read ONE book in the other series. There are a lot of details and characters that aren’t really explained and if I hadn’t read that other book, I believe I would have been left wanting more background.

Adair grew up on the streets of London after his family died in a fire. He and his “brothers” (think a family like the mob) run a gaming hell. In the opening scene of the book, they’re digging through the rubble as their hell was just destroyed by fire. And then there’s Cleopatra. She’s from the “enemy” family and due to a truce between the families, she’s staying with Adair’s family and being introduced to society. Cleo doesn’t want to be there and Adair doesn’t trust her. But as they keep getting thrown together, sparks start to fly.

So, what I liked. I liked that this story is set on the fringes of London society. The main characters aren’t titled and they have shady pasts. They’re interesting and there is growth and character development. Even the romance is pretty well developed as Adair and Cleo start as enemies, move to friends and eventually lovers. What I didn’t like? I didn’t like that the story didn’t stand on it’s own very well considering it’s slated as the first in a series. I was distracted by the spelling of words while Ms Caldwell tried to show the characters speaking with a cockney accent. And I wasn’t thrilled with the ending. It was tidy and rather rushed for my tastes.

All that said, I did enjoy the book. I need to go back and read others that are connected to this story. I would definitely not recommend this book if you’ve not read any of the series. But if you have, it’s a good addition to the series.

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I was sent this book by the author to create promotional illustrations. The promotional illustrations are provided in the link below.

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Sucked me in and I stayed!

The sparks between the two main protagonists are fiery. The fiercely denied attraction flares between them growing into a love tangible.
Cleopatra Killoran is going to have a season and marry a lord if she can survive the ton in general and Adair Thorn in particular.
Being thrown into the lair of the enemy, into Thorn's family stronghold, arch enemies of the Killoran's is a choice Cleopatra makes to protect her siblings. Adair is convinced that his gaming hall has been destroyed by the Killorans. He has no sympathy or trust for anyone to do with that family! Despite the attraction he fights every inch of the way! Riveting!

A NetGalley ARC

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I enjoyed this book. Adair and Cleo were a sweet couple. I can't wait to read next book from this series. ☆☆☆☆☆. I loved this series.

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When the enemy's daughter moves into Adair's brother's house in order to have a season, neither Adair nor his brothers are pleased. As Adair and Cleopatra spend time together they learn to look deeper into the other. They learn to trust one another, and that things are not so black and white. This love story is a study in contradictions - just like Cleo herself. Christi Caldwell it seems can do no wrong. Her characters, settings, and plots are filled with nuance and detail. Can't wait to learn about Cleo's siblings as well.

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Joann Maggio rated it it was amazing
The Hellion (Wicked Wallflower #1)

Adair Thorne is not a man to be messed with. When his club The Hell and Sin is totally destroyed by fire he looks to his enemy the Killorans as responsible for the deed. When the two families meet, Broderick Killoran is able to convince Adair and his brothers they are not guilty, and have not broken the truce that the families have enforced.

Cleopatra Killoran attends the meeting and proves to be an outspoken hellion. She is defiant and no one can make her do anything. Part of the Killoran truce is for there rivals to give one of his sisters a season to find a rich Lord.

Cleo steps forward to save her sisters from this marriage. It is while she is under Ryker Black home being guarded by Adair the two cross sword and then become tolerable friends.

As you find yourself reading this story, you pick up the crumbs of hidden information about each character which only Ms Caldwell can leave you hungry to grasp.

She excels as a master in her art form. This is an excellent read.
For Book Obsessed Chicks

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What’s it About? After his gaming hell is burned to the ground, Adair Thorne is determined to have someone answer for it. He’s certain his competitors, the Killorans are behind the destruction and he’s not about to honor a truce he made with them to sponsor one of their own for a season. Then he meets Cleopatra Killoran, a stubborn, mouthy woman who will do anything to protect her siblings, even allow Adair to help her find a noble husband. Except there are two problems, first is her attraction to Adair and his to her but it’s the second one, a secret that could destroy the fragile truce between the two families that might ruin her chance with Adair.

Overall reaction to the story? The Hellion was an enjoyable if not very memorable read for me. I had a few bumps along the way but the characters were for the most part likable and the plot was fun.

Adair and Cleo were a good couple and I did enjoy the whole enemies to lovers trope because these two didn’t just jump into bed together they developed a tentative friendship of sorts that allowed them to really see each other without the whole “enemies” bit getting in the way. Of course, it wasn’t easy since both of their families had secrets that threatened to come between them. The chemistry was there but there was a tad too much drama surrounding them before their HEA. There isn’t one but TWO moments where secrets come between them and threaten to tear them apart and that was one too many for me. It slowed the book down and dragged out the conflict only to lead to a very abrupt ending that had me feeling a little unsatisfied. And there’s no epilogue which would have helped the story feel more finished.

Another issue I had with The Hellion is how it began. It wasn’t the plot in particular but rather the amount of characters in the beginning. There is a major character and info dump that made me feel like there was a book before this one that I missed, but no The Hellion is the first book in a new series, it just didn’t feel that way. I could have done without all those characters. After my head stopped spinning from all that unnecessary information, I realized that the pace was super slow and filled with scenes that didn’t really have a purpose. Had I given up there I wouldn’t have gotten to the better half of the book, but not every reader is going to stick through a third of a slow book with too many characters. I think that more time should have been spent building a connection between the reader and the two main characters. I liked Adair and Cleo as individuals but I never felt that I truly connected with them.

Click It or Skip It? Apparently The Hellion is easier to understand and get into if you’ve read the previous series, Sinful Brides. I haven’t so that could have been the problem. I would leave this book as a Click It but with a word of warning about the beginning. It’s a good read but it could have been better.

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I was given this book through Netgalley in an exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed this book more so at the start and the end rather then for the middle section. The start of the book had some great tension between two families who are trying to hold together a truce but the business of one has been burned down and they suspect the other. As there is no prove of guilt they agree to continue the truce until other evidence is proven.

The terms of the truce are that the sister of one family will be taken into the home often other to try and find a husband in the upper echelons of London society. Cleopatra is the young woman going into the family and she is deeply distrusted by them especially Adair Thorne. Adair is chosen by his brother to watch over Cleopatra and he finds her in some compromising situations or so he thinks which causes some misunderstandings between them. This is where the middle portion of the book fell a bit flat for me.

The middle of the book is where the two fall in love with each other but it is more tell rather than show. There are occasional conversations between the two which show they are falling but really not enough interaction. I do like both characters but for e there was not enough for me to grow to love the especially together. I think it was too obvious from the beginning they would end up together and not enough angst in the middle to perpetuate the feeling of triumph that they win through in the end.

The end of the book is where I felt we had enough emotion and action to make the characters more real to me. Apart from one twist that is never hinted at until it is thrown in and then really is a bit blah in the reactions the emotions begin to come off the page. Also this is where the danger comes in that essentially gives both characters the wake up call they needed.

Overall I enjoyed his book the writing style was good but a little flat in the middle. I have given this book 4 stars but it is more a 3.5 to me. I recommend if you like period romance that are easy to get through and not too much in the way of danger or angst.

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I haven't read Christi Caldwell in years so when I had the chance to win an advance copy of her latest book The Hellion, I grabbed it right away. It did not disappoint. Christi is a fantastic writer and I like that her characters are not the typical members of the ton. Hate-to-love is one of my most favorite tropes and The Hellion delivered in slowly turning the antipathy between Adair and Cleo into reluctant attraction, respect, and finally love.

Cleopatra and Adair are well-defined characters with some surprising quirks in their personalities. The sheer number of supporting cast sometimes confused, but Christi managed to put it back to rights by returning the focus on the two main protagonists. The scenes that stood out for me were those in the rooftops and when Cleo and Adair worked on the plans for the new Hell & Sin together.

I enjoyed this book, but I'm sure I would have liked it better had I read the previous series. I'll try to rectify that soon. One thing's for sure, I won't wait years before reading Christi again. I already pre-ordered her next book: Rogues Rush In.

Note: I won an ARC for The Hellion and it was delivered to me via NetGalley. I was not required to post a review.

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SO enjoy this author's writing style with her characters and settings. Cleopatra Killoran and Adair Thorne come together in set up as rivals and find common ground. Be sure to get this one in the first of Wicked Wallflowers Series.
Ebook from netgalley and publishers with thanks. Opinions are entirely my own.

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The end of a great Series leads right into a new Series. We have met the Hero and Heroine in The Sinful Brides Series and now The Wicked Wallflowers begins with Adair Thorne and Cleopatra Killoran.

Adair and Cleo's families have always been enemies. They both run gaming hells in St. Giles. They both grew up in the dangerous streets in the worst neighborhood in London. They learned that to survive you will do anything, beg, steal and even kill if they had to. They have endured physical and mental torture, horrors that would make any child that grew up in a loving environment impossible to imagine.

One night Cleo saves a member of Adair's family. The rivals agree to a truce. No more spying on each other and trying to ruin each other's clubs. Part of the bargain is for one of the Killoran sisters to be introduced to Society by Adair's brother, Viscount Ryker Black.

Now that his three brothers and one sister are happily married (The Sinful Bride Series), Adair takes care of the daily running of the Hell and Sin Club. When a fire damages the Hell he automatically blames the Killorans. At the same time, Cleo has been sent to Black's home to be launched into Society and find and marry a nobleman.

Adair doesn't trust any Killoran and wants nothing to do with Cleo, and of course, he has been charged with keeping an eye on her. Both Cleo and Adair are strong, stubborn and loyal, as well as not trusting each other. Nevertheless the more time they spend with each other they discover that not only were they wrong about each other, they actually liked one another and enjoyed their time together. Both feeling guilty that they are betraying their families by their feelings, they cannot seem to stop.

The mystery of who set the fire will change everything and the secret that Cleo has kept to herself all her life could destroy any feelings that Adair has for her. No spoilers in my reviews. You will have to read this marvelous start to a new Series by Christi.

I am always amazed how Christi writes such beautiful stories at the pace she releases books. She has a natural talent that is truly magnificent. Everything about this book is enthralling. I love her characters, they are flawed and damaged individuals that she takes on the journey of their lives and they come out stronger than ever. Having read all four books in The Sinful Brides Series this is an outstanding beginning into this new Series.

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I tried, hard. I really did but unfortunately I just couldn't finish it. I thought since it was Book One in a series I'd be fine but apparently this is a spin off from another series. While I probably could have continued to muddle through (an outline of characters would have been extremely helpful), it was very draining to stay that intensely focused on keeping who was who sorted out.

Despite the fact I didn't actually finish it, I found Ms. Caldwell's writing superb and perhaps when I have more time and can focus solely on it, I will pick it back up and give it another try.

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I have been a huge fan of Christi Caldwell's writing, and this was another great book by this author. However, for new readers of her work, I would recommend reading her Sinful Brides series (1-4) before this series. This book works as a transition between the Sinful Brides series that followed the family that owned the Hell and Sin Club, and the new Wicked Wallflower series that appears will follow the rival Killoran family, as it covers the relationship between Adair Thorne (the last owner of the Hell and Sin Club) and Cleopatra Killoran. I enjoyed how this story evoked so many of my emotions, as I felt for each character. I especially could relate to Adair who is struggling with how to continue on after the thing that has consumed the majority of his adult life, the Hell and Sin Club, has been destroyed by fire, as well as his feelings for Cleopatra, who he holds partially responsible. I will definitely read the next book in the series.

I received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Usually love Christie Caldwell. Her books always have a good story, lots of romance and lots of heat! The basis of this story was a bit difficult to believe, so influenced how I felt about the whole story. A villain wants his sister to wed a member of the aristocracy to stabilise his gaming hell. Apart from this starting premise, it was well written and obviously great hot scenes. Not what I usually get from a Christie Caldwell book. A good story, not a great one.

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I really like Christi Caldwell's previous work but this one was a bit of a miss for me.

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I received The Hellion by Christi Caldwell from NetGalley in exchange for a fair review. This is the first book in Caldwell's Wicked Wallflowers series but is a continuation of her Sinful Brides series.
Adair Thorne is the last of the family from the streets to fall. His passion is their club, Hell and Sin Club. Watching it burn to ashes brings back not only bad memories of his true family but also, a knowledge that their sworn enemy destroyed his passion: the Killorans.
Cleopatra Killoran is tough because she has to be. When her brother demands one of the sisters make "Their Grand Bow" to polite society, Cleo volunteers in the hopes her other sisters will be spared. But staying in sworn enemy territory is impossible.
Adair and Cleo hatred for each other is palatable. And yet, their is a soft side, hunger, and understanding each have toward the other. At the beginning of the book, it seems like neither will yield, but they are constantly thrown together and must play nice. As they play nice, the heat changes character and both are consumed.
I love Christi Caldwell. Her stories are always deep with emotional turmoil and struggles each character has. I have read her from the beginning and watch her story telling grow. She never disappoints. #TheHellion #NetGalley

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