Member Reviews

I love this series!

Adair Thorne just lost his prized club to an arsonist. After being orphaned after a fire in his youth he is outraged and loathes the rival Club owner, Broderick Killoran, who he believes is responsible. He can’t trust the Killoran’s, especially Broderick’s street smart and savvy sister, Cleopatra, .

Sworn to uphold a promise, Cleo moves into the enemy camp. After guards are let down a friendship blossoms between Adair and Cleo. The feud between the families may ruin any chance of this couple finding the happiness they both deserve.

I have been looking forward to this story and romantic match-up and I was not disappointed. Perfect pairing! Now if there was just an epilogue.

No one can make Cleopatra do anything. That said, she’ll do whatever it takes to protect her siblings―even if that means being sponsored by their rivals for a season in order to land a noble husband. But she will not allow her head to be turned by the infuriating and darkly handsome Adair Thorne.

There’s only one thing that threatens the rules of the game: Cleopatra’s secret. It could unravel the families’ tenuous truce and shatter the unpredictably sinful romance mounting between the hellion…and a scoundrel who could pass for the devil himself

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~~Reviewed by AnnMarie~~

The Hellion is the first book in the Wicked Wallflowers series by Christi Caldwell. Although this is a follow-on series from Sinful Brides, which I have only read one of, I had no trouble reading this one. The author gave enough information to follow the story well enough.

Adair Thorne is devastated when his gaming hell is torched. He believes the people behind it are his rivals, the Killorans. When he and his ‘street’ brothers confront the Killorans they profusely deny the accusations. After all, why would they break the truce they have before one of the Killoran sisters is given a season in London as promised by the Black family as thank you for helping to rescue one of their own. With no evidence, the truce must remain, and also the promise of taking in one of the Killoran sisters.

Cleopatra doesn’t want to marry, and she especially doesn’t want to marry a ‘toff’ but of the 3 of them, she is the only sister suitable for dealing with living in the Black household and eventually marrying. Her brother wants nothing more than for his family to be accepted amongst society, hence brokering the deal for Cleo to be given a season.

Adair and Cleo lock horns immediately, and neither are pleased to find that Adair is the one who is supposed to watch her in order to make sure she doesn’t get up to anything while under their roof. Adair is fuming that the woman is anywhere near his family and is adamant that her family did indeed burn down his club. Cleo is as adamant that they didn’t. One thing that both are in agreement over is that secretly, and annoyingly to them, they find themselves attracted to each other. The more time they spend together the more that attraction grows.

Can they have any future together when not only are their families enemies, but Cleo has a secret, one that will make Adair hate her if he were to find out? No, it isn’t that she set fire to the club, she didn’t. In her eyes, it is something much worse!

The relationship between Cleo and Adair developed at a believable pace with both of them quite rightly fighting the attraction as best they could. I enjoyed how they learned that they were both too quick to hate without knowing the first thing about each other and each others’ families. I love that even when he hadn’t even fallen for her, that Adair offered Cleo the chance to see and work on the plans for the new club that he was in charge of overseeing.

There were twists and turns, drama, and excitement galore in this story. Add that to the blossoming romance and steamy scenes between Adair and Cleo and you have a book that will engross you from beginning to end.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced readers’ copy of this book.

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Adair Thorne has clawed his way up from the London streets with his brothers. They own a success gaming hell, the Hell and Sin Club. The other owners aka ‘brothers” have all married into the aristocracy and Adair has no desire to marry he simply wants to keep running the club, but it has now it’s gone up in flames. He’s certain their competitor the Killoran’s are responsible for the fire at the club.
In one of the previous books commitments were made on the part of the Hell and Sin family in exchange for lifesaving information from the Killoran family. Adair is forced to help the sister of his enemy find a husband among the aristocracy in need of her wealth. Once he meets Cleopatra Killoran, the tart-mouthed vixen who mocks him at every turn and a sizzling passion becomes ignited. One problem is she’s doesn’t want to marry into the hated elite, but her brother feels a title will keep her safe. Will the London’s ton overlook her background, her parents and accept her substantial dowry to catch a member of London society elite. Adair is slowing coming to know and respect his pint-sized nemesis, but no one can make Cleo do anything she doesn’t want to do and if her secret comes out it could unravel the tenuous truce and will their budding romance have a chance to survive. A truly captivating story with mystery, adventure and romance. This is my honest opinions after I voluntarily read a copy of this book that was provided to me with no requirements for a review.

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2.5 stars. Perhaps if I’d read whatever books were meant to be before this I wouldn’t have found this so flat at times, but for the first in the series this spent a long time explaining history of these two families. In fact, these two aren’t actually nice to each other until like 60%. The last 10% actually made this book for me, I nearly gave it 3 stars just for that, but I can’t really excuse how unattached I was until then and it was just too long to wait for something with action and thrill and something shocking. It was like it all lead up to this. We got told little bits of what everyone could do then bam last ten percent everyone’s jumping rooftops and being all badass and shit.

I WISH there was more Stephen in this, especially with the part he plays. We see him two to three times in the whole book, and I just would have liked to see him and Cleo interact and even her sisters etc.

They had dark pasts and each sister has something that makes them ‘not perfect’ and I’m kinda interested in finding out more, but I’m also unsure if I’d continue this series without reading whatever came before it because I was hella confused and I hate big history lessons in series’ because I never feel like it’s done in a way that isn’t a big info dump. We will see

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I didn’t believe that the animosity between them could ever lead to love. I like Cleo, she is a tough woman and very capable of defending herself. I didn’t like Adair though, he was very much a jerk and distrustful.
Ryker, Adair, and even Penelope believed that she could harm a child. It was barely her second day there and she finds Ryker’s baby crying because the maid left her alone to go off to drink. Cleo picks the baby up and tries to comfort her. Then Adair comes in and automatically thinks that she was there to hurt the baby. Of course, Cleo is offended and leaves the next day. It’s just that going from that level of distrust and hate to love didn’t seem believable to me.
After this, if I were Cleopatra I would not step foot back in their house or even speak to them ever again. Even the servants were disrespectful, one called her a whore and a bitch.
I received a copy of this story from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Christi Caldwell's latest release offers another glittering foray into Regency England, sure to titillate anyone who loves historical romance. When I received an invitation from the publisher, via Net-Galley, to read and review The Hellion, I immediately accepted.

The Hellion is fast-paced with endearing characters, and a plot that grabbed me from the first page and kept me in its thrall until the last word. I loved getting another view of characters from some of her previous books! The character development in this book is beyond what I've seen in recent novels. It's a pleasure to read the smooth, flowing prose and emotionally-charged dialogue.

Cleopatra Killoran's character gripped me. and I immediately became vested in her. She is delightfully innocent for a street-wise young woman. She is willing to sacrifice herself for her siblings, even though the last thing she wants is to marry a peer of the realm. I loved how she tentatively opens up with Adair a bit at a time.

Adair Thorne is a hero I can totally love. He has honor and loyalty for all his adopted family circle. Although he has reason to distrust Cleopatra, he is drawn to her in a big way. I loved that he took a chance and looked beyond her vibrato to the sweet, caring woman underneath.

One thing I love most about historical romance is the slow build of sexual tension between the main characters, and Ms. Caldwell is a master at this. The chemistry between Cleopatra and Adair is amazing.

If you enjoy historical romance in a Regency setting, then you will absolutely love The Hellion as much as I did. Not only does this book have a wonderful, fulfilling love story, there is plenty of action as well. I highly recommend this book. Happy reading!

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I’m going to be completely honest with you, and tell you that I’ve truly been torn about my rating for this book. Not for the lack of enjoyment, mind you, because I enjoyed this book. But perhaps because it took me a while to get in the book. Let me explain.

This book, though stated as the first of a series, is actually, probably a spin off of another series. Now, I usually don’t have much problem when reading such a story, but it seemed like in this case the rest of the characters who I believe had their own stories in whatever series this one sprouted from, never left the scene. Sure, the book was about Cleopatra and Thorne, two members of rival families, but especially in Thorne’s case, his family was there too much. While a part of me resented this, not knowing the stories of Thorne’s family when they occupied so much of his life, another part of me understood this for exactly that reason. Because they were so much part of his life, and having an idea about their lives, I can see why. Thorne and his brothers-and Cleopatra and her own family of mischiefs- are all pickpockets and thieves from the streets. They’re orphans at their best, and trouble at their worst. From what I gathered, they had shitty lives, all of them, up until Christi Caldwell gave them their stories.

So, there lies my problem. When I think about how left out I felt when I was reading this book, and how it took me quite a while to get into the story, I think I should bump down a star. But then I think how these people are intertwined with each other, however damaged their so called families are, and the fact that after that while that took me to warm up to the story and the characters, I simply couldn’t wait to read on, I can’t really bear to off that one star. So here goes.

This was an enjoyable historical romance, perhaps one that should be read after its predecessor if you’re strict about that stuff and if you don’t want to be left out at all. I personally found that, for all my whining about spin offs and supporting characters who kept me at an arm’s length away, I truly liked this book. And can’t wait to read the next story in the series. Not to mention, going back and reading the previous stories of these men and women who so occupied Cleopatra and Thorne’s minds and hearts.

So, I guess this all tells my rating.

I’m adding four spoonfuls of this story into my hodgepodge.

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With their gaming hall burned to the ground Adair and his family of street brothers have to start from scratch. They want to blame their competitors ( Broderick Kilorans) but they need the proof. On the other hand they promised to take one of Broderick's sister for a season.

This story becomes very interesting fast and the attraction between Cleopatra and Adair is off the hooks. It was fun to read this story.

** I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

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I was really looking forward to Adair's story and I love that it crossed over into this new series! Cleopatra was the perfect heroine to win his heart and I adored her spitfire attitude. The way they bonded over a similar incidents from their youth was the perfect thing to tear down the walls and bring these two together. The slow burn of this story was delicious, but I found myself wanting more heated moments between Adair and Cleopatra. I'm really looking forward to getting to know Cleopatra's sisters and seeing how the rivalry between the Killorans and Blacks will evolve now that they are bonded by a match!

ARC provided by NetGalley.

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A deal with the enemy leads to a chance of a lifetime.
Cleopatra Killoran has spent a lifetime taking care of and protected her sisters. So when her brother makes a deal with Ryker Black to give one of his sisters a season and find her a husband, Cleopatra demands it be her. She will not allow any of them to be miserable and strapped to a member of the ton so her brother can have connections. Cleopatra is a strong woman who can definitely take care of herself. She’s strong willed and thinks nothing of standing up to Adair and telling him what she thinks.
Adair Thorne is charged with guarding Cleopatra while she’s in Black’s home for the duration of the deal. Adair knows that the Killoran’s are responsible for the fire that took down The Hell and Sin the last thing he wants is to have Cleopatra in his brothers home. Adair has lived his life on the fringe the ton a the streets of St. Giles, believing The Hell and Sin was his life. He is a good and kind man who will do anything to protect his brothers.
The more time Adair and Cleopatra spend together the more the lines of hatred and mistrust blur. The attraction between them is undeniable and a friendship and soon trust developed. Secrets could ruin it all and when Cleopatra needs Adair’s trust the most will he step up?
I loved this book Adair and Cleopatra had great chemistry and I found myself routing for them to see the good in each other and that they deserved a happy ever after. There are a few twists and turns that I did not see coming I recommend you read “The Sinful Brides “ series before you read this book

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This is the first book in a new series but it picks up where the previous series, Sinful Brides, left off. What I liked about that series and this book is that it doesn't take place among the ton. The stories take place around the Hell and Sin Club.
This story is about Cleo and Adair. Two foes, rivals who truly dislike each other. Until they are forced to be in the same house for an extended period of time and truly come to know each other.
I enjoyed the previous series and look forward to this one.

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Loving this genre of fiction has its ups and downs… getting introduced to a new author and a new series has to be one of the highlights of this little obsession called reading. I am new to the world of Christi Caldwell so I was extremely excited to get the opportunity to review her most recent book and first installment of a new Regency series. As much as I would like to say that this book is easy to pick up for someone not familiar with the author, unfortunately that is not the case. This is where the “downs” come into play; this book might be the first of a series but almost every single character has been previously introduced in a different series by Ms. Caldwell and without reading that series I found myself a bit lost.

Normally I am totally game to pick up a book, even mid-series, but this book has so much backstory, so much history between the two main families featured, that I think I lost a fair bit in not being familiar with their stories. If you are an old friend of this exciting saga, then this book will likely make you do a little happy dance. If you are new to this author, this might not be the best place to start but don’t forget to add this book to your reading list!

Adair Thorne is a dangerous man, engrossed in the seedier side of life in London. He is my favorite kind of hero with a dark past, a desire to support and protect his family, and a roguish bent just begging to be redeemed. He was just getting his life together when tragedy strikes and all his dreams go up in flames – literally. He is convinced that his mortal enemies, the Killoran’s, are to blame but he is duty bound to assist them in traversing the ton. Enter our hurricane of a heroine, Cleopatra (sorry, the name just doesn’t work for me however). I found that I liked Adair far more than I liked Cleopatra Killoran, which was a bit of a problem for me. I wanted the hero to find peace, success, and his happy ending but I found myself irritated with the heroine periodically throughout the book.

Cleopatra is the strong, determined heroine who I usually gravitate towards. But – without any spoilers – she does a few things that frustrated me throughout the book and that made me like her a little less. But don’t think she is absent any wonderful qualities…she makes many sacrifices for her siblings and agrees to Adair’s help to find her a husband very reluctantly. I love that she decides to set her own terms and arms herself for the fight she must face while navigating society under Adair’s watchful eye. The attraction between these two is so strong I thought my e-reader was going to catch fire. I love how Ms. Caldwell builds the tension between them and keeps her reader invested in every step if their reluctant courtship.

If you enjoy a tension-filled ride, a reluctant couple who do everything they can to deny their growing attraction and an explosive storyline, this is totally the book for you. I really enjoyed the writers’ style and voice which has encouraged me to pick up her previous “Sinful Brides” series so that I can get the history of these dynamic characters I so desperately wanted while reading this book. Might just have to read this one again after that too!

~ Danielle

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Great start to a new series. This historical read tells the story of Adair and Cleopatra. He made a pact with his enemy to see that Cleopatra gets a season to catch a titled husband. What will happen when sparks fly between Adair and Cleo. Entertaining read with plenty of drama and suspense. I liked it.

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A wonderful start to the Wicked Wallflower series. Adair is one of my most favorite heroes. He has been through so much...he deserves Cleo! I won't tell you the story (hate spoilers), but I know that you will love this story. It just might be Christi's very best!

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As an old fan of Caldwell, this seemed like a book I could get in to. I typically avoid novels that mention “big dark secrets” as it does nothing to annoy me. Historically, however, I have enjoyed everything I have read from Caldwell and have a soft spot for enemies to lovers stories.

The Hellion was no different. Written in Caldwell’s signature wit and humor. The Hellion is an intricate story powered by complex characters. Although there are many references to characters/situations established in other stories, it is not mandatory to read them to enjoy this novel. That being said, this is not a novel to be taken lightly. It is much heavier than just a simple rainy day read.

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I must start by saying that I am a Christi Caldwell fan as she can draw a reader in irrespective of the backdrop of the story. ‘The Hellion’ which is the first in The Wicked Wallflowers series, starts off with Adair Thorne (Hell and Sin Club) and Cleopatra Killoran, members from opposing clubs being placed together after a truce was declared between the two groups. The truce involved giving one of the Killoran sisters a season, after a member of Thorne’s family (including the head, Ryker), was taken hostage by Diggory, the leader of the Killoran group. However, as Adair and Cleo spend time together, they soon realise that her marrying into aristocracy may not be what either of them truly wants.
I don’t think this is a book that can be truly appreciated without reading the previous series “The Sinful Brides”. In doing so, any reader will be all the happier for doing so, as they will truly be immersed in the world of Ryker Black (my favourite in the series) and his family.
This story does not hold back on the life lead in the tough and dangerous world of St Giles. So, I am still a great fan of Ms Caldwell and hope that there are more in this great series and other series so long as there are great characters like Adair and Ryker and the wonderful women who they find themselves in love with.
I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Not the pretty side of the Regency, but I always like a trip to the dark side. I enjoyed Cleopatra's determination to do for her family and her skills for climbing. It took a bit for me to warm up to Adair, but once I did, this story became a great journey. Both of these characters had such big obstacles to work beyond but found they have some in common. Despite the feud and danger all around, Cleopatra and Adair get a chance at a love match.

I received a copy of this story through Netgalley, and it is a Book Obsessed Chicks Review Team selection. This is my unsolicited review.

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Adair and Cleo are a rollercoaster ride in the love department. They come from similar living on the streets backgrounds but are on opposing sides of the gaming hell. Family history of hating each other has them blinded by what is actually in front of them. Circumstances have put Adair watching Cleo closely and starts to see who she really is. Cleo is trying to fight the connection between Adair and herself but can't. I really liked this story from Christi Caldwell. Great read!

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This was an amazing book!

Adair and Cleo are so attracted to each other they really just rub each other the wrong way but yet always find themselves in each other’s way. There’s many roadblocks that they both face before they realize that even though they come from opposing rival gangs they have the same goals in the familly.....survival.
This is one fast paced intriguing read! Lots of action, mystery and plenty of sizzle to keep you glued to the pages.
Christy Caldwell does not disappoint! Can’t wait to read the next one!

I recieved a complimentary copy from the publisher through NetGalley. This is my honest opinion.

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Christi Caldwell is adept at grabbing the reader and not letting go until the story concludes. This great start to a new series is no different. Her well defined characters come to life as she molds them from their hard childhood to the present. Adair Thorne seems to have a destiny with fire. Orphaned as a child by fire and then he watches as his gaming hell goes up in flames. He just knows his enemies, the Killoran's are behind it but there were suppose to have struck a truce between them. There are so many twist and turns that have actually have come to light in a previous series The Sinful Brides. Cleopatra Killoran, sister of Broderick, the owner of The Devil's Den gaming hell, the rival club, was about to have her come out in society. She needed to find a suitable partner who would have enough money and influence so that she and her family would never be taken back to their hard upbringing. So in a twist as Adair is assigned to be escort and guard to Cleo, they begin to know each other. Can these two rivals ever come to terms with each other and see the real person beneath? Full of strong emotions that came alive on the page it was hard to put down. Cannot wait until the next story in this series..

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