Member Reviews

4.5 stars.

This book was unlike anything I had ever read before - a mystery, with these really cool fantasy elements -it makes you challenge all of your perceptions - about time, friendship, love, loss, and grief - I couldn't get enough of it! Unputdownable.

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This was ok. Definitely not my cup of tea. I read this as part of the Indigo Teen SPOTM decision group. I didn't vote for this for the Indigo Teen SPOTM.

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I had such high hopes for this one but it did not live up to the hype. The cover is stunning but it does not properly reflect the hot mess that is found between the covers. While this is primarily a thriller/mystery book, it has some sci-fi aspects. I'm usually good with that, heck I'm usually excited for an addition like that, but it was just not done properly.

The main reason I did not DNF this and move on was because I wanted... no, I needed to know about Jim's death. I kept turning the pages in the hopes of reading a delicious reveal but alas, it was a massive let down. It was unexpected, disappointing, and confusing. It made zero sense. It read like a cop-out, like it was added as an after thought. I almost did not want to finish the book but I was already 280 pages into a 320 page book, what else did I have to lose?

I would talk about the characters and how flat they felt, but this was more of a plot driven story so it would be a moot point. The characters had too many secondary story lines happening so it was all over the place. It felt as if maybe this story didn't know what it wanted to be when it grew up.

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In need of a great thriller? You need to go pick this one up right now! Looking forward to what this author will have out next!

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4.5 Stars

'Neverworld Wake' is a complex and somewhat surreal young adult novel that will leave readers thinking long after they've finished the book. I've read other reviews of the book that said the story wasn't for them, and I completely agree that it won't be up everyone's alley. Personally, I loved this book and I highly recommend it. It's full of twists and turns, a deadly murder mystery, and lots of great lessons about life that readers of all ages can incorporate. I really liked pretty much every aspect of this novel and can't think of any major flaws that I came across.

The plot is fantastic in several ways - all different but mixed together in a way that creates something wholly unique and fresh. There's a great blend of various genres in the story: science fiction, fantasy, contemporary, mystery, thriller, suspense, and even some horror and romance. There's seriously a bit of something for every kind of reader within these pages. I don't do spoilers, so it's hard for me to really get into the story line without giving anything away. I found it compelling and I was hooked almost immediately. The further into the novel I got, the more I adored the book and went deeper into the strange mystery the characters are facing. It's a really off the wall idea - the Neverworld Wake - but one that I found utterly fascinating and I loved learning all about it and the characters' experiences while trapped inside. The mystery aspect kept me on my toes and guessing about everyone's alibis and if they had any motives. In the end, the mystery is solved and the characters are released from the wake - with a lot of life lessons and wisdom left behind for the reader to ponder.

The characters were all complex and rounded - especially the main character - Beatrice or Bee. The story is told in the first person point of view from her perspective, so we get to know her on a very personal level throughout the story. I liked getting to know her and to learn her history with the other characters along with the tragedy that has ripped her from their group. The other characters - namely the others trapped in the wake with Bee - are also realistic and easy to identify with. I liked watching them interact with one another and learning how they're all connected and in what ways. There's tons of secrets that come to light - from each of them - and as we learn all about these people and their secrets, the mystery slowly unravels before our eyes. It's a wonderfully well written novel full of intrigue, deception, friendship, love, and the importance of life and how we should all appreciate what we have while we still have it. Like I mentioned, it may not be for everyone, but I personally really liked it and highly recommend it for readers of all genres and those looking for something fresh and out of the box to read.

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After closing the book I just couldn’t believe what I’d read. I didn’t see the ending revelation coming AT ALL, I literally gasped and scared my poor cat.

The plot hands down was the best thing about this book, I can’t say much without spoiling anything but the Neverworld Wake was creepy, and fascinating and I just couldn’t put the book down. Everytime I thought I’d figured out the killer and what really happened there were suddenly MORE twists, secrets, and betrayals and I loved it all.

I’m more plot driven when it comes to reading but I really liked Bree, she’s nice, responsible, smart, and really shy which I can relate to. Martha is up next because she’s quiet, loves to read, and is ridiculously smart. My only complaint for the whole book would have to be the profanity, thankfully it was nearly scarce and the story more than made up for it.

All in all this book was a thrilling, compelling read, and if I had been left to my own devices I would have devoured it in a day. This is definitely a must read for the summer! And do you see that cover?! *Drools*

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This book was definitely full of things that I love when I am reading a murder mystery kind of book such as twist and turns and things you don’t expect. I wanted to savor this book but I practically devoured it pretty much in a day because I just couldn’t leave that world and needed to know what was going to happen next.

I have to say that this book left me shaking my head wondering what just happened? Its been a few days since I read the book and I am still sitting here in awe of it. If you know me in real life you know I don’t reread books but I literally want to reread this because that ending make me feeling like did I miss clues along the way.

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I received a free galley from @prhinternational. This is an independent and honest review.

After being involved in a car accident, five friends find themself in a time loop called Neverworld Wake. Only one of them can come back to life. To decide who gets to live, they have to cast an unanimous vote.

The idea and the plot of Neverworld Wake is excellent. The book has its slow parts, but the plot twist at the end makes up for it. The story itself is very atmospheric, and combines mystery with themes like friendship and love, with a hint of science fiction.

Trigger warning: suicide, depression, violence, drug abuse.

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If you guys like books with prep schools some science fiction and mystery than this read is for you! I loved the writing! It had me hooked from the very first page. This book was interesting and unique, The characters aren't the most likeable bunch. That was the only thing I didn't like about the book. Everything else I really enjoyed !

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"Every time, we woke up in the exact same place, exact same time. We were songs on repeat, flies in a mason jar, echoing screams in a canyon that could not fade."

I actually did a buddy read with a friend for Neverworld Wake and after finishing, my friend asked me how I was ever going to write a review for this book. And that, that was a really good question. This is not a book that you can really describe, not easily broken down to analyze, but instead it was a (crazy) thought provoking journey. How can you express your feelings for a story that was so twisty and complicated and emotional without giving away anything that might ruin the experience for another reader? Well, here is my attempt to conquer that issue. Sorry this will be a short review but I don't want to ruin anything that Marisha created, but it is so much better to go into this book blindly with no preconceived ideas.

"But when your boyfriend’s death remains unsolved, and you’re left staring into a black hole of guilt and the unknown?
There’s no movie or self-help book in the world to help you with that.
Except maybe The Exorcist."

​This was a messy, crazy emotional read yet I could not put it down. I was sucked into the vortex of the Neverwake and could not escape, just like the five. I need to make the statement that these kids are messed up! Now did the Neverworld and it's endlessness drive them to be this way or were they always this was is the question I want answered.
I loved seeing every turn Bee took, how she made her choices and her changes to eventually get the outcome she was hoping for. ​I went into the book hoping that Bee would get answers about her boyfriend's death, but by the end of the book I was so turned around and on a different emotional point I did not care so much about that issue- there were bigger things at stake and I was so invested (and a little horrified).

This was Marisha's first YA book, but to be honest I think that age and labels are not necessary here. This was a messy psychological mysteryish book that kept the readers guessing and would appeal to any age (preferably older teens and up since there is some DARK content floating around here). Make sure to have a chunk of time set aside with no interruptions because you will want to just read and discover the answers.

Thanks Rockstar Book Tours for introducing me to a new author to stalk...I mean read.

Come visit me at

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I'm not going to lie, it took me at least four tries to get into this book. But oh boy when I did, I absolutely devoured it. All I could think by the end was oh my god this book this book this book. So, dear readers, I present to you my thoughts on one of my favorite books of 2018.

This is a book that you need to go into knowing as little about it as possible so I'm intentionally not going to talk about the plot in depth like I usually do. I will say that while it did take me several tries to actually get into Neverworld Wake, I'm so glad I pushed through and kept going. I can't exactly pinpoint what it was that caused me to keep putting this back down after picking it up and reading the first two pages, but I just could not keep going. But I was determined to get past it, and when I did, I found that I couldn't stop. I lost sleep because I just could not stop thinking about what was going to happen next. It's difficult to describe exactly how I felt about this book but one thing I will say is that it's unique. It does remind me of the movie Groundhog Day but it's much more than that.

This is my first experience with a Marisha Pessl book (I know, I know I need to read Night Film!) and I was definitely not disappointed. I was amazed at how she was able to make me go from being iffy about reading to being unable to sleep because I could not stop thinking about her book. There was so much more to Neverworld Wake than what you see on the surface and the more I read, the deeper I wanted to dive. The book starts slow and seemingly innocent enough, but bring a flashlight because it gets dark. There are twists and turns and things that will occur when you least expect them. I never expected the plot to go to the places it went, but it did and by the end, I was an absolute mess. If I could say one thing about Marisha Pessl, it's that she knows how to write a frickin book. I'm now absolutely hooked and can't wait to read everything she writes!

I will admit I wasn't a huge fan of really any of the characters at first except Beatrice but by the end, my soul was crying over Martha. Neverworld Wake really makes you realize that not all characters are what they appear to be at first. The bad characters might actually not be so bad, and the good ones may have more secrets to hide than you might think. I think the more that I read and the more that was revealed, I was able to understand the characters better. They all felt very flat or one dimensional at first and I found myself disappointed and not really sure I would end up liking anyone other than the main character, Beatrice. But Marisha Pessl did a fantastic job at bringing each of them to life and sharing their stories little bits at a time. They're all pretty unlikable at first, but the more you get to know them, the better you can understand their actions and the way they are. That's not to say any of them are necessarily good or bad or that anything they do is excusable by any means. I simply mean that the deeper you get into the story, the more you can see why they do the things they do or say the things they say. Each character brings something to the table and makes Neverworld Wake the incredible story that it is.

Going into this book, I had some pretty high expectations from the writing. I had read rave reviews of Night Film and have heard Marisha Pessl's writing is fantastic, so I was expecting to be blown away. And I was! I raved about the plot and characters above, so obviously I'm going to do the same with the writing. I mentioned I initially had a hard time getting into this book, but the writing was something that helped me push forward. There's something so haunting and beautiful about Marisha Pessl's way with words that have stuck with me even after finishing this book. There were so many quotes that just hit me out of nowhere with feelings and I'd like to share some.

"And anyway, that flew in the face of human nature. No one ever heeded a warning sign when it came."

"Sometimes there’s evil in the world, okay? Sometimes the sickness is right in front of you."

“In the dark there grows a tree. A castle tower shelters thee. When will I stop, when will I see? There is no poison but for me.”

"We’re ghosts. We’re air. We’re approximations."

“Life does not belong to you. It is the apartment you rent. Love without fear, for love is an airplane that carries you to new lands. There is a universe in silence. A tunnel to peace in a scream. Get a good night’s sleep. Laugh when you can. You are more magical than you know. Take your advice from the elderly and children. None of it is as crucial as you think, but that makes it no less vital. Our lives go on. And on. Look for the breadcrumbs.”

"Because we all have our words tucked away in notebooks in drawers in the dark."

"I had called a place home where details such as life and death didn’t matter, where what did matter were the trembling moments of connection in between."

"The people who change us are the ones we never saw clearly at all, not until they were gone."

"We are all anthologies. We are each thousands of pages long, filled with fairy tales and poetry, mysteries and tragedy, forgotten stories in the back no one will ever read."

The writing in this book truly is otherworldly and unique. Not only was the plot an experience, but so is the writing. You're able to get absolutely lost in the Neverworld as you're following the story because it's so descriptive and flows like no writing I've ever read before. As soon as I finished, I wished I could go back to the beginning and read it again for the first time so that I was able to experience it all over again. As I was reading the final chapters of this book, I found myself at a loss for words. I was in awe that an author had made me unable to describe how I felt because of their writing and I loved every part of that unknown feeling.

Neverworld Wake is an experience you don't want to miss out on. It has an engaging and multi-layered plot, characters that are never what they seem to be, and writing that is sure to give you all of the feelings. It's easily one of the best books of the year and quite possibly one of my new favorite books of all time.

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“You’re all nearly dead. Wedged between life and death. Time for you has become on a splinter, forming a closed-circuit potentiality called a Neverworld Wake.”

A year ago everything was different for Beatrice Hartley. Her and her best friends were the cool kids, the untouchables, the beautiful ones. Life at her exclusive private school was nearly a dream. Until Jim, her boyfriend and the enigmatic leader of their group, dies a shocking death.

Now, Beatrice finds herself returning to her remaining friends. One final night is what she tells herself. One night to find out what really happened that night. But, instead of answers, Beatrice finds herself trapped in the impossible. Faced with incalculable odds and unthinkable choices, she has one chance to get answers. And to live.

“Every time, we woke up in the exact same place, exact same time. We were songs on repeat, flies in a mason jar, echoing screams in a canyon that could not fade.”

Neverworld Wake is a surreal book. It reads like a haunting mystery trapped in a fantasy nightmare. It’s difficult to categorize this book because it’s not quite like any one thing. It isn’t quite a thriller, or even horror, but there is an intense tension that runs throughout the narrative. It isn’t a murder mystery, though there is one woven in the plot. It isn’t quite science fiction, though it has elements written into it as well.

But for everything that it isn’t, you don’t feel like it misses the mark. Rather, it’s exactly what it needs to be. It’s creepy, and atmospheric, and leaves you feeling uneasy when you’re finished. Like you’ve woken from a dream that you can’t quite remember. Or, that you aren’t completely sure if it was a dream or reality. The lines are blurred and you feel that in every page. Essentially it reads like an evocative mix of Cruel Intentions with the much, much darker parts of Groundhog’s Day, topped with a healthy mix of The Twilight Zone.

“I’m sure Anderson Cooper’s all over it,” muttered Cannon. He was on the floor, hands linked around his neck like he was in a bomb shelter. “Today. A new kind of breaking news. Yesterday is today. Again. More on this story as it never develops. Tweet us your experiences with the hashtag Groundhog Day is real.”

There is an elite snark to these characters. They are spoiled. They mock the things and people around them mercilessly. They aren’t exactly likable, yet, as their secrets begin to unfold as the repetition of endlessly repeating the same day wears them down, we begin to see their humanity. And lack of it. For some, reading these types of characters isn’t enjoyable. It is very Mean Girls, very Cruel Intentions, but much darker.

Pessl draws the reader in. I’ve mentioned the haunting, atmospheric, downright creepy vibes Neverworld Wake has, but it’s also full of twists you don’t see coming. This is a book about the secrets we keep from our friends, our families, even ourselves. She shows us the monotony, the terror, the hope, the forlorn sense of loss hidden within each character. And in the end, we’re left with answers, but also questions. Like Inception, we wonder what was real, and are left to form our own conclusions.

“We swear we see each other, but all we are ever able to make out is a tiny porthole view of an ocean. We think we remember the past as it was, but our memories are as fantastic and flimsy as dreams.”

I think this is a book that is going to hit the mark for some readers, and miss for others. It isn’t a book that allows for a lot of in between. It’s a book that will challenge readers. It doesn’t fit in a tidy box. The characters won’t exactly make you root for them. Yet, it pulls you in nonetheless. I found it addicting and enthralling. It’s a book that makes you think. It makes you consider things. It doesn’t leave you easily once you close the cover.

This is the first book I’ve read by Marissa Pessl, and her first YA novel. I plan on reading more of her books, because I need more of this dark, atmospheric writing in my life!

Thank you again to Rockstar Books and Delacorte Press for including me on this blog tour, and sending me a review copy.

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Five friends get stuck in a time loop called Neverworld Wake. Only 1 can survive. Would you be able to choose who?

This book is about friendship, betrayal, forgiveness, life, death and the world in between.

Marisha Pessl's first Young Adult novel is captivating and full of unexpected twists. Each character is mysterious in his/her own way and each chapter peels another layer of the truth. Exposes another secret. Changes your mind regarding who should survive.

Being trapped in time allows them to discover what really happened to Jim, the friend that died during their senior year. It also gives them a chance to understand how crucial the passing of time is and how every tiny action and detail can affect the fabric of time.

What I liked best was the author’s attention to details and how she carefully linked events that brought them to where they are. She also placed a few thrilling twists that will keep you guessing till the very end.

You will not be able to put this book down, and if you do, you will find your mind drifting back to Neverworld…

I highly recommend Neverworld Wake. I rated 4 stars on Goodreads.

This was my first novel by Marisha Pessl, but I will definitely read all her other novels!!!

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“Our friendship was born there…. You could feel life burning us, our scars as real as the wind whipping our faces. We knew that nothing would ever be the same, that youth was here and nearly gone already, that love was gradile and death was real.”

So I guess I read mysteries now? Mysteries, as a genre, aren’t something I normally reach for. Though I do love the inclusion of mysteries in other genres. So I guess it’s no surprise I loved this mystery story with a science fiction fusion. Neverworld Wake explores the struggles of friendships, life, and the ever looming “what if”.

Things I Liked
This is obviously a mystery story, but it’s heart is about friendship which I LOVED. I’m always here for friendship stories and Neverworld Wake weaves a delicate and realistic story about friendships, secrets, and personal connection. I also really loved seeing how the friendship had changed after the tragic loss of Jim the year before and there’s these new dynamics and a bit of uncertainty.

I loved the setting of the Neverworld and experiencing the wakes with the different outcomes. It hooked me immediately and never felt repetitive, despite reliving the same day countless times. I liked seeing what each person brought to the Neverworld and how they shaped their new reality. And I thought the time travel theory, adapted from Martha’s favorite book, The Bend, was unique and fascinating.

There was a recklessness and abandonment to the story that was perfect. I think the time repetition really allowed the characters to explore themselves in every possible way and try to rectify who they are and what they’ve done. It was both freeing and maddening.

The writing was stunning and there were so many incredible quotes

“Friendship, when it runs deep, blinds you to the outside world.”

“This phenomenon is not specific to you. There are such moments occurring simultaneously in the past, present, and future all around the world across the universe, known and unknown, crumpled and unfolded. Time does not travel in a straight line. It bends and barrels across tunnels and bridges. It speeds up. Slows down. It even derails.”

“...I saw very little as it truly was… We swear we see each other, but all we are ever able to make out is the tiny porthole view of an ocean. We think we remember the past as it was, but our memories are as fantastic and flimsy as dreams. It’s so easy to hate the pretty one, worship the genius, love the rock star, trust the good girl. That’s never their only story.
We are all anthologies. We are each thousands of pages long, filled with fairy tales and poetry, mysteries and tragedy, forgotten stories in the back no one will even read.”

Things I Didn’t Like
There’s honestly not much, but I did think the ending was a little lackluster. I really liked the revel surrounding Jim’s death, but the conclusion of the Neverworld was exactly what I expected, which isn’t ideal in a mystery.

Despite some tiny squabbles with the ending, I still loved this story - complex characters, dimensional relationships, unanswered questions - And I will definitely be reading more from Marisha Pessl in the future. Neverworld Wake is a YA debut that is defnitely worth the read.

I received a copy of the book from Delacorte Press in exchange for an honest review.

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Marisha Pessl wrote the Night Film which is a book I really enjoy so I knew I had to pick this up. She wrote a Young Adult novel for crying out loud! I honestly couldn’t wait to get my hands on this bad boy. This story sort of gave me Breakfast Club vibes with more mystery. It was everything that I had expected from Marisha Pessl. The story itself gave me a lot of the same kind of spooky vibes that Night Film gave me. I was on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next to these kids.

It’s definitely on the darker side for a YA thriller. I think she did a really good job bringing the characters to life. There was a lot of mystery and intrigue throughout the whole novel. It’s perfect for anyone who is looking into getting into thrillers but still want that science fiction/fantasy element.

Overall, I gave it 4 stars out of five stars. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested for something a little spooky with an interesting cast of characters.

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Trigger Warning : Drug Abuse, Suicide/Self-Harm, Violence, Depression

The story starts with a reunion of 5 good old friends who ends up in a tragic accident which leads them to the Neverworld Wake.

It was my first experience with Marisha Pessl and I tried my best not to have high expectations but I couldn’t help it. I bought my copy of Night Film few years ago because majority of my friends loved it. I still haven’t read it yet.

The actual concept of the Neverworld Wake is really fascinating and confusing at the same time. I still have a lot of questions about it so if the author will write a full book about it, I’ll definitely pick it up. I don’t think I’d want to experience to be in the wake though. It would be terrifying for me.

I didn’t connect with the characters at all (probably because I wasn’t one of the cool kids and beautiful ones when I was a teen) and it made me feel a bit impassive throughout the story. There were really no character development towards the end which was disappointing. The first half of the book was quite repetitive but the characters are living the same day over and over again so this was acceptable for me but some parts were dragging especially in the middle. I continued to read because of the mystery part and the ending.

There were a lot of plot twists. Some were really predictable. Others were still unexpected but sadly, these didn’t make a huge impact on me. Also, there were jokes/comments about mental illnesses which I didn’t appreciate at all especially because they were not acknowledged properly. The characters in this book are teenagers and I think nowadays they are more sensitive to this kind of topic. The comments just felt unnecessary for me.

Final Verdict : I would still read her other books because I liked her writing. Neverworld Wake is a strange, bizarre yet very entertaining and thought-provoking read. It has murder mystery, sci-fi and magical realism. It’s a mix of Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver and I Know What You Did Last Summer (movie) so if you’re into this kind of stories then you’ll probably end up liking this book.

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I enjoyed this book a lot more than I thought I was going to. It was weird and wonderful and fast paced.

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I loved Marisha Pessl’s entrancing writing in Neverworld Wake. I felt as though I was taken into a different world. Her writing just resonated with me because she “had a way with words,” eliciting all kinds of emotions from me. I was bawling near the end of the novel. Needless to say, the story was gripping and I also can’t help but empathize with its characters.

The author’s descriptive writing was easy to follow. It was like I was watching everything unfold in front of me, like I was watching tv. Her characters reminded me of the characters from The Secret History. They all had characteristics that stood out. The character every reader might relate to the most was Beatrice. She was the Richard Papen of the group. These Secret History-esque characters arrived to the elusive world of Neverworld in chapter 3. Hence if chapter 3 did not intrigue you, then you might want to pick a different reading material. It only get crazier from that moment onwards. However, if you’re like me who enjoyed watching The Twilight Zone then you might appreciate this peculiar story.

There were moments when the mechanics behind Neverworld reminded me of certain scenes in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Beatrice (along with her Darrow friends) relives the past to figure out what happened to their gregarious friend, Jim. Aside from this and everybody’s secrets, Beatrice and the rest tried to find a way to get out of the Neverworld. They were met by an odd man giving them arcane messages about life and death.

Taking the drama and the mystery together, I highly recommend this sci-fi and/or fantasy contemporary novel. I can’t quite put together where to place this one. I thought it was best to hold onto every word from Pessl because her writing was vivid and beautiful. This is definitely a novel one can’t breeze through in a day.

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I am going to make this short because this book was really disappointing and upsetting. I love Pessl's book Night Film, and when I heard she had a YA book coming out I was really excited to see what she would do with this category. I liked the idea of the story, but the not how it was done. I think using suicide as a strange plot device can be quite damaging to young people. The characters have to continuously kill themselves to take them to a different time and place? When I realized what was happening I was genuinely so upset with the decision that was made. That part of the book could have been done in any other way...why choose suicide? Because that's essentially what these characters are doing. They're killing themselves to get back to a certain point in time.

It is disappointing that this wasn't a red flag and edited to be done in some other manner. the book would be wonderful otherwise.

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A great option for anyone looking for something a little different. It's dark with lots of twists, great characters, and written in a way that makes everything so easy to picture. Reading it was like seeing a movie in my head.

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