Member Reviews

It was a bit beyond belief how quickly and easily Olivia got over being kidnapped and Wolf was a little bit hard to figure out. Still, it was a quick and enjoyable romance with a bit of suspense and danger thrown in for kicks.

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This is my first time reading a book from this author. I fell in love with the characters. I would love to read more from this author.

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The Undercover Billionaire was the third book in the Tate Brother series and revolved around the third Tate brother Wolf. I quite enjoyed this story form start to finish, The storyline was interesting and I enjoyed the characters.

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I have really enjoyed this series about three brothers all adopted, all SEALs and when their father dies they all have a mission and now we get Wolf’s story and his mission is one that is going to turn his heart and mind inside out as he goes after the family’s mortal enemy Cesare de Santis and this brings him a back to his friend Olivia de Santis, hang on to your seat as this journey has a few ups and downs.

Wolf is like a tight coil ready to spring forth he was bought up by Noah Tate his adoptive father to be a weapon for the family always told he had no brains leave that to his brothers so he infiltrates the de Santis household when he is young and kind of works at a double agent but in doing so he gets to know Oliva really well they become friends along the way and as the years pass they still exchange emails. However the time has come now for Wolf to complete his mission but this is going to be hard because of his one true friend Olivia, will he be able to get it done.

Olivia has been kept close to home by her father she lost her mother when young and her older brothers have now taken over the family business and practically disowned her father, she craves some love from her father and does what he wants her to do, but she has never forgotten Wolf the young boy she met years before the one person she could talk to the one person she fell for and now all these years later he kidnaps her and emotions flow and sparks fly as they fight a battle to get to the truth of a family feud that goes back years before.

This story had me really wanting to hit Wolf at times he could be frustrating but I totally understood with the upbringing he had he only ever wanted a family and his lousy father dangled it in front of him like a carrot, then there is Olivia and what strength and courage she shows as she suddenly seems to grow up and sees that she never stopped loving Wolf. Fury bought them together for the first time but wow their friendship stood firm through lies and heartbreak and danger to bring them together for true love and a future of bliss and a very sensual and moving HEA.

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I like the name Wolf and his sculpted body with inked tattoos made me craved for him. *Gulp*

Olivia is a responsible daughter, reliable friend, and strong woman.

The summary of the story got me but somehow, along the way of Olivia getting back to their home and Wolf creating 'kidnapping' plans every now and then, I became a bit bored on how the story goes.

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's for the ARC!

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Wolf is on a secret mission of vengeance. He made a promise to his father and he is willing to give anything to keep that promise....even if it costs him everything...even if it makes him lose Olivia

I voluntarily read an advanced review copy of this book

Overall this book was good. I liked that Olivia wasn't afraid to question anyone and everyone. I liked that she eventually stopped being so naïve. I disliked Wolf for a large portion of this book because I felt like he came off as a user but hey...this is not a cookie cutter romance and the world and the people in it are not perfect. Soooo yes I liked the book but sorry I strongly disliked Wolf but... hey I loved Olivia when she found her back bone sooo 3 1/2 stars

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Is this the conclusion to this series? As an ending to a trilogy, it is probably the most depressing one. This can be read as standalone. Reading the first two books will give a bit of insight into Tate's father as well as his brothers.

Wolf, is more than meets the eye. He's been hone to be a weapon for his father. The way Wolf was trained to be this weapon is an abomination. As more is revealed with how Wolf has been undermined, manipulated and crushed, I'm horrified. Of all the brothers, I feel the worst for Wolf. What has been done to him is criminal. If his father was not dead, I'd have taken a hit out on him. What father does this to their child? Everything Wolf has sacrificed for that man for what? Nothing. Who is this bastard that adopted three sons and committed so many crimes and dirty deals? How on earth did he raise three amazing sons? Frankly, I'm baffled.

On top of Wolf's suffering, enter in Olivia. Olivia's past and how she's been manhandled by her father is just as abhorrent. Who are these men who would do such horrific acts of cruelty to their offspring? So far, the books I've read of Ms. Ashenden deals with terrible fathers and neglectful or absent mothers. It makes a reader wonder what kind of issues she has that this pattern is repetitive.

Wolf and Olivia's relationship is mix bag as their childhood past interferes with their future together. They are an odd couple yet sweetly just right for each other. Their shared traumas make it easy for them to relate and want something different. The fact that they are not too messed up by their parents and refuse to be victims is admirable. I would have liked to see more interaction with them sans the bedroom.

I am a jaded erotica reader. As in, I have easily read over 2000 books with graphic sex in it. For me, fading to black is now more my preference because most sex scenes are either corny or feel forced. This one is not steamy for me. I could have done without the sex scenes or let it fade to black. Then again, the sex scenes in this book are too tame for me so they don't pull me in. For others, it may be just the right romantic alpha male sexy scene.

This romantic suspense is well written with its character development. The plot is a bit disturbing and I am still left wondering if there is something more. Because to leave it with the Wolf's father and his unethical actions without his side of the story just seems bizarre. As a final chapter for the Tate brothers, this romance is recommended to readers who enjoy a bit of suspense with a star crossed lover theme.

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I really wanted to like this story, especially after reading Van's story and not feeling any attachments to he or Chloe. I was hoping that Wolf's story would redeem the author's attempts at portraying kickass SEALs and their strong women, but it still fell flat for me.

I couldn't find emotion in the dialog, it felt superficial and forced. Wolf's constant reminding himself of his lack of intelligence got old real quick. As did Olivia's staunch belief and love for him that had gone unrequited for ten years. Waiting for him for ten years, remaining a virgin...not ever having even been kissed. Waiting all that time for a man who she felt didn't love her...and she was supposedly brilliant? Too much of a stretch.

The relationship between Wolf and Olivia didn't have spark or chemistry. Unfortunately I was looking for something to keep the story was from feeling like it was only trying to end the series in a nice little package, I did not find that. I do not like giving negative reviews. There are plenty readers who may have enjoying the story, but it just wasn't to my liking.

This ARC book was complimentary, provided by the Publisher and NetGalley. I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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I have read this novel with deep fascination and deep intrigue. I believe it to be an truly remarkable book with exciting content written on its pages. I found it entertaining and it has been by far one of my reads that I thoroughly enjoyed. I am sure beyond a doubt that anyone who decides to pick it up and give it a read, will not be disappointed but in fact actually quite pleased. In my opinion, it ticks all the boxes for an great novel.

Thank you for affording me the opportunity to read and review your brilliant novel. I deeply and sincerely appreciate it and had a wonderful time reading it.

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This was the first book by this author and I liked her writing. Not crazy about it but it kept my interest. Lots of suspence and good chemistry betwenn Wolf and Olivia.

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This was my first book by this author but will not be my last. Packed with suspense, an intriguing story line and lots of chemistry this is a hot read.

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This is the 3rd book in the Tate brother series. Like the other 2 brothers in the series, their Dad, leaves them each a note with a task they have to fulfill. Wolf's task will lead him to finding his missing mother. He decides that he will use Olivia, DeSantis' daughter and sworn enemy to the Tate's, to help him find her. Olivia and Wolf have been long time friends with Olivia liking him way more than just a friend. He kidnaps her, why? (sigh) Then she is able to find his Mom rather quickly. Again why? This was an okay read for me. Ms. Ashenden is a go to author for me, but it seems with this series I was not in love with any of the books. 3 stars.

*****ARC provided by publisher St. Martin's Press, through NetGalley in exchange for an honest opinion*****

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This book concludes the Tate trilogy. Wolf is the third and my least favorite Tate brother. Despite his reputation, he is the most gullible one, and his scheming adoptive father was able to manipulate him all his life. Money means nothing to Wolf, all he ever wanted was a real family. He found a large one when he became a SEAL. He is a decent guy and yet he is in a bit of a pickle with the kidnapping of Olivia de Santis. It is a reckless move, completely out of character for him. Olivia is Noah Tate enemy’s daughter and Wolf’s long-time friend. Of course, she is angry with him, but she is not afraid of him and doesn’t take his threats seriously. And yet, his SEAL training has hardened him, and he is no more the genuinely nice guy she has known for years. Olivia is sweet and naive, she values family loyalty and friendship and she has a great sense of humor. Their verbal sparring was quite funny!

Wolf can’t fulfill his mission without getting emotionally invested, his efforts at manipulating Olivia are useless. He can’t bring himself to hurt her, she matters to him. For most of the book he is a walking, talking catastrophe. He exhibits some of the qualities of the typical romantic hero, yet he lacks the empathy that would allow him to be a likeable character.

This dark revenge plot didn’t really work for me, but I loved the epilogue. It wraps up all the loose ends and concludes the series in a nice way.

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Avid Reader – ☆☆☆
M/F Romance
Triggers: Kidnapping, attempted murder.

This is the second book that I've read in this series. I didn't enjoy this one nearly as much as the previous book.

Wolf is a hard character for me to like. He seems so naive and strange. He loves Olivia, but then uses her throughout the story. Then you have the issue that he seems to be manipulated so easily by several people in his life.

Olivia is a tough woman. I thought she was a stronger character, but still felt that she was missing something. She was so sheltered that it was hard to believe that she would've been able to see what truly was going on around her. She wanted Wolf to choose her and I can understand that. But in the end, her story was almost about getting even for Wolf.

They had decent chemistry and there were a lot of emotions floating around. Overall, this had potential, but just didn't deliver for me.

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Last story in the Tate Brothers series, really enjoyed this story. Action packed and full of hotness.

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The Undercover Billionaire by Jackie Ashenden is book Three in the Tate Brothers Series. This is the story of Olivia and Wolf. I have read the other books in this series but feel this can easily be a standalone book.
Wolf and Liv have been friends since they were younger but Liv always had more feeling for him than just friends. Later in the present day Wolf is back after the death of his adoptive father. Wolf ends up getting a letter from him giving him information that could lead to finding out about his birth mother. To do so though he has to get information from the enemy and thinks to take his daughter as a hostage...that daughter is his friend Liv.
I have really enjoyed this series!

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The Undercover Billionaire is an extremely intense read that has so many twists that I had trouble trying to decide what was true and what was lies, so I had a thrilling time to figure it out. Olivia and Wolf had lots of steamy chemistry and a very rocky romance building in the middle of a tremendously difficult situation that not only kept the couple on pins and needles but the readers as well because their happily ever after will take a lot of work to overcome some emotional turmoil based on past beliefs.

The suspense builds throughout the story, keeping readers on the edge of their seat with anticipation and with every truth revealed or every step taken forward this couple seems to take two steps backwards which adds lots of tension and keeps things quite interesting. And what a conclusion to the Tate Brothers series this book turned out to be, because I was holding my breath waiting for the final truth to be revealed and whether Wolf would finally see beyond the past.

I was highly anticipating the release of The Undercover Billionaire as I really wanted to know how everything would work out for the 3rd Tate Brother and I have to say that I was certainly not disappointed as it kept me glued to the pages with some stunning twists and turns and some very intense emotional turbulence. These three brothers is one of those series that has readers falling for the hero and since each of them are special in their own way, I really loved them all and I could not tell you which would be my favorite.

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The undercover Billionaire is the third installment in the Tate Brother's Series by Jackie Ashenden. I had heard good things about the first to books in the series I was excited to dive in.

Wolf Tate is currently on leave to attend his adoptive parents service. His father had left him a letter for him to carry out a mission for him. The mission to find out information about his enemy Cesare de Santis.Get this de Santis is his best friend's father. Is it in him to betray his best friend? The one who treats him live he is worthy? His recently departed father is manipulating him from beyond the grave to do this mission and at the end he will get the information he so has desperately wanted to know about his birth mom.

Liv de Santis, doesn't have a clue what her father really is now, I found this part hard to believe. She has been shelter from the world and is very naive which makes her vulnerable. She has been in love with Wolf since she was sixteen and has held a torch up for him ever since. They haven't seen each other in ten years but have remained in contact through emails.

I've read other books from this author but, not this series and I had enjoyed it. This was different I couldn't find myself connecting with the characters or find them relatable. Maybe because I haven't read the previous to books before this one. Not all about this book was bad I just couldn't vibe with it which is weird for me to find a book that I don't enjoy I guess this was one of the rare few.

ARC was provided by St. Martin's Press in exchange for an honest review.

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The Undercover Billionaire leads us through Wolf Tate’s angst over what he thinks he should do versus what his heart wants him to do. I liked Olivia. She wasn’t the pushover she first appeared to be. The chemistry between Wolf and Olivia has been on a slow burn for years and when they finally get together it is intense. Though this is part of a series it can be read standalone.

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