Member Reviews

Great read! Full of action, suspense and heat! The hero is hot and dominant. The heroine is sassy and beautiful! Lots of action, sexy and adventurous. I loved every minute of it! I couldn't put it down!

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Emotional, suspenseful, vengeance from the grave…

This is the third book in the Tate Brothers series that can be read as a stand-alone.

The letter Wolf Tate’s father left him upon his death was quite specific and Wolf knew what he had to do, he’s always believed what his adoptive father told him, there’s a reward at the end of the mission that he wants badly, information about his mother and his true heritage. But what if his father lied? A thought Wolf has never entertained but may soon have to confront. Does the man who was cold to his sons really warrant the loyalty Wolf shows him? It’s human to fail to see the flaws in those that we love. As a Navy SEAL Wolf’s trained to accomplish missions, failure is not an option, but this one is personal, he’ll have to kidnap and interrogate the only person that has always been a real friend to him, the daughter of the man who is his family’s enemy. He does not want to do this, he feels he has to.

When she was a teenager, Olivia de Santis enjoyed the conversations she had with the older boy who secretly visited her father. He grew to be her friend and then he was gone to join the military, now he’s back with a story she finds hard to believe. Awakened from sleep, then kidnapped from her bedroom by that same boy who is now very much a man, Olivia is more than distracted by his presence. He’s always held a special place in her heart that he’s never known but what he asks her to accept is unfathomable. She won’t help him without pushing back, she’ll find a way to prove him wrong but the seeds of doubt have been planted. What will she do when she learns the truth about the man she’s called father? The man who has cared for her well even though he shows no affection, it’s not his way. The lies that Wolf has told cut deep yet Olivia senses there’s still goodness in him as well as some measure of indecision. He’s not the only one who will get his way before things are ended.

This intriguing book is about a long standing feud that never ends, not even upon death. There are lies, manipulations, betrayals by fathers and the love of children for them that is undeserved. A vengeance that strikes out from the grave comes with costs to a man’s soul if he succumbs to an action yet there’s the possibility of redemption when someone believes in you even when you don’t. Wolf did many things unaware to his brothers under the directives of their father and it’s time to pay the price for loyalty to the man who rescued them from the foster care system. But as Wolf sows doubt in the mind of Olivia, doubt is sown in his own, when proven truths become shockingly real it will change them both.

These protagonists were great characters with a strong connection and palpable chemistry, friends became heated passionate lovers amidst deep emotional turmoil and anguish; this reader loved the psychological growth exhibited. Their relationship which started out to be rather destructive, turned supportive as the story progressed. The dual points of view allowed us insight into their tumultuous states of mind, the plot was filled with much action and suspense, danger was evident at every turn. Emotions were intense: hatred spanning years, anger at not just their fathers but themselves, fear of what they are and might become, sadness at the sacrifices, hope that there’s more, and finally what makes it all worth it, love.

An advanced reading copy was obtained from the publisher via NetGalley.

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Wow, this is one heck of a great read, it's fast paced and ultra sexy, I was captivated from the beginning,

Tate and Olivia are friends and both are secretly in love with each other, which is a problem when he needs her for leverage to get the mother he never knew away from Olvia's arms dealing father.

Tate and Olivia have a fabulous chemistry together. This was awesome.

I received a complimentary copy from Netgalley and I am voluntarily leaving my own honest opinion

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The Undercover Billionaire is the third novel in Jackie Ashenden's Tate Brothers series, and while I read and truly enjoyed the previous two novels, I absolutely loved and devoured this one, and it gets 5 stars from this reader/reviewer.

This is Wolf Tate's novel. He's a Navy SEAL and the only one of oil magnate Noah Tate's sons not to return home to help run his father Noah's oil company after his death, leaving that to his brothers, Van and Lucas. Wolf was treated far differently than they were growing up. He was told for years that he was adopted, that he wasn't smart, but he was big and strong, and that he was being groomed by Noah to be a weapon, a guided missile, aimed at Noah's arch enemy, Cesare de Santis.

Wolf's mission, from the time he was 17 years old, was to go undercover and prey on Cesare's sympathy by pretending that Noah had beaten him severely, infiltrate Cesare de Santis home and business, gather all the information he possibly could, and, as instructed by the letter Wolf received not long after Noah's death more than a decade later, kill Cesare de Santis. What no one had counted on, was Wolf meeting and befriending Olivia, Cesare's only daughter, when she was just 15, and the two lonely and alienated teens forming a friendship that lasted well over a decade, even though Wolf enlisted in the Navy and was deployed as a SEAL much of that time.

After Noah's funeral, Wolf takes bereavement leave from the SEALs, and returns to the de Santis home, still performing his task of being a double agent in the enemy camp, and he's surprised to find Olivia, now 28 years old, still living in the family home and still being Cesare's dutiful daughter and personal assistant.

Noah had long dangled a carrot in front of Wolf as incentive for going along with taking down his enemy, that carrot is finally admitting that Noah is Wolf's biological father, that his mother, whose identity Wolf doesn't even know, and who disappeared when Wolf was only three, has been found, and that if Wolf completes his mission, Wolf will be given his true birth certificate, learn his mother's name, see that Noah was listed as his father, and finally be recognized as heir to the family fortune. Additionally, his mother, who'd been hiding to keep her safe from de Santis, could finally come home, and that they could reunite and be a real family--something Wolf has craved all of this life. It was one heck of an incentive to get Wolf to do his father's bidding.

Wolf realizes that Olivia is the key to de Santis' diaries and emails, and since Wolf has been made aware of Cesare's treasonous, secret military arms sales to enemies of the U.S., with the help of a high ranking mole at the Pentagon, Wolf hatches a plan to kidnap Olivia, and force her to give him the information that will expose Cesare's secrets, expose the mole at the Pentagon, and then he can finally complete his mission by killing Cesare de Santis.

What Wolf is totally unaware of is the fact that Olivia has been in love with him since the day she met him. Her father kept her isolated and under his control, hiring tutors rather than allowing her to attend school, making sure that when she left the house that she had a security detail with her, and so she has no friends, no suitors, and at age 28, not only was she still a virgin, she'd never even been kissed. But that's all about to change, and when it does, have your A/C turned up because when Ms. Ashenden writes a sex scene, it's a scorcher, and the sex scenes in this novel are off the charts. But will Wolf's planned kidnapping and seduction produce the diaries and files he wants? How will he feel about using the only non-SEAL friend he has in the world--someone who trusts him implicitly? What will happen when Olivia learns that his true mission is to kill her father? Will he even get the chance?

There's a whole lot more to this gripping and deeply moving tale of suspense, revenge, secrets, lies, desire, manipulation, betrayal, friendship and love, and I was absolutely captivated by each and every second of it, although I'll admit that it brought me to tears. While this novel can be read as a standalone, I'd suggest reading this series in the order it was written to fully understand the complicated backstory of these two feuding families, in fact, I highly recommend that you do.

I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this novel. The opinions expressed are my own.

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After a bit of a slow start, this book really took off, things started falling into place, and I ended up really enjoying it!
So once things got moving in this book, it became hard to put down. I am not new to Jackie Ashenden’s writing and this was the second time that I had trouble connecting to one of her so this is a learning curve for me not automatically loving every title Jackie Ashenden puts out, but guess what I did learn something new. I learned that I liked what I read. Even though it started a little slow which had me feeling a little antsy it soon picked up and had me fully and completely engaged. Something that I was use too while reading a title by this talented writer. The characters are developed though the banter lacked at some points throughout the story it was still engaging enough to keep me flipping those pages on my kindle. Looking forward to the next installment

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The Undercover Billionaire is book three in the Tate Brothers series by Jackie Ashenden. Although I loved the second book in this series, I struggled a bit with this one. All of the characters were both being manipulated and manipulating others. I found it a little hard to like Wolf. I felt bad for the way everyone had used him but I still just couldn’t find a soft spot for him.

Wolfgang “Wolf” Tate, a Navy Seal, is home on bereavement leave due to the death of his adoptive father, Noah. Like his two other brothers, Wolf has received a letter from his father with a mission. Wolf’s dream is to find his birth mother. His father promises that this dream will be fulfilled if he accomplishes his mission. In order to do this, he needs information about his enemy and the focus of his mission, Cesare de Santis. Who better to get the information from than Cesare’s daughter, Olivia. The problem is, that Olivia is his friend. She’s the only person that has treated him like he is smart, that he is worth something. He won’t hurt her, he’ll just kidnap her and get the information he needs.

Olivia de Santis has known Wolf for nearly twelve years. She has also loved him for nearly as long. But she kept her feelings to herself, because she knows that he would never think of her as anything other than a friend. They haven’t seen each other in ten years while Wolf was serving as a Navy Seal. But they kept in touch via email and phone calls. So you can imagine her surprise when she was awakened in her own bed in her own home by none other than Wolf looming over her bed.

So begins Wolf and Olivia’s reunion. Olivia has no idea what her father is really like and can’t accept what Wolf is telling her. She is all her father has, and she feels nothing but loyalty to him. At the same time, she is fighting with her feelings towards Wolf. She has loved him for so long but this isn’t the Wolf of their childhoods. How can she love him if his goal is to kill someone she loves?

Wolf has never allowed himself to feel anything but friendship towards Olivia. And even that was never a real friendship. It was full of lies and deceit. The more time they spend together, though, the more an attraction builds between them.

Wolf has been used and manipulated by both his adoptive father and by Olivia’s father. He in turn, has continually lied to Olivia. Olivia has also been a pawn in this whole mess. Her father pretends to care about her but in reality has been planning on ways to use her to his own benefit. I struggled with all of this. No one was as they seemed, with Olivia seemingly caught in the middle of it all. Although she is a bit naïve, I have to give her credit. She’s a pretty smart woman and was a lot tougher than she gave herself credit for.

I have not read the first book in this series but I believe the timeline of the second and third books are running somewhat simultaneously. I did enjoy the epilogue and everything was pretty well wrapped up. The sexy times in this book are most definitely hot, the chemistry between Olivia and Wolf scorching. It’s possible my reaction to all the double dealing in this one is just my own personal reaction and that others will be fine with it. I just wish that I could have found more that I liked in Wolf.

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Will soon appear at Romance Reviews Today:
The Tate Brothers, Book 3
St. Martin’s
ISBN: 978-1-250-12283-4
April 2018
Romantic Suspense

New York City – Present Day

Navy SEAL Wolf Tate is on a mission to destroy the man who has terrorized his family for years and killed his father. The one way to get to Caesar de Santis is to use his daughter, Olivia, who Wolf knows all too well from his time undercover at the de Santis mansion. In the middle of the night, Wolf kidnaps Olivia and whisks her to a hotel, where the simmering attraction between them turns sizzling hot. She doesn’t believe him that her father is evil. Should Wolf tell her every deep, dark, and sordid thing Olivia’s father has done? Doing so will expose Wolf’s own secrets that he’s kept hidden from even his adoptive brothers, Van and Lucas.

When Wolf started working for her father years ago, Olivia felt drawn to him, despite the aura of danger around him. She thinks her father has retired from his company, but Wolf informs her that Caesar is running a network of illegal gun sales that violates U.S. laws. She doesn’t believe him, which causes distrust and she eventually escapes from Wolf. But that doesn’t stop him from pursuing her again because he has to accomplish his mission: stop the gun sales and kill Caesar. If Wolf succeeds, will this destroy any chance of love between him and Olivia?

THE UNDERCOVER BILLIONAIRE is a tense, nonstop action adventure that will thrill readers. Add in the highly sensual interactions between Wolf and Olivia, and you’ll find yourself unable to put the book down. Wolf is intense and driven by his hatred for Caesar. He cares for Olivia but has to figure out how to accomplish his job without destroying their friendship. Olivia has always lived under her father’s roof, yet she’s unaware of his illicit activities. While Olivia has always had a crush on Wolf, they’ve never even kissed. In THE UNDERCOVER BILLIONAIRE they finally kiss…and do much more.

The pent up sexual chemistry between Wolf and Olivia is finally unleashed in THE UNDERCOVER BILLIONAIRE, the third (and presumably final) tale in The Tate Brothers series. Each of the Tate brothers were left a letter addressed to them from their recently deceased adoptive father and their “mission” was the focus in each of their books: THE DANGEROUS BILLIONAIRE, THE WICKED BILLIONAIRE, and THE UNDERCOVER BILLIONAIRE. Caesar de Santis is at the center of the series, but it is Wolf who is tasked with the job of taking him out. Will he succeed? Can he and Olivia have a future together?

Jackie Ashenden deftly weaves a suspenseful tale that has a few twists and turns to keep readers guessing. Olivia is no damsel in distress as she battles both Wolf and her father to maintain control of her life. Can she come to grips with the news that Wolf wants to kill her father? While the ending of THE UNDERCOVER BILLIONAIRE seemed rather rushed, readers will get the happily-ever-after that they want for Wolf and Olivia.

An engaging read from beginning to end, don’t miss THE UNDERCOVER BILLIONAIRE.

Patti Fischer

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The Undercover Billionaire by Jackie Ashenden
The Tate Brothers #3

I was looking forward to this book having rated the first two books rather highly. This book could have been so much better. Why do I say this? In the previous books I found Wolf to be strong, dark and rather mysterious with great potential but in this book, as his story emerged, I found him the most damaged and least able to think for himself. I understand that he had been rather brainwashed by his father but still…to be so immersed in his mission that he could not see beyond what his rather demented and twisted father had told him for so many years did not fall in line with my beliefs about a navy SEAL who must have been able to think for himself and make deductions on his own. I also found the things he did a bit…strange…to say the least. The relationship between Wolf and Olivia was difficult to believe, too. And, how could Olivia take some of the things Wolf said and still be interested in him? I will read more books by this author but this one was not my favorite.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC – This is my honest review.

2-3 Stars

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The Undercover Billionaire is full of action, suspense, and a very interesting friendship to lovers story-line, but for me I didn't feel like I could loose myself in the story. Wolf and Olivia have known each other and been friends but it will be a bumpy road to their HEA.

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Olivia has been trying for years to get Wolf to realize how much they loved each other, only to fail time and again. Wolf decided years ago that his only goal in life is to take Olivia's father out, since he is an arms dealer who has been responsible for the deaths of some of Wolf's closest friends and, is the only person who knows where Wolf's mother is. Wolf is convinced that he is and, always will be, a killing machine. someone not worthy of love. Even though he has always worshipped Olivia, he believes he will never be good enough for her. Will these two manage to finally realize that they are made for each other and, the only two who can keep each other happy no matter what?

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This is the third book in this series by this author. This book has a lot of action packed pages. You are always guaranteed a very hot read with this author. This book also has some suspense parts to it too. Really wanted to hear more from these characters and what there future holds. I can't wait to read more from this author in the future.
Highly recommended
I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book

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"His willing captive."

I'm a big fan of Jackie Ashenden, especially her MC Romance. I started the Tate Brothers series in the middle, I've only read the 2nd & 3rd books. I learned enough about the brother's adoptive father to know that I wasn't a fan of his parenting style. He taught them hard lessons without the emotional support to back them up. So, of course, I wanted to give them virtual hugs and throw my Kindle at the one I felt was responsible for a big part of their damage. But neither of them saw his faults, believing he was only looking out for their best interests and glad for the lessons they learned from him. Let's just agree to disagree regarding his version of tough love.

Olivia was a very reclusive sheltered daughter. She didn't even attend school outside of her McMansion so she had very little access to make friends. When she ran into Wolf in her father's library as a young teenager, he made a big impression on her. They spent some stolen time together, sharing details of their lives. She always knew he planned to enlist. Over the next decade, she wrote to him occasionally sharing some of her thoughts, but never her heart. She knew he could never be hers. But she wanted him to be...

Wolf told himself that he was just befriending his enemy's daughter for future leverage. But even he knew he was lying to himself. He cared for her and knew that she felt the same. But once she learned of his deceit and he completed his mission she would hate him. He knew she could never be his. But he wanted her to be...

I found Olivia to be a contradiction. To be such a prim and proper buttoned up good girl who didn't have any friends or fun she was actually feisty when riled up. And who better to do the riling that Wolf? I found it very amusing that her habit of sharing her thoughts with Wolf hadn't changed over the years. Whether inappropriate or not, she said what she was thinking. She did the same with me in her internal dialogue. This was my favorite, Oh God, he was so hot she was going to have to check herself for scorch marks later."

I had a lot of fun waiting for the bad boy to rub off on the good girl. The anticipation was delicious and the eventual passionate explosion did not disappoint. As I turned the last page wearing a smile I found myself wishing there was another Tate brother to look forward to. But alas, there were only three. So, I'll be keeping my eye out to see what the author gets up to next. The line forms here...

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How far would you go for love? Wolf is still pissed at his father for sending him back to Olivia. He doesn't know how to handle the way that he feels anymore and he is scared that Olivia will run and never look back. Can he convince her that he is doing this all because he has no choice? Olivia can't believe that Wolf is back she has missed him but now she is afraid of what he is going to do. All Wolf wanted was to please his father Noah but no matter what he did it was never good enough. He found the one thing that made everything worth while but can he work away from what he believes in? But they are both about to find out what is really important and how far they would go to get what they want. Can Wolf work away after he has completed his mission and leave Olivia for good? Does Olivia have want it takes to keep the one man that has loved her forever? A good read. I was lucky enough to receive a copy via Netgalley & the publishing house in exchange for my honest review.

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The Undercover Billionaire is packed with action! It has kidnapping, fighting, shooting, and more. The book definitely had a different feel than the first two books in the series.

Wolf is SEAL, so naturally, he is strong and deadly. He is also so bent on vengeance that he can’t see anything else, including a future with the woman of his dreams. He has some redeeming qualities, but I found it hard to like a SEAL who would be so dishonorable as to behave the way Wolf does.

Olivia was sweet, trusting, but also rather naive. She is nearly 30 years old but very innocent and immature. I just found her a little too sweet and naive.

The plot was interesting and held my attention for the most part. It had a lot of action and spy-type missions. The intimate moments were steamy, although it felt a bit like Stockholm Syndrome at times.

This was the third book in the series about the Tate brothers. It can be read as a standalone or as part of the series. While I enjoyed The Undercover Billionaire, it was probably my least favorite of the three. I highly encourage everyone to read book one first!

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I have read all the Tate Brothers books, and unfortunately this one was my least favourite.

I did struggle to get through the first half of the book, things felt a bit contrived to me,

Wolf Tate - still not sure whether I liked him or not. BUT he did feel more SEAL than secretary than the guys in the other 2 books. He just lacked something.

Olivia read more like a teenager than a 28 year old woman. Yeah, she had been sheltered, but sheesh, I couldn't help roll my eyes at her more than once with her naivete. It's not like she had been locked in a basement, she has all this 21st century technology, but she was just so ugh, I can't even think of a word for it! I mean, she could track down things in 4.2 seconds, but didn't know what was going on under her nose??

I didn't feel the connection between Wolf and Olivia either, which was a shame.

But this could just be me.

Don't get me wrong, Ms Ashenden writes well, but The Undercover Billionaire was a miss for me.

I do look forward to seeing what she has for us in the future.

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Seeking vengeance at all costs sometimes comes with a price your soul is unwilling to pay. Wolf ‘s take no prisoners attitude quickly changes when he realizes that he still loves Olivia. The daughter of his enemy. Making her father pay started to mean something different when he fell in love all over again. Will he still get his vegenance or will he finally realize that love will change everything? Great story on finding the other half of your soul.

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I became a fan of Ms. Ashenden’s when I read the Texas Bounty series and followed up with the two previous books in this amazing series, Tate Brothers.
All that said, I must confess that I was a little disappointed in this story.
Yes, the plot was engaging , filled with suspense, evil individuals, action, betrayals, and drama as well as a handsome protagonist. But the characters, just didn’t draw me to them. Wolff, as alpha as he was , was not my favorite of the brothers, I would say the least favorite. Olivia, the female character, was too naive for my taste.
That said, once again , we are presented with the fact that the sins of the fathers, and the upbringing of these two characters, as well as all that Wolff went through as a young boy, is what makes this story worthwhile . Will I go back to read this book, no, but will I continue to follow this author , yes.
Since opinions are subjective, this is more of a 3.5 for me, but for someone else it might be a 5.
I was gifted a copy of this book by Netgalley and St Martin’s Publishing. The opinions expressed are solely my own.

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This is the 8th book I've read by this author and definitely the least liked and the only one I didn't finish. I will say my ratings for her other books are all over the place; some are 2 stars while some are 4 stars.

I couldn't get into this book and stopped reading it at about 10%. The characters didn't work for me; Olivia was just annoying as anything. She was way too naive about everything going on; I get that she new Tate but she doesn't really panic when she's carried from her bedroom in the middle of the night? She's locked in a hotel room while he showers; granted she tries the door but it never occurs to her to try the hotel phone?


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