Member Reviews

The only think Wolf has ever wanted was a family. And his dad gives him a job to complete before telling him his mother’s whereabouts, to kill Cesare de Santis. To complete his mission he kidnaps Olivia de Santis.
Olivia has been in love with Wolf since she was 15. And when Wolf tells her some hard truths about her father, she has to make some difficult decisions on who to believe, her father or Wolf.
This is my least favorite in the series. Though this book had some good points like I enjoyed the transformation of Olivia and Wolfs relation from friends to lovers. Once they give in to the chemistry between them the story turns hot. But they both have daddy issues and they need to get over them to move forward.

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I have had issues with this author and her writng style but wanted to see if a) is it the story I don't like or b) I just don't like her style.
It's pretty much a little bit of both in this. Her characters seem interesting which is why I wanted to read but once you get to them you see that they're kind of lacking.

Where Olivia is naive Wolf is a conundrum. He has feelings for her yet the revenge tactic makes sense to him. Why do you want to hurt thise you like/love?

Anyways, their two personalities didn't mesh well with how they were brought up. It didn't work for me. I'll pass.

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So many emotions running around in my head while reading this story - hatred, sadness, hope, and love. How can parents pull down their children to an extent that it hurts their psyche for years and think nothing of it? It is all in the name of revenge. Hatred. These parents are pieces of work, even dead. Wolf is made to feel worthless and stupid and he just cannot get past it. Sadness. And when Olivia realizes she is being used as a pawn it broke my heart. The journey and realization of both Wolf and Olivia is beautifully written and leads to hope and love. Another fabulously written story by Ms. Ashenden, the angst queen.

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When I read the blurb to Undercover Billionaire I knew I needed to read it. I have been absolutely obsessed with the Tate brothers and this series and wanted to know how the third book would play out. I knew Jackie Ashenden's would deliver a hot alpha male and a sassy heroine that gives as good as she gets. That is exactly what we got in this book. Wolf and Olivia were hot and sexy and I could not get enough of them!

When Wolf Tate looks to avenge his father's death and kill Cesare de Santis he decides to kidnap his old friend and Cesar's daughter - Olivia de Santis. But what happens when old feelings come to the surface and lines get crossed? Will Wolf put his revenge first and foremost or will he realize how much Olivia means to him?

I really loved this novel. I thought it was hot and sexy and I could not get enough of their chemistry together I loved that Olivia brought out Wolf's emotional and vulnerable side and made him question all the things he thought to be true. But when old secrets and lies come to light - boy what an explosive ending!! All in all this was fantastic! And the sexy times? UM. smoking and combustible! What a great addition to the series!

I would like to thank Netgalley and the SMP Romance Team for an advanced copy of this book for an honest review. Bravo! 4 stars! ~Ratula

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This story revolves around Wolf and Liv for just a few days, however they have known each other since they were teens. They have always been friends but now things have changed and the friendship has become secondary to the mission. A mission Wolf must complete for his father and the Tate name.

But things don’t turn out quite as planned. In fact, they are quite disastrous and throw a wrench into the delicate balance between Wolf and Liv. A painful back and forth that is stressful for us and them.

One of the things I love the most about this author’s stories is the fact she focuses on the emotional side of the guys and their attachment to the women in their lives. Ashenden writes with deep emotion and you can totally feel the physical connection sparking between Wolf and Olivia.

This story is loaded with flaming hot heat and passion. The main story line is almost secondary to the emotion, passion, and major feels they have for each other. The connection can be construed as both destructive and supportive, but with good reason that you will completely understand as you move though the story.

The author has crafted a unique read that is full of intense situations, hella hot romance, and a steamy man who is more than just muscle and brawn. Another winner for Ashenden and a definite must read for SEAL fans.

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2 1/2 Star Review.......

The Undercover Billionaire is the third, and possibly last of the Tate Brothers series by Jackie Ashenden, and while I know this author is capable of great writing, this story just didn’t produce the excitement I had hoped for.

Mediocre characters and a so, so plot definitely left this story lacking. Olivia’s character is pathetic and totally unbelievable, and some of the events were just too far fetched.

I’m hoping whatever Ms Ashenden has in store for readers next will live up to the standard I know she is adept at writing.

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I can't put a good book down and "The Undercover Billionaire" by Jackie Ashenden certainly fits the bill. Wolf is such a unique and hot guy. Mix in Olivia who's been in love with Wolf for years and you get a great romance with lots of heat. Truly interesting plot.

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**My thanks to NetGalley and St Martins Press, for providing me with a free copy for an honest review**

This is the last book in the series and at first i was totally unsure of the characters, especially Olivia. Olivia is mid twenties, dresses like a nun, a virgin and never been kissed. She is also completely sheltered and naive.

Wolf is a navel SEAL and figures himself stupid, he also has a bit of a temper on him. In most of the book he does what has been expected of him as a weapon, whilst thinking he is not the sharpest tool in the box which annoys me. He has had his mind fucked by his father and by Cesare de Santis.

Olivia who has had a crush on Wolf since she was 15\16 takes Wolf in his stride, but finds her life falling apart by a few abrupt revelations about her father from Wolf. It is from there that the doubt creeps in and she is able to dig about for her fathers final downfall.

The chemistry between the two is combustable, and Olivia does some growing up over the course of the book which redeems her character, but Wold is the only brother that does not bring in another for help, he just asks them a couple of very quick questions that leave him reeling.

A decent end to the series.

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I’ve read several of this authors books and I keep hoping that the next one will be the one that pulls her above the 3* rating. Unfortunately this wasn’t that book.

I was looking forward to this one but it just didn’t work for me. The more I got to know Wolf the more I disliked him and Olivia was too naive for me. I mean seriously she’s a twenty-eight year old never been kissed virgin who’d do anything for her father.

The kidnapping didn’t work for me and the fact that Olivia discovered Wolf’s mother in less than two hours was crazy why didn’t he get someone to do that for him?

I didn’t feel any chemistry between the main two characters and the whole thing just fell flat.

I voluntarily read a review copy kindly provided by NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press

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Not a book for me I sadly didn’t enjoy this book will not be looking to rad more in the future

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The last story from Tate sons Wolf. Another amazing written story from Jackie Ashenden full of mystery, suspense and unpredictable following of the events. Wolf is determined in his plan of fulfilling the last wish of his father-killing the family enemy Saints and for doing it so he must find out his schedule. That is why he kidnaps Saints daughter and his only friend Olivia. Everything doesn't go as planned, both Olivia and Wolf are discovering a lot of things that they didn't know about their fathers and most important things about themselves. Another emotional story with a lot of passion and sensuality, fighting and accepting who they are. They find in each other what they were looking their whole life: someone who loved them as they are and fight for them. Both Olivia and Wolf are great, developed likable and strong characters. Olivia is the one who surprised me the most in a positive way. Wolf is a bit lost but Olivia and here actions are the one who opens his eyes and he sees the world in a new way.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly

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The Undercover Billionaire by Jackie Ashenden is part three of the Tate Brothers series. I have not read the other two books in this set. It was clear some characters had further background detailed in earlier books, but that lack of detail in no way hindered my enjoyment of this installment.

Olivia de Santis has been in love with Wolf Tate since they became friends as teenagers. While keeping her feelings hidden, Olivia continued a correspondence with Wolf during his time away with the Navy Seals. When his father Nate dies, Wolf is instructed to take down his father's enemy de Santis before Wolf can retrieve the mother he thought he lost from hiding. Having spent most of his teenage years as a spy in de Santis's household, Wolf attempts to use his friendship with de Santis's daughter Olivia to further his goal.

I am a sucker for a good unrequited love story. This story had a way of making the dream of love come true without emotional manipulation. Olivia had feelings for Wolf, but she was not a pushover. Even though she kept protecting Wolf when logic might have dictated she stop, she still made smart choices. She was in a terrible position and dealt with the unfortunate circumstances in the best way possible. The right decisions took a bit longer for Wolf to make. Wolf was blind to his worth due to the mental abuse by his father and de Santis. Olivia had to drag him out of that, eventually leading him to realize he loved her as she did him. It felt organic and moving, and it was wonderful when Wolf was finally able to believe in himself. The dynamic between Wolf and Olivia worked well and also worth noting is their physical chemistry was very sexy.

Undercover Billionaire was a great read for me. It has been awhile since I was so attached to the main characters in a contemporary erotic romance. I was glad they were able to be together after the terrible things they had to go through. All opinions are my own and may not be identical to others. I urge all readers to come to their own conclusions. I voluntarily received an ARC copy of this book through NetGalley.

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Wolf's story was just as hot and suspenseful as his brothers were. Bad boy meets good girl, hoy steamy sex and and some old fashioned feuding make for a nook thar can't be put down.

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The finale to the Tate series was a stunner! At the end of Lucas' book, I wasn't sure which way Wolf's loyalties lay, so I was glad to learn where things stood. I'm glad that Olivia stood up for herself after all the lies and deceit. It was a little dark for my tastes, but that's personal preference.

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Big thanks to Meghan Harrington at St. Martins Press and NetGalley, I'm now hooked on the Tate brothers......this book could be read alone but you would miss some of the back story.

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The Undercover Billionaire by Jackie Ashenden is sexy, hot, and dangerous. The plot takes readers, like myself deep into their lives. Their fears, anger, and love are felt from all angles. A game of chess with the bad guys could prove to be the undoing of one couple. A woman who can't resist the sexy seal who kidnaps her and the man who loves his captive fiercely. The stakes are high and there is so much to lose. Time and teamwork will help them...but will it be enough? Choices have to be made...

Jackie Ashenden sucks me into her world of fiction. I am in love. Engaging characters, fun yet irresistible banters, and danger on every page...everything I need. This book is suspenseful and intense. The further I went in, the more pressure the characters felt. This is one romantic suspense title, I will recommend to readers worldwide.

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Nope...that's a negative. I started this then lost interest around the middle of chapter one. I put it down awhile, came back a few days later and tried again....Nope. I cannot get finish it. Didn't like it after four chapters and can't force myself.

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The Undercover Billionaire is the third book in the Tate Brother's Series but can be read as a stand-alone novel.
For me it had plenty of suspense, drama, humour, action and sexy which is what I especially like in books however the MC's were so annoying at times. They just weren't, well, nice to each other. There was just no trust there when their situation called for an element of at least some, and they only ever seemed to even like each other when they were having sex, which is all well and good but it just didn't work for me. Overall, an OK read I just wanted more character connection.

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Omg I absolutely love and I mean love this author to bits. She is one of my favourite authors of all time for me and I absolutely love her books. I can’t say I haven’t liked one of her books since I have started reading them and I’ve been reading them for years now. This is one of my favourites by her but I do have a lot of favourites by her lol this book has some such action, intrigue and twists and turns that it had me on the edge of my seat and glued to the pages. I couldn’t put this book down nor did I want to. Super excited for more by this author as your always guaranteed a fantastic story by this very talented and amazing author. I would wholeheartedly recommend all her books

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