Member Reviews

Undercover Billionaire is the third in the Tate Brothers series by Jackie Ashenden. Having by-passed the first two I enjoyed this enough to make me crave reading the other two. Many action filled pages led by Wolf Tate using his military tactics as a Navy Seal to topple the rival de Santis family. Infiltrating this family started when he was a teenager masterminded by his father Noah Tate. Only brick wall is Olivia de Santis who will work to protect her father Cesar from Wolf's vendetta of death.

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A bit dark, full of action, and enough chemistry to make this a good read

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Apparently this is the third book in the series...
I didn't know this! I was told it could be read as standalone. unfortunately I didn't like what I had read. I read until 30% and it was too confusing for me to try and figure, especially in the beginning.

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The Undercover Billionaire by Jackie Ashenden is the third book in the Tate Brothers series. I will admit that I did like the other two books previously more than this one. Thus my 3.5 star rating.

The story begins with Wolf Tate, searching for his long lost mother but to no avail. All seems lost, until he gets a request. If he kills Cesare he will get the answers he wants. He is the ultimate weapon and men like his father use him to his advantage.

In order to get what Wolf wants he kidnaps Olivia De Santis, to get to Cesare. But what he least expects is to fall for the girl.

Hidden lies, deep dark secrets....... This book was a real treat to read.

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didn’t like it. The beginning was so confusing trying to figure out whose side he really was on. There was not enough dialogue and I found myself starting to skim.

Wolf and Olivia...They were not nice to each other at all. There was ZERO trust. They both just did what they thought was right. The only time they got along was when they were having sex.

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such a great thank you for the chance to read it.This is my first book of this author but for sure will not be my last.

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I didn’t like it. The beginning was so confusing trying to figure out who’s side he really was on. There was not enough dialogue and I found myself starting to skim.

Wolf and Olivia...They were not nice to each other at all. There was ZERO trust. They both just did what they thought was right. The only time they got along was when they were having sex.

I’m disappointed because this wasn’t a happy ending to the series, in my opinion.

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The Undercover Billionaire is at it's very core a story of redemption and self worth, realizing that you don't need to live up to others expectations of you, fit into the boxes that they've labelled for you. Olivia and Wolf are very different yet similar. I loved watching their relationship evolve from friends to lovers. Their sex scenes were hot, loved them. I enjoyed this book and felt it was a fitting end to an awesome series.

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An entertaining read with a bit of action/drama to go along with the HEA story arc. A strong hero an a stronger-than-anyone-ever-gave-credit-to heroine with a backstory that lends credibility to their connection. Worth your time!

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I loved this book right from the first page. The only thing I found was it was repetitive. Some of the scenes were the same. You could skip 20 pages and still not miss a thing.
Wolf is a huge man with a lot of insecurities. He has always wanted a family so he adoptive father plays on that. Liv is the daughter of Wolf’s families enemy. So he gets close to her to find information that his father needs. Liv is a 28 yrs old virgin who was kept safe in her fathers mansion. She has always been in love with Wolf. I loved the push and pull between these two. The plot was at some times grey and unclear. But all in all it was a good read.

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This book was imaginative and sexy to the extreme! I loved reading it and I loved the characters connections with each other.

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3.5 stars

"The Undercover Billionaire" follows Wolf Tate and Olivia de Santis- sworn enemies by last name but long-time friends in reality. Wolf came to Olivia's father when he was 17 and became a double agent- he told him that his father had been abusing him and asked for help when in reality, his father sent him as a weapon to get close to de Santis and Olivia (to infiltrate their organization and eventually kill de Santis). The feud runs deep between the families. Olivia's father has been involved in a lot of illegal activities, unbeknownst to her, and he has promised her to an old man to keep his illegal weapons trafficking on the DL. Olivia is blissfully naive about her father's business and personality- in no small part because she has been sheltered for most of her life. She has long had a crush on Wolf, who only views her as a friend, and has kept in touch with him through emails/letters over the last ten years.

Olivia's world is about to blow up when she is kidnapped by Wolf in order for him to get information about her father's business to take him down and kill him. Wolf begins telling her some hard truths during this kidnapping (which doesn't last very long and mostly ends up being voluntary until the end, when she escapes). Olivia begins to realize everyone has been lying to her for her entire life. She is reluctant to accept these truths and goes back home, where she begins to learn that there is more to her father than she wanted to believe.

As the story unfolds, we see the transformation of Wolf and Olivia's relationship, plus Olivia (and even Wolf) coming to learn some hard truths and come to self-realizations. The steamy scenes are oh-so-steamy and these are well done. As for the main characters, while easy to like, the relationship feels a little awkward because of how naive Olivia is- it often feels like she is being taken for a ride by all the men in her life, and I am not sure that Wolf comes across as differently (although he does genuinely care about her). This definitely didn't have a flair of Stockholm, but it does have a feeling of overwhelming unbalance in experience/knowledge/wisdom that made it feel a bit weird at times (Olivia felt very, very young, mainly due to her sheltered life).

The flow of the story is good, and I really wanted to see where everyone ended up/how it played out, and the ending was very satisfying. The writing was well done, but I had some hang-ups about Olivia in terms of her ability to enter fully into an adult relationship. This is why I wasn't sure about the rating and settled on 3.5 stars. Overall, I liked the writing and would be interested to read more from Ashenden.

Please note that I received an ARC from the publisher through netgalley. All opinions are my own.

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"He wasn't the guy in the photos he's sent her, cradling a gun or looking hot in a uniform. He was a living, breathing man who was laying right beneath her and she was touching him and it was real. It was all real."

The Undercover Billionaire is the third book in the Tate Brother's Series, but can be read as a stand-alone novel. This book starts off with a bang and had me dying to know more. I thought this book was well written, and intriguing. I easily finished this book in one day.

Overall, I thought The Undercover Billionaire was a good read. I loved the suspense and intrigue. I enjoyed Wolf and Olivia together. I though they had some great chemistry and I enjoyed the push & pull between them. Not only did this book have a lot of delicious steam, but there was also some great twists along the way.

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I received an arc from Netgalley. Love strikes amongst a family feud in this book. While I enjoyed the characters something was just off about the storyline. Maybe it was the using each other part that turned me off but this was not one of my favorites.

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**I received a copy of The Undercover Billionaire from St. Martin's Press and Net Galley in exchange for a voluntary and honest review**

The Undercover Billionaire by Jackie Ashenden is the third book in the authors series. I truly enjoyed the first two books but this just didn't give me the zip and zing like the previous ones. I'd give this addition 3.5 stars total.

Wolf Tate has always wanted one thing to know where his mother is but when the will was read after his father's death he gets another shock, in order to know where she is he has to kill Cesare. DeSantos. So he figures the best way is to kidnap Olivia and tell her about her father as things aren't really what they seem. But will she come willingly and believe him?

Olivia has always felt that her friendship with Wolf Tate is special but when he leaves her after graduation to join the Navy she wonders if her feelings are one sided. Flash forward ten years and he's suddenly in her room and isn't a young boy anymore in fact he's become handsome. But he wants her to come with him plus when he tells her father been lying to her for years, will she believe him or Wolf? There are twists and turns and some rather got sex but it'll all come down to can he kill her father and convince Olivia he cares for her deeply?

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The third in the Billionaire series, this book follows the story of the son Wolf Tate, Navy SEAl and only son who did not leave his SEAl duty to come home and run the family's oil industry when their father died.

Though not necessary to read the first two books in the trilogy, as Ashenden does a good job at unobtrusive exposition throughout, it would probaby be helpful to do so. I hadn't read the previous two when I started this one,and some details confused me (such as Wolf's new sister-in-law being an adopted daughter in the family and how complicated that was). The background to the entire trilogy also includes the major background to this book: the rivaltry and hatred between the Tate family and the de Santis family.

In this story, Wolf has come home for his father's funeral and goes to New York instead of back to his team right away, as he has been a "double agent" for his father within the de Santis family his entire life. While he's there reporting to de Santis, he sees Olivia, de Santis's daughter, who he's known since childhood -- Olivia is his key to undermining de Santis as she's his secretary and holds all his correspondence and diaries. Wolf is on a mission to kill him: he was given a letter upon his father's death that once he killed de Santis, his mother's long-hidden identity would be given to him and he would also be given his true birth certificate, which would have his *real* father's name on it -- not his foster father's name. The name of Tate. And that he would inherit the oil company, not the other brother.

Wolf doesn't care about oil. He cares about having a family at last, about finding his mother, and being acknowledged as a real Tate. As the story unfolds and Wolf kidnaps Olivia to get ahold of her father, Wolf discovers there's a lot more he desires -- he desires the woman he has known all this life: Olivia de Santis.

Jackie Ashenden writes very hot romance -- sizzling hot sex scenes, but also some very good suspense. From scenes on Wolf's boat to the di Santis mansion to villains intent on the destruction of Olivia, we are thrown from one well-paced scene to another to the inevitable conclusion: Wolf and Olivia's happily ever after. I'm only sorry that this was a trilogy and we won't hear any more about these families.

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Just... ugh. Didn’t like how kidnapping was the main plot point and how guns seemed to be waved around and pointed at each other a lot. Even though they had a relationship prior, I guess I don’t understand how they could get passed what happens in the present.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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Wolf trying to extract revenge on Olivia's father back fires on him. He kidnaps Olivia which just makes her mad. She doesn't believe Wolf and his accusations about her father until they come true.

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I liked this Navy SEAL hero with an inferiority complex, who considers himself stupid; combining this with his innate alphaness and we have a surprisingly unexpected personality and one of the most improbable heroes that I’ve read recently. The psychological issues with the father figure, the “mission” he was assigned as a boy and the “I’ve-loved-you-for-years” relationship with the heroine make this a pleasurable reading.
But Wolf Tate is smart (after all, he is a SEAL) and with his astonishing physique (“Dressed, he was a warrior. Undressed, he was a god.”, loc. 650, quote from ARC) and his beautiful mismatched eyes (one green, one blue) he certainly is an alluring man.
I though some things were a bit melodramatic, I couldn’t get interested in the sex scenes and ended feeling like I should reread the previous stories to catch up with all the characters and plot lines.

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I liked this book overall. I struggled in the beginning though with Olivia. I found her to be annoying and unbelievably naïve. I also thought that Wolf's history with his father was recounted too many times. However, there was still enough suspense and some surprises. Overall, a good read.

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