Member Reviews

it was an okay story that touched many topics but missed out on getting into them any deeper!

An honest review thanks to NetGalley. This was an ok read; my only issue was the fact that I felt like I was in both characters head the majority of the book. I wanted to see more dialogue and get to know the characters that way. I got bored of the constant conversations in their minds. It was a nice romance read, and the chemistry between the characters was very nice.

Usually, I am a fan of all things angst but I may have finally found the wrong brand for me. I thought the writing was okay but the plot was just difficult to believe.

Ms. Michele is an author to whom I have responded in mixed fashion-quite liked "Venus in Love," but was less drawn in by her subsequent two volumes due to characterization and other issues. "Between Sand and Stardust" had an interesting premise-a partner is confronting illness, so to spare her lover pain she flees. Later, by circumstance, they reunite. I found the depiction of the camp environment and the interactions between those struggling with cancer/uncertain futures to be well done, but was less enamored with the romance. Willa's behavior was frustrating and three quarters of the way through, I wanted her to be gone. Her responses to Haven's overtures/emotions grew increasingly less sympathetic or understandable, despite her diagnosis. I was left dissatisfied with the hurried pace of the redemption/ending. Still, there were points, at the beginning, that drew me in.

This was an enjoyable read from an author I hadn't read before. I would have preferred a little more glimpse into their relationship when they were younger before we hit the part where they reconnect, but we get some of it at least. Even without those flashbacks, I was able to feel the connection between the two through little things like remembering their favorite things when they've barely spoken to each other.
The author also does a good job at playing on instances where one character, usually Haven, is watching Willa without wanting the other to know their interest is still there. It adds to the cuteness and tension between the two quite nicely.
The end wrapped up a little too conveniently for me, but it was still a nice safe ending for those readers who love HEA.

A simple yet satisfying romance, Between Sand and Stardust doesn't break new ground but you will come to enjoy Willa and Haven. They are two soulmates destined for each other but life seems to get in the way of their happiness. Especially when you are too proud to allow the love of your life to help you through a tumultuous and arduous journey of cancer recovery. Learning that lesson of vulnerability is not always easy and it sometimes takes years and a lot heartbreak to learn it the hard way. Such is their journey toward their HEA, and while it becomes rather frustrating to watch them falter and fail multiple times, you can't help but root for these lovable characters.

3.25 Stars. I’m struggling about this review. There were parts of this book I really enjoyed, but also parts that annoyed me and quite frankly made me a bit cranky. Overall, I expect most people will enjoy this.
The book is about two women that were a couple since they were young. When Willa was diagnosed with cancer, she decided the smart thing to do would be to break Haven’s heart and leave with no explanation. Now three years later, fate is about to bring these two ladies to the same place, at the same time.
We all have triggers when reading, storylines with cancer happens to be one of mine. I’ve mentioned this before, but I have lost an unusual amount of family members to this awful disease. So this is not something I like to read about. And it’s also why I thought Willa decision was just ridiculous. It took me a long time to warm up to her character. I do have to say this was more of an upbeat enjoyable read, so my trigger worry didn’t really come to be.
The main part of the book takes place at a camp for people living with or surviving cancer. It’s in Colorado with lots of whitewater kayaking. I found myself really enjoying the setting and the sexual tension between the two mains. I really liked this story until the last 10% or so of the book.
This is slightly spoilerish so skip this paragraph if you wish. I am getting tiered of the obligatory break-up towards the end of every lesfic romance. I understand authors want to add some angst, but it is getting later and later in every book. It used to be at the 70% mark, now authors are doing it at the 90 to 95% mark. Therefore, only leaving the characters a few final pages to work everything out. That is just not realistic. And what it is doing is ruining the HEA for me; I just do not believe them anymore. And finally this whole book is about a couple that has broken-up, do they really need to break-up again?
I guess I’m more frustrated than normal because I liked the book for the most part. The ending just really messed things up for me. I would still recommend this because I think it’s a great setting with good characters that most people will enjoy.

This was a very emotional roller coaster for me. And I enjoyed it. I read it very quickly because I didnt know where the story was going to take me. It starts with an emotional reunion and warm romance and then it takes a twist. Then again a great romance with another twist. I did guess the ending but it certainly had me concerned how things were going to turn out.
The characters are very real. The dialog is clever. The action scenes are interesting and comfortably comical.
And of course enough love making to sufficiently convince you they were in love. (But really Tina Michele, right in the middle of a passionate love scene, the character asks for a device?? no, no

This has been a pretty sweet and enjoyable story to read. I particularly like the plots that deal with relationships that begin in the adolescence of the protagonists and show us how that relationship evolves. In this book the evolution of the relationship is marked by the consequences that a disease such as cancer cause in the mind of the person who suffers it.
But although cancer is an important part of this story, it is not angst or sadness the main thread of the plot, not at all.
Though Willa has sometimes a frustrating behavior, it is easy to justify the reason of her actions. By comparison, Haven seems to have more coherence in her actions and deep down she is the one who fights more strongly for their relationship.
I've also thought that this is the best of the four books I have read from this author, in her previous books I considered that her protagonists were quite simple, with silly dialogs and that they acted in a childish way at times. This book have seemed much more adult to me.
So, all in all, this is a very recommendable reading that I liked a lot.

<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/37829770-between-sand-and-stardust" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Between Sand and Stardust" src="https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1515120030m/37829770.jpg" /></a><a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/37829770-between-sand-and-stardust">Between Sand and Stardust</a> by <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8035599.Tina_Michele">Tina Michele</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2248047105">4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
ARC from NetGalley/Bold Strokes Books in exchange for an honest review.<br />I couldn't stop reading this romance that built slowly but had me hooked. A skilfully written, ultimately sexy storyline that doesn't gloss over health issues (cancer) and is heartwarming at journey's end.<br />I recommend this read with 4 solid stars.<br />
<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/31134832-gail">View all my reviews</a>

When Willa is diagnosed with cancer she knows she can't keep her girlfriend Haven in a relationship that will likely result in tragedy. She breaks up with her to keep them both safe. It's not until three years later, when they've both moved on, that they reconnect unexpectedly. Is their love for each other still there and stronger than ever? Or has too much happened for them to have a future together.
This was a little slow to start, but about 50% of the way through the book I really got into it and I couldn't put it down!
This book is joyful. True, it deals with some heavy subjects, but its a really gorgeous story that celebrates love and life. The cast of characters is fantastic, they create this wonderful network of friends and acquaintances that's a rich, warm, addition to the story. The setting is gorgeous, truly gorgeous. The slow burn romance is such sweet torture, I love it!
I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

A very pleasant read. Found one of the main characters quite irritating at times but she also had her good points and lets face it, it probably makes the character more realistic, none of us are perfect! I will read this author again but felt the story could have had more substance. The sex scenes were very well written ;-)

This is a beautifully written story about two women losing each other finding each other again. It is sad how cancer is ripping them apart and destroying their happy life – I can see how that can be a sore topic for many readers and too hard to read but it is written in a very nice and tasteful way.
My only complaint is that the story is a bit slow and drawn out.